Thursday, December 6, 2012

Welcome to this World

Welcome to this world.  This world has pain, but also joy, and peace, and fear, there's a touch of evil, followed with a dose of good.  And don't forget, you're going to save the world!
I'm wondering if that's kind of what Jesus went through when he was born.
I also wonder if he knew everything right from birth, since he was still God and all...or if he didn't know anything, because he was also fully human.
Did he know right from wrong from the beginning, or did Mary and Joseph have to teach him?
Was he really born in a stable?  Because if you read the Bible, it never says stable.  It says manger.  And you can have a manger without a stable.  It also never says anything about animals being around.
How many wise men were there?  Three?  Or more?
Did they ride a donkey?  If so, what was the donkey's name?
Did King Herod feed the wise men, or just send them away?
Did the sheep follow the shepherds to see Jesus, or did they stay in the field?  Were any of the shepherds blinded?
How old were the sheperds?
Was Mary my age?  Younger?  Older?
How old was Joseph?
There are so many questions!
Imagine if we had no Jesus for Christmas...
There would be...probably around one question for Christmas.
What's Santa getting me for Christmas?
I'm just so glad that we have Jesus for Christmas.
Hold him close to your heart, and don't let him go.
Not this Christmas, and not any other Christmas to come!
~Katie :)


  1. Actually, without Jesus, there wouldn't be any Christmas. It'd be an evil pagan Druid holiday where they commit crimes and stuff. It's only because of Jesus that we even HAVE Santa Claus. (Santa Claus is Spanish for Saint Nicholas; and you can't have a saint without Jesus)


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