I just needed a title, and that song just came into my mind. It's a lullaby.
Guess what!!! I got to drive all the way from the town next to me! A whole thirty minute drive! And I did it all! I'm best at stopping, and starting, not too good at turning, (yet, cause I always overcorrect) although I do have the blinkers on and off figured out, and I know how the windshield wipers work.
See we were driving down the road, then I say, "Hey Mom, how do the windshield wipers work?"
She tells me, then says, "I think to squirt the liquid you pull it toward you."
I pull it toward me, and sure enough, that stuff comes out, and Mom says, "But don't do that yet, you're not experienced enough."
A lil late of a warning, and we made it through.
No one wreaked into me, and I didn't wreak into anyone. Not even an animal.
And today was the last day of VBS. *sad face*
I love Alexus, there's no getting around that fact. She's the sweetest little girl, and I found out that she's a foster kid. Not up for adoption though, and she won't be in the system 'til I'm old enough to foster her, so I can't do that, but I was told that I might be able to spend some one on one time with her though. Awesome or what? Awesome of course.
And then this Saturday is Flag Day!
It'll all be awesome!
Okay, so I was on youtube, and I clicked on a song while I was on a songs page, and oh my word, I think I'm hooked.
I mean there was this Tarzan and Jane song, and then there was a Bumble Bee song, (not the best, it got a lil suggestive in places, but it had a catchy tune, and I think I could make a Christian Parody of it) this led me to, Castle in the Sky, which led me to Butterfly I guess is what it's called.
It's like Electronic Japanese music I think?
Here's the link to the Butterfly one: Butterfly
Then here's Castle in the Sky, I really like it! Castles in the Sky
Yeah, I'm probably going to be posting songs and stuff, that way y'all are kept up to date on my music and stuff like that. That's just how I am.
Speaking of music, I am SO glad God made music.
Anyway, gotta run off now,
~Katie :)
Did you get to spend time with her?