Saturday, October 31, 2015

IBS vs. FHS Teacher Showdown!

So, I've been thinking recently about what would happen if there was a contest between the teachers at my old school and the teachers of my new school...who would win???  Here is how I believe the showdown would look....

Announcer:  From IBS, we have the music teacher, Mr. Miller, the science/history teacher, Brother Todd, the former English, now Bible teacher, Miss Montgomery; the former English teacher, Mrs. B.; the former English teacher Mrs. Weinand; and last, but not least, the P.E. teacher, Brother Steve!
*audience claps politely*
Announcer: And from FHS, we have the music teacher, Mrs. Fischer; the science teacher, Mr. Weilert; the English teacher, Mrs. Schlabach; the art teacher, Mr. Houghton; and last but not least, the weights/P.E. teacher, Mr. Barnett!
*audience claps politely*
Announcer: To begin, we will have the music teachers stand up...  Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Miller, come forward.
*they come forward willingly*
Announcer: Please, lead your choirs in warm-ups.  Mrs. Fischer...ladies first.
Mrs. Fischer: *leads choir in the 'bottle pop' round*
*audience claps politely*
Announcer: Mr. Miller, can you and your choir upstage her?
Mr. Miller:  *leads choir in 'Ho-ho-ho Hosanna'*
*audience claps politely*
Announcer: Excellent!  You both have done very well.  Mr. Miller, you appear to have a smaller choir, but despite that you've trained them well.  Mrs. Fischer, your choir is larger, but you have also trained them well.  We collected polls from students that have "served" under these teachers and out of three of Mr. Miller's students...previous or current...all three have stated that he is an excellent teacher and that they enjoy being in his class and doing choir tour with him.  However...for Mrs. Fischer...out of three of her students...they also enjoy class with her!  Congratulations!  It's a tie!  Now for the science teachers....
*they step forward*
Announcer:  Please, demonstrate how you teach your students about the metric system.
Mr. Weilert:  *condensed and fast forwarded*  We use the English system which not even the English use.  Here, look on these crackers...English AND metric.  *tosses behind*  Can of peas?  English AND metric.  *tosses behind*  Cereal?  English AND metric!  *tosses behind*.
Brother Todd:  *looks throughly stunned*  I think something might get broken if he keeps doing that....  *condensed and sped up*  The English and metric systems of measurement are both listed on everything except for--
Mr. Weilert:  What??  There's no English measurement.  That's because the scientific measuring system is the metric system.
Announcer:  Perhaps we should have taken appears that while Brother Todd is a more laid back person--
Mr. Weilert: What now, Katie?  You're sucking me dry girl!
Announcer:  *clears throat*  BROTHER TODD IS A MORE LAID BACK PERSON...however, though they have different methods of teaching are both good teachers.  There appears to be a bit more chaos in Brother Todd's room...we have live footage of a stepfather of one of the students coming into the room with a whale puppet singing a song about...about...saving whales...I don't even know...  HOWEVER...this tie, again...will be broken by the students...and again...unanimous on both sides!  Congratulations, gentlemen.
Announcer:  You notice that we only have four teachers that are competing...this is because some of the teachers Katie had at IBS, she only took those classes while attending IBS, such as math and others she's only taken at FHS, such as art.  As such, these teachers automatically win against the ones from the opposing schools.  Principals are disqualified as they are not technically teachers, but administrators. be continued...


Tuesday, October 27, 2015

League of Legends

As was mentioned a post or two ago, I've started playing this game called League of Legends.  It's a team based game and is really very fun when you have people to play with.  My ex, Josh, got me into the game and introduced me to two of his friends...well, four, really, but only two that played regularly, that also played League.
When you first start League, they have you play a tutorial game that really confuses you, but if you have friends that are playing, they then take you into Bot/AI games and teach you whatever it was that you misunderstood from the tutorial.  You're given a set amount of RP (Riot Points) with which to buy skins or champs or other things of that ilk.  When you play games, you get something called IP (Influence Points), with which you can buy champs with...maybe runes, but I've never bought runes, so I wouldn't know.  Once you run out of RP, you're out...unless you buy some with real-life money...which I'm not planning on doing.
Every week you have...ten...(?) free champions that you can play, without having to buy and/or own them.  These champions are what you play in the game and each one of them has five skills.  A passive, which you can't control, and four skills that you control via the Q, W, E and R buttons on your keyboard.  The R is known as the 'ult', or 'ultimate' and you can level it up three times; at level 6, 11, and 16.  When in a match, your champion can level all the way up to 18 and you can level up your skills each time you level up, but only until each skill (other than R) has 5 points in it.
In a normal match, there are three lanes (top, middle/mid and bottom/bot) and a jungle.  In a bot match, you have two top, one mid, and two bot.  In a normal match (or a ranked match) you have one top, one mid, two bot, and a jungler.  The role of the jungler is to kill jungle monsters and gank lanes.  Ganking means that they come out of the jungle and essentially ambush the enemies that are being meanie heads to their teammate.  The top laner is typically a bruiser (which means they do damage) or a tank (which means they can take a lot of damage without dying, the midlaner is usually a mage, who scales off of ap (ability power), the botlaners are a support (a champion who keeps other champions from dying and helps to set up kills, while usually not doing any killing at all), and an adc (attack damage carry), who is supposed to do a lot of damage and get a lot of kills.
Below is a map of Summoner's Rift, which is the map that is most typically played on.
Then there's also the matter of items.  Throughout the match, you will generate gold and you will also earn gold from killing minions, which are little things that aren't champions and don't do much damage, but love to have at each other and do little bits of damage to you.  You earn gold from destroying turrets, which attack you if you go in without a minion wave( which is why you kill the enemy minions), which is generated after...I'm not sure how many seconds each, but the first minion wave spawns at 1:30.  With the gold that you get, you can buy items to increase your armor, health, mana (which, for most champions, lets you use your skills that are on the qwer thingy, though some champs don't have them.  It can be pronounce man-uh, or mah-nah...I've heard both.), ability power, attack damage, yatta yatta yatta...ask your skilled friends what to build on your champs, k?  K.
Most items have smaller items that can be built into them and if you can't buy the entire item when you first back/recall (return to base, by pressing the b button, which takes 8 seconds to load you back there and if you sustain any damage your recall is canceled and you have to stay and fight.  This also rejuvenates your health and mana), you can usually buy the little items that are built into it.
There are other game modes where you can play with three people...or six people...or have only one lane...or have only two's a pretty in depth game, actually and I never realized how in depth before I started explaining it all....  I haven't even mentioned summoner spells or counter-jungling, or skins...wait, I mentioned skins, but I didn't explain them or anything.  There's a lot I didn't go into, actually.  There are a lot of champions to play and I own a grand total of...23...I think.
So, yes...this is my obsession, although I prefer to play with my friends.  There's also a game mode that is like the normal game mode that I mentioned, although it's called ranked.  For ranked, you play ten games and that's called your provisionals (I've played four so far) and then once you hit ten games, you can begin playing for something called LP (League Points...I think....) and once you hit 100, you get a rank.  There's bronze, silver, gold, diamond, platinum...I think....  And I think they're in that order, as well.  I am currently unranked.  But, in order to even play ranked games, you have to be summoner level 30 and you level that up by playing more games, be they bots, or pvp (player versus player).
Again, this is my obsession.  It is not the reason why I stay up until midnight every night...tonight it's not midnight yet and also, I blog and talk to people and stuff like that...sometimes I try to clean my room a bit....
To the people who hear about League all the time...I'm so sorry.

Monday, October 26, 2015

To My Friend, Mike

I know I already made a blog post today, but then I went to my friend, Mike's, blog and read one of his posts.  I had a comment all typed up and it wound up being rather long, so I asked if he would mind me sharing his post, with my reply on my blog and he said that that was fine....

Mike's Blog Post

And here is my reply:

Sometimes crying shows strength. The man is supposed to be the example for the woman. If her man always holds back his tears and refuses to let them show, she may feel as though she needs to do the same.
Throughout the Bible, men have cried…and not just because of deaths. Jacob cried when he was reunited with his son, I believe Jacob and Esau cried when they saw each other and were making peace, the father of the prodigal son cried when he saw his son…so much crying…all by men… If God didn’t want people (male and female) to cry, he wouldn’t have made people designed to cry.
When a person is born…usually, the first thing they do after taking a breath, is cry. When you fall down, you cry. When you laugh too hard, you cry. When you suffer a painful break up, you cry. When you grow older, when you’re extremely happy, you cry. If you’re moved emotionally at all, you cry. Crying is good and healthy and something that is perfectly okay for men, women, boys, girls, babies, teens, preteens, and any other humans I may have left out to do.
God KEEPS your tears. He keeps them. In a bottle…and in a book. Psalm 56:8– “Thou tellest my wanderings: put thou my tears into thy bottle: are they not in thy book?” That wasn’t just for the writer of that psalm…that was for everyone. Including men. Which includes you.
And besides all of THAT, there are plenty of healthy reasons to cry. When you cry, it releases proteins that can cause bad moods or health issues…and I know what I’m talking about, I wrote a whole essay on it my Sophomore year of highschool. If you don’t want to cry around people, that’s fine and completely understandable…but don’t force yourself not to cry or feel weak for doing so…because it’s fine. Biblically and…professionally? No, that’s not the word I mean, but you understand what I mean, I hope.
I’m very much a hypocrite for saying this, because I force myself not to cry a lot of the time…I first remember doing that when I was four…so it’s something I need to remember too. Crying is a-okay.


Pros and Cons of Public/Private Christian Schools

I meant to do this a long time ago, so I'm sorry this took so long!  Awhile back, when I switched from being homeschooled to going to the Bible school, I made a pros and cons list.  I thought...well, why not do the same for private Christian school and public school?  We'll start with what I left....

Private Christian School

  1. Everyone knows everyone.
  2. Higher levels of freedom to worship God without being told to take it elsewhere..
  3. You don't have to worry about having Evolution crammed down your throat as a fact, instead of a theory, which is what it is.
  4. Smaller student to teacher ratio, so more one on one help.
  5. Christian songs and pretty hymns in choir.
  1. Everyone knows everyone.
  2. Hypocrites (yes, you'll see them everywhere and it is a con everywhere).
  3. Strict dress codes.
  4. At the school I just left, being forced to wear your hair in a bun at school.
  5. If your doctrinal beliefs are different, you're looked at oddly.
Public School
  1. A larger selection of electives.
  2. More opportunities to take the same class.
  3. Clubs!  For example, I am in FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes).
  4. Dancing is actually allowed....Psalm should be allowed in Christian schools too....
  5. A looser dress code...and yes, you can still be modest.  No, not everyone will choose to, but you can be.
  1. There's always that chance that you'll get told that Evolution is the only way the earth could have come into being.
  2. People may not always understand when you pray over your food or why you dress how you dress.
  3. Cuss words every day.
  4. A bigger student to teacher ratio (although my school is actually pretty small for a public school, so we do have a pretty good ratio)
  5. Having to awkwardly ask your Weights teacher if it's alright if you wear a skirt for your class instead of the required shorts...thankfully, he's also the sponsor of the FCA and understands why I wear skirts, why my mom wants me to wear skirts and why that's what I feel comfortable in, so he just nodded and said that it would be fine, so long as I had shorts underneath so no one would see my undies...actually, he didn't say so no one would see my undies, but it was implied.
So, as you can see, there are pros and cons to both least both of the ones I've attended....  And yes, I did, in fact, put 'everyone knows everyone' as both a pro and a con...because, honestly it is.  Everyone knows everyone, so you don't have to worry about talking to strangers...but also...everyone knows everyone, so if there's something going on in your's gonna be pretty dang easy for everyone to find out about it....


Sunday, October 25, 2015


My goodness, it's been forever since I've regularly blogged!  So...let's try a recap of the past year up until this point....

January--New Year, obviously...trying to remember specific things that happened that I want to share...not really any...actually....  That could have been when new management took over at the daycare I was working at, I'm not sure.  I suppose I could go get my journal and check, but I haven't been journalling regularly either.  Ahh, after reading back posts, I remember the most duh thing of all...I got my own computer!  Which I still use.
February--I'm kinda in the same boat with this month as well, I guess.  I've been focusing mostly on these recent months and working on school and things like that.  My back posts don't help any with this, because it was merely musings.  How in the world am I supposed to know things and little details that happened during this time period, if I don't write it down??  Again, I probably did in my journal.
March--...Okay, I'm not good at this....
April--I believe that this was the month that I felt a peace about switching schools.  It was also the month of the Junior/Senior Banquet, where my cousin Andrew (who is now at boot camp :'( ) took me, because he's a sweetheart.
May--I was one of the flag bearers (grrr, I iz scary bear) at the graduation, which was lovely, as most graduations are.  I also went to my uncle's niece's graduation and was favorably impressed by the school building and all dat.
June--I started Driver's Ed and either June or May I started playing League of Legends...if you want a life, don't start playing!  I met Mr. Barnett, who is also now one of my favorite teachers.  I also went to Abilene-not-in-Abilene-anymore Youth Camp, although I think I enjoyed it more my first year.
July--Makin' new friends through League all over da place--THAT'S A SHOUT OUT TO YOU WOLFIE!...and everyone else, but I talk to Wolfie the most....
August--Eep, school started!  I was so nervous and initially, she had me in the alto section, but said that if we thought it was the wrong place, just let us know, so I did and I am now where I belong with my high notes and all that jazz.
September--Auditions for the musical and I got the part of Olive, which I was secretly wanting really badly, but not wanting to say.
October--Hey, that's this month!  I think we did auditions for solos this month, but it could have been in September, near the end, and concert, which was awesome.  I had two solos (one I was really nervous and I wasn't angling my head right, so I sounded kinda pitchy) and had a blast doing them.
Now, let's see if maybe I can possibly post once a week or something.  Once a day is a little overkill...after all, you know, school, homework, things of that nature....  But, there's a recap of my year thus far!

Saturday, October 24, 2015


People have many freedoms in America.  I believe Miss Montgomery was talking about that in Geography last year...and one of the things she said is "You do not have the freedom to not be offended.".  And that makes a lot of sense.  After all, the freedom of speech cannot co-exist with the freedom to not be offended.
I can say whatever I want.  I could call someone ugly and that would be perfectly aligned with my freedom of speech.  Of course, it would most likely offend that person.  *I* am offended when I read people talking about how abortions are "okay" because I don't believe that way.  Guess what, it's their right.  They have the right to their own opinions and feelings and I have the right to my own opinions and feelings.
If someone has a blog or a radio show or a book and they put their opinions and feelings into it, SOMEONE, somewhere, will get offended.  There is a perfectly good solution to that...just don't read it.  Don't watch it.  Don't listen to it.  Of course, if you don't like it, you also have the freedom of speech to tell them you don't like it and that it hurts your feelings.  Does that mean they'll stop?  If it's a personal blog or book or something like that, probably not.  Because THEY have the right to put THEIR opinions and feelings out there, regardless of whether it offends you or not.  And while that can sometimes wind up with hurt feelings...that is a wonderful thing to be able to do.  Put your feelings and opinions out there freely....
