There was a video, with real guys, being asked real questions, and answering them from their hearts. Here's the link to the post: What Guys Think About Modesty
In the comments there was a link to a Modesty Survey that two brothers conducted. Here's the link to that: Modesty Survey
Now, last but not least is the link to my interview of various people, about modesty, and clothes, and girls, and things like that: My Interviews
I just thought that you people would be interested in that.
I've got a lot to talk about, but I'm not sure if I should or not. You see, it's about my opinions, my world views, how I view the Bible, some of my beliefs. Then again, I think that I ought to, that way everyone knows where I stand.
Jewelry: It depends what kind, how it's worn, and why it's worn. This is one of those things that I think is, and should be a personal conviction. My denomination is the Holiness denomination, and they say that jewelry should not be worn. I'm not allowed (normally) to wear jewelry when I'm up on the platform, so I will honor that, but I will wear jewelry at home, and just about everywhere else. Yes I will even wear it to church, just not up on the platform. I've worn a ring, (somewhat of a purity ring, but not really) and now I've got a bracelet that Justice gave me, and I intend to wear that at all times except sleeping, and taking a shower, and times when I am told that I cannot wear it. I do think that it can be worn as a compliment to your body, that God gave you, but not in a way soley to attract attention. I also think that if someone close to you gave you a piece of jewelry it is perfectly fine to wear it, to think of them, if they're dead to remember them. For example, (other than the bracelet from Justice) I used to go to a church in a small town just a 10 minute drive away from my house, and there was this nice old lady, who was blind, and I would just go up to her, and talk to her, and be her friend, things like that, and one day she gave me a necklace with red beads, and a little green Westie on the end of it. I wore that everywhere, even in the bathtub, until it fell apart. Then I turned it into a bracelet, which I later lost. I have no problem with that.
Pants on Girls: Eh, this is a hard topic, even for me. See, for me it depends on how tight the pants are, and how short/long they are, but sometimes I think that pants are more modest than skirts. See, with skirts, you can see someone's underwear, but with pants, if they're worn right, and aren't tight you can't, and you can't see the form of the persons legs. I've also said that if I had to choose between my daughter wearing a miniskirt, or short shorts, I would pick short shorts. Yes, they are as short, or sometimes a lil shorter than a miniskirt, but, it would be a lot harder to see her underwear. I like wearing skirts, and I will probably always wear skirts, and dress my daughters in skirts, but, I have no problem with pants, so long as they're modest. Short shorts on the other hand, aren't acceptable, no matter where you are or what you're doing. UNLESS they are under your skirt.
Now, here's a wonderful thing for me to tell you! I'm spending the night at my grandma and grandpa's, and my aunt has decided that I need to go to bed. At least at home I know ahead of time, like an actual ahead of time when I've got to get the computer off, and go to bed, but my aunt has decided that we're going to bed right after devotions (I do that myself every night, just at my time) and I can't sleep, I know that much, because I'm not even tired. Joy. Not to mention that my blog post isn't nearly done, and if I want to try to get to talk to Aunt Maricel I'll have to stay up till..later, and my cousin Andrew and I normally talk later in the day, like late at night, like, we normally both go to bed around midnight together. Okay, that didn't come out right, but, y'all knew what I meant.
Well, dear people, I'm sorry that I am being forced off of here, earlier than my adult friend, who goes to bed early. Yes Ronda, if you're reading this, I'm talking about you.
Normally she's at least on to talk to at 10!
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