Monday, December 31, 2012

For Lack of a Better Title: Hello

Yeah, I know, shocking how I can't even come up with a title...
Well, I am experiencing writer's block.  It's a horrible disease!  I'm not even kidding you!  It's a horrible disease.  The symptoms are as follows: the strong desire to write, but the unability for the words to flow like they should; you cannot remember any ideas you had to carry on your story; you find yourself drawn to fanfictions, and books for inspiration; you get no inspiration even from the fanfictions and books...
It's terrible!!!
And then there's another disease that us authors's what I like to call writer's itch.
The symptoms are as followed: The flooding of great plot ideas for stories/books; the desire to write, and the ability to carry out your plots fluidly; you realize you don't have enough time to write as much as you have ideas for.
I've experienced both.
By the way, don't come to me for medical advice...just don't!  The most I know is: if you have an earache, brushing your teeth, or putting a warm cloth or water bottle (the rubber kind you fill up that I haven't really seen around...) on it can help.  Well, I also know that a symptom of having a needle through your finger is pain, and the fact that there's a needle in your finger...
You know, now that I think about it, I should have had someone take pictures of that awesome wound!  I mean, we got pictures of me when I fell on my skates and skinned up my face, knee, and hand!
That is a close up of my messed up face.  It kind of hurt to talk, but I did it anyway.  It was really funny actually.  You see I was rollerblading one Sunday, and I was trying to skate fast enough away from my cousin that I could hide, and then sneak up on her and go, "BOO!" We were at the highschool parking lot and sidewalks, and one of the sidewalks had a huge crack.  My skate got caught, and I toppled over!
And yes, I still rollerblade.
And that's a picture of the people who rescued me.  The girl on the left is the one who I was trying to hide from, the little boy on the right is the cousin who stayed with me while Norma was heading after Grammy, and then the older lady in the purple shirt is my grandma, whom I call Grammy.  Then I'm the one in the middle wearing the copper skirt.
That's the only one of my major injuries that I got pictures of.  The other injuries are as followed: I stepped on a nail, I had a horse step on my toe, I ran a needle through my finger, (from a sewing machine, no I'm not looney) and fell backwards out of a friend's swimming pool, and honestly, my back is still messed up from that.
Of course the coolest of my injuries is the falling on my skates.
Well, then again, my bunny has scratched me pretty bad...
  That's when it was fresh.  And yes I am watching Lizzy McGuire.  I actually have a scar from that.  A faint scar, but a scar.  Then she got me a few more times.  Isn't she a nice little bunny?  I still love her though.
That's the thing about love.  You love even when they scratch you, and are mean to you like that.  And when it comes to humans, you love them even though they're human like you, and are real jerks.
Face it...everyone's a jerk at times.  Including me.  Although I try not to be a jerk.  Because I don't like it when people are jerks to me.
So anyway, you got yourselves some pictures!  Enjoy!
~Katie :)

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