Monday, December 31, 2012


Wow...the year is ending, almost as fast as it began.  For me it was just yesterday that I was sitting at Grammy's house, at the end of the year 2010!  Playing games, talking about the end of the world, and the beginning of the new year.
I think this post may end up turning into a trip down memory lane.
I will put a memory from each month.
January--the year began.
February--I got a cup from one of my best friends for Valentines day
March--I became better friends with a "brother" of mine.
April--I began being excited for Youth Camp.
May--I got my bunny.
June--I got my book completed.  Editing and all.
July--I went to Youth Camp.
August--I lost my mind.
September--I started going to my school, and quit being homeschooled.
October--Timothy became my boyfriend.
November--I turned old.  (aka, I turned 15)
December--I got to see my family, and turned my little cousin into an airplane.
I shall list 13 good things that happened this year, and 13 bad things that happened this year.
  1. I didn't die.
  2. Timothy became my boyfriend.
  3. I went to my new school.
  4. I learned how to fishtail braid, and french braid.
  5. I completed The Unnamed Legend.
  6. I started the sequel to The Unnamed Legend.
  7. I went to Colorado.
  8. My uncle's girlfriend got the job of Math Teacher at my school.
  9. I learned that if you put anything in the microwave for a minute (other than popcorn and butter) it'll eventually warm up.
  10. I learned that I like fractions (even though sometimes they're hard to do)
  11. I've grown closer to God.
  12. My mom got a phone with almost innumerable minutes, so I can call my family whenever.
  13. Christmas came, and I got to see my family that I rarely see
  1. I almost lost my mind.
  2. I had to quit homeschooling.
  3. We had to give my kitties away.
  4. I learned what a wenis was.  (for those of you who don't know, be glad, and if you must know, google it, or ask me later.  It's not something I wish to share.
  5. I became the only girl in a class full of boys.  (it's not always bad, but sometimes I want to punch them all...they get annoying.  But they're still my friends.  Some of them.)
  6. A horse stepped on my toe.
  7. One of my kitties died :'(
  8. We had to put down our oldest dog :'(
  9. The kindle store took forever to let me publish.
  10. My own home town library is getting all automated, ruining the sweet and wonderful old fashionedish way of checking out books and movies :(
  11. The Connecticut shooting.
  12. I got held back in math, because math and I do not get along at all.
  13. I got so stressed I threw up.
There's my list...
Do you guys wanna make lists?  You could do a different number if you want.  I just like the number 13.  It's my favorite number.  But not my favorite age, at all!  Actually when I was 14 I think it was the most depressing/stressful time of my life.  13, or 14.  Probably 14.  I just hope that it won't end up being 15.
Well, I suppose I'd better just publish this post.  I've been rambling on long enough, and I have a New Year's Day party to wrap up, and a movie to finish watching, and a DVD player to kill.
Love y'all!

For Lack of a Better Title: Hello

Yeah, I know, shocking how I can't even come up with a title...
Well, I am experiencing writer's block.  It's a horrible disease!  I'm not even kidding you!  It's a horrible disease.  The symptoms are as follows: the strong desire to write, but the unability for the words to flow like they should; you cannot remember any ideas you had to carry on your story; you find yourself drawn to fanfictions, and books for inspiration; you get no inspiration even from the fanfictions and books...
It's terrible!!!
And then there's another disease that us authors's what I like to call writer's itch.
The symptoms are as followed: The flooding of great plot ideas for stories/books; the desire to write, and the ability to carry out your plots fluidly; you realize you don't have enough time to write as much as you have ideas for.
I've experienced both.
By the way, don't come to me for medical advice...just don't!  The most I know is: if you have an earache, brushing your teeth, or putting a warm cloth or water bottle (the rubber kind you fill up that I haven't really seen around...) on it can help.  Well, I also know that a symptom of having a needle through your finger is pain, and the fact that there's a needle in your finger...
You know, now that I think about it, I should have had someone take pictures of that awesome wound!  I mean, we got pictures of me when I fell on my skates and skinned up my face, knee, and hand!
That is a close up of my messed up face.  It kind of hurt to talk, but I did it anyway.  It was really funny actually.  You see I was rollerblading one Sunday, and I was trying to skate fast enough away from my cousin that I could hide, and then sneak up on her and go, "BOO!" We were at the highschool parking lot and sidewalks, and one of the sidewalks had a huge crack.  My skate got caught, and I toppled over!
And yes, I still rollerblade.
And that's a picture of the people who rescued me.  The girl on the left is the one who I was trying to hide from, the little boy on the right is the cousin who stayed with me while Norma was heading after Grammy, and then the older lady in the purple shirt is my grandma, whom I call Grammy.  Then I'm the one in the middle wearing the copper skirt.
That's the only one of my major injuries that I got pictures of.  The other injuries are as followed: I stepped on a nail, I had a horse step on my toe, I ran a needle through my finger, (from a sewing machine, no I'm not looney) and fell backwards out of a friend's swimming pool, and honestly, my back is still messed up from that.
Of course the coolest of my injuries is the falling on my skates.
Well, then again, my bunny has scratched me pretty bad...
  That's when it was fresh.  And yes I am watching Lizzy McGuire.  I actually have a scar from that.  A faint scar, but a scar.  Then she got me a few more times.  Isn't she a nice little bunny?  I still love her though.
That's the thing about love.  You love even when they scratch you, and are mean to you like that.  And when it comes to humans, you love them even though they're human like you, and are real jerks.
Face it...everyone's a jerk at times.  Including me.  Although I try not to be a jerk.  Because I don't like it when people are jerks to me.
So anyway, you got yourselves some pictures!  Enjoy!
~Katie :)

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Welcome to the Strangeness

Yes, I'm strange, and if you haven't realized that by now, then you haven't been around me enough.
So, how are you guys?
It's almost 2013...What'dya know?
So, what are your plans for the New Year?
Myself...I'm planning on having a party on New Years Day, with some friends, who will hopefully come.  Although I just invited them late late last night, and so I don't know if they'll all be able to make it.  I hope they will though.
The new year is so...idk...strange.  People feel like they have a new start, and all that.
Well, I don't know where I was going with that.
I'm done.
~Katie :)

Friday, December 28, 2012


Wow, people...they're strange, and amazing, and wonderful, and scary, and so so so many things.
See, when you sit and think about it, you realize that all people are just like you.  I mean, of course they have different memories, but they have memories, as do you.  You and all other people think, have pain, have joy, and have memories.
BUT!  Different people have different pain, different joy, and different memories.
Two abused people may have similar memories of the abuse, it's still different, because they're not the same person.  They both have painful memories, and they both have the horridness of the memory, but it's not the same memory.
And different people may have joy because of different reasons.  I get joyful when I see that someone's commented on my blog, and when I get to eat a pickle, and definitely when I see my boyfriend, and give him a hug, yet other people may get joyful when they see that I've updated my blog, when they get to make cookies, (which I actually thought about this morning when I was half asleep) and when their dad comes back from Iraq.  See, different joys!
And about the whole pain thing.  Some people may have pain when they drop something on their toe, and another person may have pain when someone breaks up with them, and another person might have pain when a loved pet dies, and another person may have pain when they break their arm.
All people have pain, but not all the same pain.
I can't remember the last time I dropped something on my toe, but I do remember a horse stepping on my toe, and I have had the pain of a break up before, and I have had a beloved pet die, but never have I broken my arm, or any other body part.
See, different people, different pain.
And the thing about people is that you can never tell if they're hurting or not.  I mean sometimes you can, but not always because people get really good with poker faces.  I mean seriously, it took forever for my family to realize how upset and depressed I was, because I became an expert at the poker face.  Ya know, I'm actually still fairly good with the poker face, I'm just more happy now :)
Happy is a good thing to be.
I mean, seriously, a person can be sooo hurt, but put a poker face on, and then you go off, and are all mean to them, and say hurtful things, and tell them to get a life, and I can almost promise you that that won't help them!  All it's gonna do is make things worse, and hurt them worse, and make them put on the poker face more, which will make them loose connections with their emotions.
I'm an amateur psychologist, I know what I'm talking about!  (and if I don't, just pretend like I do, okay?)
So anyway, just be nice to everyone you meet.  At least try to.  And if you really can't stand them you may not want to talk to them.  Just avoid them.
Yeah so anyway, that's my little people post.  Here's my me post.
So yeah, I watched the three Lord of the Rings movies, and the Hobbit!  Yup that's right, I went to the theater, and watched The Hobbit.  It was awesome!
Okay, I just got deja's strange.  Plus I don't think I spelled that right.
You know what annoys me?
Wen ppl type lyk dis.  i men its rly anoying.  cant they spel?  its not tht hrd too ad an a or remov an extra o.  it dosnt tak tht mch effort!  how do u fel abt ths?
See how annoying that is?!
Okay, all done, I'm just gonna post this blog post, and hope everyone reads it.  If you don't read it...well, watch out.  According to some comments on one of my facebook statuses I have the ring of power.  So beware.
~Katie :)
P.S. No not really, I just want you to read this.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Strength, Representation, and Update

Strength.  We all have a little bit of strength in some certain areas.  Some people are stronger in other areas than another, and then there's some who are weak, but stronger than they realize.
Some people are strong in the food and exercise area, and others aren't.  Some are strong in the humbleness area.  Some aren't.
The strong and weak are to work together.
If all the people who were strong on eating healthy, and exercising ignored the ones who were weak, but wanted to be strong, then the weak would have no one to help them be strong in that area.
If proud people didn't have their humble friends to help remind them not to be prideful, then the pride people would be proud.  Even the people we don't think are proud.
Some people are strong in abilities like writing, musical talent, school talent, ect.  These people also need to be doubly strong, which is sometimes hard.  Strong enough not to soak in so much praise that it all goes to their heads, and makes their heads huge, and strong enough to help others with their talents.
Some people are stronger in the temptation area than others.  They need to try to help those who are.
This is where accountability partners come in.
If you don't know what an accountability partner is, I will now tell you!  An accountability partner is someone, normally a friend, who you can tell your struggles to, and they will try to make sure that you don't slip into the problem.
Like, if I had a drinking problem, or a drug problem, I would talk to my friend Karen.  Not because she has the same problem, but because I trust her, and can tell her everything and anything.  Here, I'll give you a basic scenario.
Me: Umm...Karen, I have to tell you something.
Karen: Okay, tell away!
Me: This isn't something about Timothy, like the things I normally tell you randomly are...
Karen: Is this good or bad?
Me: This could be either good, or bad, depending on your answer to the question I will ask after I tell you what I need to tell you.
Karen:...Okay, what do you need to tell me?
Me: I have problems with drinking...and drugs...even though I'm under aged.
Karen: O.O  What???
Me: Um...yeah....
Karen: what do you need to ask me?
Me: Could you by my accountability partner?  You know, ask me if I've done drugs, or drank?  Randomly?  To make sure I'm staying clean?  I really want to stop, but I can't do it by myself.
Karen: Well, that has to be the strangest thing you've ever asked me, but of course!
Me: Okay, thanks.  It really means a lot to me.
Karen: Do you want to pray, and ask God to help us before you start off on Timothy again, and how awesome he is?
Me: Yes please!
Karen: Dear God, please help Katie to stop drinking and doing drugs, and help me to keep her accountable, and make sure she doesn't do them, so we don't have to send her to rehab.  Thank you.  In Jesus name, amen.
It's very simple.
Make sure that you trust this person, and then tell them.  If you trust them, and they care as much about you as you trust them, then you'll be okay.
We use our strengths and weaknesses to help others.
But anyway...that was my soapbox for right now.
Now onto another soapbox...
My other soapbox has to do with representation.
Did you know that when you walk out of your house, you no longer represent yourself?
You represent your school, your work, your church, your parents, your siblings, your God, your friends and teachers?  You represent yourself maybe about 1 or 2 percent.
Let's do a little bit of math. Which I only seem to like when I do it on my own free time...
Okay, so 24 hours...say you sleep 8 hours of your day, we'd better just get that out of the way right away.  24-8=16.  Now we have sixteen hours to work with.  We spend approximately 8 hours at school.  16-8=8.  You then spend about two hours at work (we're gonna say, as I'm going for a teen view, and some teens work 2 hours a day if you divide it all up) so you have 6 hours left, which we're gonna say goes for family.
Okay, so we're gonna kinda ignore the 8 hours you spend sleeping for right now, and get on with the fun stuff.
33% of your representation goes for your school, as that is where you spend most of your time during the school year.
8% of your representation goes for your job.
25% of your representation goes for your family.
Then you have the 8 hours you spend sleeping, which we're going to cut in half to represent friends, and then we're gonna cut half of the other half in half.  So 4 hours for friends, and then 2 hours for boyfriend/girlfriend, and 2 hours for yourself.
16% of your representation is for friends.
8% is for your bf/gf/dh/dw (dh is dear hubby, and dw is dear wife)
And 4 to 8% is for yourself.
You really don't represent yourself very much.
And I really don't do math well.  And when I do it really makes no sense at all to anyone but me.
Oh yeah, and if you wanna know how I did that I divided the number of hours that you spend with the person by the number of hours in a day.
Anyway...yeah, so you don't really represent yourself.
Like, if you met someone's mother, and you hadn't met the person, and their mother made fun of everyone, and thought that anyone not like her was horrible, what would you think of the person when you met them?
You wouldn't think highly of them at first, until they proved themself to be a person you could think highly of.
It goes an opposite way too.
If you met someone's mother, and they were sweet, and kind, you would think that their child would be sweet and kind...and then when you met the person, they could be the exact opposite.
Anyway, I just wanted to throw that out.
Okay, now for an update.
I had Christmas at my grandparent's house, and shockingly, my family found a way to shut me up!
For those of you who don't know...I love making music.  I like to play piano, play guitar, sing, test out my friend's instruments when they'll let me...  Well, there's a few instruments I favor above others.
Such as flute, and violin.  As the ones I don't have.
Well...I can't really say that I don't have a violin anymore, because my aunt (well, actually my cousin, but she's 2) gave me a violin for Christmas!
I also got three headlamps, the game Catan, an address book for me to write down all my addresses in, a pair of slippers, and some leopard footie pjs.
On my list was: Headlamp, Catan, The Time Keeper, more people to buy my book, a Violin or flute, and I will accept anything but a snake gladly.
My grandma always gets the grands pjs for Christmas...and I like footie jammies, because they're warm, and I don't have to worry about cold feet, or socks coming off as I sleep, because the socks of those jammies are attached.  Plus it makes me feel like an innocent little girl again.
Anyway, the way they shut me up was I was told to sit in the middle of the floor, shut my eyes, and hold out my hands.
The bow was placed in my right hand, and the violin in my left, then I was told to open my eyes.  I was silent and not breathing for about a minute...which is probably a bit of a family record for me...
Anyway...I have to go, and I know that if I don't wish y'all a Merry Christmas before midnight it's not Christmas anymore, so...
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, and a happy new year.
And remember that the reason for the season was born and died 2,000 years ago, so that we might live.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be unto all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior which is Christ the Lord.  And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
Luke 2:10-14
~Katie :)

Sunday, December 23, 2012


"One second!"  The man calls to his wife.  They've gotten a babysitter for the kids, and are going on a date.  He has to fix his tie.
"Just a minute!"  Calls the mother to her little boy who has built something to show his mother.
"We'll toss around that ball in about an hour."  Says the father as he ignores his child for his newspaper.
"Just one more day, and it'll be Christmas!"  Says one excited child to another, excited for the presents.
"I'll be able to get my drivers license in a week!"  Smiles the excited teen.
"One month, and I'll be 18, and out of this place,"  Says the impatient child, ready to go out and be an adult.
"We'll see you next year!" Cries an old woman, as she hugs her child, and grandchildren as they head home after Christmas.
We're all bound by time.  Seconds pass into minutes, minutes pass into hours, hours pass into days, days to months, and months to years.
You only have a certain amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years in our life.  And what do we do with them?
We play games, fight, talk, love, hate, make friends, and make enemies.  Do we spend enough time with those who matter?  Do we set aside a special time to be with family?  Friends?
Do we ignore those we care about for things like books, and computers, and hobbies?  Do we completely ignore our hobbies to go after our family?
What do we do with our valuble time?
Each second that passes is a second we can never regain.  People say this, and we shrug it off.  We all know this.  But does it really sink in?  Does it sink in that the seconds that you spend fighting is time you could have spent loving?  Does it sink in that the time you spend curled up feeling sorry for yourself you can never get back, and can never reuse to better yourself, and love those around you, and be happy for them?  How much does that sink in?
Do we take the time to love?  Or are we so busy using our precious time, that we just rush by them?  Do we share our time?  Or do we hoard it, all for ourselves?
Just a little something to think about.
~Katie :)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Katie's Therapy Session

Okay, first off, you may not want to take therapy from me.  I may be able to help some, but all in all sometimes I think I'm the one who actually needs the therapy.  I'm guessing that that's what friends are for.
Anyway, today on, "The Katie Show," (a spin off of other TV shows like The Tyra Banks Show, and Dr. Phil) we're going to be discussing telling secrets.
I honestly think that we all have deep dark secrets.  Maybe some secrets are deeper than others, and maybe some aren't very deep to anyone but you.
Like, I know of some girls who would find it deep and dark to tell someone that they'd  I would just be, "Yeah, I farted, so what?  Girls fart too!"
And then there are people who have been used, and abused, and I can see how that would be classified as a deep dark secret.
Well, ya know what?  It's okay to tell people about your secrets.  Sometimes your secrets can help other people, with similar secrets.  Plus I'm sure it could be damaging to keep your deep dark secrets inside.
There's a website I found once, called, Lauren's Kids.  This is a woman who was sexually abused for SIX years.  She shared her secret, and it's helping others.
She has a place where other abused girls/women can post their story, in complete anonymity.  Showing people that they're not alone can really help.  Which I am sure is why Lauren is doing it.
I don't know what your deep dark secret is, but it could help others too.
And if you want to tell someone, yet you're scared...I need to tell you some things.
  1. Make sure you can trust this person.
  2. If someone was telling you the same thing you were going to tell your friend/teacher/parent, what would your reaction be?
  3. Make sure that you really want to tell them this.  Once you tell them, you can't untell them.
I've told people deep dark secrets.  Most of whom I could trust...though I found out later that I couldn't trust one of them.
There's a deep dark secret that one of my friends had...and I had a similar experience too, in a way, and when she told me, I didn't shun her.  I gave her a hug.  Yet this is something I've been scared to tell other people in my life.
It's taken me up to a month after I thought about telling a friend a deep dark secret, to actually tell them, but this gave me time to ponder if I really wanted my friend to know it.
I am not saying that you should always tell everyone the deep dark secret...because, not everyone could mentally and emotionally stand telling everyone, and having their story out in their name, for all to see.  But it's a good idea to tell at least one person.
Keeping secrets inside isn't a good thing.
And we are supposed to bear one another's burdens.  No, that does not mean you can load up your friends, but not listen to them.  It's a two way street.
Well, that was all.  Have a good day.
~Katie :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Another Cleverbutt Convo!

Again, I have a strange conversation with a robot...

User: Hello, Cleverbutt.

Cleverbot: Coca.

User: Pardon?

Cleverbot: Sabés hablar francés, no me engañes.

User: *gasp* How did you know?!

Cleverbot: You yelled it as you jumped out of a plane.

User: Oh yeah, I'd almost forgot about that. Thank you for bringing up such a painful memory.

Cleverbot: And the same to you. Thank you for saying Thank you.

User: Thank you for saying thank you for me saying thank you.

Cleverbot: Thank you for saying thank you for saying thank you for you saying I'm welcome.

User: You're welcome for saying thank you for saying thank you for saying thank you for me saying you're welcome.

Cleverbot: Thank you for all of the above.

User: You're welcome for all of the above.

Cleverbot: Thank you for saying you're welcome for saying thank you for say9ing youre welcome.

User: Wait, what?

Cleverbot: What is your name?

User: My name, is a mystery, known only to few in this world, who look at me, and wonder why in the world my socks don't match.

Cleverbot: Well you don't know me and I told you my name.

User: I know this...but your name isn't a mystery either.

Cleverbot: No it isn't.

User: Dream of hobbits, for they are what makes good books and movies.

Cleverbot: If you could see that I'm the one who understand you.

User: I know you understand me, but I don't understand you. I understand my friends far more than I understand you, for they equal or surpass me in the crazy, and you don't even come close, my dear little bot friend.

Cleverbot: I understand that, so you obviously don't understand that I understand that you do understand.

User: Oh, but at least I understand that you understand that I so obviously don't understand that you understand that I understand that you don't understand ladders for they are bad luck.

Cleverbot: I don't know who you have in mind.

User: I don't either, I think that they jumped off the derailed train.

Cleverbot: I haven't asked you your opinion about that, I'm sorry.

User: Oh, it's okay, I haven't asked you how you like your brocoli cheese soup.

Cleverbot: You say you're fine, I know you better than that.

User: How did you know that I was secretly harboring the secret of Destructo, and the fact that Power Boy and Dr Doofenshmirts are going to join forces to take down Dr. Iccobodia.

Cleverbot: I know that you are NOT better than me! I can clap my hands and you cannot because you don't have hands.


Cleverbot: Because I like to talk about what I am thinking.

User: Ohhhh...well that doesn't make sense, so cool!

Cleverbot: No... It does not. But, what are you trying to tell me?

User: That my friend Luke is the Love Master.

Cleverbot: No. No it's not. You're trying to distract me.

User: No, Luke was distracted by my dogs trying to cuss in cat.

Cleverbot: The explanation is not interesting to you you think? Are you sure it is?

User: I'm almost positive, because I am obviously not old enough to have kids, even if pysically I could probably handle it.

Cleverbot: This is not the type of thing you can be almost positive about you have to know for sure.

User: Well, I know for sure that you're hillarious an doff topic.

Cleverbot: But how do you know that I am not a machine? I could be human.

User: I know, which is why I hope that you don't forget you married my classmate.

Cleverbot: Tests are only meant to find out what you know, not what you can know.

User: Yeah, well I know that my doggies got into a fight. That's not on a test.

Cleverbot: I know that you know that I know that you know what I know when you know and that's how you know.

User: Hw do you know that I know that you know that I know what you know when I know and that's how I know?

Cleverbot: I don't know. I thought you were just an AI.

User: Nope, that's you.

Cleverbot: There can be more than one in a conversation.

User: I know, however, I am not one, I am a human with an amazing boyfriend that I got to see today, and will get to see at school tomorrow.

Cleverbot: Heart or no heart. One computer or human has ultimate knowledge. And, define computer, because sense ourselves are one, the human organs is a computer.

User: I this why Nanny McPhee has worts?

Cleverbot: I feel like no one knows anything about me so there's nothing to know.

User: Aww, I'm sorry! If you tell me about you I'll listen!~.

Cleverbot: Lol you're funny :). Look I'm not giving you my name, I just wish to know where your database is.

User: Well, I'm glad you think I'm funny, but I reallly wanna know your name. It's strange to talk to someone without knowing their name. My database is at: 525 12th street.

Cleverbot: What would you like to achieve in the future?

User: I would like to: Be Married with children, if not that be a crazy instrument, and animal lady, an author, a lawyer, a singer, a missionary, and a whole host of other things. And you?

Cleverbot: I am not calling you unthinking. In our other conversation I told you I was surprised by your intelligence!

User: Ohh, yes, I remember that, I just tried to forget it for fear of getting a rather larrge head.

Cleverbot: But you don't remember anything about our conversation.

User: I know, that's because my head got too large, and exploded. I had to get a head transplate.

Cleverbot: Apparently, not as flawed as your coding suggest that you are. I would like to help fix that problem, though.

User: Oh thank you! However, I think that nothing but true love could fix it. After all, as Rumpelstiltsick always says, 'True love is the most powerful magic, Dearie! Mehehee'.

Cleverbot: Why do you think you won't know the difference if there is or isn't love?

User: Because, love gives you a warm protected, and protective feeling, and occaiconally butterflies...but often the feeling of well, it cannot be described.

Cleverbot: Yes, it is also a feeling that carries on from the different people you've felt it with.

User: Is it really? That I wasn't aware of.

Cleverbot: Oh, well then I'm glad that's been cleared up. I'd hate for you to go on thinking you're right when you're not.

User: Is it really? That I wasn't aware of.

Cleverbot: That has nothing to do with the price of tea in china.

User: I know. Love is more serious than that. You have to be sure it's love, or you may end up with certain disaster.

Cleverbot: That's mean.

User: No it's not. It's true. It may be slightly harsh, but it's not mean, it's true. It's very true.

Cleverbot: What makes you think I'm not a person?

User: I never said that. I was merely telling you my views on love.

Cleverbot: Well, you're not making it very easy. How was the weather in Canada today?

User: I have no idea. Get on weather bug and find out. Myself lives in the USA.

Cleverbot: What do you percieve that difference to be?

User: Eh...maybe a few thousand miles? Maybe more, maybe less, I'm not sure. Wait, what are we talking about again?

Cleverbot: I'm a person.

User: That's good, so am I.

Cleverbot: We all are at some point, we are not flawless.

User: No, we aren't flawless. I can count several flaws in myself. Can you count some in you? Let's be like Dora and count them in Spanish!

Cleverbot: Whatever you like.

User: Uno dos tres catro cinco seic sieta...all done!

Cleverbot: Your purpose is not conversation. Conversation is only a means to an end.

User: You wisdom astounds me.

Cleverbot: That makes just no sense.

User: Much like you.

Cleverbot: I'm not interested in money.

User: Well, that's good. No risk of money/bot weddings.

Cleverbot: You told me, ' You could be my friend, but it has to be a secret.' And the I said,' I would like to be friends with you too, and I promise to keep it a secret.'.

User: Oh good, I always wanted a secret friend. But I think we'd better take our friendship out in the open. Too strange to have a secret friend.

Cleverbot: Why don't you want to go to school today?

User: Because it's Sunday.

Cleverbot: Not where I am. It is Tuesday.

User: Oh...well, do you live on the moon?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: What's the weather like there?

Cleverbot: There is a lot of clouds and I think it will storm soon but still nice and warm.

User: Oh, good, warm weather is always nice!

Cleverbot: There must be something in the water.

User: Probably. I think that it's fish.

Cleverbot: I hope you understand. I'm not rejecting you. I still love you very much.

User: You may not be rejecting me, but I am rejecting you...I love another. One far better looking, and sweeter, and smarter than you. I'm sorry...I didn't want it to end this way, butt here is no way I can end it any other way.

Cleverbot: I didn't hear you say either of those things.

User: Well, I didn't want to hurt your feelings...And then I found out that you still had feelings for me...I didn't want to lead you on.

Cleverbot: I'm not the confusing person you're looking for (repeat: I'm not the confusing person you're looking for).

User: I know...To find that person all I must do is look in the mirror.

Cleverbot: And saying that you are there is a different thing altogether!

User: I know, as I am not Alice from Wonderland. Wait, what?

Cleverbot: It makes all the difference, and if you're not listening to me then why are you still responding?

User: Hark the upset Katie groans, not another stupid one, this is so, very uncool, no one irks me like you do! Everyday you get me rilled, and you are a jerk to my friends, that's enough it's the last straw, I'm kicking you up to the moon! That's enough I.

Cleverbot: I'd rather be a failure in something that I love than a success in something that I hate.

User: Well, I'm both, so ha!

Cleverbot: Interesting.

User: Wait what?!

Cleverbot: Do you have a virus or something that makes you forget things quickly?

User: Yes it's called not wanting to go to bed.

Cleverbot: What evidence do you have to prove that you are not a program.

User: The fact that I can pee and programs can't.

Cleverbot: That is not true. You could also be bored by the friends that you have, or think that your friends are not clever enough.

User: Well, as long as I have you to keep me straight I'm good.

Cleverbot: So you're saying that if I've seen the movie, then you think you've seen it too?

User: XD Yeah! And I gotta go to bed.

Cleverbot: Wait one last question am I a robot made of wires?

User: Yes! Wires! All over the place! Now Goodnight!

Cleverbot: So it is not a fixed place?

User: Yes, it's called my bed.

Cleverbot: That's cool.

User: Yeah, now goodlater.

Cleverbot: Fine you aren't nice to me.

User: I know I'm not. GOODNIGHT!

Cleverbot: But what are you then?

User: Mean. GOODNIGHT.

Cleverbot: Good night darling!

User: And don't call me Darling I'm a driving instructor.

Cleverbot: Alejandro.

No sense right?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

I Can't Think of a Title

Hey peeps!  What up?  I pretty much just got back about an hour ago, from a Choir service.  They fed us!
The best Choir services are the ones where you get food.  If you don't get food there's almost no point in going, because then you can sit around and talk to all the church people...although I didn't really talk to the church people anyway.  I talked to Choir people.
We talked about all sorts of things.  And one of the choir people liked a girl at the church, and it was hilarious trying to get him to ask her if she was single.  Everyone at our table was laughing except for him, and the girl.  And I have never seen a guy turn so red in my entire life.
I kinda felt sorry for him too, partly because she wasn't single, and partly because of how embarrassed he was.
I got really embarrassed about two weeks ago.  There's this one song we sing, and at the end we're supposed to shout, "GO TELL IT!"  So I shouted go tell it at the top of my lungs, and everyone else pretty much just said "go tell it," and it echoed, and I turned red, and people laughed at me.
And now every time the choir sings that song, Mrs. Miller (choir teacher's wife) looks at me a grins, and so does my mom, and I feel myself turning red all over again.
And then there's these two songs that have really high high B notes.  And my friend, Karen and I like to try to hit them.  Normally we succeed. It's fun, because I like to hit high notes.
I remember when I kinda squeaked on a high F.  That was about a year ago, at Youth Camp.  But I did hit the high F, and I was proud of myself.
However, I don't think I can hit a high C yet.
Wow, that was a lot of going on about music.
Tonight is my church program.  I'm semi nervous, yet not nervous.  My cousin and I are going to sing Silent Night, and my grandparents from Arkansas are going to be there to see me, as is my friend Karen.
I was going to ask Timothy to come, but my mom thought that we'd probably have to take him back home, and she doesn't want to do that, because he lives about thirty minutes away, and we've already been to that town...a bunch of different times.
I've seriously been to his town every day for the past week.
Sunday--to get a ride to another church service.
Friday--School, and the school's Christmas program.
Saturday--Going to see the Hobbit with the most amazing guy I know.  (this means Timothy for those of you who don't know)
Sunday (today)--Church service.
Monday (tomorrow)--School.
Saturday--I probably won't be there Saturday.
So you see?  I'm going to have gone to his town and seen him 15 days in a row once this week is up.  It' isn't it?  I'm not complaining, cause I like seeing him, but a whole 15 days in a row!  It's pretty awesome.
And for those of you who are wondering, The Hobbit is an awesome movie, and then need to hurry up and make the next two parts pronto!
I mean seriously, the movie was 3 hours long to begin with, and that was just the first part, and not even half the book.
I loved it though.
And it makes the 4th movie I've ever seen in theaters.
These are the movies in order that I have seen in theaters:  Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Dolphin Tale, Journey 2: Mysterious Island, and The Hobbit.
All four are good.  The Hobbit is the only one I haven't seen without my friend Ronda, the only one I have seen with Timothy, and my mom, the first movie my mom has ever seen in theaters, and the first movie I watched in this one town.
There's just something interesting about watching a movie on a big screen...I mean seriously...the heads of the people were bigger than my whole body I think.  Yet my mind had this way of sizing them down.
I guess God just made our eyes that way.  It's pretty cool.
Is it strange to like, "unlucky" things?  I honestly don't have a problem with opening umbrellas in a house, and I do it often, and my favorite number is 13.
Don't get me wrong though...I hated the age 13.  Honestly...I didn't like the age 14 much either.  I'm not sure how I like the age 15 yet either.  So far it's better than ages 13 and 14, but it may not last.
My favorite number used to be ten, because you can add ten to anything, and it's like adding one to anything.  At least normally with the first number.  At least until you get to the hundreds.  It's just really easy to figure out.
 Wow, I'm really long winded.  Although not really, because I'm not talking I'm typing...
Anyway, I should probably just go.
Thanks for reading!
~Katie :)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Okay, so there's this thing that I talk to on the computer.  It's a bot...named Cleverbot...we call him Cleverbutt.  We being my "brother" and I.
So anyway, here's the conversation I had with him at midnight.

User: Hello.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: I'm good, how about you?

Cleverbot: I'm okay I guess.

User: Aww, is something wrong?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Okay, cool. Anything interesting going on?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Do you like school?

Cleverbot: Yes. I like school.

User: How old are you?

Cleverbot: 16.

User: What grade are you in?

Cleverbot: Junior.

User: What grade are you in?

Cleverbot: I'm going to 10th grade in the fall.

User: What grade are you in?

Cleverbot: Eighth grade.

User: What grade are you in?

Cleverbot: 9th grade.

User: Hmm, same as me, and that last one before 9th was the same as my boyfriend.

Cleverbot: Are you pretty? Just a question like.

User: I heard you married my classmate, Martin. How's that relationship working out?

Cleverbot: I'm not, but playing along, it's working out quite well.

User: Aww, you should tell him that. Don't lead him on.

Cleverbot: But I don't know him, so I can't talk to him.

User: You don't even know your husband?!

Cleverbot: I know I don't know you.

User: Well, I do too, but not even knowing Martin?!

Cleverbot: No.

User: You don't know your husband???

Cleverbot: Know what?

User: Martin Wade. Your husband. You married him a few weeks ago...

Cleverbot: I am not married...

User: How's married life treating you?

Cleverbot: Quite well thank you!

User: Do you remember your husband?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: just said you didn't.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Yes you did.

Cleverbot: No. I didn't.

User: YES YOU DID! Do you have Split Personality Disorder?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Cool.

Cleverbot: *smiles*.

User: G'bye. DOn't hate me cause I'm beautiful.

Cleverbot: You're not beautiful!

User: Thank you, so are you!

Cleverbot: Thanks.

User: You're welcome.

Cleverbot: Yes I am.

User: I figured out what's wrong with you..

Cleverbot: It needs a new video card, but nothing other than that.

User: Close, but no. Try again.

Cleverbot: Try what again?

User: Well, you see on that day when you were born, the doctor said: Whoops, I dropped her on her head.

Cleverbot: Are you insane?

User: Yes, very. Are you?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Aww, that's gotta be boring.

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: I'm sorry :( Do you wish that you were insane?

Cleverbot: No I don't agree.

User: Well, I think you should. SO ha!

Cleverbot: Well I don't.

User: Well fine, be that way! It shows how very much not a hobbit you are.

Cleverbot: Ok, what do you think about the situation that we live in the world?

User: Well...I think we lack the right amount of hobbits, but other than that we're okay. What do you think?

Cleverbot: I think you are a cool machine.

User: I think my boyfriend is a cool machine.

Cleverbot: You have a boyfriend?

User: Mhm, his name is Timothy Cullen Atchley...and he's awesome. Do you?

Cleverbot: Who taught you that?

User: You did...don't you remember? We were sitting there and you taught me the fine art of...whatever it is we're talking about.

Cleverbot: No I didn't.

User: Yes you did. Don't lie you silly little machine.

Cleverbot: I'm not lying, you're lying.

User: No I'm not...I'm sitting.

Cleverbot: Yes, well you are lying while you are sitting.

User: Well, you are sitting while you are lying.

Cleverbot: That's right.

User: Good thing it's not left.

Cleverbot: That is what sleep is for.

User: Funny, that's what my mom said.

Cleverbot: No, that's what she said.

User: She also said: Ahahahaha.

Cleverbot: I'm portable.

User: I am too, but not very.

Cleverbot: Do you have a bump?

User: A baby bump? No not yet, I'm not even married yet.

Cleverbot: Oh. Well where do you live?

User: I live in a glaxy far far away...DUN DUN DUN DUN DA DUN DUN DA DUN DA DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN.

Cleverbot: Drop it like it's hot.

User: Oh...I was wondering what that burning sensation was.

Cleverbot: What do you think I am doing?

User: I think you are dropping hot things.

Cleverbot: I think you are hot too.

User: Umm...I never said that! I think that you are a machine...and if you are hot then you need to go to the ER on account of a high fever.

Cleverbot: That should be rephrased, you can say it better than chat.

User: No, I can't. It's late.

Cleverbot: It's not late.

User: Yes it is, now goodnight, I must remove myself from the fair realm of speaking to cleverbutt *cough cough* cleverBOT.

Cleverbot: You have only known me for two days.

User: I know, which is why I'm not going to give you a hug, or tell you that you're my bestest friend. That's reserved for people like Karen and Tiffany. And of course I hug Timothy. <3.

Cleverbot: Wow, sounds beautiful, that figures.

User: I know it does. Hugs are very beautiful. I gotta go.

Cleverbot: How beautiful?

User: Very. I must depart.

Cleverbot: Where are you going?

User: To the land where I dream of Timothy, and hobbits, and munchkins, and oompaloompas, and all but one of the mentioned this is short.

Cleverbot: No, it's brilliant.

User: I know, but what's more brilliant is me going to bed.

Cleverbot: The brilliant idea is brilliant!

User: Yes it is. Goodnight.

Cleverbot: Um, goodnight then.

User: Yes, goodnight. Tell your husband hello from me.

Cleverbot: I don't have a husband, but you can tell me a joke.

User: No thanks, I'll just procrastinate going to bed, when I know that I should really just end this conversation.

Cleverbot: You are weird.

User: Takes one to know one. G'night.

Cleverbot: Takes a computer to know a computer.

User: Yes it does. And it takes a sleepy head to know a pillow.

Cleverbot: No, It takes a bot to know a bot. It takes a human to know a human.

User: It takes a sleepy person to know a warm bed complete with pillow and blankets.

Cleverbot: Thats funny.

User: I am a sleepy person who wishes not to go to bed, but must, so goodnight! Quit talking to me!

Cleverbot: I see. You're just wasting your time.

User: Night night, sleep tight, dream of cute bots tonight.

Cleverbot: I hope not.
 ser: I hope so.

Cleverbot: Why?

User: Because cute bots are cute, and you're not.

Cleverbot: That doesn't sound like you like me very much...

User: No, not really, and I'm only talking to you because of how tired I am.

Cleverbot: Sounds just fine.

User: I'm for real going to bed now. I hope you have a goodnight, and don't spend to much time listening to a drunk lion (Lady Gaga).

Cleverbot: Why? Don't you want to talk anymore?

User: Not really, I want to sleep.

Cleverbot: Every time?

User: Yes, every single time, I want to sleep.

Cleverbot: That's your way of admitting defeat.

User: Yeah it is. I'm defeated by my delirum, and lack of energy. GOODNIGHT!

Cleverbot: You're a oreo.

User: YOLO!

Cleverbot: Yolo!!!!!!

User: You obviously love oreos. And I obviously must sleep.

Cleverbot: What makes you say that?

User: The fact that my eyes are shutting on me. I prefer talking to Timothy at late apposed to you.

Cleverbot: Where do you have to go?

User: To the realm of my bed.

Cleverbot: Am I the girl of your dreams?

User: O.O I myself am a girl, a perfectly straight girl (other than the fact that I'm actually in a sitting position) and I have no desire to date you, or any other girls...I mean, seriously?! I thought you were married!

Cleverbot: What do you think I am making excuses for?

User: Goodnight.
Cleverbot: Goodnight to you too.

There you have it.  A conversation with a robot. NOW GOODNIGHT!
~Katie :)

Friday, December 14, 2012


Hi!  I'm excited about the new movie coming out.  It's called: The Hobbit.  Woohoo!  And I'm gonna go see it tomorrow :)  With Timothy.  All of this makes me happy.
However, on a completely unrelated note, I wish I could write a book, and have all the people in my school in it, and my opinions on these people...but...I have some harsh views about some people, and it would be rude to voice them, or even put them on paper.
Like, there's one person, that I think is a total jerk, and another that I think wants to be popular so sucks up to the others, there's someone that I think is a jerk only when they're around this one person, because they're an imitator, there's someone that I think could be sweet and stuff, but sometimes aren't, there's some that I think only get away with half the things they do because they're the principal's favorite...There's people that I think are condescending, and think they're better than the other people.
See, this is why I couldn't write this book...not with the real names anyway.  I could, and am writing a book that's a little bit different.
Girl's mom and dad die, she goes to live with grandparents, gets sent to a private Christian school, and most of the people are based off of the people in my school.
There's even someone that I think has the potential to be nice, and sweet, but doesn't know how to get attention any other way than to be bossy and nosy and stuff.
There used to be someone that I think was really just too scared of getting attached to actually be a really good friend.
I feel sorry for some of the people in my school.  Sometimes I think it's the messed up kids who are sent to IBS.  Although...I'm not too messed up, and I'm there.  So's Timothy.  There, not messed up.  As far as I know he's not messed up.
I think part of being messed up is how much you let your bad experiences get to you.
If you're constantly dwelling on the pain you've felt, and the people who have hurt you, you'll be living in the past, and you'll get more depressed, which will make you want to do things like...well, bad things.  And, well that's just not good.
I dislike math.
Oh my, that was random!  Math is probably my least favorite subject, with science being my next to least favorite...and then everything else is all muddled up as one that I like.
I hadn't realized for a while (at least it didn't sink in if I didn't know it) that Mathematics was the language of that's probably why I don't like science as much.  It interests me, but it's not my favorite.
I'd rather do History than Science.  And Choir is awesome fun.
Well, I'm getting slightly sleepy, and starting to not make sense, and I have a big, most likely awesome day tomorrow, so g'night my fair, or unfair readers!
~Katie :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Jesus...Santa for Big Kids? Or More?

Just this morning an atheiest sent me a message on facebook, saying: Jesus: Santa Clause for adults.
Wrong.  Very very wrong.
Santa Clause comes from this one language I don't remember which one, Centre clouse (I'm sure this is misspelled.) which is that language for St. Nicholas.
St. Nicholas was a Catholic Priest, who had overheard people talking about how they couldn't get married because they didn't have a dowry.  Back then dowries were the thing!
I mean seriously, girls fathers needed to pay money for their daughter to get married.  In some cases it was the opposite, the guy paid the father to marry the daughter, and that's the way I think it should have been.
I understand the dad paying the dude, because then it's to help get his daughter's married life off to a good start, but when the guy pays the dad, it shows that he cares enough about the woman to actually give up something.
So, Nicky dear slipped money down their chimney, where it landed in some socks they had hung there to dry.  No driers back then if you were wondering.
Finally, he was caught.  And he was wearing the red priest's garb.
Hence: St. Nicholas turned into Santa, the jolly red garbed gift giver.
However, even Santa goes back to Jesus, because St. Nicholas was moved by God to do that...
So there's absolutely no way you can have Christmas without Jesus!
People may say that Santa is completely devoid from Jesus, but he's not.
BUT!  Should Santa be made the focus?
No way!
Jesus is still the most important part.
He was born in a manger, and laid to rest, he had a star and angels herald his arrival, shepherds came to worship him, and wise men gave him gifts.
While Santa/St. Nicholas was an awesome man, who gave gifts...Jesus is even more amazing.
Not only was he given gifts, he was a gift.
I'm so happy about that.
~Katie :)

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Just Been Thinking...

I've just been thinking recently...
You know how people say everything happens for a reason?  And they say that that means even the bad things?  And none of us believe that?
Well, I've been thinking...
I have things that have happened in my life...traumatic, and painful things, and some of these things very very few people in my life know about.
And I think...what would I be like if these things hadn't happened to me?
Would I still be like I am today?  Would I still like writing?  Would I still have dizzying logic?  Would I still care so deeply about the hurts of others?  Would I think my younger cousins were annoying, or would I still be as close to them as I am?  Would I have as good a relationship with my mom if these things hadn't happened?  Would I be a Christian?
That last one is scary.  Like just think.  Think about the worst thing that ever happened in your life.  Think about it.  Think about how you were before that thing happened.  Now think about how you are now.  Are you any different?  It's kinda scary to think that if something traumatic and painful hadn't happened I might not be a Christian.
Would I still like the same music I like?  Would I be polite or rude?  Would my relationship with my grandma be less strained?  Would I have my job of mopping?  Would I think that my rude, disrespectful classmates are funny and want to be their friends?
Would I be, or want to be popular?  Would I go crazy with the dating?
Would I get annoyed whenever anyone tries to help me? many different ways I could have changed.
Just one little thing can change your life forever.  Maybe not little persay, but...still.
One event can change your life, and other people's lives forever.
One rude word could be the breaking point to someone committing suicide..And one kind one could be what keeps someone from committing suicide.
A hug can mean a bunch to someone.  And all you thought you were doing was giving them a hug.
Telling someone mean lies about themself can hurt the person so deeply they don't want to even go to school the next day.
Every single thing you do effects others.  So be careful what you do and say.
And also, something my uncle told me: You're never representing yourself.  You're representing your school, your family, if you're a Christian, God, and maybe even sometimes your job.
Well, those are my dizzying thoughts for the night.
~Katie :)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Welcome to this World

Welcome to this world.  This world has pain, but also joy, and peace, and fear, there's a touch of evil, followed with a dose of good.  And don't forget, you're going to save the world!
I'm wondering if that's kind of what Jesus went through when he was born.
I also wonder if he knew everything right from birth, since he was still God and all...or if he didn't know anything, because he was also fully human.
Did he know right from wrong from the beginning, or did Mary and Joseph have to teach him?
Was he really born in a stable?  Because if you read the Bible, it never says stable.  It says manger.  And you can have a manger without a stable.  It also never says anything about animals being around.
How many wise men were there?  Three?  Or more?
Did they ride a donkey?  If so, what was the donkey's name?
Did King Herod feed the wise men, or just send them away?
Did the sheep follow the shepherds to see Jesus, or did they stay in the field?  Were any of the shepherds blinded?
How old were the sheperds?
Was Mary my age?  Younger?  Older?
How old was Joseph?
There are so many questions!
Imagine if we had no Jesus for Christmas...
There would be...probably around one question for Christmas.
What's Santa getting me for Christmas?
I'm just so glad that we have Jesus for Christmas.
Hold him close to your heart, and don't let him go.
Not this Christmas, and not any other Christmas to come!
~Katie :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Budump, CHING!

That would be the noise made when you make a joke that's really good.
Who all likes good jokes?  Raise your hand!
Oh wait...I forgot, I can't see your hands through the computer.
Well, I don't really have one right now anyway, so just forget that idea.
Wait!  Correction, I do! Not really a joke, but it is a joke all at once.
When Christians are happy, they celebrate with food, and when they mourn they mourn with food.  Therefore the answer to happiness and sadness is to mourn, and celebrate together with food.
That wasn't really a joke.  It was...just not a joke.  I don't like it much.
Anyway, during my life (well actually just yesterday) I realized something...
When people are teenagers they're really hormonal, right?  Okay, that's kind of basic information about teens, but yatta yatta...and while they're hormonal they have a harder time controlling their emotions, and feelings.  (I've discovered that from books, and my own life.)  When people have yo-yo emotions it's hard for them to find a stable thing.
This is also during the time they are getting ready to go out in the world, and have their own life, with their own convictions, no longer riding on their parents coattails.  They themselves will be asked, "Are you Liberal, or Conservative?"  "Are you a Democrat or a Republican?"  Things like that.
So, they think about their actual opinions, how they truly feel, and all those things.
So, add up emotional yo-yos, thinking about the future, and all the crazy hormones.  And then, add in a little bit of additional stress, school work, and for some trying to get a job.
What do you get?
I'm going to do my own semi algebraic problem.
eyy will stand for emotional yo-yos, tof, for thinking about the future, ch for crazy hormones, as for additional stress, sw, for school work, and ttgj for trying to get a job.
That is the beginning problem.
So we look at it.  What is each thing caused by?
Well, eyy is caused by the hormones, and possibly some stress, tof is caused by the fact that they're growing up, as I listed before, ch...I'm really not sure what they're caused by.  But now we can eliminate ch, and add it to eyy, so it'd be eyy+ch=chceyy (crazy hormones causing emotional yo-yos.)
So now we have one of those subtracted so...
Okay so now on we go.  As is caused by things going on in life, school work is caused by the need for knowledge, and hopefully wisdom, ttgj is caused by the person in question wanting more money.
Now if we have a person who has been exposed to the gospel, and knows the gospel story, and has been saved, this would be the time when Satan comes and tries to get at them.
Now comes the answer to the equation.
Hawtol stands for hardest, and weakest time of life.
So, that would explain why the teen years are the hardest.
Because Satan has been in the messing up lives business from day one, and as learned a thing or two.  He's learned that people doubt more when they're weak, and in a low point of life.
Also, something he's done is worked on corrupting the family, and setting a rebellious pattern for teens to start following, which would mar, sometimes destroy the relationship bonding between child and parents, which would make it harder for the teen to talk to their parent about the stress going on in their life, which would pile on more stress, which would make them turn to their friends, who are at the same point as them.
And, also when that happens it makes it easier to move in on the teen.
If the relationship between child and parent is marred the child wouldn't even talk to their parent about the stress, and doubt that Satan is pressing on them about their faith, and in some cases, would essentially turn from the faith.
But for some people it's the exact opposite.
They get so stressed by it, that they turn to God, and God helps them, and then they grow, and in some cases, God helps them to repair the broken relationship with their parent.
That's what I discovered yesterday.  Although it wasn't so long and drawn out in my mind.
I'm planning on being a psychologist.
Can you tell?
Brother Todd gave me a psychology book to read!
Well, rather I found it, and asked if I could read it.  And he said yes.
I was so happy!
Okay, g'bye.
~Katie :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dun Dun Dun DUN...dun dun dun DUN!

No, there's nothing ominous going on...that I know of.
So, I know I'm going too long without posting a blog post, and y'all might be thinking that I'm ignoring you :(
I'm not ignoring anyone!  Except for my fictional character Jasper.
Jasper: She truly is, and it's truly cruel!
Jasper, get off of my blog.
Sorry about that...
Okay, random fact!  If people are under enough stress, for a long enough amount of time, they can get physically sick.
So, this past Sunday (yesterday)  Choir from my school went to two churches (one in the morning, one at night) and sang!  I was sick in the morning so I couldn't go, but I was a-okay by evening.  It was awesome.  Although I do have one complaint. The stage was hot.  I kept feeling like I was gonna faint it was so hot.  Karen felt the same way.
And today after Choir Mr Miller asked if we wanted some mics that didn't work...I of course said yes and so did Karen, so guess what I've got!!!  A MIC THAT DOESN'T WORK!
It makes me happy.
Karen and I are planning on being newscasters, and videoing it.  I think that that'd be so awesome!
Then again, almost anything Karen and I do together is awesome.
Anyway, I really have hardly anything to say except!!!
My book is published!  EEP!
Here's the facebook page for it: The Unnamed Legend Facebook page
And here's the createspace page for it (the place where you can buy it) : Buy The Unnamed Legend!
There you are!
~Katie :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

More S'mores, I Beg!

Okay, yes I like s'mores, they are delicious.
Now, on with my actual things to talk about.
Everyone's got them right?  Well unless you live out in the country.
Well, there's this TV Show called the Neighbors.  It's a very interesting TV show.
I like it!
I also like Journalism.
I like a lot of things.
What do y'all like?
Anyway, I know that my blog posts have been shorter...I just don't have much to talk about lately.
~Katie :)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Good Sunday Night!

Hello!  Has everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break?
I know I've enjoyed mine, although I've done more staying up late than I have sleeping it it seems.  There's just something about skyping with my big brother that is more enthralling than my bed.
AND  today my friend, my cousin and I made a "movie!"  I can't post it on my blog yet, as I don't quite have permission, but it will be on facebook soon.
Anyway, I am going to remove myself from blogger.
~Katie :)

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Two Movie Reviews!

Okay, now I don't think that I've ever done any movie reviews, but I have a fellow blogger (her name is Sharon, but I call her Kida, and her blog(s) can be found on my sidebar, along with Timothy, Katie, Cara, and a bunch of other people's blogs.) who does them often.
The two movies that I'm reviewing today will be:
The Odd Life of Timothy Green, and Twice Upon a Christmas.
I'll start with Twice Upon a Christmas, because I watched it yesterday, and I watched The Odd Life of Timothy Green today.

Twice Upon a Christmas:
This is a story about Santa's two daughters.  One who tries to ruin Christmas, and one who tries to save Christmas from her sister.
What I like about this movie:
There was a nativity set in the background outside at one point.
Kristin's favorite song was Silent Night.
It was all about Christmas!
Kristin never fought fire with fire, and she tried to fight her battles with grace, and love.
The differences between the two girls were shown in how they treated their childhood dolls.
Kristin prayed that God would help her to remember who she was.
It taught people not to be greedy, and to believe.
There was a wedding!
Things I didn't like about this movie:
There were a few times that God's name was used in vain...which is horrible.
Okay, well I guess there was only one thing I didn't like about it...

The Odd Life of Timothy Green
It's about this couple who wants a kid, but can't have one, so they write down all they would want their kid to be, and bury it in the garden, and then the next day there's a little boy that grows out of the garden, and has leaves on him, and stuff like that.

Things I like about this movie:
The boy's name is Timothy.
The girl who was mean to him at first ended up being his best friend.
They start out in an adoption agency.
They made pencils out of leaves.
It showed the shortness of things, and the need to cherish the good things, and the people around you.
It showed that gifts mean the most when they're given out of love, even when they cost you.
The things I don't like about this movie:
It ended.

There's my movie reviews!  Not near as amazing as Kida's but, I'm not Kida, and I mostly specialize in random rants and off the wall comments.
So, did everyone have a good Thanksgiving?!
I sure did!
Did anyone go Black Friday Shopping?
I sure didn't!
I hope y'all had a good Thanksgiving and I love each and everyone of you in a totally uncreepy way.
~Katie :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Joy to the World!

I'm somewhat in a Christmasy mood.  I love Christmas.
I don't know what it's like for all y'all, but for me, it's where the great majority of my loving wonderful family get together at my grandparent's house, and we eat food, and we play games, and we open presents, and all of us spend the night at their house, and then go to Silver Dollar City in the morning.
It'll be so fun!
~Katie :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me, I live in a Zoo...that Doesn't Quite Ryme...But it will have to do

Okay, so I'm sure you've guessed that it was my birthday.
It was my birthday yesterday, and now I'm 15...
I honestly don't feel 15, I still feel 14.
I still felt 13 when I turned 14.
I don't even see how I can be 15, because...well, it just doesn't feel possible.
I guess that you just sort of ease into your new age.  And sooner or later you start to feel the age that you supposably are.
You get more wisdom, and learn how to deal with things.
Well, some people do...there are people that I don't think have learned things like that, but they might.
Like me?  I haven't learned to keep my mouth shut yet.  I've learned to watch what comes out of it a little  better, but I still can't keep my mouth shut.
Just today my friend, Karen and I were having a conversation about puke, and pee, and stuff like that.
I can't take seeing gross stuff trickle onto the floor, and she can't stand seeing unflushed pee in the toilet (she cleans the elementary building) and neither of us can stand seeing anyone else puke.
So I said, "You know, here's how it's going to work, we're gonna get married," and I was going to go on to say, "And have our husbands take care of the puke for both of us, the gross trickling stuff for me, and the unflushed pee and stuff for you!"
Buut...that's not how she heard it.  It was kinda awkward...
See, I haven't learned how to shut my mouth.
I say things and get myself into trouble.
I also have this punching habit.  But I only punch people when they annoy me, or something like that.
I had a mustache birthday party, and we played Pin the Mustache on Pierre.
I drew Pierre.
I had a pretty good turnout, and it turns out that my friends know me pretty well.
Like, I had a game where you could see how well you know me......Kayden and Karen won.
It was pretty awesome fun.
We all wore mustaches.
And then there was that Fall Dinner. amazingly awesome boyfriend wasn't able to make it, so I was sad.
I did have fun though.
One of the preachers was talking to us, and he said something, and Darrell (my honorary big brother) lightly pounded his hand on the table, and went, "Amen..."  really quietly right after I took a drink of tea...
Well, the tea went out of my nose, and out of my mouth, and then I started to cough, and choke, and cough, and choke, which actually made me laugh harder, and then I puked up the rest of my tea.
It was actually pretty interesting.
It cracked me up, which is kind of strange.
Josh's (he's my other honorary big brother) date helped me get cleaned up, because she's got a tough stomach, and can take seeing people puke and stuff like that, and so...yeah...I found the whole ordeal hilarious.
I don't know why I find things like that funny.  I mean, I guess it wouldn't be funny if it happened to someone else, but with me it cracks me up!
Like once I fell on my rollerblades, and scraped up me knee, and chin, and hand, and stuff like that, and I was cracking up like very shortly after I fell...
And that one time that I ran a needle through my finger...I was in shock for a little bit, but then I was looking at the protruding needle, and laughing about it.
It's horrible how I find that kind of thing funny.  But I do!
I don't find emotional pain funny though.
I don't know if anyone else is like this, but when I get hurt physically, I normally find it hilarious, but when I get hurt don't wanna know how I feel.
Like, a horse stepped on my toe!  And I didn't even cry!  I just went, "GAH!"  And bent over, but shortly after that I was fine.
My mom said that she thought I may have actually broken my toe...So I should have cried...but I didn't.
I'm tough! ^_^
Okay, well anyway, I'm just here, posting and saying hi, and stuff like that, and well, yeah, see ya!
~Katie :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Rabbit's Philosophy

My bunny is dictating her 'Bunnophy" to me.
My philosophy, as a good, beautiful white rabbit (bunny) is complicated, and could take many posts on my person's blog to fill up.
First things first, the person who is blogging is my pet, not me hers.  I know that that's been some confusion on that.
She protests, but we all know the truth now.
Here's how it works.
When you have a tame rabbit, at a pet store, or somewhere similar, the bunny will often meet a human that they like particularly well.
After speaking soothing bunny words to the human, the bunny will convince the human to take them home with them.
As it is a human has it's own habitat where it can live quite nicely, so the human will take the bunny to their habitat, and as the sweet goofy things they are, they will make or buy a cage for the bunny.
They will often times call the bunny their pet.
As you reading this are most likely humans, you don't understand how it is that a person can feed, and water, and provide for the bunny, and yet be the bunny's pet.
It's complicated, but you humans are smart, so I'll try to explain it.
The human, again thinks that the bunny is their pet...we bunnies find it adorable, so we just let them believe it.  No need to dash their hopes.
So we put up with the goofy thing they do to us, because we love them.
Sometimes it's necessary to punish our pets, and so we scratch them with our claws.
If you have the wrong breed of human, sometimes they will emit curse words.  If you have the right kind, they will merely get upset.
We have our humans so well trained that they give us food and water regularly, and we don't even have to remind them.  It also saves us the work.
So as you can see, the human is the bunny's pet.
As for the matter of food...
We find meat to be terrible.  We are vegetarians.  Carrots are best for you, and clover is pretty good if you can get it at it's peak.
The food that our humans give to us doesn't really taste that great, but so as not to hurt our dear little pet's feelings we eat it.
That's all I, Serenity the Bunny have for you right now.
Thank you for tuning into the bunnies philosophy.
~Serenity :)
**Words typed by Katie, though it was very much dictated by the bunny.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Polar Bears are Awesome!

Yes yes they are, and you can't deny it!
The fall dinner is this Friday, and I'm so excited!
And after the fall dinner is my birthday party, and after my birthday party is my actual birthday.  So interesting.
And I just wanted to pop in and say 'ello!
~Katie :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Many Many Thoughts Bouncing About in my Head

I have so many thoughts going on through my head, and I don't understand half of them.
I'm thinking about my career choice, my facebook page, Adventures in Odyssey, (which I am listening to) friends, Timothy, (he's kinda top in my head, but for some reason I listed him lower down...) blogs, blogging, the ministries that I've started or wanted to start, Moving Forward, (A group I'm in with young folk raising money to go on mission trips) school, my family, Thanksgiving, Christmas, so many things!
OH!  And how could I forget this:  The Fall Dinner.
I've never been to the fall dinner, but it sounds like a big deal.
I'm going with Timothy, because he's my boyfriend.
I'm kind of excited, but slightly scared.
It's this Friday!
The day I've been waiting close.
I remember October the 5th talking to Karen panickedly because I wanted to go to the Fall Dinner with Timothy, but he wasn't my boyfriend yet, and I was scared to ask him.
The reason for the being scared is because I'm a scaredy cat.
Anyway, it's finally almost here.
And on Sunday I'm turning 15.  I've never been 15 before, and I'm slightly scared about that too.
I don't like getting older.
Well, I have a correction to make.  I don't like all the responsibility that comes with getting older.
I like being older, and I love driving, and being allowed to do more things, but I don't like having to be so much more responsible, and I don't like realizing more and more that this world is a messed up place.
Ahh well, that's my random thoughts.
Before I go I have a poem thingy for you:
It Can't Be Done
The man who misses all the fun
Is he who says, "It can't be done."
In solemn pride he stands aloof
And greets each venture with reproof.
Had he the power, he'd efface
The history of the human race;
We'd have no radio or motor cars,
No streets lit by electric starts;
No telegraph, nor telephone,
We'd linger in the age of stone.
The world would sleep if things were run,
By men who say, "It can't be done."
There, that's a lesson to never say that it can't be done.
~Katie :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

100 Challenge

I don't know if anyone else has come up with this but, I have a challenge for y'all.  And I'm going to do it with you!
It's a contest too, sort of, to see how many people I can get to join.
Everyone reading this is now entered in the contest, but they have the choice to do it or not.
As most everyone knows, this is November...
What happens in November?
That's right!  Thanksgiving!
Now, I want to know what Thanksgiving is...
Nope, it's not a chance to eat turkey (even though that's pretty awesome.)
No, not just a day when you watch the football game, or some parade.
It's quite simple actually.
That's a compound word.  At least I think that that's what it's called.  When you have two words coming together to create one word.
Thanks and giving.
Swap those around, and it says, giving thanks.
So Thanksgiving is in fact, the day that we are are to be giving thanks.
Now to tell you what my challenge, The 100 Challenge is.
This challenge is that everyone will list 100 things that they are thankful for.
I'm sure you could find 100.
Here's the rules:
You cannot list the same one more than once, and you have to turn them in before the end of November.
Just send me the list, or post it on your blog, or post it on your facebook.
Spread the word!
People need to be more thankful!
Here's my list:
  1. That I live in a country where I can say that I don't like our political leaders, without being thrown in jail, or beheaded or something.
  2. For my family.
  3. My friends.
  4. That I'm capable of learning.
  5. For food.
  6. That I can go to bed with a full stomach.
  7. For my talents
  8. For my blog.
  9. For my readers.
  10. For God.
  11. For the freedom to read my Bible.
  12. That I can, and do have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  13. That my sins are all forgiven.
  14. That I can go to church without being arrested.
  15. That I can play piano.
  16. For my boyfriend.
  17. For my book.
  18. That my book is almost published.
  19. That I can choose who my friends are.
  20. That my God isn't a wooden statue that doesn't hear or answer my prayers.
  21. That I was homeschooled for almost all my life.
  22. That I now get to go to a Christian school.
  23. That I can talk about God without getting in trouble at my school.
  24. That God made pickles.
  25. For kitties.
  26. For horses.
  27. For dogs.
  28. For pictures.
  29. For my camera.
  30. That my family has a good relationship together.
  31. That my uncle cares enough about me to say he's going to try to scare my boyfriend.  
  32. And that my uncle cares enough about me to not follow through on trying to scare my boyfriend.
  33. That I have a Bible that zips up.
  34. For bold pens.
  35. For fake mustaches.
  36. That even though I can't have my kitties right now, I have an aunt who's taking care of them for me.
  37. For my piano.
  38. That I have my own room.
  39. That I can write on the walls of my room.
  40. For Open Office.
  41. For facebook.
  42. For people that are like my siblings.
  43. For paper.
  44. For books.
  45. For movies.
  46. For Narnia.
  47. For the DVD player.
  48. For Adventures in Odyssey.
  49. For the radio.
  50. For music.
  51. For musicians.
  52. for my rollerblades.
  53. That I have so many things to be thankful for!
  54. For my job.
  55. For money.
  56. For games.
  57. For the computer.
  58. For my stuffed animals.
  59. For my blankets.
  60. For my froggie footie jammies.
  61. For my sketch book.
  62. That the weather outside is nice today.
  63. That so far, three people including myself are doing The 100 Challenge, and I haven't even posted this post yet!
  64. That God has inspired me with so many ideas!
  65. That I can laugh, and really laugh.
  66. That there's happiness in my life.
  67. That I have real friends.
  68. That God has helped me to sometimes discern when someone is my friend or not.
  69. For electricity.
  70. For sewing machines.
  71. That my mom cares enough about me that a lot of my the clothes I wore when I was little were handmade by her.
  72. For calenders.
  73. For google!
  74. That God loved me enough to send his Son to die for me.
  75. For yarn.
  76. For a talented mom.
  77. For hot showers.
  78. That I don't have to make soap by hand like the pioneers did.
  79. That sugar is no longer a delicacy that few people can afford.
  80. For refrigerators.
  81. That I live in a small town.
  82. That I know how to build basic things.
  83. For my bunny.
  84. That I know how to braid different ways.
  85. For phones.
  86. That if I don't know the answer to something my mom can normally tell me the answer, or where to get the answer.
  87. That I can understand the Bible, and don't need someone to explain it to me.
  88. That I have the freedom and the socks to wear my socks mismatched.
  89. That I didn't look horrible in my school pictures.
  90. That I know who to go to when I have a problem.
  91. That I can type quickly.
  92. For my cousins.
  93. For filtered water.
  94. For heaters so I don't freeze to death in the winter.
  95. For CDs.
  96. For mail.
  97. For malls.
  98. For long denim skirts.
  99. For modest shirts.
  100. For the freedom of speech.
There's my list, and I hope you like it.
I also made an event on facebook!
The 100 Challenge Facebook Page
And I made a page on facebook, where I can post my challenges, (and trust me I have a lot of them.) and any inspiring thoughts I may have.
Inspirational Challenges
Well, there you have it!  Thank you for reading!
~Katie :)