Monday, June 4, 2012


Woohoo!  VBS at the Baptist church started today, and it's awesome!  The theme this year is: Space Quest.  We're learning about the simalerities between the sun, and the Son.  Well, at least that's what we learned about today.  The sun lights up the world, and the Son lights up our lives.
I'm a helper, helping with the four and five year olds.  They're so cute.  So far there's two that I think are really cute.
A little girl with blonde hair, and a cute little nose, kind of shy, with a sweet smile, and then another little girl also with blonde hair, but a lot more outgoing.
They're both cuties.
I was planning on taking pictures but I got distracted.  I'll try to take some tomorrow.
Right now I'm actually watching Nim's Island with my cousin Norma.
She's awesome. 
My cousin, not Nim.  Well actually, they're both awesome.  I can see myself doing stuff like Nim does.  The whole climbing a volcano thing, and the learning from birds, and turtles, and seals, and all that.
Did I tell everyone about my trip to the creek?  It was awesome.
I climbed rocks, and then slipped down the cliff once, so Mom hooked up a rope for me to hold onto.  Then I climbed up with the rope, and Mom helped me the rest of the way up once I was able to get to where she could reach me.
Kayden said I was crazy for taking the hard ways, but I guess that that's my way of challenging myself.  Some people see how long they can go without eating, see if they can beat everyone in their class in a race, or something like that.
Me, I challenge myself by doing hard things.  By seeing if I can sign the cards for my library cards faster than my librarian can stamp them, by seeing if I can type more words per minute than I already do, and by climbing hard to climb cliffs.  That's my way of challenging myself.
When I slipped down the cliff I cut/scraped my arm, and took some of the whatcamicallit off my finger nail, of my ring finger on my right hand.
But yeah, it was all awesome.
Anyway, more posts later ;)
~Katie :)

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