Wednesday, June 27, 2012


People!  I have horrible news!  You know my camera?  Well...I think it's dead.  It got rootbeer spilled on it at Silver Dollar City, so it might just be stuck together, but still!  My pour camera :'(  And now all I have to take any pictures with is my webcam, which I can't take everywhere, and I can't take pictures of Maggie's little baby with it, and honestly, the pictures aren't that good of quality.
Oh yes, I can see you all tilting your heads in confusion.  "Maggie?"  You say.  "Who is this, "Maggie"?"
And I answer you this...  Maggie is a horsie.  She's a paint horse who lives with two brown horses that I think are quarter horses, named Sage, and Stormy, and she just had the cutest ever little colt!  A colt is a male baby horse, please remember that it's not both a male and a female.  The female is a filly, and both is a foal.
He's like a light brown, and he's got a strip of white down his head.  Just adorable.  And now some of you are probably thinking, "Now, how does she know these horses so well?  Does she own them?  What is the name of this new baby horse, that is suposably a male?"
The answers to these questions is, they live very close to me, and are the closest to me owning horses as I will probably ever get, so no, I do not own them.  I don't know the name of the new baby, but if I was naming it I would name it Salty, short for Salt Water Taffy, because that's what he reminds me of.
And if you're wondering how I know so much about horses in general, you can thank, or blame, my great sized intake of books, and numerous horse information look ups.
From Phantom Stallion, and Phantom Stallion Wild Horse Island I have learned that you never stand directly behind a horse.  From an educational book I learned that you don't do that because that is one of the horse's few blind spots, so he can't see you, and may kick you accidently, or he may get scared and kick you on purpose.
From a riding club that I get to hang out with once a year I learned that when you groom a horse you are always careful to brush in the same direction of a horses hair, and that you always make sure that you get any little pieces of dirt stuck in it's hair out before saddling up, because if you don't then the dirt can really irritate them!
Now, I'll stop on my horse tirade...
Okay, no not quite yet... I wish I could have a horse of my own to ride, or live near a riding school where I could at least take riding lessons, but sadly I don't and can only ride once a year at Farm Heritage Days.
Okay, now I'm done!
But now for something just as bad if not worse!  I can just see you guys going, "Uhoh, what's she gonna start off on now?  Will it still be educational?  Will it be stupid? AHH!"
Well, guess what.  No, it's not really educational, it's more or less an excited "OH MY WORD I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOUTH CAMP IS NEARLY HERE!" rant.
Because, I seriously can't believe it!  I'm so excited!
It's like eleven days away!  ELEVEN!
I wonder what it will be like this year.
Here, I'll give you a breif summary of the people on my team last year.
There was my team sponsors Tony, and Sheryl, and I really started liking Tony because he gave me Mountain Dew!  And then I liked Sheryl, because she howled like a wolf when the other girls and I hit the really high not in Oh Where is My Hairbrush!
Now for the boys:
Big Mark, big Mark had really hairy arms, so salt on arm, and ice on salt didn't hurt his arm.  And once when I was looking for the other Katie (we had two Katies on my team) and I asked, him "Mark, where's Katie?!" he points at me, and says, "Right there!"
Little Mark, little Mark is awesome!  His last name kinda makes me think about pickles, but he's awesome no matter what, and once we were looking for Big Mark, so we found Little Mark (well he found us) and we go, "Mark, where's Mark?!" and he laughed.
Brett, Eh, we didn't really hang out too much, but I know he's my age.
Nathan.  He's the guy who sang that song that I shared a while back!  Isn't he awesome!  Although he was quite the joker....Oh yes, of course the only reason I want Skander Keynes to be a Christian is so I can marry him!  Well, yes, of course he's cute,  Also when Katie, Karen and I were singing The Hairbrush Song he shoved a pot at us and told us to dry...
And Tyrel, he's pretty cute, and he has brown eyes.  Okay actually, all the guys in my team were cute.  Couldn't help but notice, after all, I am a teen girl!  One time I walked in the kitchen cause we were supposed to do dishes, and some ice fell into the ice maker, and he goes, "It's okay, it's just ice!"  Cause I jumped.
Now for the girls!
Marissa.  I didn't really like her too much, but hey, she's human too, so, yeah.  She just struck me as the bossy I know it all type.  Not opinionated, cause I'm opinionated, and I don't get upset at people for missing a ball that was flying toward them in the infield...
Jessica.  I didn't really know her too well, but she's pretty, and has really curly hair, and I almost killed her with a knife while we were doing dishes.
Karen. I LOVE KAREN!  Karen is one of my best friends.  I knew her way before youth camp.  She's sweet, and funny, and awesome, and crazy, and hyper, and still human.  And I love her <3  Karen, if you're reading this, you're awesome and I love you.
Katie.  Oh yes, the other Katie!  She's awesome!  And he second day, when we were all getting to know each other, her, Karen, and I were washing dishes and we started singing Love Story by Taylor Swift.  Aren't we awesome?  Her and I were almost inseperable the whole week!
And then there's me, but y'all know me so I needn't describe me!
Now the brief summary of our teachers/preachers.
Brother Avery was the main speaker, and he preached to everyone, and there were two times when he sent all the 9-12 year olds out and preached just to the teens about tough issues.  And honestly we needed to hear them.
The Joe Stratton was the one who did the Teen Life Issues!  He showed us all sorts of things about not being a kidult, and about gay people, and music, and all that awesome stuff.
I seriously had fun!
Then we also had choir, but I don't remember the name of the director, I just know he was awesome and taught us how to sing.
You know what I really don't get though?  There's this one girl, and she always gets singing parts, and solos, and get this...her voice is always nasally!  Now yes, her family is pretty popular in the church, because they do a lot of the work, and are elders and deacons and stuff like that, so what?  People should get picked to sing because they can sing.  Not because their parents are way up in the church.  It's stupid!
Now, if she'd already been picked to sing a song, and then she got a cold that made her sound like that then I'd understand it, but seriously?
Okay, off my mini rant.
No, that wasn't a normal sized long rant, that was a mini rant.
Okay, now I have like...26 more minutes on the computer, so I'd better get goin.  And yup, when I get off of here, I'm probably gonna start doing some packing.  Not too much, but some.
Okay, la vi!
~Katie :)
Wait...what's la vi mean anyway?


  1. Um...where did the Skandar Keynes comment come from? Also, even if he was a Christian, he's wayyy older than you. Like, five years older. But hey, if I didn't love someone else and Ben Barnes was a Christian and interested, I'd marry him, and he's TWELVE years older than me. My mom thinks he's married already though. However I haven't googled him because if there are skeletons in his closet, I don't want to know because that might ruin Narnia for me and I can't have that.


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