Monday, July 30, 2012


Okay, no I'm not mad!  I just like going grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it makes me feel like such a tough girl!  Oh yeah, I'm tough!  Sooo tough!  Haha, don't take me seriously on that, even if I don't cry often, I'm still not totally tough.  It's true.  I'm not tough.  I also rarely cry.  I'm not sure why though.  It's strange.  Guess too much time playing the tough girl.
Alright, so, I found something out.  I get more views if I post my posts on facebook!  It's amazing!  I go from like 0 views to like...14!  One of my blog posts had like forty some!  That would be my interviews one.  These are just individual posts though, not the whole blog.
Now, I have a topic on my mind. (no, it's not procrastinating, though that's on my mind too.)  It's judging.  Everyone seems to know that Bible verse that says, "Judge not lest ye be judged," and the one that says, "To every man who judges, let him be judged likewise."  Now, hardly anyone seems to see the verses that say to judge rightly. (I'll find them for ya later, but they will be found!)  To judge rightly means to judge the persons actions, but not the person.  The Bible does say to judge actions.  In fact Jesus even did that!  He judged the Pharises actions, and called them what they were.  Whitewashed tombs.  (pretty on the outside, yucky on the inside.  Much like that popular girl y'all know who is very pretty, but is mean to everyone not in her cliqe)
So no, don't judge the person, and don't gossip about them.  Don't go to your friend Susie, and tell her all these bad things about a person.
If you see someone doing something that doesn't seem right, talk to them about it.  If they say that you're judging them, and get all up in your kool aid, then that's their problem.
The Bible also says to listen to advice.  If it's bad advice, don't listen to it though.  Advice like, "Oh yeah, you should have a drink of beer, it tastes wonderful, and when you're drunk you are a perfect angel!" < That is bad advice.
Advice like, "You wait for your prince okay?  God will bring him along someday, don't worry!" <That is good advice, and as far as I'm concerned it's very true.
Also, listen to your aunt if she advises you not to kiss on those metal slides at the park that are fun to surf down.  Considering she's done it before and it tasted like a 9 volt battery she probably knows what she's talking about.
Or better yet, wait till Christmas when you make him chase you around trying to get you under the mistletoe.
I've always wanted to get kissed under the mistletoe...and dance in the rain...and eat two pickle splits in a row...okay, snapping out of it now!
Don't be too worried about me, kay?  Kay, good.
Noowwwww, anyway, I was just gonna say that judging a person's action, (realizing, and pointing out that the action was bad, and should not be repeated, or done by anyone else) is different from judging a person. (Looking at a persons actions and saying, "dude, you're so messed up, and everything you do is wrong and bad!  Quit it!" and completely unlovingly saying it.)  Although you should tell the person that what they're doing is wrong.
Now, does everyone want to know a fun craft idea?
Of course you do!
Well, all week at VBS (the one at my church) the older kids (10-12) were working on decorating three ring binders.  They were all the big ones, and the cloth that they all used was denim, (hey for once I spelled it denim first instead of tiepoing it demin!) and they were pretty awesome.
What they did was they cut the cloth (the denim) into one inch (approximately) thick strips, and took craft glue, and glued them horizontally across their binders.  There was one boy who did them vertically, and they all looked pretty awesome.
After they did that they decorated them with pockets, and decals, (well, most of them did, Norma chose to leave hers with only the pocket) and it was all in all a wonderful craft.
I didn't do that craft however.  I was given permission to, but I politely declined, as I thought it would be better if I helped out the crafters with their cutting and stuff.
I did however make one at home!  Today!  So far I have the cloth (not denim) cut out, and glued onto my binder.  No decals yet though.  No pockets or anything.  Would you like to see a picture?
Too bad, I left my camera in the other room, and I'm too lazy to go get it!  Haha, I'm kiddin', I'll get them to you tomorrow.
I was kidding about the no  pictures, but you can't have them right now.  Remind me later ;)
Later than now....Yes I know, I know, it's later, but, I mean later like, much much later!
Thank you....
Okay, now I'm gonna talk about Prince Charming vrs Knight in Shining Armor.  Who would you rather have?
For me I would rather have a Knight in Shinning Armor.  I mean, seriously, think about it, what is the mental image you get when you think Prince Charming.  You got that in your mind?  Okay good, keep it there.  Now think of a Knight in Shinning Armor.  What's that mental image?
When I think of a Prince Charming, I think of a handsome man, who lavishes his princess with whatsoever her heart desires, and can give her anything she wants.  Handsome, winks at her across the room, smiles at her, wraps his arms around her, and gives everyone a big movie grin.  Not really wrong persay, but...well, when I think of a Knight in Shinning Armor, I think of a man who's strong, and brave, and can protect me against practically anything.  A handsome guy, who will give his princess hugs, and make her feel like a treasure.  Maybe he can't give her every single thing that she wants, but when you think about it, you don't even want half the stuff you want!
(for example, if I had a TV, I'd spend all my time watching TV, and none doing stuff like blogging, and talking to people, and reading books, and stuff like that.)
So for me, I'd rather be protected, and feel like a treasure than getting whatever I want, and having a prince with a film star grin.
The next order of "business" otherwise known as my crazy ramblings, is my book!
The Unnamed Legend.  I started it when I was...twelve?  I may have been ten.  I know I was ten when I started writing.  Granted, my work was a bit confusing, and the grammar was atrocious, the spelling made no sense whatsoever, but I still wrote.  I think I was ten or eleven, maybe twelve when I started it, but no older than.
See it started out as being typed up in a whatchamicallit with no spell check, and I started writing it.  Back then it had no name.  It was in fact titled, "Ha Ha Kayden."  Don't ask me why, I really don't know!
It had the worst grammar and spelling in the world I would think.
Thankfully I knew how to use quotation marks, and capitalization, but my spelling was awful!
I had my their, there, and they're's all mixed up!  Not to mention that half the time "their" was spelled, "thier."
Thankfully I've gotten a lot better at spelling.  And grammar.  And all that stuff really.
I think that sometimes I've turned into a Grammar Nazi!
I'm going to set up a blog just for my book, and I'd love for you to go check it out when I get it up!
Anyway, that's all for now!

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