Thursday, June 14, 2012


Okay, yeah I know, oh wow, it's been a while since I've posted anything.  Like...four days?  My last post was on the 10th, and today is the 14th I think.  Yup, it's the 14th.
I haven't really had anything to blog about.  Nothing exciting, or so exceptionally boring that I felt the need to share it.
Lately all I've been doing has been crashing in my room, messin around on the computer, and watching movies.  Oh, and feeding Serenity.  Best bunny ever.  Love her sooo much.
Of course later today, after the movie I'm watching, I'm heading up to the Grocery store to do my mopping.  That's my job every Thursday.
Or Friday's if I'm unable to make it on Thursdays.
I'm also learning how to do a Fishtail braid!  I googled it, and it looks easier than I thought it would be.  I wonder if French Braiding would be as easy.
I normally hate French Braids, the main reason being that whenever they're done my hair gets pulled, and hurts my head.
Alrigh, well, off to finish my movie.
~ Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. French braids DO hurt! I love fishtail braids but I've never really put any effort into learning how to do them.


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