Sunday, June 3, 2012


 Here's my interviews.  The first interview is from Tyler.

Tyler's interview, Age 19:

Me: What's your opinion on short shorts?
Tyler: That they're disgusting. And that they arouse way too much lust in men.
Me: I guess that means I don't have to ask the follow up question to that question. What about skinny jeans? Same thing for the same reason?
Tyler: Yup. And short skirts.
Me: Do you have the same opinion for tight and lowcut shirts?
Tyler: Define lowcut.
Me: Showing cleavage
Tyler: Oh. as long as it's not too much cleavage, I don't have a problem with it. But if half your breasts are hanging out of your shirt,then you need to get a new shirt.
Me: Mkay. Do you think that girls/women should realize the effect that they're having, and change the way they dress, even if it's just a little bit at a time?
Tyler: Yes.
Me: Okay, I can't think of any other questions to ask here. Thank you Tyler :)

Yup, I interviewed a Tyler, and a Tyrel....

Tyrel's Interview, Age 16:

Me: Okay, first off, what is your opinion on short shorts, and why?
Tyrel: Ummm.... They are okay but when women wear them without anything over them then it is rather provocative. Lol
Me: Okay..and skinny jeans? Same as short shorts, for the same reason? Or is that different?
Tyrel: Well skinny jeans are like you just took a bottle of spray paint and sprayed your legs with it.
Me: KIK! I love that way of wording it!!! What about tight shirts, or low cut shirts that show cleavage?
Tyrel: Tight shirts are quite revealing. It is kind of hard to focus on the girl's face with low cut shirts which the whole point of modesty is to draw attention away from the body and to the face.
Me: Okay. I have ONE more question. Do you think that it's the girls/womans responsibility to do all they can to dress in a way that will make guys look at their face instead of other features?
Tyrel: Yes but the guys (brothers, fathers, etc.,) close to those ladies have the responsibility of letting them know in a nice way that their clothes are not modest. And a side note: Modesty is more than just not showing skin.
Me: It's also the way you carry yourself. Right?
Tyrel: Well yes, and how you handle yourself around the opposite sex.

I so totally love knowing people with the same name and age as me!
Katie's Interview, Age 14:

Me: what is your view on short shorts?
Katie: They're comfortable at points.
Me: So, yes, and because they're comfortable? What about skinny jeans, and why?
Katie: They are way too tight they are really hard to get in and out of.
Me: Okay. What about tight, or low cut shirts? By low cut I mean cleavage showing.
Katie: I think it is annoying, and very nasty for a girl to have her cleavage hanging out. And tight shirts don't really bother me!
Me: Okay, one more question.
Katie: Okay.
Me: If you found out that the way you were dressing was turning guys on, and making them lust, would you do all you could to dress in a way that made it easier for them to look at your face?
Katie: Depends on the guy.... lol jk maybe I don't know. I think that decision would come if that happens, but more than likely yes
Me: Okay. Thank you
Katie: No problem

She wanted to have an alias, so, I gave her one, and yes, that is her real age.
Shanaynay's Interview, Age 12:
Me: What is your opinion on short shorts? And why the opinion?
Shanaynay: I think that we don't need to wear them. They make our dear men stumble and think thoughts that don't need to be thought.
Me: Okay. And skinny jeans?
Shanaynay: I think as long as they're not too tight it's fine.
Me: Okay. And tight shirts, or low cut shirts? By low cut I mean shirts that show cleavage
Shanaynay: Low cut is a DEFINITE no. Your boobs belong IN your shirt.
Me: Okay. Next question: if you ever found out that the way you were dressing was turning guys on, and causing them to lust after you, would you do everything you could to change it to where you WEREN'T effecting them in such a way?
Shanaynay: Yup. Anything else?
Me: Yeah, I just typed it up there. Would you like me to retype it?
Shanaynay: No hang on.
Me: Okay
Shanaynay: If I was dressing modestly then there's nothing I can do. I mean, I'm not gonna block myself from him because something about me turns him on. But if I was wearing something like a low cut shirt then I would definitely correct it.

He told me that he would like to remain anonymous, so I have respected his wishes.
Anonymous Male, 17-21:

Me: What's your opinion on short shorts?
Annon Male: on guys or girls?
Me: Girls
Annon Male: Uhh give me some time
Me:If you decide you don't wanna be interviewed you don't have to be. I'm trying to get guys opinions, and girls opinions about this kind of clothing, because of a "debate" that a girl and I got into
Annon Male: Okay-okay
Me: I need to find more guys to interview. I didn't realize till now that don't know very many guys
Annon Male: Okay, let me proof read this statement then I'll send it to you for my answer.
Me: Okay.
Annon Male: First off short shorts draws obvious attraction to the legs. You cannot expect them to be “unnoticed”. By wearing them you are indirectly asking men to look at your legs. I think it is important to know that if you have a boyfriend wearing these in public is disrespectful to your relationship as you are asking other men to look at your legs. You cannot get around the fact that you are show casing your legs to people whether or not you want to. I would continue to say that this is principle applies to being married, and even more severely because of the vows you took. I would also like to say that there is no pride in wearing them even if you’re single as you’re lowering yourself to the standards of hookers and prostitutes. Furthermore, it is not only affecting you socially but I believe it to be immodest and thus immoral. I refuse to comment on the attraction of such attire.
Me: Does that also apply to low cut, and tight shirts, and skinny jeans?
Annon Male: Honestly I would have to say it would, whether I would like to admit it or not.
Me: Okay, in that case, I have one more question. Do you think that it's important for a woman/girl to realize this, and take responsibility to dress modestly, and call more attention to their face, than their body?
Annon Male: Of course. Save that stuff till you're married. I heard somewhere that women are statistically more prone to date rapes than not when dressing immodestly. It is important for women to realize how they dress can affect themselves and others around them. In some cases, as mentioned previously, more severely than others.
Me: That was all I had. Thank you. Not only was this the shortest interview I had, this was also the most in depth interview.

My big brother's interview :)  I just had to interview him.
Donny's Interview, Age 18:

Me: What's your opinion on short shorts?
Donny: Can you specify?
Me: Short like the pant part can be anywhere from the length of your middle finger, or as long as your hand.
Donny: Well honestly, then it depends
Me: And why do you have that opinion?
Donny: If it's some random girl walking down the street, and she's wearing them, and she's hot, I'm gonna have a very hard time not looking for under 3 seconds. Actually if shes hot I'm gonna have a hard time not looking for under 5 seconds. But at the same time, if she has a boyfriend/fiance' or is married, I'm pretty sure he isn't going to want me looking at his girl. With my hormones, I'm not gonna NOT look.
But it would be better if she didn't have them so I'm not tempted. Basically what im saying is, that is for their husbands/boyfriends/fiance' only. It's fine if my girl is wearing them around me, as long as its MY girl, and its JUST around me.
Also, with short shorts, sometimes you see grannies wearing them, and that's something you DON'T want to see. I've also seen .... larger girls wear them, and, well, no,
Bottom line, only I see ONLY my girl in them. other girls, you're either too hot, too ugly, too old, too fat, or just not MY girl. Or too young.
Me: Okay. Does that also go for skinny jeans, or do you have another opinion on them?
Donny: Skinny jeans hmmm, yeah, pretty much. With exceptions
Me: And the exceptions are?
Donny: Grannies, no. You can wear jeans, but not skinny jeans. larger girls, I'm sorry, you call it discrimination if i say no, but, they are called "skinny" jeans, not "fat" jeans. I've seen them and they just, just....wear jeans, normal jeans. girls who are younger its not so bad. Girls who are around my age it's okay, and women it's okay up to 40, after no..... girls who are hot, umm be careful who you wear them around. Girls who are ugly, if you have nice legs, then its actually a plus. as for MY girl, don't wear them around me unless you want me to get excited. Oh, short shorts on mothers is a no, but skinny jeans is okay, up to 45. I meant 40, not 45
Me: Okay...What about tight shirts, or low cut (cleavage showing) shirts?
Donny: Same thing for the short shorts thing
Me: Okay, I have one more question
Donny: Okay.
Me: Do you think that women/girls, should realize that the way they dress effects guys like it does, and try to dress in a way that will make him want to look at her face, instead of other parts of her body?
Donny: Well yes, they need to realize how it effects guys, but the way they dress will still be up to them. However they need to know that dressing a certain way is going to get a certain type of attention. So it's all on the attention they want.

This is my brother's friend, who I randomly interviewed.
Andrew's Interview, Age 18:

Me: The first question is, what is your opinion on short shorts?
Andrew: ....if they're tight on a person then their slutty, if not its fine just don't wear them everywhere
Me: Okay..what about skinny jeans?
Andrew: their fine as long as they don't show them off everywhere, A lot of girls I know are doing that Me: Mkay. What about tight shirts, or low cut (cleavage showing) shirts?
Andrew: Those are the worst . every girl I know now are wearing those. I might be a guy but I
m a gentleman, and in my opinion girls shouldn't show off their body just to get attention.
Me: Okay, now here's my last question: do you think that girls/women should take the responsibility to dress in a manner that will make you want to look at her face, more than her chest? Or butt
Andrew: Neither. They should based on their personality, not their looks. Anybody can look hot on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts.
Me: That's true. Should they take the responsibility to dress to where guys like them because of their personality, instead of because they look like a slut?
Andrew: Correct
Me: Okay. Thank you

This is the interview of another guy that I consider my big brother.  Even though he isn't.
Benji's Interview, Age 31:

Me: What's your opinion on short shorts?
Benji: From what I have heard and read, Biblical modesty requires the trunk of the body to be covered from the neck to the knee (the arms are not part of the trunk). Based on that, short short (and most other shorts as well) are not acceptable.
Me: Okay, my next question is, what is your opinion on skinny jeans?
Benji: Modesty requires that the body be covered, and that the form of various parts of the body should not be revealed. Jeans that show the exact contour of a person's bottom and upper legs are immodest. This is especially true for girls since guys are affected by visual stimuli much more than women are. Me: Okay, does this also go for tight shirts, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Benji: Yes. Shirts should also not be form fitting.
Me:Last question: Do you think that women/girls should be made aware how guys are effected by the way they dress, and take the responsibility to dress more modestly?
Benji:Yes, I do. While the responsibility for lusting after a woman does ultimately lie with the guy, an immodest lady does tempt the guy to be impure and therefore the lady has some of the responsibility as well. The Bible is very clear that we are not to be a stumbling block (something that causes someone else to mess up) to others.
Me:Okay, that's all I've got. Thank you!

My friend Bekah's interview.  She was the first girl I interviewed.
Bekah's Interview, Age 16:
Me: Ooookayz, here's the first question: What's your opinion on short shorts? ANd why
Bekah: Okay okay okay. How short do you mean? I think there should be a limit to how short your shorts are in public. I usually just go by if my mom will let me wear them in public because she's pretty strict about that stuff. But like, I have a pretty strong sense of modesty usually too, so you know.
Me: Okay, what about skinny jeans (like skin tight) or words on the butt? And tight or low cut shirts? By low cut I mean cleavage showing.
Bekah: Skinny jeans: I don't think you should wear jeans that are so tight they show EVERYTHING. I think it's okay to wear jeans that are that style, just not so tight they looked like you were poured into them.
Me: If you were told that the way you were dressing was causing a guy to get turned on, or lust, and he was NOT your husband, would you be willing to change the way you dress?
Bekah: Tight shirts: Again, you need to have a limit. I mean, it's okay to wear shirts that show your figure, but they shouldn't be so tight that you show everything. Low cut shirts that show cleavage: I don't think that you should wear shirts that are very low cut, especially if you have a lot of cleavage haha! And I really think that you shouldn't show ANY cleavage when you're very young.
Me: What about the answer to that last question?
Bekah: To the last question: Yes. I honestly would. I mean, the Bible says that if you cause someone to stumble, then you're held partly responsible for their sin. All us girls need to start taking more responsibility for the way we dress. Because it's not just about looking cute and wearing the latest fashion trends. I mean, that's all well and good, but you have to remind yourself of who's going to be seeing you wearing those clothes.
Me: Okay, thank you very much Bekah!
Bekah: You are very welcome!

I interviewed my aunt.  She lives in the Phippines, and married my uncle, so, yup she's my aunt!
Aunt Maricel's Interview, Age 36:

Me: The first question is what's your opinion on short shorts?
Aunt Maricel: Ohhh...I am not favor of women wearing short shorts in public...but I do wear it in a resort or beach..something like that...just for safety reason..because I also don't wear swim suit so I'm just wearing short shorts
Me: Okay, what about skinny jeans?
Aunt Maricel: The last time your uncle asked me to wear mini skirt in the mall, I felt so uncomfortable..I always see to it that no one behind me looking at my I didn't use it again...
Me: So would you feel the same way about skinny jeans?
Aunt Maricel: For me you can wear skinny jeans, but you need to wear a blouse that will hide our private parts...a blouse or shirt that will not let men concentrate on looking at our behind..
Me: What about tight shirts, or low cut (cleavage showing) shirts?
Aunt Maricel: Well..its all against church standard of if I were you, don't wear those..just stay on the church dress code..and always think that GOD that is looking at you wont wear those kind of clothes..
Me: If it came down to it, and you found out that you were turning guys on, and making them lust, would you do everything in your power to dress in a way that wouldn't do that?
Aunt Maricel: I'm not doing that..I want men like me for what I have inside, and what I am capable of doing..I mean my ability..and not because of my body. That's why I love your uncle..because when he saw me wearing short shorts inside the house and asked me that we will go out ..he asked me to changed my clothes...I know I am not perfect...and sometimes forgot about what I promised GOD about how to dress modestly..but I tried so hard to please him
Me: That's all I've got for you so thank you!

Emma's interview...

Emma's Interview, Age 18:

Me: Alright, the first question is, what is your opinion on short shorts?
Emma: I think they're tacky, immodest, and don't need to be worn unless you're in the bed sleeping. You might as well be wearing just your panties
Me: Mkay, and what about skinny jeans?
Emma:I like skinny jeans as long as the back of the jeans aren't like skin tight.
Me: What about tight, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Emma: If they're too low I like tanks under them. Makes them stylish and modest. I don't like too tight of a shirt but fitted shirts are nice.
Me: Okay, one last question. If you found out that the way you were dressing, was causing men/boys to get turned on, or lust after you, would you do all you could to dress modestly, so as not to do that?
Emma: I dress modestly already so if its causing them to be turned on then they have a serious problem.
Me: Okay, thank you, that's all I've got!

Okay, her real name isn't Banana, but that's the nickname I use for her, because that's what I call her.  I think her real name is Miriam, but...I never call her that.
Banana's Interview, Age 18:

Me: Okay, the first question is: What's your opinion on short shorts?
Banana: They're fine once your butt cheeks aren't hanging out...
Me: What about skinny jeans?
Banana: I love skinny jeans...only on long as it covers the top of your butt...
Me: Okay.. What about tight, or low cut (cleavage showing) shirts?
Banana: I'm okay with slight cleavage, but if your boobs are bouta fall out your shirt/dress, get a jacket...
Me: Okay, and now for the last question. If you found out that the way you were dressing was turning guys on, and causing them to lust, would you do all you could to change that, and dress in a way that that wouldn't happen?
Banana: Yeah cuz I don't want a guy talking to me cuz he thinks he gonna get some, cuz he sure as heck ain't...
Me: Okay, that was all I had. Thank you
Banana: welcome

Of course I had to interview the woman who brought me into this world.
Mom's Interview, Age 39:

Me: What is your opinion on short shorts? And why?
Mom: Short shorts? They're very immodest, cuz' they don't cover anymore than underwear, and boxer shorts cover more.
Me: What about skinny jeans?
Mom: My opinion on skinny jeans? They're also immodest, because they don't hide anything either. And I haven't read the articles, only the titles, but uh, I've read the titles that say, “suggest” that they're not good for your health.
Me: How do you feel about tight, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Mom: They're immodest. And...I don't like em. ~laughs~
Me: Anymore you'd like to add?
Mom: No.
Me: Okay. If you ever found out that the way you were dressing was immodest, and causing a guy to stumble, would you do everything in your power to change that?
Mom: Um...Probably... But I don't usually dress-well, I don't think I do anyway.
Me: Any side notes?
Mom: No.
Me: Okay then that's all. Thank you for letting me interview you!
Mom: You're welcome.

This is the interview of a guy I call Nono...  Because he told Banana that there was no way Noah could be given a nickname, and...well, she proved him wrong xD
Noah's Interview, Age 15:

Me: First question, what is your opinion on short shorts?
Noah: they suck
Me: What about skinny jeans?
Noah: acceptable but not my style
Me: Tight, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Noah: Would kill my daughter if she wore one
Me: Okay, last question, do you think that girls should realize how immodestly they're dressing, and dress more modestly?
Noah: Yes
Me: Okay, that was it! Thank youuuu

I had my friend Bekah interview her friend Jacob, and here are the results.
Jacob's Interview, Age 17:
Bekah: What's your opinion on short shorts?
Jacob: I enjoy looking at short shorts on pretty girls, but not on other girls. Also, I don't see why girls wear them because they show off their body to guys and make them seem available.
Bekah:What is your opinion on skinny jeans?
Jacob: They are weird, in my opinnion! They are tight and unattractive.
Bekah:What is your opinion on tight, or low cut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Jacob: Well I think that they are well, fun to look at, but it makes me think dirty thoughts about that girl and it makes some girls look worse than they would otherwise. Also, so many shirts are cut so low I can almost see girl's um, you know. It makes girls look um well less innocent and invites dirty thoughts.
Bekah: Do you think that women/girls should realize the effect they have, and try to change, and dress more modestly?
Jacob: Well-yes, if you don't want guys to always see you as a tool for sex or think about them romantically, which for guys involves sexual stuff then they should dress more appropriately. They wonder why guys try to date them when they don't want or always want sex, their outfit makes our naturally dirty thoughts worse!

And here's my interview.

1. What is my opinion on short shorts?
Answer: They're too short.  Okay, you can wear them to bed, or when you're with your husband, but please don't wear them in public.  My swim shorts are longer than those shorts, and my underwear is almost as long as them, so please, please don't wear them.  In short, I don't like them.
2. What about skinny jeans?
Answer: They're too tight, and really not comfortable, and I really don't want to see someone's butt, and legs squished, into jeans...  And yes I've worn them before, when playing dress up.
3. What is my opinion on tight, or lowcut (cleavage revealing) shirts?
Answer: I don't like them.  The skin tight shirts are too tight, but if they're form fitting, yet still loose I like them.  About the lowcut, I don't like bending over, and having guys see my breasts...those are kind of private, and I wish to keep them that way until I'm married, and I decide to become a stripper for my hubby.
4. If I found out that the way I was dressing was effecting guys negatively, and turning them on, would I do everything I could to change that?
Answer: Yes I think I would.  If I was already dressing modestly though, I think I might stay away from that guy, because apparently I'm turning him on by just being me.

Well, there's all the interviews.  I hope you liked them!
~Katie :)


  1. Awesome :) are you going to start doing interviews on different things?

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking about doing one on Contemporary Christian vrs. Classic Hymns, I'll just interview different people than I did this time.

  2. I'm with everybody else. If I'm already being modest and some guy is turned on, I'll just stay away from him. If there is actually something wrong with my attire, then I'll work on changing it as best I can.


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