I'm going to a church picnic today, and I am positive that it will be awesome. I just really really hope that someone from my school can come, because they're my friend, and another of my friends, who is also from my school, but who I knew since before I started going there is coming too.
The best part of church picnics, is that you get free food. Free food is always a good thing. Always.
And of course another great part is that you get to hang out with friends.
Does anyone reading this know of people who say they're Christians, and yet they sit and talk and gossip about how horrible everyone else is and how much better than them they are?
I think we all know at least one "Christian" like that. It's horrible.
See, there was this man, and somehow him and his wife got divorced, and then he got remarried.
These two women were sitting there, and saying, not in these words, but they were saying, "Ugh, how horrible, he divorced his wife, and now he's getting married. We're so much better than him."
And I was sitting there thinking, "Um, hello, this isn't very Christ-like...Mind changing the topic to maybe...I don't know, how you're gonna witness to him, and help get him back on track?"
And furthermore, what about when those people that "Christians" sit around and gossip about find out all that has been said about them?
They're probably going to think, "Oh...well, if this is a Christian, then I don't want to be one!"
Yeah, and then the gossips wonder why their witnessing doesn't work.
Now, I'm not saying that I'm the poster girl for Christ-likeness. I blow my top too much. Although it can take a while before I get to the top blowing point. Unless you have a major habit of trying to make me mad, in which case it takes a shorter amount of time to blow.
And I'm not saying that I have never gossiped. I try not to gossip. I don't always succeed, but I try. And if I do talk about someone, and are using them as an example, I generally try not to name them.
I do want to say that ranting, hurt, upset talk isn't classified as gossip to me. No it's still not right, but if you're just sticking your nose into everyone's business, and then sneezing all of their secrets and skeletons out to the world, then that's even worse.
I think I may have spoke on this topic before, but well, it's one that I feel strongly about, and I think people need to learn to not gossip. Gossiping is not good, and is not acceptable.
Have I posted a picture of Alana yet? My little vent figure, and daughter? I also have Bridget, who is Alana's big sister.
Alana is 5 (or 6,) and Bridget is 13.
Here's a peek into their personalities.
Alana is sweet, and innocent, (she doesn't know what Mountain Oysters are, and I hope to keep her that way) likes only one guy, is mischievous, and enjoys to pretend to tell people who other people like, she loves people, and church, and well, is just awesome.
Bridget likes a ton of different guys, all at once, in fact, she's liked over 10 guys in the month that she's been alive, she's a flirt, she loves dressing up, and she's sweet too.
I'm starting to think she's gonna end up being a chemo patient.
Those are my babies.
If you want to know what they look like, look up Tessie Talks, and Willie Talks on google. Alana looks like Tessie, and Bridget looks like Willie, but with a wig.
I bought Alana from ebay with my own money, but Bridget I got from one of my second cousins.
They make me happy :)
Well, I hear the thunder rumbling, and I am getting writers itch, (where you must write, or you'll go crazy, the exact opposite from writers block where you can't write no matter how hard you try) Soooo, farewell!
~Katie :)
What ARE mountain oysters? (I don't know either) :P