Saturday, October 27, 2012


Yes, I know, that's probably the worst, most stupid title I have ever come up with.
I've been feeling kind of nostalgic today, and missing being a little girl, like I used to be...
So nostalgic in fact, that I asked my mom to cut my pancake up into little squares like she used to, before I got old enough to cut it into pieces by myself, and I even went and read my old blog, which I haven't posted on in over a year.  I read every single one of my posts.
And I have come to a conclusion...
I have grown very long winded!
I've also improved my grammar and spelling.
Here's the link if you want to read all the crazy stuff that I came up with when I was 12.
My Old Blog
It's hard to believe that I was blogging almost three years ago.
On January 7th 2013, I will have been blogging for exactly three years.  It makes me feel old.
In two years alone I have gone from being extra happy all the time, to knowing the feeling of depression, (but not all the time, don't worry!) never having a boyfriend, to having a boyfriend, not knowing much about politics, to hating politics, having horrible grammar, and therefore not so great writing, to having better grammar, at times being a Grammar Nazi, and being much better at writing, not having finished any of my books to having one book on the verge of publication, and all of it makes me feel old.
It's like the whole world is changing or something.  Like I'm changing.
I just don't know if I'm changing for the better, or for the worst.  I hope for the better.
It's amazing how fast time goes by, and how quickly something can change.
Like, if you say something cruel to someone, in one night, that person's family can go from having a son, and brother, grandson, and nephew, to having a funeral for that person, because your words caused them to commit suicide.
In two years I have realized that everything you say to someone will affect them.  And if you say mean things to them, you can hurt them in ways no one will ever know.  But one little word of kindness can make someone happy.
I don't know where all this is coming from, I just feel really sentimental, and really lovey dovey, and nostalgic and all of that good stuff.
Thank you for taking the time to read my rambling blog.
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes get nostalgic too. Growing up is hard. But, it's necessary, inevitable, if you remain on earth that long, and there are certainly perks to it.


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