Hi! I'm excited about the new movie coming out. It's called: The Hobbit. Woohoo! And I'm gonna go see it tomorrow :) With Timothy. All of this makes me happy.
However, on a completely unrelated note, I wish I could write a book, and have all the people in my school in it, and my opinions on these people...but...I have some harsh views about some people, and it would be rude to voice them, or even put them on paper.
Like, there's one person, that I think is a total jerk, and another that I think wants to be popular so sucks up to the others, there's someone that I think is a jerk only when they're around this one person, because they're an imitator, there's someone that I think could be sweet and stuff, but sometimes aren't, there's some that I think only get away with half the things they do because they're the principal's favorite...There's people that I think are condescending, and think they're better than the other people.
See, this is why I couldn't write this book...not with the real names anyway. I could, and am writing a book that's a little bit different.
Girl's mom and dad die, she goes to live with grandparents, gets sent to a private Christian school, and most of the people are based off of the people in my school.
There's even someone that I think has the potential to be nice, and sweet, but doesn't know how to get attention any other way than to be bossy and nosy and stuff.
There used to be someone that I think was really just too scared of getting attached to actually be a really good friend.
I feel sorry for some of the people in my school. Sometimes I think it's the messed up kids who are sent to IBS. Although...I'm not too messed up, and I'm there. So's Timothy. There, not messed up. As far as I know he's not messed up.
I think part of being messed up is how much you let your bad experiences get to you.
If you're constantly dwelling on the pain you've felt, and the people who have hurt you, you'll be living in the past, and you'll get more depressed, which will make you want to do things like...well, bad things. And, well that's just not good.
I dislike math.
Oh my, that was random! Math is probably my least favorite subject, with science being my next to least favorite...and then everything else is all muddled up as one that I like.
I hadn't realized for a while (at least it didn't sink in if I didn't know it) that Mathematics was the language of science...so that's probably why I don't like science as much. It interests me, but it's not my favorite.
I'd rather do History than Science. And Choir is awesome fun.
Well, I'm getting slightly sleepy, and starting to not make sense, and I have a big, most likely awesome day tomorrow, so g'night my fair, or unfair readers!
~Katie :)
Haha! Randomness with a little bit of wisdom mixed in. Love it.