I'm going on a date Saturday! With Justice! I'm really excited. REALLY excited. With a capital E! Okay, on with my post...
I am making a dictionary of Katie-ese...sorta, I don't know what you'd call it. On we go! No, it's not in alphabetical order.
KIK (Kick)- This word is an acronym, for several different phrases. Knowing it kills, killing insane kids, Kik is kute, (Kik is a hamster) Killing isn't kool, knowing I'm kidding. And really just about anything that you can come up with that has the initals kik. The history of this word is that my big brother Donny kept making tiepose of the word lol, which stands for laugh out loud. He finally got tired of making the tiepoe, and decided to make it an actual word. It can, and should be used in place of lol.
Tiepo (tie-po), pluralized, Tiepose (tie-pose.)- This is another spelling of the word typo, and typos. It should be used the same places as the two words.
Rona-This word can be somewhat confusing to people as it's a company, and a few places. But, this word, used in the correct terms (sorta...) It can be used to describe an exciting event that's going to take place. Like, "I'm going to have rona fun at my date on Saturday!" it's hard to explain what it means and where to use it. It's like a lot, a ton, a bunch, amazing. Normally the word fun is followed after it.
Frilly Cheeto Pie- Okay, this means two things. It's another word for Frito Chilli Pie, or, it's a food that consists of cheetos, being served in the middle of a mostly lettuce salad. Either way, it's a food.
Now, I know I have a ton more of these here words somewhere but I can't remember them.
My mom is telling me that I need to get off of here. I'm not sure if she wants me to go to bed or not though. I think I'll go to my room, but not get ready for bed yet. And I need to change my bunny's bedding.
Okay, I thought that I posted this yesterday night, but apparently I didn't!