Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Concussions, and Parties, and Puking Oh My!

Hey everyone!
I had a rather eventful day yesterday.  Kind of crazy actually.
I had a party!  A New Year's day party.  It was really fun actually.  We had the grand show up of 6 people, counting my mom and I.
Timothy, Gabi, Kayden, Ronda, Mommy, me.
We had to go get Timothy and Gabi, because they needed a ride, and on the whole way to the party we were cracking jokes.  Half of the jokes were dumb blonde jokes, and the other half were knock knock jokes.
When we finally arrived at the party, we got a table set up, and sat around and talked for a while, and played with sharp pointy wooden stakes.  Timothy killed a vampire with his wooden stake.  Actually, they were skewers, like what you'd use for those things where you stab a bunch of veggies on them, and then eat them.
It was pretty fun.  And I gave Timothy a fake mustache, and he really does look good with a mustache.  I can see him with a mustache when he's older.
Then Kayden got there, and crashed the party.  I'm kidding, he didn't crash anything till later.  Then Ronda got there.
And we ate pizza!
After we ate pizza, the "kids" went out to the woods to have fun.  Kids being: Timothy, Gabi, Kayden and myself.
Later out there, Gabi wanted to go back, but didn't want to go back by herself, because for some reason she was scared.  So Timothy ended up taking her partway back, until he met up with Ronda, and she finished the back taking.
I stayed outside with the guys, even though my chin and fingers and toes felt like ice cubes.
While we were outside, Kayden knocked into a branch about the size of my wrist, and it fell on my head, and I felt it all the way into my teeth!
It was so painful!  I honestly think that I had part of a concussion.  Maybe not a very big one...but man, the headache I got later was horrible!
Then we went back inside, and played Catan.  It's a really fun game that I don't know how to explain in the tongue of common man.
Then Kayden, Timothy and I went back out to the woods, and stayed until Kayden had to go, then we went inside, and sat around for a little while, before we took Timothy and Gabi back home.
You know how I said that on the way to the party we were cracking jokes?  Well, on the way back Timothy was telling a story.  It was an awesome story.  It only ended because we got to their house.  It made me sad.
Then mommy and I went back home, and watched Nemo...until I threw up.
So we went over to Grammy and Grampy's cause Grammy's a nurse, and could make sure I was okay, and then we ended up spending the night, and I'm still here at almost 5:00 pm.
Not sleeping right now, but still...
And my cousin came over, and now we're watching It's a Wonderful Life.
Wow, that was a quick summary...
Anyway, I'll talk to you later.

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