Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Space Quest!

I had an AWESOME VBS today.  Soooo awesome.  And there's just this cutest little girl, and her name is Alexus, (and yes, it is spelled right) I want to kidnap her!  But I won't, because she's awesome, and sweet, and cute, and her parents would miss her.
I feel like so far, I helped more today then I did yesterday.  I guess because I'm starting to come out of my shell.  Yay for coming out of my shell!
Okay, I have like this whole thing going where I say, "Yay for ____" whether I like it or not.
A lot of the time I'm being sarcastic.
Like, "Yay for broken toes!" that would be sarcastic.  Or, "Yay for broken hearts!" or, "Yay for youtube loading slower than a snail!"  Stuff like that, that's what I normally say.  However, it really is "Yay for coming out of my shell!" because I can be sooo shy sometimes.
Yeah, I betcha didn't see that one coming!  No matter how social I am on the internet, or in my blog, I'm really shy.
People are just...frightening I guess.  Especially guys.
See here, I go, and then I get to know people, and either I'm hyper and social and annoying, or I'm shy and quiet, and mysterious (or maybe not mysterious,) until I get to know you.  Then you see the real me, who is more...sometimes hyper, sometimes social, a little more open, scared, and then there's the wounds/scars that very very very very very VERY few people ever see.
Especially not in rl.
Someone asked me why I could be more open to people on the internet that I've never met in real life, and yet have trouble opening up to people I know and love in real life.
I doubt that they read my blog, and since they're gone for a few weeks anyway, I doubt they'll ever see this post, but I'll still post the answer that I came up with.
When you open up to people on the internet that you don't know in real life, and are probably never going to meet in real life, the worst they can do is call you a freak, and never talk to you again.  While it may hurt, it won't hurt as much as it would if you told someone you know in real life, and loved, and trusted, and they said that you were a freak and never talked to you again.
Sometimes I'm scared to risk that.  Especially if I really care about that person, and need them.
And I also have trust issues.
Try getting me to do a trust fall is hard!  Just ask my friend Kayden.  He went through this stage where he would randomly fall, and I would catch him.  He would trust fall.  And it took him forever to get me to trust fall, because I was too scared he wouldn't catch me.
Oooh, if any of you would like an update on my bunny, (Serenity Jael (My last name) ) here it is!
She's getting sooo big, and she's sooo cute!  We went to Orchlands and bought her a big bunny cage/house, that's much better than the cat carrier she used to be in.
It came with a wooden hidey hole, a litter pan (which she uses as a bed) a food dish, and a little treat.  She's the sweetest, cutest, most adorable bunny in the world, and she deserves the best.
Well, I'm off to watch a movie, then probably mow, (ugh)
sooo see y'all later!
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you're right about that being why. I think it's also more like typing to a diary that talks back. And because everyone is more open on the Internet, the other person is more likely to be more sympathetic because there will be no blubbering and hugging that they can see. Blubbering and hugging is a big reason for me, at least, not to open up to people.


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