I think this post may end up turning into a trip down memory lane.
I will put a memory from each month.
January--the year began.
February--I got a cup from one of my best friends for Valentines day
March--I became better friends with a "brother" of mine.
April--I began being excited for Youth Camp.
May--I got my bunny.
June--I got my book completed. Editing and all.
July--I went to Youth Camp.
August--I lost my mind.
September--I started going to my school, and quit being homeschooled.
October--Timothy became my boyfriend.
November--I turned old. (aka, I turned 15)
December--I got to see my family, and turned my little cousin into an airplane.
I shall list 13 good things that happened this year, and 13 bad things that happened this year.
- I didn't die.
- Timothy became my boyfriend.
- I went to my new school.
- I learned how to fishtail braid, and french braid.
- I completed The Unnamed Legend.
- I started the sequel to The Unnamed Legend.
- I went to Colorado.
- My uncle's girlfriend got the job of Math Teacher at my school.
- I learned that if you put anything in the microwave for a minute (other than popcorn and butter) it'll eventually warm up.
- I learned that I like fractions (even though sometimes they're hard to do)
- I've grown closer to God.
- My mom got a phone with almost innumerable minutes, so I can call my family whenever.
- Christmas came, and I got to see my family that I rarely see
- I almost lost my mind.
- I had to quit homeschooling.
- We had to give my kitties away.
- I learned what a wenis was. (for those of you who don't know, be glad, and if you must know, google it, or ask me later. It's not something I wish to share.
- I became the only girl in a class full of boys. (it's not always bad, but sometimes I want to punch them all...they get annoying. But they're still my friends. Some of them.)
- A horse stepped on my toe.
- One of my kitties died :'(
- We had to put down our oldest dog :'(
- The kindle store took forever to let me publish.
- My own home town library is getting all automated, ruining the sweet and wonderful old fashionedish way of checking out books and movies :(
- The Connecticut shooting.
- I got held back in math, because math and I do not get along at all.
- I got so stressed I threw up.
Do you guys wanna make lists? You could do a different number if you want. I just like the number 13. It's my favorite number. But not my favorite age, at all! Actually when I was 14 I think it was the most depressing/stressful time of my life. 13, or 14. Probably 14. I just hope that it won't end up being 15.
Well, I suppose I'd better just publish this post. I've been rambling on long enough, and I have a New Year's Day party to wrap up, and a movie to finish watching, and a DVD player to kill.
Love y'all!
Oh no! Did you get to have any of your kitties back?