Monday, August 18, 2014

Welcome Back to the Torture Asylum

Hmm, it's not like I've neglected to make blog posts in...half of forever or anything, is it?!  Uh...oh wait...yeah it is....oopsiez....  I think I got all distracted with my journal and camp and school....  School started today.  We have a new English teacher and if she's as nice as she seemed today, I'm gonna like her.  She seems to want us to talk...which is kind of cool.
I also need to brush my teeth and organize my room and read some more books and go to bed at a semi reasonable time and wake up at an extremely unreasonable time to go to a fairly unreasonable place where I have to/get to be around not exactly reasonable humans that make me want to be not so reasonable because of their very not reasonable actions such as talking through choir and royally annoying me. forgot what I was gonna say.
Uh, well, I guess I was gonna say that if my Chemistry book stays as interesting as it was today I'll like it.  My first day of Torture Asylum wasn't horrendous.
~Katie :)