Hey peeps! What up? I pretty much just got back about an hour ago, from a Choir service. They fed us!
The best Choir services are the ones where you get food. If you don't get food there's almost no point in going, because then you can sit around and talk to all the church people...although I didn't really talk to the church people anyway. I talked to Choir people.
We talked about all sorts of things. And one of the choir people liked a girl at the church, and it was hilarious trying to get him to ask her if she was single. Everyone at our table was laughing except for him, and the girl. And I have never seen a guy turn so red in my entire life.
I kinda felt sorry for him too, partly because she wasn't single, and partly because of how embarrassed he was.
I got really embarrassed about two weeks ago. There's this one song we sing, and at the end we're supposed to shout, "GO TELL IT!" So I shouted go tell it at the top of my lungs, and everyone else pretty much just said "go tell it," and it echoed, and I turned red, and people laughed at me.
And now every time the choir sings that song, Mrs. Miller (choir teacher's wife) looks at me a grins, and so does my mom, and I feel myself turning red all over again.
And then there's these two songs that have really high notes...like high B notes. And my friend, Karen and I like to try to hit them. Normally we succeed. It's fun, because I like to hit high notes.
I remember when I kinda squeaked on a high F. That was about a year ago, at Youth Camp. But I did hit the high F, and I was proud of myself.
However, I don't think I can hit a high C yet.
Wow, that was a lot of going on about music.
Tonight is my church program. I'm semi nervous, yet not nervous. My cousin and I are going to sing Silent Night, and my grandparents from Arkansas are going to be there to see me, as is my friend Karen.
I was going to ask Timothy to come, but my mom thought that we'd probably have to take him back home, and she doesn't want to do that, because he lives about thirty minutes away, and we've already been to that town...a bunch of different times.
I've seriously been to his town every day for the past week.
Sunday--to get a ride to another church service.
Friday--School, and the school's Christmas program.
Saturday--Going to see the Hobbit with the most amazing guy I know. (this means Timothy for those of you who don't know)
Sunday (today)--Church service.
Monday (tomorrow)--School.
Saturday--I probably won't be there Saturday.
So you see? I'm going to have gone to his town and seen him 15 days in a row once this week is up. It's...just...wow isn't it? I'm not complaining, cause I like seeing him, but a whole 15 days in a row! It's pretty awesome.
And for those of you who are wondering, The Hobbit is an awesome movie, and then need to hurry up and make the next two parts pronto!
I mean seriously, the movie was 3 hours long to begin with, and that was just the first part, and not even half the book.
I loved it though.
And it makes the 4th movie I've ever seen in theaters.
These are the movies in order that I have seen in theaters: Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Dolphin Tale, Journey 2: Mysterious Island, and The Hobbit.
All four are good. The Hobbit is the only one I haven't seen without my friend Ronda, the only one I have seen with Timothy, and my mom, the first movie my mom has ever seen in theaters, and the first movie I watched in this one town.
There's just something interesting about watching a movie on a big screen...I mean seriously...the heads of the people were bigger than my whole body I think. Yet my mind had this way of sizing them down.
I guess God just made our eyes that way. It's pretty cool.
Is it strange to like, "unlucky" things? I honestly don't have a problem with opening umbrellas in a house, and I do it often, and my favorite number is 13.
Don't get me wrong though...I hated the age 13. Honestly...I didn't like the age 14 much either. I'm not sure how I like the age 15 yet either. So far it's better than ages 13 and 14, but it may not last.
My favorite number used to be ten, because you can add ten to anything, and it's like adding one to anything. At least normally with the first number. At least until you get to the hundreds. It's just really easy to figure out.
Wow, I'm really long winded. Although not really, because I'm not talking I'm typing...
Anyway, I should probably just go.
Thanks for reading!
~Katie :)
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