Oh my goodness! I can't wait!
Nine more days till Youth Camp!
Okay that was about all I wanted to say...
So yeah
~Katie :)
Hello, my name is Katie. I'm a fairly freethinking writer and a bit of a nerd...or geek...not as hyper as when this blog was originally made, but enjoy it anyway.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
People! I have horrible news! You know my camera? Well...I think it's dead. It got rootbeer spilled on it at Silver Dollar City, so it might just be stuck together, but still! My pour camera :'( And now all I have to take any pictures with is my webcam, which I can't take everywhere, and I can't take pictures of Maggie's little baby with it, and honestly, the pictures aren't that good of quality.
Oh yes, I can see you all tilting your heads in confusion. "Maggie?" You say. "Who is this, "Maggie"?"
And I answer you this... Maggie is a horsie. She's a paint horse who lives with two brown horses that I think are quarter horses, named Sage, and Stormy, and she just had the cutest ever little colt! A colt is a male baby horse, please remember that it's not both a male and a female. The female is a filly, and both is a foal.
He's like a light brown, and he's got a strip of white down his head. Just adorable. And now some of you are probably thinking, "Now, how does she know these horses so well? Does she own them? What is the name of this new baby horse, that is suposably a male?"
The answers to these questions is, they live very close to me, and are the closest to me owning horses as I will probably ever get, so no, I do not own them. I don't know the name of the new baby, but if I was naming it I would name it Salty, short for Salt Water Taffy, because that's what he reminds me of.
And if you're wondering how I know so much about horses in general, you can thank, or blame, my great sized intake of books, and numerous horse information look ups.
From Phantom Stallion, and Phantom Stallion Wild Horse Island I have learned that you never stand directly behind a horse. From an educational book I learned that you don't do that because that is one of the horse's few blind spots, so he can't see you, and may kick you accidently, or he may get scared and kick you on purpose.
From a riding club that I get to hang out with once a year I learned that when you groom a horse you are always careful to brush in the same direction of a horses hair, and that you always make sure that you get any little pieces of dirt stuck in it's hair out before saddling up, because if you don't then the dirt can really irritate them!
Now, I'll stop on my horse tirade...
Okay, no not quite yet... I wish I could have a horse of my own to ride, or live near a riding school where I could at least take riding lessons, but sadly I don't and can only ride once a year at Farm Heritage Days.
Okay, now I'm done!
But now for something just as bad if not worse! I can just see you guys going, "Uhoh, what's she gonna start off on now? Will it still be educational? Will it be stupid? AHH!"
Well, guess what. No, it's not really educational, it's more or less an excited "OH MY WORD I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOUTH CAMP IS NEARLY HERE!" rant.
Because, I seriously can't believe it! I'm so excited!
It's like eleven days away! ELEVEN!
I wonder what it will be like this year.
Here, I'll give you a breif summary of the people on my team last year.
There was my team sponsors Tony, and Sheryl, and I really started liking Tony because he gave me Mountain Dew! And then I liked Sheryl, because she howled like a wolf when the other girls and I hit the really high not in Oh Where is My Hairbrush!
Now for the boys:
Big Mark, big Mark had really hairy arms, so salt on arm, and ice on salt didn't hurt his arm. And once when I was looking for the other Katie (we had two Katies on my team) and I asked, him "Mark, where's Katie?!" he points at me, and says, "Right there!"
Little Mark, little Mark is awesome! His last name kinda makes me think about pickles, but he's awesome no matter what, and once we were looking for Big Mark, so we found Little Mark (well he found us) and we go, "Mark, where's Mark?!" and he laughed.
Brett, Eh, we didn't really hang out too much, but I know he's my age.
Nathan. He's the guy who sang that song that I shared a while back! Isn't he awesome! Although he was quite the joker....Oh yes, of course the only reason I want Skander Keynes to be a Christian is so I can marry him! Well, yes, of course he's cute, but...no...just...no... Also when Katie, Karen and I were singing The Hairbrush Song he shoved a pot at us and told us to dry...
And Tyrel, he's pretty cute, and he has brown eyes. Okay actually, all the guys in my team were cute. Couldn't help but notice, after all, I am a teen girl! One time I walked in the kitchen cause we were supposed to do dishes, and some ice fell into the ice maker, and he goes, "It's okay, it's just ice!" Cause I jumped.
Now for the girls!
Marissa. I didn't really like her too much, but hey, she's human too, so, yeah. She just struck me as the bossy I know it all type. Not opinionated, cause I'm opinionated, and I don't get upset at people for missing a ball that was flying toward them in the infield...
Jessica. I didn't really know her too well, but she's pretty, and has really curly hair, and I almost killed her with a knife while we were doing dishes.
Karen. I LOVE KAREN! Karen is one of my best friends. I knew her way before youth camp. She's sweet, and funny, and awesome, and crazy, and hyper, and still human. And I love her <3 Karen, if you're reading this, you're awesome and I love you.
Katie. Oh yes, the other Katie! She's awesome! And he second day, when we were all getting to know each other, her, Karen, and I were washing dishes and we started singing Love Story by Taylor Swift. Aren't we awesome? Her and I were almost inseperable the whole week!
And then there's me, but y'all know me so I needn't describe me!
Now the brief summary of our teachers/preachers.
Brother Avery was the main speaker, and he preached to everyone, and there were two times when he sent all the 9-12 year olds out and preached just to the teens about tough issues. And honestly we needed to hear them.
The Joe Stratton was the one who did the Teen Life Issues! He showed us all sorts of things about not being a kidult, and about gay people, and music, and all that awesome stuff.
I seriously had fun!
Then we also had choir, but I don't remember the name of the director, I just know he was awesome and taught us how to sing.
You know what I really don't get though? There's this one girl, and she always gets singing parts, and solos, and get this...her voice is always nasally! Now yes, her family is pretty popular in the church, because they do a lot of the work, and are elders and deacons and stuff like that, so what? People should get picked to sing because they can sing. Not because their parents are way up in the church. It's stupid!
Now, if she'd already been picked to sing a song, and then she got a cold that made her sound like that then I'd understand it, but seriously?
Okay, off my mini rant.
No, that wasn't a normal sized long rant, that was a mini rant.
Okay, now I have like...26 more minutes on the computer, so I'd better get goin. And yup, when I get off of here, I'm probably gonna start doing some packing. Not too much, but some.
Okay, la vi!
~Katie :)
Wait...what's la vi mean anyway?
Oh yes, I can see you all tilting your heads in confusion. "Maggie?" You say. "Who is this, "Maggie"?"
And I answer you this... Maggie is a horsie. She's a paint horse who lives with two brown horses that I think are quarter horses, named Sage, and Stormy, and she just had the cutest ever little colt! A colt is a male baby horse, please remember that it's not both a male and a female. The female is a filly, and both is a foal.
He's like a light brown, and he's got a strip of white down his head. Just adorable. And now some of you are probably thinking, "Now, how does she know these horses so well? Does she own them? What is the name of this new baby horse, that is suposably a male?"
The answers to these questions is, they live very close to me, and are the closest to me owning horses as I will probably ever get, so no, I do not own them. I don't know the name of the new baby, but if I was naming it I would name it Salty, short for Salt Water Taffy, because that's what he reminds me of.
And if you're wondering how I know so much about horses in general, you can thank, or blame, my great sized intake of books, and numerous horse information look ups.
From Phantom Stallion, and Phantom Stallion Wild Horse Island I have learned that you never stand directly behind a horse. From an educational book I learned that you don't do that because that is one of the horse's few blind spots, so he can't see you, and may kick you accidently, or he may get scared and kick you on purpose.
From a riding club that I get to hang out with once a year I learned that when you groom a horse you are always careful to brush in the same direction of a horses hair, and that you always make sure that you get any little pieces of dirt stuck in it's hair out before saddling up, because if you don't then the dirt can really irritate them!
Now, I'll stop on my horse tirade...
Okay, no not quite yet... I wish I could have a horse of my own to ride, or live near a riding school where I could at least take riding lessons, but sadly I don't and can only ride once a year at Farm Heritage Days.
Okay, now I'm done!
But now for something just as bad if not worse! I can just see you guys going, "Uhoh, what's she gonna start off on now? Will it still be educational? Will it be stupid? AHH!"
Well, guess what. No, it's not really educational, it's more or less an excited "OH MY WORD I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOUTH CAMP IS NEARLY HERE!" rant.
Because, I seriously can't believe it! I'm so excited!
It's like eleven days away! ELEVEN!
I wonder what it will be like this year.
Here, I'll give you a breif summary of the people on my team last year.
There was my team sponsors Tony, and Sheryl, and I really started liking Tony because he gave me Mountain Dew! And then I liked Sheryl, because she howled like a wolf when the other girls and I hit the really high not in Oh Where is My Hairbrush!
Now for the boys:
Big Mark, big Mark had really hairy arms, so salt on arm, and ice on salt didn't hurt his arm. And once when I was looking for the other Katie (we had two Katies on my team) and I asked, him "Mark, where's Katie?!" he points at me, and says, "Right there!"
Little Mark, little Mark is awesome! His last name kinda makes me think about pickles, but he's awesome no matter what, and once we were looking for Big Mark, so we found Little Mark (well he found us) and we go, "Mark, where's Mark?!" and he laughed.
Brett, Eh, we didn't really hang out too much, but I know he's my age.
Nathan. He's the guy who sang that song that I shared a while back! Isn't he awesome! Although he was quite the joker....Oh yes, of course the only reason I want Skander Keynes to be a Christian is so I can marry him! Well, yes, of course he's cute, but...no...just...no... Also when Katie, Karen and I were singing The Hairbrush Song he shoved a pot at us and told us to dry...
And Tyrel, he's pretty cute, and he has brown eyes. Okay actually, all the guys in my team were cute. Couldn't help but notice, after all, I am a teen girl! One time I walked in the kitchen cause we were supposed to do dishes, and some ice fell into the ice maker, and he goes, "It's okay, it's just ice!" Cause I jumped.
Now for the girls!
Marissa. I didn't really like her too much, but hey, she's human too, so, yeah. She just struck me as the bossy I know it all type. Not opinionated, cause I'm opinionated, and I don't get upset at people for missing a ball that was flying toward them in the infield...
Jessica. I didn't really know her too well, but she's pretty, and has really curly hair, and I almost killed her with a knife while we were doing dishes.
Karen. I LOVE KAREN! Karen is one of my best friends. I knew her way before youth camp. She's sweet, and funny, and awesome, and crazy, and hyper, and still human. And I love her <3 Karen, if you're reading this, you're awesome and I love you.
Katie. Oh yes, the other Katie! She's awesome! And he second day, when we were all getting to know each other, her, Karen, and I were washing dishes and we started singing Love Story by Taylor Swift. Aren't we awesome? Her and I were almost inseperable the whole week!
And then there's me, but y'all know me so I needn't describe me!
Now the brief summary of our teachers/preachers.
Brother Avery was the main speaker, and he preached to everyone, and there were two times when he sent all the 9-12 year olds out and preached just to the teens about tough issues. And honestly we needed to hear them.
The Joe Stratton was the one who did the Teen Life Issues! He showed us all sorts of things about not being a kidult, and about gay people, and music, and all that awesome stuff.
I seriously had fun!
Then we also had choir, but I don't remember the name of the director, I just know he was awesome and taught us how to sing.
You know what I really don't get though? There's this one girl, and she always gets singing parts, and solos, and get this...her voice is always nasally! Now yes, her family is pretty popular in the church, because they do a lot of the work, and are elders and deacons and stuff like that, so what? People should get picked to sing because they can sing. Not because their parents are way up in the church. It's stupid!
Now, if she'd already been picked to sing a song, and then she got a cold that made her sound like that then I'd understand it, but seriously?
Okay, off my mini rant.
No, that wasn't a normal sized long rant, that was a mini rant.
Okay, now I have like...26 more minutes on the computer, so I'd better get goin. And yup, when I get off of here, I'm probably gonna start doing some packing. Not too much, but some.
Okay, la vi!
~Katie :)
Wait...what's la vi mean anyway?
Okay, have I ever told anyone that I'm so excited for Youth Camp??? I cannot wait! But alas I have to wait 12 more days!
Have you ever heard of such cruel torture???
Okay, so yesterday was pretty awesome, I mowed Grammy and Grampy's yard, and then Papa took me driving (Papa and Grampy are the same person) but he took me in Uncle Stephen's car, which I really don't like.
It's too loose. The Jeep is so much nicer to drive, even if it doesn't have an a/c. The Jeep you have to push a lil harder, but the car...it turns too loosely, the pedals go down so much loser. I just really don't like it.
Anyway, done with my rant on Jeep vrs. Car.
Well, it's almost my curfew, soooo, g'nigh everyone!
~Katie :)
Have you ever heard of such cruel torture???
Okay, so yesterday was pretty awesome, I mowed Grammy and Grampy's yard, and then Papa took me driving (Papa and Grampy are the same person) but he took me in Uncle Stephen's car, which I really don't like.
It's too loose. The Jeep is so much nicer to drive, even if it doesn't have an a/c. The Jeep you have to push a lil harder, but the car...it turns too loosely, the pedals go down so much loser. I just really don't like it.
Anyway, done with my rant on Jeep vrs. Car.
Well, it's almost my curfew, soooo, g'nigh everyone!
~Katie :)
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Okay, most AMAZING thing ever! For one, today my cousin (Norma <3) turned 10. My my she's old! And I went to her birthday party, and finally met her best friend Josie. For another thing, I like Josie, true all the talk about her does get a little annoying sometimes, but it's nice to know that she's not a social reject spending all her time on the internet with internet friends, like I seem to be. Seriously, I have about two or three friends that are close enough to hang out with. I just clash with too many people. Now, here comes the best part! Norma's other friend, who is also my friend, named Jonnie was smashing eggs (raw) on everyone, and then she asked for a pickle. Well the pickles were sliced, so Josie and I threw pickles at her, both of us, at the same time.
Then it became a full on pickle war across the picnic table. We threw pickles at her, she threw them back, and then we moved it out from under the awning thingy, and it was an each for her own fight. I got hit in the head with a pickle!
Then!!! We took Aunt Becca's (Norma's mom) pantyhose that she used to tie us up during the three legged race, and tied pickles up in them, and hit people with the pickles until it was time for cake. And the cake was good.
I even added Josie as my friend on facebook. She's pretty awesome, and I can see why Norma likes her. We're very much alike.
And the creepy thing....Josie looks a lot like my friend Hannah. A lot like her.
Okay, just saying.
See ya later!
~Katie :)
Then it became a full on pickle war across the picnic table. We threw pickles at her, she threw them back, and then we moved it out from under the awning thingy, and it was an each for her own fight. I got hit in the head with a pickle!
Then!!! We took Aunt Becca's (Norma's mom) pantyhose that she used to tie us up during the three legged race, and tied pickles up in them, and hit people with the pickles until it was time for cake. And the cake was good.
I even added Josie as my friend on facebook. She's pretty awesome, and I can see why Norma likes her. We're very much alike.
And the creepy thing....Josie looks a lot like my friend Hannah. A lot like her.
Okay, just saying.
See ya later!
~Katie :)
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Confound it All!
Don't ask about the title I really don't know, but there's hardly any good titles for my blogposts, other than, "Hi," "hey," "Hello Again," stuff like that!
Anyway...Yep, my mind is still on Youth Camp. I don't think my mind will ever leave Youth Camp.
So, in this whole excited, I can't wait for Youth Camp rush, I'm trying to learn new hairdos! So far I have learned: The Four Strand Woven Braid (Four Strand Woven Braid Tutorial) Five Strand Messy Braid, (Cute Girl's Hairstyles) French Braid, (French Braid) and well, there's a few that I've come up with, but anyway, yeah, I really think I like this whole hairstyle thing. As long as I have 5 different hairstyles I think I'll be good. I say five, that way I can wear my hair in a ponytail, or normal braid for the games, and activities, and then for church I can wear it in something a little more fancy. I don't know.
If you guys/girls/random people out there have any hairstyle ideas, just let me know in the comments, because I have discovered that I love to do my hair.
Anyway, I should leave before I start boring you all with camp this, camp that, camp camp camp!
Anyway...Yep, my mind is still on Youth Camp. I don't think my mind will ever leave Youth Camp.
So, in this whole excited, I can't wait for Youth Camp rush, I'm trying to learn new hairdos! So far I have learned: The Four Strand Woven Braid (Four Strand Woven Braid Tutorial) Five Strand Messy Braid, (Cute Girl's Hairstyles) French Braid, (French Braid) and well, there's a few that I've come up with, but anyway, yeah, I really think I like this whole hairstyle thing. As long as I have 5 different hairstyles I think I'll be good. I say five, that way I can wear my hair in a ponytail, or normal braid for the games, and activities, and then for church I can wear it in something a little more fancy. I don't know.
If you guys/girls/random people out there have any hairstyle ideas, just let me know in the comments, because I have discovered that I love to do my hair.
Anyway, I should leave before I start boring you all with camp this, camp that, camp camp camp!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Nickle Nickle Eat-a Pickle?
Okay, so I don't know if everyone is like this, but me, I go through these phases where I watch/listen to almost nothing but a certain TV or radio show.
My new phase is......VEGGIE TALES!
Rack, Shack and Benny
^that is a episode from it.
I love Silly Songs with Larry! Larrry is for sure my favorite!
Alright, so now that we've covered the fact that I have phases, and that Nickle Nickle Eat-a Pickle? is my title for this post, I am going to move on to my new favorite topic.
Not counting today, or the day it starts, Youth Camp is...NINETEEN DAYS AWAY!!!
I'm soooo happy! I even have need to do, and need to pack lists already drawn out!
Here they are!!!
To Pack:
Box fan
Church Sandals
Play Sandals
Five T-Shirts
Three Denim Skirts (I keep trying to type that as demin!)
Three Church Outfits
Hair Stuff
Two Bottles of Mountain Dew
Mesh Laundry Bag
Sabin (My stuffed puppy)
Piano Books
Sketch Pad
Bible (forgot to list this at first, because it's a given at Youth Camp!)
Phone (my camp is one of the few camps where we're allowed to have cell phones)
Bottle (water bottle, ya know)
Youth Camp Notebook
That's all that I need to pack. And here's what I need to DO:
Buy Box Fan (Check!)
Buy Chapstick (Check!)
Sew together Hair Stuff bag
Buy Pencil Sharpener (Check! and it has an eraser along with it!!!)
Buy Minutes Card (Check! And it's for my stinkin' tracfone)
Wash my Backpack.
There we goooo. That's my lists!
Oooh, I should make a list of Bible verses that I want to say for my verses. What do you think? I think yes. But first....I'm going to decorate my notebook with my glitter paint.
Pictures of some stuff will be coming later on in the post ;)
I am so excited for Youth Camp!!!
Here's the link to the Youth Camp website, that I don't remember if I've posted or not.
Ochelata Youth Camp
I love Youth Camp.
Okay, it's later...
Me modeling my new sunglasses that I just bought yesterday.
I decorated them. With glitter paint that I also got yesterday!
This is Sabin, but stuffed puppy. Yes I still snuggle with him.
Sabin again. And yes, that is my blog in the background!
That is the thingy of my eraser.
My eraser is still in the package.
Okay, so I googled, Ochelata Youth Camp, and I found this!
I Don't Want Youth Camp To End
That guy was on my team last year! I'm pretty sure that he was, and if he wasn't then someone with the exact same name!
And he sang last year too!
And he was either 19, or 18 then, and that was three years ago, so he was close to my age then!
This is making me think about singing my song at Youth Camp. I did post here did I not?
He Loves Me Anyway?
God'll surely have to give me strength if he wants me to do that though. I get nervous and terrified to sing in front of people. Singing my own song, without accompaniment, in front of hundreds of people, will be nervewracking! I'll die!
I better start making out a will then huh? Haha, I'm kidding, I think I could do it. I'd just be shaking really bad throughout the whole thing. Like...really bad. So far I've never fainted, but I might, you never know. I just hope I don't stop breathing...
Goodness gracious! Why aren't I sleepy in the least?! It's 1:32!!! AM!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'm not tired because I still have work to do. I gotta take a shower, and do devotions, and go to bed. In that order. But I'm also gonna be doing stuff in between that, soo, yeah.
Gah, I hate stinkin' cravings. I'm craving Jalapeno Cheetos, Tropical Snos....a lot of food that we don't have...
OH! I saw the cutest thing while I was mowing today!
I was mowing, and then I saw this little thing running on the side of the road. At first I thought it was a mouse, but it didn't look quite like it, plus it was running too slow. The chase was on. I chased it on the road, then to the side of the yard, then further into the yard.
Then Mom comes out and says, "What are you catching?"
And I tell her, "I'm not sure, but it's not a mouse." And then she helps me catch it! I held it for a little bit, but then it jumped out of my hand, and ran far far away, and I wasn't able to catch it.
I'm pretty sure it was a shrew!
It looked like this:
Ain't it cuuuute? I had to find it on the internet, but I would really have taken pictures if I could have!
Alright, well, I'm off to finish VeggieTales, then off to bed I head. somewhat, I gotta take a shower first. And I might keep the computer on all night, and listen to the dramatized version of the Bible on Biblegateway.
~Katie :)
My new phase is......VEGGIE TALES!
Rack, Shack and Benny
^that is a episode from it.
I love Silly Songs with Larry! Larrry is for sure my favorite!
Alright, so now that we've covered the fact that I have phases, and that Nickle Nickle Eat-a Pickle? is my title for this post, I am going to move on to my new favorite topic.
Not counting today, or the day it starts, Youth Camp is...NINETEEN DAYS AWAY!!!
I'm soooo happy! I even have need to do, and need to pack lists already drawn out!
Here they are!!!
To Pack:
Box fan
Church Sandals
Play Sandals
Five T-Shirts
Three Denim Skirts (I keep trying to type that as demin!)
Three Church Outfits
Hair Stuff
Two Bottles of Mountain Dew
Mesh Laundry Bag
Sabin (My stuffed puppy)
Piano Books
Sketch Pad
Bible (forgot to list this at first, because it's a given at Youth Camp!)
Phone (my camp is one of the few camps where we're allowed to have cell phones)
Bottle (water bottle, ya know)
Youth Camp Notebook
That's all that I need to pack. And here's what I need to DO:
Buy Box Fan (Check!)
Buy Chapstick (Check!)
Sew together Hair Stuff bag
Buy Pencil Sharpener (Check! and it has an eraser along with it!!!)
Buy Minutes Card (Check! And it's for my stinkin' tracfone)
Wash my Backpack.
There we goooo. That's my lists!
Oooh, I should make a list of Bible verses that I want to say for my verses. What do you think? I think yes. But first....I'm going to decorate my notebook with my glitter paint.
Pictures of some stuff will be coming later on in the post ;)
I am so excited for Youth Camp!!!
Here's the link to the Youth Camp website, that I don't remember if I've posted or not.
Ochelata Youth Camp
I love Youth Camp.
Okay, it's later...
Me modeling my new sunglasses that I just bought yesterday.
I decorated them. With glitter paint that I also got yesterday!
This is Sabin, but stuffed puppy. Yes I still snuggle with him.
Sabin again. And yes, that is my blog in the background!
That is the thingy of my eraser.
My eraser is still in the package.
Okay, so I googled, Ochelata Youth Camp, and I found this!
I Don't Want Youth Camp To End
That guy was on my team last year! I'm pretty sure that he was, and if he wasn't then someone with the exact same name!
And he sang last year too!
And he was either 19, or 18 then, and that was three years ago, so he was close to my age then!
This is making me think about singing my song at Youth Camp. I did post here did I not?
He Loves Me Anyway?
God'll surely have to give me strength if he wants me to do that though. I get nervous and terrified to sing in front of people. Singing my own song, without accompaniment, in front of hundreds of people, will be nervewracking! I'll die!
I better start making out a will then huh? Haha, I'm kidding, I think I could do it. I'd just be shaking really bad throughout the whole thing. Like...really bad. So far I've never fainted, but I might, you never know. I just hope I don't stop breathing...
Goodness gracious! Why aren't I sleepy in the least?! It's 1:32!!! AM!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'm not tired because I still have work to do. I gotta take a shower, and do devotions, and go to bed. In that order. But I'm also gonna be doing stuff in between that, soo, yeah.
Gah, I hate stinkin' cravings. I'm craving Jalapeno Cheetos, Tropical Snos....a lot of food that we don't have...
OH! I saw the cutest thing while I was mowing today!
I was mowing, and then I saw this little thing running on the side of the road. At first I thought it was a mouse, but it didn't look quite like it, plus it was running too slow. The chase was on. I chased it on the road, then to the side of the yard, then further into the yard.
Then Mom comes out and says, "What are you catching?"
And I tell her, "I'm not sure, but it's not a mouse." And then she helps me catch it! I held it for a little bit, but then it jumped out of my hand, and ran far far away, and I wasn't able to catch it.
I'm pretty sure it was a shrew!
It looked like this:
Alright, well, I'm off to finish VeggieTales, then off to bed I head. somewhat, I gotta take a shower first. And I might keep the computer on all night, and listen to the dramatized version of the Bible on Biblegateway.
~Katie :)
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Tonight I would like to talk to you about "glamorph" this is short for, "Glamourous Morph." A glamorph is what happens when someone drinks Mountain Dew at 1:30AM, on a Saturday night.
To start with the person will drink the Mountain Dew, and then about 18 minutes after drinking it, get strong urges to clean their disastrous room.
After all===========================\/
It's very true.
The morph part comes into play because the person will nearly morph from being a tired person, as they should be, to a person who has more energy than...someone who has less energy.
As of right now I am watching--well, listening actually-- to The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe
And of course I'm blogging.
I'm thinking about how, as soon as the movie is over, I will switch my youtube over to my songs, and go take a semi short shower, and wash my hair, then come back into my room, and start cleaning. Always start with your bed. Or rather...start with your floor, so you have somewhere to toss all the junk you find on your bed, and then work on your bed. Or rather so you can toss everything on your bedside table on the floor, and then everything on your bed on the bedside table. I mean, that's what they're made for right?
Then, around...3:00, or 4:00 I will be sooo tired that I have no choice but to crawl into bed.
Actually, I'd better not be too tired, because I still need to have devotions.
I have those at night, because..well, it takes me forever to get fully woke up, and by then, Mom knows I'm awake, and unleashes her master plan. Set me to work. Either that or I get on the computer to talk to people. Either one is what normally happens.
And I always feed my bunny (Serenity) first thing in the morning. At least I try to remember to.
And I always feed her at night too. It said to feed her two or three times a day, and so I go on the two times. I should try the three times though. Once in the morning, once midday, and once at night before I fall asleep. Good plan?
Anyway, here's the beginning of Madam Moo Moo for you:
Once upon a time there was a cow. But no ordinary cow mind you! Oh no, and she would be very offended if you thought she was! This, was Madam Moo Moo. The most extraordinary cow you would ever meet.
One day she went for a loong walk, and stumbled across a zoo! She stepped in through the gates, and stood up on her hind legs, to walk like a human.
Surely if I walk like a human they'll think I am a human. She thought to herself.
It worked for a little bit, until a little girl, about five years old looked up at her daddy, and said, "Daddy, why's de cow walking on it's hind legs?" She batted her adorable green eyes up at her father, who looked back at her, and said,
"Well...I can't rightly say as I know why she's doing that. Maybe she's some sort of extraordinary cow who can do that."
Madam Moo Moo smiled. Someone who knew.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am extraordinary Sir," she walked up to him, "Thank you for noticing!"
Then, ignoring the shocked look on his, and his daughter's faces, she walked off.
Then she met some mean boys.
"Hey, look at that cow!" Called out one.
"It thinks that it's a human!" Laughed out another.
"Let's take it to the lion cage, and introduce her to Mr. Lion.." Suggested the most villianous of the trio.
The others quickly agreed.
"Hello, my dear pretty cow, what's your name?"
Madam Moo Moo was quite pleased to have someone seeking her out for a conversation, and answered, "My name is Moo Moo Maria Medly Marmosat Millver the Sixth, but I go by Madam Moo Moo."
The boy hadn't been expecting her to answer him. "Um, oh, okay, right this way Madam Moo Moo, I want to show you something."
Well it was around feeding time, and the keeper was in the lion cage, feeding the lions. Finally, he was done, and left, a little bit after Madam Moo Moo, and the Troublesome Terrifying Trio showed up. The trio jamed the door to where it wouldn't shut all the way, and the lion keeper never noticed. He was a very careless man.
Then, the boys convinced Madam Moo Moo to open the door with her hooves, then shoved her in, and shut the door tight behind her. Locking it from the outside, so she couldn't get out.
She was quite terrified.
"Please boys, please let me out! I want out! I don't like the way these lions are looking at me."
Of the lions there was the lionesses, Purrrsia, Clawdia, and Jane. There were two cubs, Jane's, she was the newest lion, and had been brought here from Africa pregnant. Sadly the stress of the journey caused her to miscarry the other three. The cubs were named, Dick, and Sally. Then there was a male lion, the leader of the whole group, Mr. Rawr.
Purrrsia, and Clawdia get very jealous very easily. Which is hard to understand, because Mr. Rawr doesn't like either of them anyway. Mr. Rawr has spent his whole 6 years of life looking for a woman/animal who understands him. So, yeah.
Purrrsia, and Clawdia surrounded Madam Moo Moo, and her heart began to beat faster, and faster, the closer the two lionesses got to her.
Jane, Dick, and Sally watched with Mr. Rawr.
"Well, look who it is...a cow, who walks with herrr hind legs..." Snarled Clawdia.
"Not a verrry good looking cow eitherrr." Purred Purrsia.
Clawdia got closer, and Purrsia followed.
"Oh, um, hello ladies. Such beautiful fur you have, however do you get it to lay so flat and shinny?" Madam Moo Moo's eyes darted from side to side, this was the scariest thing she had ever experienced.
The only response she got was a snarl, and bared teeth.
"Frrresh meat is so much betterrr than frrrozen meat..."
Madam Moo Moo froze. Her blood ran cold. They were going to eat her!
A loud rawr came from behind the two lionesses.
"Oh don't worrry Mr. Rawr, you'll get your share too. Don't worry about that."
"I wasn't worried about that ladies. I want you to leave the cow alone." He responded.
"Make us." They said in unison.
The large male lion leaped in front of Madam Moo Moo, and snarled at the two lionesses, who backed off, seeing that their leader meant business.
"What is your name cow?" He asked kindly. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever set his big golden eyes upon. And no not for dinner. Never for dinner. She was far too lovely for that.
She let out a breath that she hadn't known she was holding. "My name is Moo Moo Maria Medly Marmosat Millver the Sixth, but you can call me Madam Moo Moo. That's what all my friends call me."
"Well, Madam Moo Moo, we must get you out of here, or I'm afraid my roommates will try to eat you."
"Mr. Rawr, I may be of assistance..." It was Jane.
"How so?"
Jane proceeded to show them how to sneak up onto the top of the encloser , that way they could get out. And soon Madam Moo Moo was on her way.
"Please! Madam Moo Moo, come visit me? Maybe?"
With a happy sigh, and a smile directed toward the big lion, she said, "If I can, I surely will!" And batted her eyelashes at him.
Then with a happy heart, and high spirits this cow grew wings and flew back to her farm, where all the other animals asked what in the world was wrong with her.
The End
There, what'd you think?
Alright, you loved it, goodbye.
~Katie :)
To start with the person will drink the Mountain Dew, and then about 18 minutes after drinking it, get strong urges to clean their disastrous room.
After all===========================\/
It's very true.
The morph part comes into play because the person will nearly morph from being a tired person, as they should be, to a person who has more energy than...someone who has less energy.
As of right now I am watching--well, listening actually-- to The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe.
The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe
And of course I'm blogging.
I'm thinking about how, as soon as the movie is over, I will switch my youtube over to my songs, and go take a semi short shower, and wash my hair, then come back into my room, and start cleaning. Always start with your bed. Or rather...start with your floor, so you have somewhere to toss all the junk you find on your bed, and then work on your bed. Or rather so you can toss everything on your bedside table on the floor, and then everything on your bed on the bedside table. I mean, that's what they're made for right?
Then, around...3:00, or 4:00 I will be sooo tired that I have no choice but to crawl into bed.
Actually, I'd better not be too tired, because I still need to have devotions.
I have those at night, because..well, it takes me forever to get fully woke up, and by then, Mom knows I'm awake, and unleashes her master plan. Set me to work. Either that or I get on the computer to talk to people. Either one is what normally happens.
And I always feed my bunny (Serenity) first thing in the morning. At least I try to remember to.
And I always feed her at night too. It said to feed her two or three times a day, and so I go on the two times. I should try the three times though. Once in the morning, once midday, and once at night before I fall asleep. Good plan?
Anyway, here's the beginning of Madam Moo Moo for you:
Once upon a time there was a cow. But no ordinary cow mind you! Oh no, and she would be very offended if you thought she was! This, was Madam Moo Moo. The most extraordinary cow you would ever meet.
One day she went for a loong walk, and stumbled across a zoo! She stepped in through the gates, and stood up on her hind legs, to walk like a human.
Surely if I walk like a human they'll think I am a human. She thought to herself.
It worked for a little bit, until a little girl, about five years old looked up at her daddy, and said, "Daddy, why's de cow walking on it's hind legs?" She batted her adorable green eyes up at her father, who looked back at her, and said,
"Well...I can't rightly say as I know why she's doing that. Maybe she's some sort of extraordinary cow who can do that."
Madam Moo Moo smiled. Someone who knew.
"Yes, as a matter of fact, I am extraordinary Sir," she walked up to him, "Thank you for noticing!"
Then, ignoring the shocked look on his, and his daughter's faces, she walked off.
Then she met some mean boys.
"Hey, look at that cow!" Called out one.
"It thinks that it's a human!" Laughed out another.
"Let's take it to the lion cage, and introduce her to Mr. Lion.." Suggested the most villianous of the trio.
The others quickly agreed.
"Hello, my dear pretty cow, what's your name?"
Madam Moo Moo was quite pleased to have someone seeking her out for a conversation, and answered, "My name is Moo Moo Maria Medly Marmosat Millver the Sixth, but I go by Madam Moo Moo."
The boy hadn't been expecting her to answer him. "Um, oh, okay, right this way Madam Moo Moo, I want to show you something."
Well it was around feeding time, and the keeper was in the lion cage, feeding the lions. Finally, he was done, and left, a little bit after Madam Moo Moo, and the Troublesome Terrifying Trio showed up. The trio jamed the door to where it wouldn't shut all the way, and the lion keeper never noticed. He was a very careless man.
Then, the boys convinced Madam Moo Moo to open the door with her hooves, then shoved her in, and shut the door tight behind her. Locking it from the outside, so she couldn't get out.
She was quite terrified.
"Please boys, please let me out! I want out! I don't like the way these lions are looking at me."
Of the lions there was the lionesses, Purrrsia, Clawdia, and Jane. There were two cubs, Jane's, she was the newest lion, and had been brought here from Africa pregnant. Sadly the stress of the journey caused her to miscarry the other three. The cubs were named, Dick, and Sally. Then there was a male lion, the leader of the whole group, Mr. Rawr.
Purrrsia, and Clawdia get very jealous very easily. Which is hard to understand, because Mr. Rawr doesn't like either of them anyway. Mr. Rawr has spent his whole 6 years of life looking for a woman/animal who understands him. So, yeah.
Purrrsia, and Clawdia surrounded Madam Moo Moo, and her heart began to beat faster, and faster, the closer the two lionesses got to her.
Jane, Dick, and Sally watched with Mr. Rawr.
"Well, look who it is...a cow, who walks with herrr hind legs..." Snarled Clawdia.
"Not a verrry good looking cow eitherrr." Purred Purrsia.
Clawdia got closer, and Purrsia followed.
"Oh, um, hello ladies. Such beautiful fur you have, however do you get it to lay so flat and shinny?" Madam Moo Moo's eyes darted from side to side, this was the scariest thing she had ever experienced.
The only response she got was a snarl, and bared teeth.
"Frrresh meat is so much betterrr than frrrozen meat..."
Madam Moo Moo froze. Her blood ran cold. They were going to eat her!
A loud rawr came from behind the two lionesses.
"Oh don't worrry Mr. Rawr, you'll get your share too. Don't worry about that."
"I wasn't worried about that ladies. I want you to leave the cow alone." He responded.
"Make us." They said in unison.
The large male lion leaped in front of Madam Moo Moo, and snarled at the two lionesses, who backed off, seeing that their leader meant business.
"What is your name cow?" He asked kindly. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever set his big golden eyes upon. And no not for dinner. Never for dinner. She was far too lovely for that.
She let out a breath that she hadn't known she was holding. "My name is Moo Moo Maria Medly Marmosat Millver the Sixth, but you can call me Madam Moo Moo. That's what all my friends call me."
"Well, Madam Moo Moo, we must get you out of here, or I'm afraid my roommates will try to eat you."
"Mr. Rawr, I may be of assistance..." It was Jane.
"How so?"
Jane proceeded to show them how to sneak up onto the top of the encloser , that way they could get out. And soon Madam Moo Moo was on her way.
"Please! Madam Moo Moo, come visit me? Maybe?"
With a happy sigh, and a smile directed toward the big lion, she said, "If I can, I surely will!" And batted her eyelashes at him.
Then with a happy heart, and high spirits this cow grew wings and flew back to her farm, where all the other animals asked what in the world was wrong with her.
The End
There, what'd you think?
Alright, you loved it, goodbye.
~Katie :)
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Hello fair citizens of the realm. I am Katie ____ and I will be your guide on a magical tour throughout the land.
On your left is a stack of stuffed animals.
On your right there is a messy bedside table,
And a bunny cage, complete with a bunny rabbit.
Ain't she cute?
Straight ahead of you is a computer screen
That shows I'm on blogger....
And howrse!
I'm also on facebook, but I'm rather unsure about having anyone look at my page, because it has me, and some of my good friends popped up on chat, soooo.
Okay, done with the tour.
Remember yesterday, when I said that I had my notebook, and that Serenity chewed it?
Well, here's a picture of the nibbledness:
And another picture. She nibbled three big white holes in it!
Noooo nibbles! Whoot whoot! And my brown/tan ducttape is about the same shade as the actual binding! I'm so glad I found it!
And I said something about getting you guys the link for the homemade, handmade flowers, did I not?
Well today is your lucky day! Okay, not really, it has to be a pretty sad day if you're here, just reading everything I say, and looking at my weird pictures that I took.
Flower Pattern Thingy
There you go!
I interrupt this live footage of my foot:
to bring you breaking news!
Just recently--earlier today as a matter of fact-- a woman was spotted coming into my room! Her name? MOM!
Here's her mug shot.
She woke me up, with a, "Get up." and a, "You need to clean your room today."
We have seen a picture of the suspect, now we must see another picture. Of my room. And we can decide together if this is a fair accusation, or if we must do something...this something being hug Mommy until she feeds me.
There, what do you think? Yeah, I know, I know...
I'll clean it tonight, at midnight. I can tell that it really does need cleaned.
It has stuff all over the floor, and my desk is covered in "junk." It's not really junk, it's just some stuff I have. Clothes that need mended, papers that have no actual place just for them, I think maybe a shoe or two? You already saw my bedside table, and my dresser isn't much better.
I don't really need a bigger room, because, my room is fairly large...but, I could so use a big huge bedroom as big as the living room.
I think I'd do good in a big huge Victorian mansion.
I like how they look, and I'd like their space too.
Now, if you excuse me, I have "work" to do. Work as in, look up and master some hairdos for Youth Camp, and write down a check list in my Youth Camp note book of all the things I'll need for Youth Camp.
Here's the basic list:
Okay, I have my Bible, I cannot transport my piano, and I'm not that good at my Irish Whistle. Not good enough that I could play it up there in front of people. I've got towels and sheets around here somewhere. I still need to buy my new camp fan. I have no ball equipment, whatsoever. Well except for a basketball named Roger. I have not enough but too many church clothes. I say that because, I have sooo many, but all the ones I actually like get rips, or tears in them. I don't get it. I have plenty of play clothes. Several t-shirts, and thanks to my pastor's wife, Aimee, and her mom, I have a bunch of new skirts. I got three from her, and Aunt Melody gave me one. And, my mom will have to take care of the Medical Release Form.
As for the don'ts.... I do have a ring, but I can put it on a type of chain, and keep it in my Bible. I'm not a boy. I always wear skirts or dresses to the knees. They're either right below the knee, or right above the ankle, or lower than the ankle. I can't take it like mid-calf. It bugs me so much, and makes me feel like my skirt's really short. I always wear sleeves, and do knives used to sharpen pencils count as weapons? If so, then I will need to get a pencil sharpener.
Okay, so I just went and asked Mom if it would be considered a weapon, and she says that it might be, and that I should probably get a pencil sharpener.
Alright, now I'm off.
Love y'all! Well, I should anyway, because we're to love our neighbors as our selves, and all that jazz. Speaking of which, I should try listening to Jazz, I might like it. I like almost every single kind of music there is so...yeah.
~Katie :)
On your left is a stack of stuffed animals.
On your right there is a messy bedside table,
And a bunny cage, complete with a bunny rabbit.
Ain't she cute?
Straight ahead of you is a computer screen
That shows I'm on blogger....
And howrse!
I'm also on facebook, but I'm rather unsure about having anyone look at my page, because it has me, and some of my good friends popped up on chat, soooo.
Okay, done with the tour.
Remember yesterday, when I said that I had my notebook, and that Serenity chewed it?
Well, here's a picture of the nibbledness:
And another picture. She nibbled three big white holes in it!
Thankfully, God made....DUCTTAPE!
That is a song about ducttape.
You can't even see the nibbles anymore!
Noooo nibbles! Whoot whoot! And my brown/tan ducttape is about the same shade as the actual binding! I'm so glad I found it!
And I said something about getting you guys the link for the homemade, handmade flowers, did I not?
Well today is your lucky day! Okay, not really, it has to be a pretty sad day if you're here, just reading everything I say, and looking at my weird pictures that I took.
Flower Pattern Thingy
There you go!
I interrupt this live footage of my foot:
to bring you breaking news!
Just recently--earlier today as a matter of fact-- a woman was spotted coming into my room! Her name? MOM!
Here's her mug shot.
She woke me up, with a, "Get up." and a, "You need to clean your room today."
We have seen a picture of the suspect, now we must see another picture. Of my room. And we can decide together if this is a fair accusation, or if we must do something...this something being hug Mommy until she feeds me.
There, what do you think? Yeah, I know, I know...
I'll clean it tonight, at midnight. I can tell that it really does need cleaned.
It has stuff all over the floor, and my desk is covered in "junk." It's not really junk, it's just some stuff I have. Clothes that need mended, papers that have no actual place just for them, I think maybe a shoe or two? You already saw my bedside table, and my dresser isn't much better.
I don't really need a bigger room, because, my room is fairly large...but, I could so use a big huge bedroom as big as the living room.
I think I'd do good in a big huge Victorian mansion.
I like how they look, and I'd like their space too.
Now, if you excuse me, I have "work" to do. Work as in, look up and master some hairdos for Youth Camp, and write down a check list in my Youth Camp note book of all the things I'll need for Youth Camp.
Here's the basic list:
Okay, I have my Bible, I cannot transport my piano, and I'm not that good at my Irish Whistle. Not good enough that I could play it up there in front of people. I've got towels and sheets around here somewhere. I still need to buy my new camp fan. I have no ball equipment, whatsoever. Well except for a basketball named Roger. I have not enough but too many church clothes. I say that because, I have sooo many, but all the ones I actually like get rips, or tears in them. I don't get it. I have plenty of play clothes. Several t-shirts, and thanks to my pastor's wife, Aimee, and her mom, I have a bunch of new skirts. I got three from her, and Aunt Melody gave me one. And, my mom will have to take care of the Medical Release Form.
As for the don'ts.... I do have a ring, but I can put it on a type of chain, and keep it in my Bible. I'm not a boy. I always wear skirts or dresses to the knees. They're either right below the knee, or right above the ankle, or lower than the ankle. I can't take it like mid-calf. It bugs me so much, and makes me feel like my skirt's really short. I always wear sleeves, and do knives used to sharpen pencils count as weapons? If so, then I will need to get a pencil sharpener.
Okay, so I just went and asked Mom if it would be considered a weapon, and she says that it might be, and that I should probably get a pencil sharpener.
Alright, now I'm off.
Love y'all! Well, I should anyway, because we're to love our neighbors as our selves, and all that jazz. Speaking of which, I should try listening to Jazz, I might like it. I like almost every single kind of music there is so...yeah.
~Katie :)
Madam Moo Moo Goes Woo Hoo?
Yeah, about that title I have no idea. I'm thinking I might just make a short humor story with some sort of animal that...um, is named Madam Moo Moo, and she's married to Mr. Rwar...and yeah, a Cow and a Lion are married... Um, and their child is Miss Quackerz. Yes. Perfect. And Madam Moo Moo lives on a farm, and Mr. Rawr lives in a zoo, and they have a forbidden love, which means MMM has to sneak out of her cattle stall every night to go visit her husband in the lion pen, however, the lion pen is full of other ferocious lions who think that cows are food, so Mr. Rawr has to jump on the top, and encourage MMM to try to jump over the moon, like the cow in Hay Diddle Diddle.
So yeah, um, anyway...
I'm pretty sure it starts on the 9th of July. See, then it would be soooo awesome, I'm bound to meet a ton of different people, probably a bunch of cute boys.
Okay, see, there's cute boys, and there's church boys, and when you have cute church boys you know that everything is awesome. Mhm. Cute boys are awesome, church boys are better, but a combination of the two... *sighs dreamily*
Huh what??? Oh yeah, sorry, thinking about cute church boys, which really abound at that camp. And no, I'm not just going for the guys. I'm going because it's utterly awesome, and my cousin Norma is going, and there's Softball. SOFTBALL! I like Softball! It's awesome fun! Volleyball on the other hand... Gah. I hate that game, all it ends up with is me having bent over fingers :'(
See, last time I went, (first time I went too) we checked in, then went to the girls dorm, and got me settled in with Karen. We were sharing a room. I don't think we're doing that this year though. I'll prolly have my own room. Oh well, I don't think she would want me squished up against her anyway, which if I had trouble sleeping I would end up scooting over next to her.
I sleep better when I'm snuggling with someone. My mom is just the opposite though. She sleeps better with a cat, and that's it. But I always end up snuggling with her because I can't sleep, or because I'm too cold, (thankfully not now!) or because I had too much energy juice, otherwise known as Mountain Dew.
Oh, speaking of Youth Camp, I drank about a can of Mountain Dew per day. I'm not sure I'll be able to do that this year.
As of now I don't even have 30 dollars to my name. I still need to get a minutes card, and a few other things for my trip to camp.
A minutes card because I need to text my mom to let her know how I am, that I'm getting up at 7AM, going to bed at 12AM, and not being able to sleep at 1AM. Why's she up that late anyway?!
Okay, so yeah YOUTH CAMP AWAITS!
Today I went to WalMart near here, about 45 minutes, which is a lot further away than the one in the town a lil closer, (see if I name any names you stalkers will pinpoint my whereabouts, stalk me, and then skin me for supper, and I really don't think my Mom would like that, especially when I'm not even really allowed out by myself after 10PM, and if you did all that I wouldn't be back by then.) to see my cousins, (Jaylee, and Prince Charming (Justin) and Aunt Melody, she's awesome ya know? Okay, no you don't know, because you've never met my family, unless you're in my family or knows us in real life, but if you're just someone on the internet who I've never met in rl yet, then you haven't met my family, unless you met them, and I didn't know that.
Anyway, we were at that WalMart, and Mom and I decided to do some shopping, because we needed to go shopping anyway. At least for some things.
Well, Mom told me to wait till Monday for a phone card, and then we were walking through the crafts section, and I found something awesome! PRECUT CLOTH! Awesome or what?
This cloth ^ is to be used for a handmade cloth flower. I'll get y'all the link another time if I remember it.
This is to be part of a hair thingy's bag for camp!
The other part for the bag. Which I'm going to make myself. See, this part is going to be used for the outside, I think, and the other part is going to be used for the inside, and the normal orange will be used for a pocket on the outside, and this printed stuff will be for a little pocket inside. Awesome right?
This is what they both look like together. Trust me though, they look a lot nicer in real life, I don't know what was up with my camera. I guess it just decided to go wacko on me. This reminds me, I should see if I could take my camera--or rather the camera, even though I use it more--to Youth Camp.
Okay, remember those flowers I was talking about? Tada! I made one from scrap cloth. Once more, I'll get you the link to the pattern another time. I would try to help you figure it out yourself, but, well....I stink at teaching people stuff unless I can just show them. I also learn better if I'm shown. Like, pictures, or videos, or something like that.
And this is the cloth I bought just for the flower. My mom already had plenty of buttons, so I didn't worry about buying any of them.
While at WalMart I found a notebook. I love notebooks. I mean seriously, give me notebooks, trinket boxes, and pets, and I will love you forever. If any of these things have anything to do with horses or cats I will love you ever longer. I also like brown. But I don't like pink.
But alas my poor notebook. I placed it on top of Serenity's cage (bunny, remember?) and she nibbled it! She nibbled the binding. Now I am so sad. And somewhat mad at her. She is so lucky that I love her.
Anyway, after stopping at WalMart, eating at Subway, and having an awesome time with my awesome family, we went to Grammy and Grampy's. Awesome place.
Then best of all.....wait for it....wait for it........wait a little longer...........
PAPA TOOK ME DRIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He took me to the builders supply, which also has dog food, and then to Casey's so we could get some gas to fill up the Jeep, and then we went driving all over town, so I could practice turning, then we went to the Lake, so I could practice staying between two lines.
I'm not sure, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Why, I didn't even run over a mail box! And there were several for the hitting, so yeah. I'm getting the hang of it. I think I should work on parking between two lines though, I kinda stink at that.
Well, um, I'm so sleepy I can't tell a badger from a honey stick. Um, well no, I'm kidding, I'm not that tired...I'm just a little bit *yawwwwwwwwwwnnnn* sleepyish.
Oh wait, I'm already in bed!
Night night fair citizens of the realm!
~Katie :)
So yeah, um, anyway...
I'm pretty sure it starts on the 9th of July. See, then it would be soooo awesome, I'm bound to meet a ton of different people, probably a bunch of cute boys.
Okay, see, there's cute boys, and there's church boys, and when you have cute church boys you know that everything is awesome. Mhm. Cute boys are awesome, church boys are better, but a combination of the two... *sighs dreamily*
Huh what??? Oh yeah, sorry, thinking about cute church boys, which really abound at that camp. And no, I'm not just going for the guys. I'm going because it's utterly awesome, and my cousin Norma is going, and there's Softball. SOFTBALL! I like Softball! It's awesome fun! Volleyball on the other hand... Gah. I hate that game, all it ends up with is me having bent over fingers :'(
See, last time I went, (first time I went too) we checked in, then went to the girls dorm, and got me settled in with Karen. We were sharing a room. I don't think we're doing that this year though. I'll prolly have my own room. Oh well, I don't think she would want me squished up against her anyway, which if I had trouble sleeping I would end up scooting over next to her.
I sleep better when I'm snuggling with someone. My mom is just the opposite though. She sleeps better with a cat, and that's it. But I always end up snuggling with her because I can't sleep, or because I'm too cold, (thankfully not now!) or because I had too much energy juice, otherwise known as Mountain Dew.
Oh, speaking of Youth Camp, I drank about a can of Mountain Dew per day. I'm not sure I'll be able to do that this year.
As of now I don't even have 30 dollars to my name. I still need to get a minutes card, and a few other things for my trip to camp.
A minutes card because I need to text my mom to let her know how I am, that I'm getting up at 7AM, going to bed at 12AM, and not being able to sleep at 1AM. Why's she up that late anyway?!
Okay, so yeah YOUTH CAMP AWAITS!
Today I went to WalMart near here, about 45 minutes, which is a lot further away than the one in the town a lil closer, (see if I name any names you stalkers will pinpoint my whereabouts, stalk me, and then skin me for supper, and I really don't think my Mom would like that, especially when I'm not even really allowed out by myself after 10PM, and if you did all that I wouldn't be back by then.) to see my cousins, (Jaylee, and Prince Charming (Justin) and Aunt Melody, she's awesome ya know? Okay, no you don't know, because you've never met my family, unless you're in my family or knows us in real life, but if you're just someone on the internet who I've never met in rl yet, then you haven't met my family, unless you met them, and I didn't know that.
Anyway, we were at that WalMart, and Mom and I decided to do some shopping, because we needed to go shopping anyway. At least for some things.
Well, Mom told me to wait till Monday for a phone card, and then we were walking through the crafts section, and I found something awesome! PRECUT CLOTH! Awesome or what?
This is to be part of a hair thingy's bag for camp!
The other part for the bag. Which I'm going to make myself. See, this part is going to be used for the outside, I think, and the other part is going to be used for the inside, and the normal orange will be used for a pocket on the outside, and this printed stuff will be for a little pocket inside. Awesome right?
This is what they both look like together. Trust me though, they look a lot nicer in real life, I don't know what was up with my camera. I guess it just decided to go wacko on me. This reminds me, I should see if I could take my camera--or rather the camera, even though I use it more--to Youth Camp.
Okay, remember those flowers I was talking about? Tada! I made one from scrap cloth. Once more, I'll get you the link to the pattern another time. I would try to help you figure it out yourself, but, well....I stink at teaching people stuff unless I can just show them. I also learn better if I'm shown. Like, pictures, or videos, or something like that.
And this is the cloth I bought just for the flower. My mom already had plenty of buttons, so I didn't worry about buying any of them.
While at WalMart I found a notebook. I love notebooks. I mean seriously, give me notebooks, trinket boxes, and pets, and I will love you forever. If any of these things have anything to do with horses or cats I will love you ever longer. I also like brown. But I don't like pink.
But alas my poor notebook. I placed it on top of Serenity's cage (bunny, remember?) and she nibbled it! She nibbled the binding. Now I am so sad. And somewhat mad at her. She is so lucky that I love her.
Anyway, after stopping at WalMart, eating at Subway, and having an awesome time with my awesome family, we went to Grammy and Grampy's. Awesome place.
Then best of all.....wait for it....wait for it........wait a little longer...........
PAPA TOOK ME DRIVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He took me to the builders supply, which also has dog food, and then to Casey's so we could get some gas to fill up the Jeep, and then we went driving all over town, so I could practice turning, then we went to the Lake, so I could practice staying between two lines.
I'm not sure, but I think I'm getting the hang of it. Why, I didn't even run over a mail box! And there were several for the hitting, so yeah. I'm getting the hang of it. I think I should work on parking between two lines though, I kinda stink at that.
Well, um, I'm so sleepy I can't tell a badger from a honey stick. Um, well no, I'm kidding, I'm not that tired...I'm just a little bit *yawwwwwwwwwwnnnn* sleepyish.
Oh wait, I'm already in bed!
Night night fair citizens of the realm!
~Katie :)
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Okay, yeah I know, oh wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Like...four days? My last post was on the 10th, and today is the 14th I think. Yup, it's the 14th.
I haven't really had anything to blog about. Nothing exciting, or so exceptionally boring that I felt the need to share it.
Lately all I've been doing has been crashing in my room, messin around on the computer, and watching movies. Oh, and feeding Serenity. Best bunny ever. Love her sooo much.
Of course later today, after the movie I'm watching, I'm heading up to the Grocery store to do my mopping. That's my job every Thursday.
Or Friday's if I'm unable to make it on Thursdays.
I'm also learning how to do a Fishtail braid! I googled it, and it looks easier than I thought it would be. I wonder if French Braiding would be as easy.
I normally hate French Braids, the main reason being that whenever they're done my hair gets pulled, and hurts my head.
Alrigh, well, off to finish my movie.
~ Katie :)
I haven't really had anything to blog about. Nothing exciting, or so exceptionally boring that I felt the need to share it.
Lately all I've been doing has been crashing in my room, messin around on the computer, and watching movies. Oh, and feeding Serenity. Best bunny ever. Love her sooo much.
Of course later today, after the movie I'm watching, I'm heading up to the Grocery store to do my mopping. That's my job every Thursday.
Or Friday's if I'm unable to make it on Thursdays.
I'm also learning how to do a Fishtail braid! I googled it, and it looks easier than I thought it would be. I wonder if French Braiding would be as easy.
I normally hate French Braids, the main reason being that whenever they're done my hair gets pulled, and hurts my head.
Alrigh, well, off to finish my movie.
~ Katie :)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Yeah, I have no real awesome news, or title, so I was just popping in to say hi, and to ask if you have any awesome stuff for me to talk about and get my opinion on!
Friday, June 8, 2012
All The Pretty Little Horses...
I just needed a title, and that song just came into my mind. It's a lullaby.
Guess what!!! I got to drive all the way from the town next to me! A whole thirty minute drive! And I did it all! I'm best at stopping, and starting, not too good at turning, (yet, cause I always overcorrect) although I do have the blinkers on and off figured out, and I know how the windshield wipers work.
See we were driving down the road, then I say, "Hey Mom, how do the windshield wipers work?"
She tells me, then says, "I think to squirt the liquid you pull it toward you."
I pull it toward me, and sure enough, that stuff comes out, and Mom says, "But don't do that yet, you're not experienced enough."
A lil late of a warning, and we made it through.
No one wreaked into me, and I didn't wreak into anyone. Not even an animal.
And today was the last day of VBS. *sad face*
I love Alexus, there's no getting around that fact. She's the sweetest little girl, and I found out that she's a foster kid. Not up for adoption though, and she won't be in the system 'til I'm old enough to foster her, so I can't do that, but I was told that I might be able to spend some one on one time with her though. Awesome or what? Awesome of course.
And then this Saturday is Flag Day!
It'll all be awesome!
Okay, so I was on youtube, and I clicked on a song while I was on a songs page, and oh my word, I think I'm hooked.
I mean there was this Tarzan and Jane song, and then there was a Bumble Bee song, (not the best, it got a lil suggestive in places, but it had a catchy tune, and I think I could make a Christian Parody of it) this led me to, Castle in the Sky, which led me to Butterfly I guess is what it's called.
It's like Electronic Japanese music I think?
Here's the link to the Butterfly one: Butterfly
Then here's Castle in the Sky, I really like it! Castles in the Sky
Yeah, I'm probably going to be posting songs and stuff, that way y'all are kept up to date on my music and stuff like that. That's just how I am.
Speaking of music, I am SO glad God made music.
Anyway, gotta run off now,
~Katie :)
Guess what!!! I got to drive all the way from the town next to me! A whole thirty minute drive! And I did it all! I'm best at stopping, and starting, not too good at turning, (yet, cause I always overcorrect) although I do have the blinkers on and off figured out, and I know how the windshield wipers work.
See we were driving down the road, then I say, "Hey Mom, how do the windshield wipers work?"
She tells me, then says, "I think to squirt the liquid you pull it toward you."
I pull it toward me, and sure enough, that stuff comes out, and Mom says, "But don't do that yet, you're not experienced enough."
A lil late of a warning, and we made it through.
No one wreaked into me, and I didn't wreak into anyone. Not even an animal.
And today was the last day of VBS. *sad face*
I love Alexus, there's no getting around that fact. She's the sweetest little girl, and I found out that she's a foster kid. Not up for adoption though, and she won't be in the system 'til I'm old enough to foster her, so I can't do that, but I was told that I might be able to spend some one on one time with her though. Awesome or what? Awesome of course.
And then this Saturday is Flag Day!
It'll all be awesome!
Okay, so I was on youtube, and I clicked on a song while I was on a songs page, and oh my word, I think I'm hooked.
I mean there was this Tarzan and Jane song, and then there was a Bumble Bee song, (not the best, it got a lil suggestive in places, but it had a catchy tune, and I think I could make a Christian Parody of it) this led me to, Castle in the Sky, which led me to Butterfly I guess is what it's called.
It's like Electronic Japanese music I think?
Here's the link to the Butterfly one: Butterfly
Then here's Castle in the Sky, I really like it! Castles in the Sky
Yeah, I'm probably going to be posting songs and stuff, that way y'all are kept up to date on my music and stuff like that. That's just how I am.
Speaking of music, I am SO glad God made music.
Anyway, gotta run off now,
~Katie :)
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Okay, wanna know something that I've noticed?! If I post my posts on facebook, then I get more views. Is that crazy or what?
Okay, so I wrote this song, and I'm going to record it, and put it on youtube. I literally wrote it. Music and all. Although I don't actually know what notes I'm singing. I just know the tune.
I had my own song stuck in my head earlier today! xD I wonder if that ever happens to singers like, Britt Nicole, or MercyMe, or Taylor Swift... Maybe it's just me? I don't know!!!
Here's the lyrics:
Actually, I just recorded it. Right now I have to check and make sure I sang it right, and then I have to convert it to a video file, and then I have to post it on youtube, and then I have to go mow, and then go mop.
Yep, I mop on Thursdays at the Grocery Store. It's pretty fun. I like it.
Mowing on the other hand...I guess it depends what I was doing, what I want to do, what time it is, how tired I am, and a ton of other stuff to consider.
Like if I'm really tired, I do not want to mow! I will almost start crying like a lil kid if Mom tries to make me go mow when I'm that tired. If I'm in the middle of something important, I also don't like doing it then. Most of the time I think I like it though.
It somewhat helps me relieve stress. I say somewhat, because sometimes I'm tired, and all it does is create more stress, because I'm tired, need to sleep, and can't.
About sleeping...I don't really want to sleep. Not when I'm awake anyway.
Okay, whoot whoot people!
He Loves Me Anyway
My song! I wrote and sang it. All by myself. I'm very proud of myself. Wait, proud is bad. Agh, I don't know, but anyway, I'm very happy.
Oh, and if you have time, check out Psalms 118. I like it. There's SO much that I underlined, and made notes on.
Okay, now I'm gonna skiddadle.
I'll type out another post lata!
~Katie :)
Okay, so I wrote this song, and I'm going to record it, and put it on youtube. I literally wrote it. Music and all. Although I don't actually know what notes I'm singing. I just know the tune.
I had my own song stuck in my head earlier today! xD I wonder if that ever happens to singers like, Britt Nicole, or MercyMe, or Taylor Swift... Maybe it's just me? I don't know!!!
Here's the lyrics:
Every tear I've ever cried, you've seen it... Every sorrow that I hide you know it. Every pain, and every woe, the shame that I can't get to go... You see it all you know it all you see it. And you, lift me out of the darkness, into the light, out of the night dark, and into morning bright. You, pull me out of the mess I made, full of shame, and sin. You know it all, you see it all, you love me anyway.That's it. Well, sort of, the last bit changes every time. I'll record and put it on youtube and then post it here! And on facebook. And...yeah that's all the social networks I really have. Well, I do have a twitter, but I don't really like twitter, and I don't get the point of it.
You pulled me out of the pit I hid in, like Zacheus in his tree, and you wraped your strong and loving arms around me, and are helping me to be who I should be.
You see it all, you know it all, you see it. And you, lift me out of the darkness, and into the light, out of the the night dark, and, into morning bright. You, pull me out of the mess I made, full of shame and sin. You see it all, you know it all, you love me anyway.
Dear Jesus, thank you for the love, that you have show, and Father God, for loving me, and helping me to grow. I know that you see the sings, the wrongs that I have done, please help me to live a better way.
You see it all, you know it all, you see it. And you, lift me out of the darkness, into the light. Out of the night dark, and into morning bright, you pull me out of the mess I made, full of sin and shame, you know it all you see it all, you love me anyway.
Oh yes you love me anyway. You love me anyway...You love me anyway.....
Actually, I just recorded it. Right now I have to check and make sure I sang it right, and then I have to convert it to a video file, and then I have to post it on youtube, and then I have to go mow, and then go mop.
Yep, I mop on Thursdays at the Grocery Store. It's pretty fun. I like it.
Mowing on the other hand...I guess it depends what I was doing, what I want to do, what time it is, how tired I am, and a ton of other stuff to consider.
Like if I'm really tired, I do not want to mow! I will almost start crying like a lil kid if Mom tries to make me go mow when I'm that tired. If I'm in the middle of something important, I also don't like doing it then. Most of the time I think I like it though.
It somewhat helps me relieve stress. I say somewhat, because sometimes I'm tired, and all it does is create more stress, because I'm tired, need to sleep, and can't.
About sleeping...I don't really want to sleep. Not when I'm awake anyway.
Okay, whoot whoot people!
He Loves Me Anyway
My song! I wrote and sang it. All by myself. I'm very proud of myself. Wait, proud is bad. Agh, I don't know, but anyway, I'm very happy.
Oh, and if you have time, check out Psalms 118. I like it. There's SO much that I underlined, and made notes on.
Okay, now I'm gonna skiddadle.
I'll type out another post lata!
~Katie :)
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
My Love, My Life, My Longing....IS TOTALLY THE POOL!
Okay, so hi everyone!
Awesome VBS day today, loved it! And I think that today has been the best day I've had in a loooong time!
See first I woke up at 8:00, took a shower, and washed my hair, and I really need to shave my legs, because as I tell my good friend Ronda, "I have leggy hairs." Then off I go to awesome VBS. Our VBS theme is Space Quest. I could see about finding some of the songs on youtube.
Aha, what do you know, I just found the theme song! Ignore the dancing people, and just watch it.
Space Quest VBS Theme
You know now that I think about it I might be able to find the theme song from a few years ago in 2010, that was one of my favorites. Son Quest Rainforest. I'll have to check it out, after I get to listen to that above theme song all the way. I've already added it to my likes! On youtube you know...
I've got to remember to add my music to my likes, and my videos you know, like the ones with speaking, to my favorites. Cause sometimes I want to listen to my whole likes list.
And here's my favorite non theme song to this years VBS. At least so far, who knows, I might meet more that I like!
As you can see, it's called The Countdown.
Okay, so there's this most adorable preschooler named Brian (I keep trying to say brain xD) and he has a twin sister named Faith, and a big brother named Trenton, and I don't know why their names are so important to what I'm about to share, but anyway... His dad was/is in the Army, and so he was telling me this (though I kind of already knew it) and he's sitting there, and in an oh so sweet lil preschooler voice says,
"When da sun is down here, and we're asweep, it's shining in Iwaq, and de Army nevew sweeps."
It was soooo cute!
And tada! I found the SonQuest Rainforest theme song!
SonQuest Rainforest
Anyway, now that you've heard my VBS stories of today...
When we got done from VBS Norma (my cousin that everyone thinks is my sister) and I went off to find the flag day medallion!
My town (she's from a smaller town, but is staying the week here because of VBS) has an anual Flag Day celebration, and for the past two years, and this year we have done a scavanger hunt. They give us clues, and we go off finding this medallion, and whoever finds it first calls Mr. Leake, and then we get $500!
The lady who owns the Grocery Store, (An awesome lady, who is...awesome) teams up with me every year, and then Norma teams up with both of us.
If we find the medallion we split it three ways. We could all use it!
Then after that Norma and I swam in Grammy's little pool at her house.
Then around 5:30 I headed to youth group, no one was there, so I headed home, then I headed back and there were people, and my awesome friend Jade!
Gotta love Jade! We hung out all Youth Group, till time to leave, and here I am now!
Love y'all!
~Katie :)
Awesome VBS day today, loved it! And I think that today has been the best day I've had in a loooong time!
See first I woke up at 8:00, took a shower, and washed my hair, and I really need to shave my legs, because as I tell my good friend Ronda, "I have leggy hairs." Then off I go to awesome VBS. Our VBS theme is Space Quest. I could see about finding some of the songs on youtube.
Aha, what do you know, I just found the theme song! Ignore the dancing people, and just watch it.
Space Quest VBS Theme
You know now that I think about it I might be able to find the theme song from a few years ago in 2010, that was one of my favorites. Son Quest Rainforest. I'll have to check it out, after I get to listen to that above theme song all the way. I've already added it to my likes! On youtube you know...
I've got to remember to add my music to my likes, and my videos you know, like the ones with speaking, to my favorites. Cause sometimes I want to listen to my whole likes list.
And here's my favorite non theme song to this years VBS. At least so far, who knows, I might meet more that I like!
As you can see, it's called The Countdown.
Okay, so there's this most adorable preschooler named Brian (I keep trying to say brain xD) and he has a twin sister named Faith, and a big brother named Trenton, and I don't know why their names are so important to what I'm about to share, but anyway... His dad was/is in the Army, and so he was telling me this (though I kind of already knew it) and he's sitting there, and in an oh so sweet lil preschooler voice says,
"When da sun is down here, and we're asweep, it's shining in Iwaq, and de Army nevew sweeps."
It was soooo cute!
And tada! I found the SonQuest Rainforest theme song!
SonQuest Rainforest
Anyway, now that you've heard my VBS stories of today...
When we got done from VBS Norma (my cousin that everyone thinks is my sister) and I went off to find the flag day medallion!
My town (she's from a smaller town, but is staying the week here because of VBS) has an anual Flag Day celebration, and for the past two years, and this year we have done a scavanger hunt. They give us clues, and we go off finding this medallion, and whoever finds it first calls Mr. Leake, and then we get $500!
The lady who owns the Grocery Store, (An awesome lady, who is...awesome) teams up with me every year, and then Norma teams up with both of us.
If we find the medallion we split it three ways. We could all use it!
Then after that Norma and I swam in Grammy's little pool at her house.
Then around 5:30 I headed to youth group, no one was there, so I headed home, then I headed back and there were people, and my awesome friend Jade!
Gotta love Jade! We hung out all Youth Group, till time to leave, and here I am now!
Love y'all!
~Katie :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Space Quest!
I had an AWESOME VBS today. Soooo awesome. And there's just this cutest little girl, and her name is Alexus, (and yes, it is spelled right) I want to kidnap her! But I won't, because she's awesome, and sweet, and cute, and her parents would miss her.
I feel like so far, I helped more today then I did yesterday. I guess because I'm starting to come out of my shell. Yay for coming out of my shell!
Okay, I have like this whole thing going where I say, "Yay for ____" whether I like it or not.
A lot of the time I'm being sarcastic.
Like, "Yay for broken toes!" that would be sarcastic. Or, "Yay for broken hearts!" or, "Yay for youtube loading slower than a snail!" Stuff like that, that's what I normally say. However, it really is "Yay for coming out of my shell!" because I can be sooo shy sometimes.
Yeah, I betcha didn't see that one coming! No matter how social I am on the internet, or in my blog, I'm really shy.
People are just...frightening I guess. Especially guys.
See here, I go, and then I get to know people, and either I'm hyper and social and annoying, or I'm shy and quiet, and mysterious (or maybe not mysterious,) until I get to know you. Then you see the real me, who is more...sometimes hyper, sometimes social, a little more open, scared, and then there's the wounds/scars that very very very very very VERY few people ever see.
Especially not in rl.
Someone asked me why I could be more open to people on the internet that I've never met in real life, and yet have trouble opening up to people I know and love in real life.
I doubt that they read my blog, and since they're gone for a few weeks anyway, I doubt they'll ever see this post, but I'll still post the answer that I came up with.
When you open up to people on the internet that you don't know in real life, and are probably never going to meet in real life, the worst they can do is call you a freak, and never talk to you again. While it may hurt, it won't hurt as much as it would if you told someone you know in real life, and loved, and trusted, and they said that you were a freak and never talked to you again.
Sometimes I'm scared to risk that. Especially if I really care about that person, and need them.
And I also have trust issues.
Try getting me to do a trust fall is hard! Just ask my friend Kayden. He went through this stage where he would randomly fall, and I would catch him. He would trust fall. And it took him forever to get me to trust fall, because I was too scared he wouldn't catch me.
Oooh, if any of you would like an update on my bunny, (Serenity Jael (My last name) ) here it is!
She's getting sooo big, and she's sooo cute! We went to Orchlands and bought her a big bunny cage/house, that's much better than the cat carrier she used to be in.
It came with a wooden hidey hole, a litter pan (which she uses as a bed) a food dish, and a little treat. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable bunny in the world, and she deserves the best.
Well, I'm off to watch a movie, then probably mow, (ugh)
sooo see y'all later!
~Katie :)
I feel like so far, I helped more today then I did yesterday. I guess because I'm starting to come out of my shell. Yay for coming out of my shell!
Okay, I have like this whole thing going where I say, "Yay for ____" whether I like it or not.
A lot of the time I'm being sarcastic.
Like, "Yay for broken toes!" that would be sarcastic. Or, "Yay for broken hearts!" or, "Yay for youtube loading slower than a snail!" Stuff like that, that's what I normally say. However, it really is "Yay for coming out of my shell!" because I can be sooo shy sometimes.
Yeah, I betcha didn't see that one coming! No matter how social I am on the internet, or in my blog, I'm really shy.
People are just...frightening I guess. Especially guys.
See here, I go, and then I get to know people, and either I'm hyper and social and annoying, or I'm shy and quiet, and mysterious (or maybe not mysterious,) until I get to know you. Then you see the real me, who is more...sometimes hyper, sometimes social, a little more open, scared, and then there's the wounds/scars that very very very very very VERY few people ever see.
Especially not in rl.
Someone asked me why I could be more open to people on the internet that I've never met in real life, and yet have trouble opening up to people I know and love in real life.
I doubt that they read my blog, and since they're gone for a few weeks anyway, I doubt they'll ever see this post, but I'll still post the answer that I came up with.
When you open up to people on the internet that you don't know in real life, and are probably never going to meet in real life, the worst they can do is call you a freak, and never talk to you again. While it may hurt, it won't hurt as much as it would if you told someone you know in real life, and loved, and trusted, and they said that you were a freak and never talked to you again.
Sometimes I'm scared to risk that. Especially if I really care about that person, and need them.
And I also have trust issues.
Try getting me to do a trust fall is hard! Just ask my friend Kayden. He went through this stage where he would randomly fall, and I would catch him. He would trust fall. And it took him forever to get me to trust fall, because I was too scared he wouldn't catch me.
Oooh, if any of you would like an update on my bunny, (Serenity Jael (My last name) ) here it is!
She's getting sooo big, and she's sooo cute! We went to Orchlands and bought her a big bunny cage/house, that's much better than the cat carrier she used to be in.
It came with a wooden hidey hole, a litter pan (which she uses as a bed) a food dish, and a little treat. She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable bunny in the world, and she deserves the best.
Well, I'm off to watch a movie, then probably mow, (ugh)
sooo see y'all later!
~Katie :)
Monday, June 4, 2012
Woohoo! VBS at the Baptist church started today, and it's awesome! The theme this year is: Space Quest. We're learning about the simalerities between the sun, and the Son. Well, at least that's what we learned about today. The sun lights up the world, and the Son lights up our lives.
I'm a helper, helping with the four and five year olds. They're so cute. So far there's two that I think are really cute.
A little girl with blonde hair, and a cute little nose, kind of shy, with a sweet smile, and then another little girl also with blonde hair, but a lot more outgoing.
They're both cuties.
I was planning on taking pictures but I got distracted. I'll try to take some tomorrow.
Right now I'm actually watching Nim's Island with my cousin Norma.
She's awesome.
My cousin, not Nim. Well actually, they're both awesome. I can see myself doing stuff like Nim does. The whole climbing a volcano thing, and the learning from birds, and turtles, and seals, and all that.
Did I tell everyone about my trip to the creek? It was awesome.
I climbed rocks, and then slipped down the cliff once, so Mom hooked up a rope for me to hold onto. Then I climbed up with the rope, and Mom helped me the rest of the way up once I was able to get to where she could reach me.
Kayden said I was crazy for taking the hard ways, but I guess that that's my way of challenging myself. Some people see how long they can go without eating, see if they can beat everyone in their class in a race, or something like that.
Me, I challenge myself by doing hard things. By seeing if I can sign the cards for my library cards faster than my librarian can stamp them, by seeing if I can type more words per minute than I already do, and by climbing hard to climb cliffs. That's my way of challenging myself.
When I slipped down the cliff I cut/scraped my arm, and took some of the whatcamicallit off my finger nail, of my ring finger on my right hand.
But yeah, it was all awesome.
Anyway, more posts later ;)
~Katie :)
I'm a helper, helping with the four and five year olds. They're so cute. So far there's two that I think are really cute.
A little girl with blonde hair, and a cute little nose, kind of shy, with a sweet smile, and then another little girl also with blonde hair, but a lot more outgoing.
They're both cuties.
I was planning on taking pictures but I got distracted. I'll try to take some tomorrow.
Right now I'm actually watching Nim's Island with my cousin Norma.
She's awesome.
My cousin, not Nim. Well actually, they're both awesome. I can see myself doing stuff like Nim does. The whole climbing a volcano thing, and the learning from birds, and turtles, and seals, and all that.
Did I tell everyone about my trip to the creek? It was awesome.
I climbed rocks, and then slipped down the cliff once, so Mom hooked up a rope for me to hold onto. Then I climbed up with the rope, and Mom helped me the rest of the way up once I was able to get to where she could reach me.
Kayden said I was crazy for taking the hard ways, but I guess that that's my way of challenging myself. Some people see how long they can go without eating, see if they can beat everyone in their class in a race, or something like that.
Me, I challenge myself by doing hard things. By seeing if I can sign the cards for my library cards faster than my librarian can stamp them, by seeing if I can type more words per minute than I already do, and by climbing hard to climb cliffs. That's my way of challenging myself.
When I slipped down the cliff I cut/scraped my arm, and took some of the whatcamicallit off my finger nail, of my ring finger on my right hand.
But yeah, it was all awesome.
Anyway, more posts later ;)
~Katie :)
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Here's my interviews. The first interview is from Tyler.
interview, Age 19:
What's your opinion on short shorts?
That they're disgusting. And that they arouse way too much lust in
Me: I
guess that means I don't have to ask the follow up question to that
question. What about skinny jeans? Same thing for the same reason?
Yup. And short skirts.
Do you have the same opinion for tight and lowcut shirts?
Define lowcut.
Showing cleavage
Oh. as long as it's not too much cleavage, I don't have a problem
with it. But if half your breasts are hanging out of your shirt,then
you need to get a new shirt.
Mkay. Do you think that girls/women should realize the effect that
they're having, and change the way they dress, even if it's just a
little bit at a time?
Okay, I can't think of any other questions to ask here. Thank you
Tyler :)
Yup, I interviewed a Tyler, and a Tyrel....
Interview, Age 16:
Okay, first off, what is your opinion on short shorts, and why?
Tyrel: Ummm.... They are okay but when
women wear them without anything over them then it is rather
provocative. Lol
Me: Okay..and skinny jeans? Same as
short shorts, for the same reason? Or is that different?
Tyrel: Well skinny jeans are like you
just took a bottle of spray paint and sprayed your legs with it.
Me: KIK! I love that way of wording
it!!! What about tight shirts, or low cut shirts that show cleavage?
Tyrel: Tight shirts are quite
revealing. It is kind of hard to focus on the girl's face with low
cut shirts which the whole point of modesty is to draw attention away
from the body and to the face.
Me: Okay. I have ONE more question. Do
you think that it's the girls/womans responsibility to do all they
can to dress in a way that will make guys look at their face instead
of other features?
Tyrel: Yes but the guys (brothers,
fathers, etc.,) close to those ladies have the responsibility of
letting them know in a nice way that their clothes are not modest.
And a side note: Modesty is more than just not showing skin.
Me: It's also the way you carry
yourself. Right?
Tyrel: Well yes, and how you handle
yourself around the opposite sex.
I so totally love knowing people with the same name and age as me!
Interview, Age 14:
what is your view on short shorts?
Katie: They're comfortable at points.
Me: So, yes, and because they're
comfortable? What about skinny jeans, and why?
Katie: They are way too tight they are
really hard to get in and out of.
Me: Okay. What about tight, or low cut
shirts? By low cut I mean cleavage showing.
Katie: I think it is annoying, and very
nasty for a girl to have her cleavage hanging out. And tight shirts
don't really bother me!
Me: Okay, one more question.
Katie: Okay.
Me: If you found out that the way you
were dressing was turning guys on, and making them lust, would you do
all you could to dress in a way that made it easier for them to look
at your face?
Katie: Depends on the guy.... lol jk
maybe I don't know. I think that decision would come if that
happens, but more than likely yes
Me: Okay. Thank you
Katie: No problem
She wanted to have an alias, so, I gave her one, and yes, that is her real age.
Interview, Age 12:
What is your opinion on short shorts? And why the
Shanaynay: I think that we don't need
to wear them. They make our dear men stumble and think thoughts that
don't need to be thought.
Me: Okay. And skinny jeans?
Shanaynay: I think as long as they're
not too tight it's fine.
Me: Okay. And tight shirts, or low cut
shirts? By low cut I mean shirts that show cleavage
Shanaynay: Low cut is a DEFINITE no.
Your boobs belong IN your shirt.
Me: Okay. Next question: if you ever
found out that the way you were dressing was turning guys on, and
causing them to lust after you, would you do everything you could to
change it to where you WEREN'T effecting them in such a way?
Shanaynay: Yup. Anything else?
Me: Yeah, I just typed it up there.
Would you like me to retype it?
Shanaynay: No hang on.
Me: Okay
Shanaynay: If I was dressing modestly
then there's nothing I can do. I mean, I'm not gonna block myself
from him because something about me turns him on. But if I was
wearing something like a low cut shirt then I would definitely
correct it.
He told me that he would like to remain anonymous, so I have respected his wishes.
Male, 17-21:
What's your opinion on short shorts?
Annon Male: on guys or girls?
Me: Girls
Annon Male: Uhh give me some time
Me:If you decide you don't wanna be
interviewed you don't have to be. I'm trying to get guys opinions,
and girls opinions about this kind of clothing, because of a "debate"
that a girl and I got into
Annon Male: Okay-okay
Me: I need to find more guys to
interview. I didn't realize till now that don't know very many guys
Annon Male: Okay, let me proof read
this statement then I'll send it to you for my answer.
Me: Okay.
Annon Male: First off short shorts
draws obvious attraction to the legs. You cannot expect them to be
“unnoticed”. By wearing them you are indirectly asking men to
look at your legs. I think it is important to know that if you have a
boyfriend wearing these in public is disrespectful to your
relationship as you are asking other men to look at your legs. You
cannot get around the fact that you are show casing your legs to
people whether or not you want to. I would continue to say that this
is principle applies to being married, and even more severely because
of the vows you took. I would also like to say that there is no pride
in wearing them even if you’re single as you’re lowering yourself
to the standards of hookers and prostitutes. Furthermore, it is not
only affecting you socially but I believe it to be immodest and thus
immoral. I refuse to comment on the attraction of such attire.
Me: Does that also apply to low cut,
and tight shirts, and skinny jeans?
Annon Male: Honestly I would have to
say it would, whether I would like to admit it or not.
Me: Okay, in that case, I have one more
question. Do you think that it's important for a woman/girl to
realize this, and take responsibility to dress modestly, and call
more attention to their face, than their body?
Annon Male: Of course. Save that stuff
till you're married. I heard somewhere that women are statistically
more prone to date rapes than not when dressing immodestly. It is
important for women to realize how they dress can affect themselves
and others around them. In some cases, as mentioned previously, more
severely than others.
Me: That was all I had. Thank you. Not
only was this the shortest interview I had, this was also the most in
depth interview.
My big brother's interview :) I just had to interview him.
Interview, Age 18:
What's your opinion on short shorts?
Me: Short like the pant part can be
anywhere from the length of your middle finger, or as long as your
Donny: Well honestly, then it depends
Me: And why do you have that opinion?
Donny: If it's some random girl walking
down the street, and she's wearing them, and she's hot, I'm gonna
have a very hard time not looking for under 3 seconds. Actually if
shes hot I'm gonna have a hard time not looking for under 5 seconds.
But at the same time, if she has a boyfriend/fiance' or is married,
I'm pretty sure he isn't going to want me looking at his girl. With
my hormones, I'm not gonna NOT look.
But it would be better if she didn't
have them so I'm not tempted. Basically what im saying is, that is
for their husbands/boyfriends/fiance' only. It's fine if my girl is
wearing them around me, as long as its MY girl, and its JUST around
Also, with short shorts, sometimes you
see grannies wearing them, and that's something you DON'T want to
see. I've also seen .... larger girls wear them, and, well, no,
Bottom line, only I see ONLY my girl in
them. other girls, you're either too hot, too ugly, too old, too fat,
or just not MY girl. Or too young.
Me: Okay. Does that also go for skinny
jeans, or do you have another opinion on them?
Me: And the exceptions are?
Donny: Grannies, no. You can wear
jeans, but not skinny jeans. larger girls, I'm sorry, you call it
discrimination if i say no, but, they are called "skinny"
jeans, not "fat" jeans. I've seen them and they just,
just....wear jeans, normal jeans. girls who are younger its not so
bad. Girls who are around my age it's okay, and women it's okay up to
40, after that...eh no..... girls who are hot, umm be careful who you
wear them around. Girls who are ugly, if you have nice legs, then
its actually a plus. as for MY girl, don't wear them around me unless
you want me to get excited. Oh, short shorts on mothers is a no, but
skinny jeans is okay, up to 45. I meant 40, not 45
Me: Okay...What about tight shirts, or
low cut (cleavage showing) shirts?
Donny: Same thing for the short shorts
Me: Okay, I have one more question
Donny: Okay.
Me: Do you think that women/girls,
should realize that the way they dress effects guys like it does, and
try to dress in a way that will make him want to look at her face,
instead of other parts of her body?
Donny: Well yes, they need to realize
how it effects guys, but the way they dress will still be up to them.
However they need to know that dressing a certain way is going to get
a certain type of attention. So it's all on the attention they want.
This is my brother's friend, who I randomly interviewed.
Interview, Age 18:
Me: The first question is, what is your
opinion on short shorts?
Andrew: ....if they're tight on a
person then their slutty, if not its fine just don't wear them
Me: Okay..what about skinny jeans?
Andrew: their fine as long as they
don't show them off everywhere, A lot of girls I know are doing that
Me: Mkay. What about tight shirts, or low cut (cleavage showing)
Andrew: Those are the worst
every girl I know now are wearing those. I might be a guy but I

m a gentleman, and in my opinion girls
shouldn't show off their body just to get attention.
Me: Okay, now here's my last question:
do you think that girls/women should take the responsibility to dress
in a manner that will make you want to look at her face, more than
her chest? Or butt
Andrew: Neither. They should based on
their personality, not their looks. Anybody can look hot on the
outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts.
Me: That's true. Should they take the
responsibility to dress to where guys like them because of their
personality, instead of because they look like a slut?
Andrew: Correct
Me: Okay. Thank you
This is the interview of another guy that I consider my big brother. Even though he isn't.
Interview, Age 31:
Me: What's your opinion
on short shorts?
Benji: From
what I have heard and read, Biblical modesty requires the trunk of
the body to be covered from the neck to the knee (the arms are not
part of the trunk). Based on that, short short (and most other shorts
as well) are not acceptable.Me: Okay, my next question is, what is your opinion on skinny jeans?
Benji: Modesty requires that the body be covered, and that the form of various parts of the body should not be revealed. Jeans that show the exact contour of a person's bottom and upper legs are immodest. This is especially true for girls since guys are affected by visual stimuli much more than women are. Me: Okay, does this also go for tight shirts, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Benji: Yes. Shirts should also not be form fitting.
Me:Last question: Do you think that women/girls should be made aware how guys are effected by the way they dress, and take the responsibility to dress more modestly?
Benji:Yes, I do. While the responsibility for lusting after a woman does ultimately lie with the guy, an immodest lady does tempt the guy to be impure and therefore the lady has some of the responsibility as well. The Bible is very clear that we are not to be a stumbling block (something that causes someone else to mess up) to others.
Me:Okay, that's all I've got. Thank you!
My friend Bekah's interview. She was the first girl I interviewed.
Bekah's Interview, Age 16:
Me: Ooookayz, here's the first question: What's your opinion on short shorts? ANd why
Okay okay okay. How short do you mean? I think there should be a
limit to how short your shorts are in public. I usually just go by
if my mom will let me wear them in public because she's pretty strict
about that stuff. But like, I have a pretty strong sense of modesty
usually too, so you know.
Okay, what about skinny jeans (like skin tight) or words on the butt?
And tight or low cut shirts? By low cut I mean cleavage showing.
Skinny jeans: I don't think you should wear jeans that are so tight
they show EVERYTHING. I think it's okay to wear jeans that are that
style, just not so tight they looked like you were poured into them.
If you were told that the way you were dressing was causing a guy to
get turned on, or lust, and he was NOT your husband, would you be
willing to change the way you dress?
Tight shirts: Again, you need to have a limit. I mean, it's okay to
wear shirts that show your figure, but they shouldn't be so tight
that you show everything. Low cut shirts that show cleavage: I don't
think that you should wear shirts that are very low cut, especially
if you have a lot of cleavage haha! And I really think that you
shouldn't show ANY cleavage when you're very young.
What about the answer to that last question?
Bekah: To the last
question: Yes. I honestly would. I mean, the Bible says that if you
cause someone to stumble, then you're held partly responsible for
their sin. All us girls need to start taking more responsibility for
the way we dress. Because it's not just about looking cute and
wearing the latest fashion trends. I mean, that's all well and good,
but you have to remind yourself of who's going to be seeing you
wearing those clothes.
Okay, thank you very much Bekah!
You are very welcome!
I interviewed my aunt. She lives in the Phippines, and married my uncle, so, yup she's my aunt!
Me: The first question is what's your opinion on short shorts?
Me: Okay, what about skinny jeans?
Aunt Maricel: The last time your uncle asked me to wear mini skirt in the mall, I felt so uncomfortable..I always see to it that no one behind me looking at my legs..so I didn't use it again...

Me: So would you feel the
same way about skinny jeans?
Aunt Maricel: For
me you can wear skinny jeans, but you need to wear a blouse that will
hide our private parts...a blouse or shirt that will not let men
concentrate on looking at our behind..
Me: What about tight shirts, or low cut (cleavage showing) shirts?
Aunt Maricel: Well..its all against church standard of clothing..so if I were you, don't wear those..just stay on the church dress code..and always think that GOD that is looking at you..so you wont wear those kind of clothes..
Me: If it came down to
it, and you found out that you were turning guys on, and making them
lust, would you do everything in your power to dress in a way that
wouldn't do that?
Aunt Maricel: I'm
not doing that..I want men like me for what I have inside, and what I
am capable of doing..I mean my ability..and not because of my body.
That's why I love your uncle..because when he saw me wearing short
shorts inside the house and asked me that we will go out ..he asked
me to changed my clothes...
Me: That's all I've got for you so thank you!
Emma's interview...
Emma's Interview, Age 18:
Me: Alright, the first question is, what is your opinion on short shorts?
Emma: I think they're tacky, immodest,
and don't need to be worn unless you're in the bed sleeping. You
might as well be wearing just your panties
Me: Mkay, and what about skinny jeans?
Emma:I like skinny jeans as long as the
back of the jeans aren't like skin tight.
Me: What about tight, or low cut
(cleavage revealing) shirts?
Emma: If they're too low I like tanks
under them. Makes them stylish and modest. I don't like too tight of
a shirt but fitted shirts are nice.
Me: Okay, one last question. If you
found out that the way you were dressing, was causing men/boys to get
turned on, or lust after you, would you do all you could to dress
modestly, so as not to do that?
Emma: I dress modestly already so if
its causing them to be turned on then they have a serious problem.
Me: Okay, thank you, that's all I've
Okay, her real name isn't Banana, but that's the nickname I use for her, because that's what I call her. I think her real name is Miriam, but...I never call her that.
Me: Okay, the first question is: What's
your opinion on short shorts?
Banana: They're fine once your butt
cheeks aren't hanging out...
Me: What about skinny jeans?
Banana: I love skinny jeans...only on
girls...as long as it covers the top of your butt...
Me: Okay.. What about tight, or low cut
(cleavage showing) shirts?
Banana: I'm okay with slight cleavage,
but if your boobs are bouta fall out your shirt/dress, get a
Me: Okay, and now
for the last question. If you found out that the way you were
dressing was turning guys on, and causing them to lust, would you do
all you could to change that, and dress in a way that that wouldn't
Banana: Yeah cuz I don't want a guy
talking to me cuz he thinks he gonna get some, cuz he sure as heck
Me: Okay, that was all I had. Thank you

Banana: lol...you welcome
Of course I had to interview the woman who brought me into this world.
Me: What is your opinion on short shorts? And why?
Mom: Short shorts?
They're very immodest, cuz' they don't cover anymore than underwear,
and boxer shorts cover more.
Me: What about skinny
Mom: My opinion on skinny
jeans? They're also immodest, because they don't hide anything
either. And I haven't read the articles, only the titles, but uh,
I've read the titles that say, “suggest” that they're not good
for your health.
Me: How do you feel about
tight, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Mom: They're immodest.
And...I don't like em. ~laughs~
Me: Anymore you'd like to
Mom: No.
Me: Okay. If you ever
found out that the way you were dressing was immodest, and causing a
guy to stumble, would you do everything in your power to change that?
Mom: Um...Probably...
But I don't usually dress-well, I don't think I do anyway.
Me: Any side notes?
Mom: No.
Me: Okay then that's all.
Thank you for letting me interview you!
Mom: You're welcome.
This is the interview of a guy I call Nono... Because he told Banana that there was no way Noah could be given a nickname, and...well, she proved him wrong xD
Me: First question, what is your opinion on short shorts?
Noah: they suck
Me: What about skinny jeans?
Noah: acceptable but not my style
Me: Tight, or low cut (cleavage
revealing) shirts?
Noah: Would kill my daughter if she
wore one
Me: Okay, last question, do you think
that girls should realize how immodestly they're dressing, and dress
more modestly?
Noah: Yes
Me: Okay, that was it! Thank youuuu
I had my friend Bekah interview her friend Jacob, and here are the results.
What's your opinion on short shorts?
I enjoy looking at
short shorts on pretty girls, but not on other girls. Also, I don't
see why girls wear them because they show off their body to guys and
make them seem available.
is your opinion on skinny jeans?
They are weird, in my opinnion! They are tight and unattractive.
is your opinion on tight, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Well I think that they are well, fun to look at, but it makes me
think dirty thoughts about that girl and it makes some girls look
worse than they would otherwise. Also, so many shirts are cut so low
I can almost see girl's um, you know. It makes girls look um well
less innocent and invites dirty thoughts.
Do you think that women/girls should realize the effect they have,
and try to change, and dress more modestly?
Well-yes, if you don't want guys to always see you as a tool for sex
or think about them romantically, which for guys involves sexual
stuff then they should dress more appropriately. They wonder why guys
try to date them when they don't want or always want sex, their
outfit makes our naturally dirty thoughts worse!
And here's my interview.
1. What is my opinion on short shorts?
Answer: They're too short. Okay, you can wear them to bed, or when you're with your husband, but please don't wear them in public. My swim shorts are longer than those shorts, and my underwear is almost as long as them, so please, please don't wear them. In short, I don't like them.
2. What about skinny jeans?
Answer: They're too tight, and really not comfortable, and I really don't want to see someone's butt, and legs squished, into jeans... And yes I've worn them before, when playing dress up.
3. What is my opinion on tight, or lowcut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Answer: I don't like them. The skin tight shirts are too tight, but if they're form fitting, yet still loose I like them. About the lowcut, I don't like bending over, and having guys see my breasts...those are kind of private, and I wish to keep them that way until I'm married, and I decide to become a stripper for my hubby.
4. If I found out that the way I was dressing was effecting guys negatively, and turning them on, would I do everything I could to change that?
Answer: Yes I think I would. If I was already dressing modestly though, I think I might stay away from that guy, because apparently I'm turning him on by just being me.
Well, there's all the interviews. I hope you liked them!
~Katie :)
And here's my interview.
1. What is my opinion on short shorts?
Answer: They're too short. Okay, you can wear them to bed, or when you're with your husband, but please don't wear them in public. My swim shorts are longer than those shorts, and my underwear is almost as long as them, so please, please don't wear them. In short, I don't like them.
2. What about skinny jeans?
Answer: They're too tight, and really not comfortable, and I really don't want to see someone's butt, and legs squished, into jeans... And yes I've worn them before, when playing dress up.
3. What is my opinion on tight, or lowcut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Answer: I don't like them. The skin tight shirts are too tight, but if they're form fitting, yet still loose I like them. About the lowcut, I don't like bending over, and having guys see my breasts...those are kind of private, and I wish to keep them that way until I'm married, and I decide to become a stripper for my hubby.
4. If I found out that the way I was dressing was effecting guys negatively, and turning them on, would I do everything I could to change that?
Answer: Yes I think I would. If I was already dressing modestly though, I think I might stay away from that guy, because apparently I'm turning him on by just being me.
Well, there's all the interviews. I hope you liked them!
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