Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Nickle Nickle Eat-a Pickle?

Okay, so I don't know if everyone is like this, but me, I go through these phases where I watch/listen to almost nothing but a certain TV or radio show. 
My new phase is......VEGGIE TALES!
Rack, Shack and Benny
^that is a episode from it.
I love Silly Songs with Larry!  Larrry is for sure my favorite!
Alright, so now that we've covered the fact that I have phases, and that Nickle Nickle Eat-a Pickle? is my title for this post, I am going to move on to my new favorite topic.
Not counting today, or the day it starts, Youth Camp is...NINETEEN DAYS AWAY!!!
I'm soooo happy!  I even have need to do, and need to pack lists already drawn out!
Here they are!!!
To Pack:
Box fan
Church Sandals
Play Sandals
Five T-Shirts
Three Denim Skirts (I keep trying to type that as demin!)
Three Church Outfits
Hair Stuff
Two Bottles of Mountain Dew
Mesh Laundry Bag
Sabin (My stuffed puppy)
Piano Books
Sketch Pad
Bible (forgot to list this at first, because it's a given at Youth Camp!)
Phone (my camp is one of the few camps where we're allowed to have cell phones)
Bottle (water bottle, ya know)
Youth Camp Notebook
That's all that I need to pack.  And here's what I need to DO:
Buy Box Fan (Check!)
Buy Chapstick (Check!)
Sew together Hair Stuff bag
Buy Pencil Sharpener (Check! and it has an eraser along with it!!!)
Buy Minutes Card (Check! And it's for my stinkin' tracfone)
Wash my Backpack.
There we goooo.  That's my lists!
Oooh, I should make a list of Bible verses that I want to say for my verses.  What do you think?  I think yes.  But first....I'm going to decorate my notebook with my glitter paint.
Pictures of some stuff will be coming later on in the post ;)
I am so excited for Youth Camp!!!
Here's the link to the Youth Camp website, that I don't remember if I've posted or not.
Ochelata Youth Camp
I love Youth Camp.
Okay, it's later...
 Me modeling my new sunglasses that I just bought yesterday.
 I decorated them.  With glitter paint that I also got yesterday!
 This is Sabin, but stuffed puppy.  Yes I still snuggle with him. 
 Sabin again.  And yes, that is my blog in the background!
 That is the thingy of my eraser.
 My eraser is still in the package.
Okay, so I googled, Ochelata Youth Camp, and I found this!
I Don't Want Youth Camp To End
That guy was on my team last year!  I'm pretty sure that he was, and if he wasn't then someone with the exact same name!
And he sang last year too!
And he was either 19, or 18 then, and that was three years ago, so he was close to my age then!
This is making me think about singing my song at Youth Camp.  I did post here did I not?
He Loves Me Anyway?
God'll surely have to give me strength if he wants me to do that though.  I get nervous and terrified to sing in front of people.  Singing my own song, without accompaniment, in front of hundreds of people, will be nervewracking!  I'll die!
I better start making out a will then huh?  Haha, I'm kidding, I think I could do it.  I'd just be shaking really bad throughout the whole thing.  Like...really bad.  So far I've never fainted, but I might, you never know.  I just hope I don't stop breathing...
Goodness gracious!  Why aren't I sleepy in the least?!  It's 1:32!!!  AM!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess I'm not tired because I still have work to do.  I gotta take a shower, and do devotions, and go to bed.  In that order.  But I'm also gonna be doing stuff in between that, soo, yeah.
Gah, I hate stinkin' cravings.  I'm craving Jalapeno Cheetos, Tropical Snos....a lot of food that we don't have...
OH!  I saw the cutest thing while I was mowing today!
I was mowing, and then I saw this little thing running on the side of the road.  At first I thought it was a mouse, but it didn't look quite like it, plus it was running too slow.  The chase was on.  I chased it on the road, then to the side of the yard, then further into the yard.
Then Mom comes out and says, "What are you catching?"
And I tell her, "I'm not sure, but it's not a mouse."  And then she helps me catch it!  I held it for a little bit, but then it jumped out of my hand, and ran far far away, and I wasn't able to catch it.
I'm pretty sure it was a shrew!
It looked like this:
Ain't it cuuuute?  I had to find it on the internet, but I would really have taken pictures if I could have!
Alright, well, I'm off to finish VeggieTales, then off to bed I head.  somewhat, I gotta take a shower first.  And I might keep the computer on all night, and listen to the dramatized version of the Bible on Biblegateway.
~Katie :)

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