Sunday, December 9, 2012

Just Been Thinking...

I've just been thinking recently...
You know how people say everything happens for a reason?  And they say that that means even the bad things?  And none of us believe that?
Well, I've been thinking...
I have things that have happened in my life...traumatic, and painful things, and some of these things very very few people in my life know about.
And I think...what would I be like if these things hadn't happened to me?
Would I still be like I am today?  Would I still like writing?  Would I still have dizzying logic?  Would I still care so deeply about the hurts of others?  Would I think my younger cousins were annoying, or would I still be as close to them as I am?  Would I have as good a relationship with my mom if these things hadn't happened?  Would I be a Christian?
That last one is scary.  Like just think.  Think about the worst thing that ever happened in your life.  Think about it.  Think about how you were before that thing happened.  Now think about how you are now.  Are you any different?  It's kinda scary to think that if something traumatic and painful hadn't happened I might not be a Christian.
Would I still like the same music I like?  Would I be polite or rude?  Would my relationship with my grandma be less strained?  Would I have my job of mopping?  Would I think that my rude, disrespectful classmates are funny and want to be their friends?
Would I be, or want to be popular?  Would I go crazy with the dating?
Would I get annoyed whenever anyone tries to help me? many different ways I could have changed.
Just one little thing can change your life forever.  Maybe not little persay, but...still.
One event can change your life, and other people's lives forever.
One rude word could be the breaking point to someone committing suicide..And one kind one could be what keeps someone from committing suicide.
A hug can mean a bunch to someone.  And all you thought you were doing was giving them a hug.
Telling someone mean lies about themself can hurt the person so deeply they don't want to even go to school the next day.
Every single thing you do effects others.  So be careful what you do and say.
And also, something my uncle told me: You're never representing yourself.  You're representing your school, your family, if you're a Christian, God, and maybe even sometimes your job.
Well, those are my dizzying thoughts for the night.
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. So true! And it's kind of strange, because based on your comment on my last post, it's like this is a follow up on it; and the post I was composing in my head last night is about suicide, which you talked about.


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