Saturday, November 10, 2012

100 Challenge

I don't know if anyone else has come up with this but, I have a challenge for y'all.  And I'm going to do it with you!
It's a contest too, sort of, to see how many people I can get to join.
Everyone reading this is now entered in the contest, but they have the choice to do it or not.
As most everyone knows, this is November...
What happens in November?
That's right!  Thanksgiving!
Now, I want to know what Thanksgiving is...
Nope, it's not a chance to eat turkey (even though that's pretty awesome.)
No, not just a day when you watch the football game, or some parade.
It's quite simple actually.
That's a compound word.  At least I think that that's what it's called.  When you have two words coming together to create one word.
Thanks and giving.
Swap those around, and it says, giving thanks.
So Thanksgiving is in fact, the day that we are are to be giving thanks.
Now to tell you what my challenge, The 100 Challenge is.
This challenge is that everyone will list 100 things that they are thankful for.
I'm sure you could find 100.
Here's the rules:
You cannot list the same one more than once, and you have to turn them in before the end of November.
Just send me the list, or post it on your blog, or post it on your facebook.
Spread the word!
People need to be more thankful!
Here's my list:
  1. That I live in a country where I can say that I don't like our political leaders, without being thrown in jail, or beheaded or something.
  2. For my family.
  3. My friends.
  4. That I'm capable of learning.
  5. For food.
  6. That I can go to bed with a full stomach.
  7. For my talents
  8. For my blog.
  9. For my readers.
  10. For God.
  11. For the freedom to read my Bible.
  12. That I can, and do have a relationship with Jesus Christ.
  13. That my sins are all forgiven.
  14. That I can go to church without being arrested.
  15. That I can play piano.
  16. For my boyfriend.
  17. For my book.
  18. That my book is almost published.
  19. That I can choose who my friends are.
  20. That my God isn't a wooden statue that doesn't hear or answer my prayers.
  21. That I was homeschooled for almost all my life.
  22. That I now get to go to a Christian school.
  23. That I can talk about God without getting in trouble at my school.
  24. That God made pickles.
  25. For kitties.
  26. For horses.
  27. For dogs.
  28. For pictures.
  29. For my camera.
  30. That my family has a good relationship together.
  31. That my uncle cares enough about me to say he's going to try to scare my boyfriend.  
  32. And that my uncle cares enough about me to not follow through on trying to scare my boyfriend.
  33. That I have a Bible that zips up.
  34. For bold pens.
  35. For fake mustaches.
  36. That even though I can't have my kitties right now, I have an aunt who's taking care of them for me.
  37. For my piano.
  38. That I have my own room.
  39. That I can write on the walls of my room.
  40. For Open Office.
  41. For facebook.
  42. For people that are like my siblings.
  43. For paper.
  44. For books.
  45. For movies.
  46. For Narnia.
  47. For the DVD player.
  48. For Adventures in Odyssey.
  49. For the radio.
  50. For music.
  51. For musicians.
  52. for my rollerblades.
  53. That I have so many things to be thankful for!
  54. For my job.
  55. For money.
  56. For games.
  57. For the computer.
  58. For my stuffed animals.
  59. For my blankets.
  60. For my froggie footie jammies.
  61. For my sketch book.
  62. That the weather outside is nice today.
  63. That so far, three people including myself are doing The 100 Challenge, and I haven't even posted this post yet!
  64. That God has inspired me with so many ideas!
  65. That I can laugh, and really laugh.
  66. That there's happiness in my life.
  67. That I have real friends.
  68. That God has helped me to sometimes discern when someone is my friend or not.
  69. For electricity.
  70. For sewing machines.
  71. That my mom cares enough about me that a lot of my the clothes I wore when I was little were handmade by her.
  72. For calenders.
  73. For google!
  74. That God loved me enough to send his Son to die for me.
  75. For yarn.
  76. For a talented mom.
  77. For hot showers.
  78. That I don't have to make soap by hand like the pioneers did.
  79. That sugar is no longer a delicacy that few people can afford.
  80. For refrigerators.
  81. That I live in a small town.
  82. That I know how to build basic things.
  83. For my bunny.
  84. That I know how to braid different ways.
  85. For phones.
  86. That if I don't know the answer to something my mom can normally tell me the answer, or where to get the answer.
  87. That I can understand the Bible, and don't need someone to explain it to me.
  88. That I have the freedom and the socks to wear my socks mismatched.
  89. That I didn't look horrible in my school pictures.
  90. That I know who to go to when I have a problem.
  91. That I can type quickly.
  92. For my cousins.
  93. For filtered water.
  94. For heaters so I don't freeze to death in the winter.
  95. For CDs.
  96. For mail.
  97. For malls.
  98. For long denim skirts.
  99. For modest shirts.
  100. For the freedom of speech.
There's my list, and I hope you like it.
I also made an event on facebook!
The 100 Challenge Facebook Page
And I made a page on facebook, where I can post my challenges, (and trust me I have a lot of them.) and any inspiring thoughts I may have.
Inspirational Challenges
Well, there you have it!  Thank you for reading!
~Katie :)


  1. I will be posting the my list on my blog sometime today! :)

  2. For Narnia! Lol, double meaning. :P And you get to write on your bedroom walls???


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