I am not a feminist. I am a very independent person, but not a feminist! Wanna know something? Every person, whether they're a man, woman, boy or girl have equal rights. Wanna know something else? Until a child is 18, they are under their parents' control. Does that make them any less of a human? Do people view them any differently than another person? I don't think so. Maybe, but I don't think so! They don't have fewer rights, they have the same rights, but they are different! Just like men and women are different.
The trigger for this rant, was Monday, when I was at a community dinner and someone mentioned my age, so I told them I was eighteen and they asked me if I had registered for the draft yet. No, I haven't. No, I don't plan to. Not because I don't love our military, but because I am not the type of person who could go into our military. They asked if wasn't it everyone who was supposed to register now? No, still just guys.
Why aren't women ever ranting about how all women should be required to register for the draft? I haven't seen it! Instead, I see women ranting about how men and women are equal, women should be allowed to go shirtless, women should have this, this and that in a job, women should be allowed to have abortions and men can't say anything about it, even if the woman is pregnant with his child.
But do you wanna know what really irritates me about the whole thing? If a woman doesn't agree with this, this or that about the feminist movement, they don't care about the women who sacrificed for the equal rights of women.
Well, listen up, equal doesn't mean same. I have equal rights as my friend Steven, but guess what...he's 6'3''...should I be all upset because I'm not the same as him? Nope. I'm like...a foot, give or take, shorter than him. I have equal rights as my friend Elizabeth (known to me as Awesome), but she has celiac and I don't. Should she be all upset because I can eat gluten no problem? Nah. Sure, we're different...but we're still equal.
Sure, women can do pretty much anything a guy can do...I mean, other than naturally pee standing up.... And hey, most men are stronger than women, so women can't make their percentage for people able to benchpress 500lbs higher than men's. Oh, and also, women and men are built differently, so I guess men and women also can't have the same build. Wait, men can't have babies. Or woo someone with their feminine wiles. Oh and also, I've heard way more stories of men talking their way out of a tick--oh wait, no more women talk their way out of tickets. Women are typically much more intuitive than men are, but men tend to be fairly observant at times. Women are usually more outwardly emotional, but men tend to stuff more....
But I mean, I guess women and men are the exact same. No differences. At all. Whew, glad I got that off my chest! After all, I've almost been hit by both men and women on the street...wait, no, it was a girl that accelerated so she could get across the road before I, a pedestrian, who was closer to the other side than she was, could. I've never almost got hit by a guy. Of course, give it time.
Men and women aren't the same! They just aren't! They have equal rights and they are both equally human...but they aren't the same. They are different. That's why there are men AND women, because they are not the same. And to act like they are is idiotic.
*big exhale* Until next time....
Your ranting blogger,
*Slow enthusiastic clapping*