Thursday, January 29, 2015

Who Am I?

No, this isn't me not knowing who I am, this is me wondering if you know who I am.  To the librarian on the third floor of the library, I am a shy, reserved young lady, who gets curious about things, loves to read almost anything, and rarely if ever makes a disturbance in the library.  To my family, however, I'm the girl who either never shuts up or spends too much time reading or on her phone....  To the people at school, I'm that weird girl who has a weird sense of style and a weird idea of fun and weird opinions.  So, what, or rather who, does that make me?  Am I the weird girl, quiet girl, or too talkative/too involved with my books and phone girl?
I'm the same girl everywhere I go.  I still like to read.  I still dislike the color pink.  I still love writing.  I still believe that abortion is murder.  I still consider the same people my best friends.  I still have the same opinions.  So, am I a different girl, or still the same girl?
When I'm alone in my room, I'll talk to myself or just write/draw/read quietly.  Sometimes I'll sing.  I'll watch a movie.  I'll work out.  I'll play piano.  I'll play on facebook.  When my violin gets its E string fixed, I'll play it as well.  I'll wonder things like what I'm about to post on facebook.  I'll clean my room.  I'll organize it.  I'll pick out an outfit for the next day.  Or I'll just run through a mental list of all the clothing I own and pick out an outfit from that.
Do any of these girls sound the same?  Maybe partially.  But despite all the differences, they're all me.
~Katie :)

Monday, January 26, 2015

They See Me Rollin' They Hatin'!

Honestly, I don't particularly care for the song that came from, but I was rollin' earlier.  Rollerblading that is.  I went rollerblading because today is just all around a fantastic day.  Warm and wonderful.  I have loved today.  Sorrowfully, I have had to spend way too much time inside at school.  There is a good reason not to go to school.
Anyway, I went rollerblading and ran into two little boys (not literally ran into though,) and one of them asked me if my parents knew I was out there and we ended our conversation with him telling me to be careful.  It was so funny and awesome.
~Katie :)

Saturday, January 24, 2015


So, I've been thinking, and also reading one of my friend's blogs and it just made me think....  It's kind of funny, because we're both so much alike, but our blogging styles are different.  Hers is "Through the Eyes of the Narnian Queen," on the side bar of my blog.  Her blog, not her style.
But see, our styles are different too.  Her style includes posting on her blog once a week (I think,) mine includes posting whenever I do so desire.  I often have mini rants and sometimes go into detail about what's happening in my life.  She often goes into detail about what's happening in her life, and also does movie reviews.  I don't really do movie reviews.
I just kind of thought it was funny.  Two people 3-4 years apart in age, yet our blogging is so different.  Of course, if you read my blog from 3-4 years ago, my blogging style is different.  Maybe it just has to do with age?  Who knows.  Well, other than God.  He knows everything.
And because I forgot to share this earlier:  Here is my new song Everything is Changing
~Katie :)

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Backwards Thinking

I am a Christian.  I am going to Heaven.  God loves me no matter what.  Considering the last statement I just made, I can therefore make this statement:  because God loves me no matter what, it doesn't matter what I do to others, especially people who do not claim to have the love of God surrounding them.
I am not a Christian.  Honestly, I have no idea where I'm going.  Maybe just in the ground, but maybe Hell if Christians are right.  Considering the way I am treated by Christians, God is an unfeeling being who cares not for my feelings.  Considering the last statement I made, I can therefore make this statement:  Because there is either not a God or an unfeeling God who doesn't care, I can do whatever I want and there will never be any negative consequences.
I am a Christian.  I am going to Heaven.  God loves me no matter what.  The Bible tells me to love others and do unto them whatever I want them to do to me.  This includes people that may or may not treat me right.  Because of the last two statements, I can make another statement that would be just as true:  God wants me to love others.  This includes those who do not claim to have the love of God surrounding them.
I am not a Christian.  I am either going to Hell or just in the ground after I die.  Considering the way I am treated by Christians, and the things I've heard of in the Bible, the people who claim to be Christians may or may not be true Christians.
If God is love and God commands his people to be love, why would his people ever ever treat other people, especially those who do not have Jesus in their life, like they're worth less than nothing?  Why would anyone who claims to be a Christian abuse, misuse, or bully another human, without thinking about the feelings of the person they are hurting?  And why do no adults try to help?  Especially the adults who claim to be Christians?
It's called bullying.  Whether the person being bullied says that it's bullying or not, God has laid out something to help people understand better what they should and shouldn't do to others.  In one very simple verse.  Luke 6:31.
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.  KJV
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you NIV
Here is a simple rule of thumb for behavior:  Ask yourself what you want people to do for you; then grab the initiative and do it for them!  The Message 
Treat others as you want them to treat you. The Living Bible
And as you desire that men should do to you, do to them likewise.  Jubilee Bible.
Need more be listed?  Five different translations, yet they all pass along the same message.  If you are the Christian, you are the example.  If the world sees you acting like the world, they will think that you are no different from them.  They will think that there is no reason for them to become Christians...because Christians are no different.  And when they think they way it was shown in the first paragraph...they are 100% correct.

~Katie :|

Monday, January 19, 2015

So...writing issues.

Not like I'm having any writing problems or anything, it's just that the thing is I have three completed books and another one on the way to being finished....the only problem is that they aren't edited.  See, what I need to do is do an author's edit, then I have a friend who said that she would edit them for me, and I trust her.  We're doing a thing where we're going to edit each other's stories.  So hopefully that will work out.
Of course after the books are completely done, I still need a name for one of them and cover-art for all of them.  And then after all that is done and they're published, how in the world am I supposed to get people to buy them?  I have no idea!
The Unnamed Legend hasn't sold very well, and it really stinks.  I don't have all these people who would just die to be sharing it everywhere for people to buy it.  I also don't have all these people who would just die to buy it.  Plus a lot of the people who would love to buy it are broke.  See my problem?
It's just super discouraging to have written something and be so proud of it, especially when you wrote it at age 13 and edited it at age 14 and got it published at age 15, and no one seems to appreciate it.  I know, I know, stupid, but that's how stuff feels.  I think I've sold 10 at the most.  Yeah, that's not very much.  Anyway, frustrated rant over.  Goodbye.
~Katie :):

Monday, January 12, 2015

Individuality or Being Controlled?

Many people crave individuality, being their own person, having their own friends and interests.  I'm one of those people.  But sometimes, people take that a little too far.  Dressing abnormally, not necessarily because they enjoy dressing like that, but because they are an individual!  And liking things that most people hate, just because most people hate them.  Or disliking things most people like, just because they like them.
Now, there's nothing wrong with dressing abnormally, or liking things most people don't, or disliking things most people don't...when you're doing it because you actually want to.  But when you're disliking something something because the majority loves might very well be missing out.  What if there's a reason that they like that book?  Maybe it has a good plot line and relatable characters.  Of course, it could also be a book about a girl who is fought over by both a werewolf and a vampire...  What if it's a good book that you would actually, genuinely like, because that's who you are as an individual?
What if there's something more to that TV show than a weird thing about this guy with a sonic screwdriver that everyone is crazy about?  What if you don't watch it--when you would actually like it--just because all the people in your class likes it and you want to be a different person, an individual?  You're just letting them control you anyway.  You're thinking, "Oh, I won't let anyone control me, I'll be my own person, my own individual," but what your actions are saying is, "I want to be so different than everyone, I'll let them control me, just to try to show that I'm an individual."
What if you liked it first, then everyone else starts liking it?  Do you get frustrated and say things like, "Man, I guess I can't like that now, everyone else does!"  That's stupid!
Do you want to be an individual?  Okay.  Then like what you want to like, because you want to like it and dislike what you want to dislike, because you want to dislike it.  Do not let others control what you like and dislike, for the sake of being able to call yourself an individual.
Sincerely, A girl who likes Doctor Who, Hunger Games (the books), wearing mismatched socks, listening to oldies, newies and in-betweenies, because that's what she likes, not because anyone says she should or shouldn't like it.
~Katie :)

Friday, January 9, 2015


So, I got my own computer.  Like very own.  And I bet you can't guess what it is!  Oh wait, you read the title of this post...I bet you can....  Yeah, this is me, making a blogpost on my very own Apple computer.  I love it!  It has an awesome thing called "Garage Band," And it works way super better than Audacity, which is what I'd been doing recording and stuff beforehand.  It also has a thing where you can "play" your computer keyboard and it'll play actual MUSIC.  Like you're actually playing piano or something.  I enjoy it greatly.  And you could also plug in an actual piano keyboard and play the actual piano.  Now all I need is a keyboard I can plug into my computer!  It's not gonna be cheap....  But hey, I am NOT complaining!  I love this thing like it is.
It's tiny and silver and slender and has amazing sound and visual stuff going on.  Of course, that's because it's a Mac and as we learned in Basic Computers class last year, Macintoshes are the best for graphics and sound.  Pretty cool, yeah?  Or maybe not.  I told one of my friends it was an Apple and they made I face.  But of course I defended my new computer.  I've named her Ezzie, which is short for Ezmerelda.  I do love this new gizmo.
The only bad thing I can find about it (so far) is that I have to pay for Microsoft Office and can't just download it...but thankfully my stepdad knows a guy who could help me with it, so we might get that fixed.  I guess I would also like skype on it...although I'm really not on skype much.  But the good thing is that I could still make my documents to work on this computer and Doug said that for things like essays and school papers I could borrow his computer, because I know that set up better.  So anyway, I'm done talking now.
~Katie :)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Crafter's Home

Growing up in a crafter's home, there was always plenty of material, yarn, needles and thread for a young girl to play with.  There was always a sewing machine readily available for me to use or play with.  Always crochet hooks for me to use in crocheting.  Always, always.
When I was little, I would make little bags and misshapen dolls with creepy button eyes, with unfitting clothes, because I lived in a crafter's home and had all these things readily available.
I would crochet awkward looking things designed to keep your ears warm.  Because I had the materials readily available.
I would make coasters out of plastic canvas and yarn, BECAUSE I COULD....  Because I was in a crafter's home.
~Katie :)