On your left is a stack of stuffed animals.
On your right there is a messy bedside table,
And a bunny cage, complete with a bunny rabbit.
Ain't she cute?
Straight ahead of you is a computer screen
That shows I'm on blogger....
And howrse!
I'm also on facebook, but I'm rather unsure about having anyone look at my page, because it has me, and some of my good friends popped up on chat, soooo.
Okay, done with the tour.
Remember yesterday, when I said that I had my notebook, and that Serenity chewed it?
Well, here's a picture of the nibbledness:
And another picture. She nibbled three big white holes in it!
Thankfully, God made....DUCTTAPE!
That is a song about ducttape.
You can't even see the nibbles anymore!
Noooo nibbles! Whoot whoot! And my brown/tan ducttape is about the same shade as the actual binding! I'm so glad I found it!
And I said something about getting you guys the link for the homemade, handmade flowers, did I not?
Well today is your lucky day! Okay, not really, it has to be a pretty sad day if you're here, just reading everything I say, and looking at my weird pictures that I took.
Flower Pattern Thingy
There you go!
I interrupt this live footage of my foot:
to bring you breaking news!
Just recently--earlier today as a matter of fact-- a woman was spotted coming into my room! Her name? MOM!
Here's her mug shot.
She woke me up, with a, "Get up." and a, "You need to clean your room today."
We have seen a picture of the suspect, now we must see another picture. Of my room. And we can decide together if this is a fair accusation, or if we must do something...this something being hug Mommy until she feeds me.
There, what do you think? Yeah, I know, I know...
I'll clean it tonight, at midnight. I can tell that it really does need cleaned.
It has stuff all over the floor, and my desk is covered in "junk." It's not really junk, it's just some stuff I have. Clothes that need mended, papers that have no actual place just for them, I think maybe a shoe or two? You already saw my bedside table, and my dresser isn't much better.
I don't really need a bigger room, because, my room is fairly large...but, I could so use a big huge bedroom as big as the living room.
I think I'd do good in a big huge Victorian mansion.
I like how they look, and I'd like their space too.
Now, if you excuse me, I have "work" to do. Work as in, look up and master some hairdos for Youth Camp, and write down a check list in my Youth Camp note book of all the things I'll need for Youth Camp.
Here's the basic list:
Okay, I have my Bible, I cannot transport my piano, and I'm not that good at my Irish Whistle. Not good enough that I could play it up there in front of people. I've got towels and sheets around here somewhere. I still need to buy my new camp fan. I have no ball equipment, whatsoever. Well except for a basketball named Roger. I have not enough but too many church clothes. I say that because, I have sooo many, but all the ones I actually like get rips, or tears in them. I don't get it. I have plenty of play clothes. Several t-shirts, and thanks to my pastor's wife, Aimee, and her mom, I have a bunch of new skirts. I got three from her, and Aunt Melody gave me one. And, my mom will have to take care of the Medical Release Form.
As for the don'ts.... I do have a ring, but I can put it on a type of chain, and keep it in my Bible. I'm not a boy. I always wear skirts or dresses to the knees. They're either right below the knee, or right above the ankle, or lower than the ankle. I can't take it like mid-calf. It bugs me so much, and makes me feel like my skirt's really short. I always wear sleeves, and do knives used to sharpen pencils count as weapons? If so, then I will need to get a pencil sharpener.
Okay, so I just went and asked Mom if it would be considered a weapon, and she says that it might be, and that I should probably get a pencil sharpener.
Alright, now I'm off.
Love y'all! Well, I should anyway, because we're to love our neighbors as our selves, and all that jazz. Speaking of which, I should try listening to Jazz, I might like it. I like almost every single kind of music there is so...yeah.
~Katie :)
Jazz is pretty cool.