Thursday, September 26, 2013

How Old am I?

When I was younger, like around 12, or 13, everyone thought I was older, like 15, or that I'm 15 almost 16, everyone thinks I'm around 13, or old do you, my wonderful fans think I look?
Me half smiling. 

Me fully smiling.
So, how old do I look?
~Katie ???

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

So...How ya Doin'?

Okay, you're getting sick of me talking about exercising probably, but I have found this lovely youtube person who I like, because she's so supportive of the people watching the videos, and she encourages them along the way, and tells them things like, "Good job!"  And "You've got it!"  As well as reminding them, "Keep your back straight," and stuff like that.  And she's not super quiet either.
Awesome Lady  < that's her.
Well, I just mostly wanted to say that she was awesome.
Oh, wait, no, I got a good grade on my horrid paper, even though I felt like I'd done horrible.  I sure didn't do it during the time when I was supposed to.  I did it the night before it was due.  And yes, I hated it with a burning passion.  I hate papers and stuff like that.  Because you don't get an option, and I don't always care about the stuff she tells me to do my paper on.
~Katie :)

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Y'all Get a Double Whammy

I'm sorry, but y'all just get to have a double post today.  And yes, I did just say y'all.  Sometimes I wonder if I'd be a good hippie.
So, back on the exercising thingy-ma-bobber. (yes, I do like that word)  I don't understand how people who do yoga can hold such crazy poses.  I'm gonna try it.  Yoga is a less breath robbing form of exercise, so I think I'm going to alternate my breath robbers with my less breath robbing, and yoga exercises.  I think Yoga (while it can be harder) is a less breath robbing exercise because it is slow, and precise.  A lot of other exercises are fast, and repetitive.  While yoga can be repetitive, it's also...oh I don't know.   Why don't you try yoga, and "normal" exercising, and tell me which is easier for you, and why, and which one is a less breath robbing thing.
I wanted to share with you some things I've noticed since I started on my exercise craze.

  • I'm more confident.
  • I'm more interested in eating healthy, although I still like junk food, because junk food is awesome.
  • I want to learn more exercises.
  • I care more about if I'm sitting straight.
  • I keep checking my tummy to see if it's less "fluffy," because I don't agree with Gavyn that girls are supposed to have fluff.
  • I'm spending more time on youtube...looking up exercises...and looking for stuff to watch/listen to while exercising.
  • I want to challenge myself more.  Then again, I already did that...just not with exercises.
  • I've decided I want heavier dumbells for my birthday, as well as a bunch of legos, a better camera, and an apple computer.  But I'll be content with one of whatever, or even random stuff, so don't think you have to get me whatever.
  • I think I sleep better, but I'm not sure, because I didn't sleep well last night...then again, it was really cold last night, and the cold and I do not get along well at all.
  • Yeah that's about it.
  • But I like bullets so I'm gonna keep typing for a little bit.
  • Never mind, I'm done.
Isn't that crazy and awesome, and all kinds of things?  I thought so too.
By the way, I have a ton of exercises for the core, but not quite as many for the arms, very few for the thighs, and lower legs, and only one for the butt.  If anyone knows of any good exercises for those areas, I will gladly accept them.
On the bright side though...I know for sure I can count at least to twenty for repetitions :p
Wow, it's really noisy in a room next to the library....okay, I'm done now.
~Katie :)

The Phone Goes Green Green, I Pink it up and Say Yellow

However, no one is calling me, so my phone isn't going green green, so I can't pink it up and say yellow...what a bummer.
I haven't gotten any pictures of my wooden stuffehz yet, I forgot, but I found an AWESOME song.  The Fox  It's absolutely amazing.  And hilarious.  And I love it.  ChachachachachachaCHOW.  It's a Norwegian song.  But it's in English, so I'm sure you could understand it.
I don't like Gangam style's just...strange...I also don't like Gentleman....I basically just don't like Psy...I mean...after all...have you seen his music videos?  He looks like he's absolutely disgusting....
I prefer to stick with more awesome songs like the one that I just shared, or something like Fireflies, or something like The Last Night, or This is What Dreams are Made of, or The Long Word song....all those different songs.  Hang on, I'll post links.
FirefliesThe Last NightThis is What Dreams are Made ofThe Long Word Song
Yeah, there's a bunch of other songs I love.  Dude, I love so many songs it's crazy.  Songs were probably made just for me.  Okay, probably not just me...but...yeah...I'm really glad that God made songs, because if he hadn't, I'd go crazy.  I honestly am not too sure I would be alive if it weren't for music, and songs.  I would just explode.
Do you know what I don't get?  I don't get how people think that when you spend a lot of time on the computer, you're wasting time.  People who make movies spend a lot of time on computers, yet people love them.  There are some people who type all their stories on a they spend a lot of time on computers.  There are people on suicide prevention sites who talk to suicidal people.  They spend a lot of time on computers...would you say that that's a waste of time?  Trying to help people not kill themselves?  Teachers spend time on computers finding teaching methods, putting in grades, and finding things to do to help their that a waste of time?
Just because people spend time on computers, even a lot of time doesn't mean that they're wasting time.  It would be more wasteful to stay off a computer, and only eat food, and watch movies.
Now, if you can juggle a lot of time on a computer, and time off a computer, that's good.  And if you're doing more than just watching stupid youtube videos, and playing a bunch of computer games, you're cool.
By the way, I don't recommend listening to any other songs by the people who sang "The Fox."  Turns out that there are cuss words in their other ones....I mean, for at least one of them, it would be okay except for...ya know...language.
Back to my former topic.
I spend a lot of time on facebook...mostly because that's where I can connect with people I don't get to see often.  Although, I do spend more time texting them now, because I have a phone with unlimited texting minutes.
I also don't get how people complain about teenagers's called, "you can't always actually talk to the people face to face because you live in different places."  And furthermore, you can in fact read a book and text at the same time.  I text while rollerblading.  And while doing homework.  And on my way to school.  And on my way back from school.  And...well, you get the point...I can multitask.  See, I'm ADHD, which means I don't look like I'm focused, but really, I'm focused on a lot of things at once.  Although sometimes I accidentally tune someone out when I'm trying to talk to's really bad.  I will say though, that I don't easily focus on more than one thing when I'm sleeping, or reading a book.  Other than that I'm good.
I can't even just sit and watch a movie most of the time.  I have to read a book, (it's a little hard sometimes, but I can normally get the main idea of both) or draw, or eat, or do homework, or exercise. (which I've been doing a lot nowdays.)
Oh, I also got heavier thingy-ma-bobbers....dumbellish thingy-ma-bobbers.  I filled up two gatorade bottles with water, and they're heavier.  More of a challenge.  After we move to Doug's town, I might look around and see if there's a gym, and possibly join it, in addition to doing my main exercises.  I also want to join some sort of Karate, but it costs a lot.
Oh, btw, here's a conversation between me, and my friend Gavyn.
Me: Do you think I'd be good in Karate?"
Gavyn: No.
Me: Why not?
Gavyn: Because.
Me: Because why?
Gavyn: Because I don't want to die.
So, in other words, I'd be great in Karate, but Gavyn's worried I would break the Karate code of ethics and use my Karate to beat him up.  However, he's kinda right, and kinda wrong.
You see, I'd get stronger if I joined Karate, so when I punch him, I'll have more force, and I'd probably instinctively use the punches I learned in Karate, you know, after they get pounded into my brain.
However, I already use a few Karate moves.  Well, only one really.  The one where I grab his wrist, and twist his arm around so he stops poking me in the shoulder with his pencil.
Oh wow, this is a longer post than I meant to write...or even thought I could, because I didn't have much to discuss when I started it....well....
~Katie :)

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Dun, duh, duh, duh.

So, my mom is getting married, and her fiance (Doug) has a wood shop that I get to work in whenever I want basically.  I get a room upstairs, a swing, and possibly (hopefully) a slide.  I've already made three things in his work shop (that are completed.)
A banana (it was originally supposed to be a moon, but it messed up, so I turned it into a banana)
A smiley face.
And a cross.
I didn't get to go to my Renaissance festival, because Doug (Who was taking us) was in the hospital with a blood Renaissance festival :(  Maybe next year.
I'm also going on a "fitness" thingy-ma-bobber.  I exercise every day.  Well, every night.  Not day.  I'm at school all day.
I do wimpy push ups (against the counter, in the girly way, which does exercise your muscles, but doesn't cause near as much pain to your chest.  I do sit ups, crunches, twists, side twists, I try to touch my toes, I do some weight lifting with my tiny little 1 pound dumbells, but I plan to fill up two gatorade bottles with water, and use those.  It would give me more of a challenge.  I also do the "Warrior" yoga pose, and that one pose that I don't remember the name of...maybe the moon pose?  And I do squats.  One thing I've noticed is that the biceps on my right arm are stronger/bigger that the ones on my left arm...I don't quite know why.
If I had a punching bag, or knew how/had the stuff, to make one I would use that.
I also drink a lot of water, grapefruit juice, and I rollerblade all the time.  I also plan on finding more exercises on google, and youtube, and wiki-how.
If anyone knows any good exercises, please let me know!
I don't exactly know why I'm doing this.  I guess I'm wanting to get stronger, and more fit.  Ya know, 'cause I got fluff, and I don't like my fluff.
My classmate Gavyn says that girls are supposed to have fluff, but I don't have a boyfriend to impress with my fluff, so there's no reason I should have fluff...and he also goes from saying that I'm not smart because I'm a woman to saying that I'm smart because I am a's very confusing....
My abs are sore from all my crunches and sit ups, however, my upper chest is getting a lot less sore, even with all my push ups.  However, I really need some "weights" that weigh more.  I should look up and see how much a thingy-ma-bobber of sand costs, that way I can make some heavy weights.
Whoa, a whole heard of peoplez just came into the library...and I must get on with my movie, and on with my research.
Also, if anyone knows how old David was at First Samuel 16, please let me know.
Alright, g'bye
~Katie :)

Thursday, September 12, 2013


I've been thinking.  And do you know what I've realized?  At my school--a private CHRISTIAN school, there are so many insecure people.  I know of at least three.  And there's bullies too.  I don't know if some of the bullies even realize they're bullies.  And there's also some people who are perfectly nice, but when they're put together with one of their friends, they can be mean.  Then there are people that I am pretty sure are some type of strange bipolar, because sometimes they can be super mean, and other times they can be really nice.  And there's one person at our school that everyone thinks is perfectly fine, but he's really an arrogant, stuck up, know it all, who is really a jerk.  Especially to his sister, who can be really nice and sweet.  She isn't always, and yes, she can get somewhat annoying at times, but she's not the ugly, weird, brat that he says she is.
He yells at her to shut up, and acts like he knows the answers to everything, all the time.  You know what, I need to get off of the topic about him, because if I don't, I'll get mad, and if I get mad, I'll really start to rant, and if I start to rant, I'll get off topic, and if I get off topic I can't make a point, and if I can't make a point, y'all won't know what's going on inside my brain, and if y'all don't know what's going on inside my brain, my blog will be useless, and if my blog is useless, I have no business having a blog, and if I have no business having a blog, I'll just get rid of it, and if I just get rid of it, I'll have no outlet for my rants and stuff like that, and if I have no outlet for my rants and stuff like that I'll explode.
Now, where was I?  Oh yes, insecure people, and bullies.  They don't always bully, and sometimes it looks like teasing.  But there's a difference between bullying, and teasing.  Bullying hurts, and teasing merely annoys.  Maybe they don't mean to bully, maybe they think they're teasing...but a lot of that kind of teasing can be painful.
Having a classmate call you a cross-dresser, just because you're a tomboyish girl, hurts.  Especially when you don't know if they're teasing, or really do want to make you insecure.
Remember what kind of school I go to?  Oh yes...a Christian school.
A Christian school where people make gay jokes, and perverted jokes, and purposely mispronounce words to make them sound dirty, and shove other classmates into desks because they got super annoyed.
Oh wait...that last one was I did apologize, and I think he forgave me.  I'm pretty sure he forgave me.  We're good friends.
And I have a friend there, who a guy won't talk to anymore, simply because people at that school teased them mercilessly, and said that she liked him...when she didn't.  And it's happening again, with another guy.
And I get teased constantly, both among my family, and at school about guys.  My family is bound and determined I'm going to marry one of my guy friends, and everyone at school is bound and determined that I am madly in love with another one of my guy friends.
Well, guess what...I'm not.  And I'm not too sure I'm even gonna get married, or have kids.  Besides, I was told by someone that they can see me as a single lady.  I'm too independent anyway.  And argumentative, and opinionated....
Anyway, I just wanted to point out that just because "Bible" is tacked onto something doesn't make it Christian, and I wanted to point out that my school is slightly messed up sometimes.
OH!  And a guy who quit coming to our school came back to visit, and he looks WAY different.  He bleached his hair, and apparently he dyed his eyebrows, and eyelashes, and he wore a stocking cap IN SEPTEMBER, and he had super skinny jeans, and he looked WAY different.  WAY different.  If I don't stop saying that, that's all I will say, because he looks WAY different.
I really need a personal massage therapist....
I'm going to a Renaissance Festival on Saturday!!!  Okay, goodbye.
~Katie :)