Okay, so hi everyone!
Awesome VBS day today, loved it! And I think that today has been the best day I've had in a loooong time!
See first I woke up at 8:00, took a shower, and washed my hair, and I really need to shave my legs, because as I tell my good friend Ronda, "I have leggy hairs." Then off I go to awesome VBS. Our VBS theme is Space Quest. I could see about finding some of the songs on youtube.
Aha, what do you know, I just found the theme song! Ignore the dancing people, and just watch it.
Space Quest VBS Theme
You know now that I think about it I might be able to find the theme song from a few years ago in 2010, that was one of my favorites. Son Quest Rainforest. I'll have to check it out, after I get to listen to that above theme song all the way. I've already added it to my likes! On youtube you know...
I've got to remember to add my music to my likes, and my videos you know, like the ones with speaking, to my favorites. Cause sometimes I want to listen to my whole likes list.
And here's my favorite non theme song to this years VBS. At least so far, who knows, I might meet more that I like!
As you can see, it's called The Countdown.
Okay, so there's this most adorable preschooler named Brian (I keep trying to say brain xD) and he has a twin sister named Faith, and a big brother named Trenton, and I don't know why their names are so important to what I'm about to share, but anyway... His dad was/is in the Army, and so he was telling me this (though I kind of already knew it) and he's sitting there, and in an oh so sweet lil preschooler voice says,
"When da sun is down here, and we're asweep, it's shining in Iwaq, and de Army nevew sweeps."
It was soooo cute!
And tada! I found the SonQuest Rainforest theme song!
SonQuest Rainforest
Anyway, now that you've heard my VBS stories of today...
When we got done from VBS Norma (my cousin that everyone thinks is my sister) and I went off to find the flag day medallion!
My town (she's from a smaller town, but is staying the week here because of VBS) has an anual Flag Day celebration, and for the past two years, and this year we have done a scavanger hunt. They give us clues, and we go off finding this medallion, and whoever finds it first calls Mr. Leake, and then we get $500!
The lady who owns the Grocery Store, (An awesome lady, who is...awesome) teams up with me every year, and then Norma teams up with both of us.
If we find the medallion we split it three ways. We could all use it!
Then after that Norma and I swam in Grammy's little pool at her house.
Then around 5:30 I headed to youth group, no one was there, so I headed home, then I headed back and there were people, and my awesome friend Jade!
Gotta love Jade! We hung out all Youth Group, till time to leave, and here I am now!
Love y'all!
~Katie :)
Did you find the medallion?