Friday, December 28, 2012


Wow, people...they're strange, and amazing, and wonderful, and scary, and so so so many things.
See, when you sit and think about it, you realize that all people are just like you.  I mean, of course they have different memories, but they have memories, as do you.  You and all other people think, have pain, have joy, and have memories.
BUT!  Different people have different pain, different joy, and different memories.
Two abused people may have similar memories of the abuse, it's still different, because they're not the same person.  They both have painful memories, and they both have the horridness of the memory, but it's not the same memory.
And different people may have joy because of different reasons.  I get joyful when I see that someone's commented on my blog, and when I get to eat a pickle, and definitely when I see my boyfriend, and give him a hug, yet other people may get joyful when they see that I've updated my blog, when they get to make cookies, (which I actually thought about this morning when I was half asleep) and when their dad comes back from Iraq.  See, different joys!
And about the whole pain thing.  Some people may have pain when they drop something on their toe, and another person may have pain when someone breaks up with them, and another person might have pain when a loved pet dies, and another person may have pain when they break their arm.
All people have pain, but not all the same pain.
I can't remember the last time I dropped something on my toe, but I do remember a horse stepping on my toe, and I have had the pain of a break up before, and I have had a beloved pet die, but never have I broken my arm, or any other body part.
See, different people, different pain.
And the thing about people is that you can never tell if they're hurting or not.  I mean sometimes you can, but not always because people get really good with poker faces.  I mean seriously, it took forever for my family to realize how upset and depressed I was, because I became an expert at the poker face.  Ya know, I'm actually still fairly good with the poker face, I'm just more happy now :)
Happy is a good thing to be.
I mean, seriously, a person can be sooo hurt, but put a poker face on, and then you go off, and are all mean to them, and say hurtful things, and tell them to get a life, and I can almost promise you that that won't help them!  All it's gonna do is make things worse, and hurt them worse, and make them put on the poker face more, which will make them loose connections with their emotions.
I'm an amateur psychologist, I know what I'm talking about!  (and if I don't, just pretend like I do, okay?)
So anyway, just be nice to everyone you meet.  At least try to.  And if you really can't stand them you may not want to talk to them.  Just avoid them.
Yeah so anyway, that's my little people post.  Here's my me post.
So yeah, I watched the three Lord of the Rings movies, and the Hobbit!  Yup that's right, I went to the theater, and watched The Hobbit.  It was awesome!
Okay, I just got deja's strange.  Plus I don't think I spelled that right.
You know what annoys me?
Wen ppl type lyk dis.  i men its rly anoying.  cant they spel?  its not tht hrd too ad an a or remov an extra o.  it dosnt tak tht mch effort!  how do u fel abt ths?
See how annoying that is?!
Okay, all done, I'm just gonna post this blog post, and hope everyone reads it.  If you don't read it...well, watch out.  According to some comments on one of my facebook statuses I have the ring of power.  So beware.
~Katie :)
P.S. No not really, I just want you to read this.


  1. I thought I was good with keeping a straight face even when I'm sad but apparently, I don't do it that well because I tried to keep a straight face when I was sad about our friend from Church but all of my friends could just tell something was wrong.

  2. I agree with how annoying it is when ppl type lyk dis. Its not tht hrd to ad an a or remove an extra o it doesn't tak tht mch efort. I really do not like using gr8 instead of typing great. But I'll not go on.

    I thought it annoyed me just because I am old-fashioned and was taught the importance of proper spelling and punctuation. Anyway, love you girl. Grammy

  3. Oh my, that is TERRIBLY annoying!!! I sometimes actually DO want to throw a dictionary at their faces! People who are stupid make me VERY angry. I do not mean those who actually CAN'T write, or read, or spell (legitimately can't spell, not just leaving out letters they're too lazy to type, or to look "cool") or do math, or who have disabilities; but people who HAVE the opportunity to learn and don't. And I don't mean they have to get good grades. They just have to learn how to function!


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