Wanna hear all about it? You do don't you? Oh yeah, I can see it in your eyes, you want to know every little detail about youth camp!
Okay, well to start with I made several friends there. Here's a list of the ones I made last year, and hung out with this year too:
Okay, and then here's a list of my new friends.
Tater Tot
I just realized that most of those are boys. And one of them is pretty cute. Okay, honestly, there were a lot of cute boys at Youth Camp, but only one really stood out to me.
Okay, so the first day of Youth Camp, Norma, Jonnie, Mom, Aunt Becca, and I all piled into Uncle Stephen's black car, (which is a ford, and I hate driving it) to go to youth camp. We got there...around three I think, and Norma, Jonnie and I all went to register.
No sooner were we registered but I had two offers from people to bunk with them.
One from Amaris, and one from Katie, my friend from last year (and this year too of course.) Oh yeah, and Amaris is my second cousin. She's my mom's cousin. So, yeah.
I ended up bunking with Amaris (who is a blanket hog by the way! But she's my cousin, so I love her anyway, and she got a lil better with sharing the blanket later in the week)
Then, I was walking back to the dorm when I saw a semi familiar figure, with another semi familiar figure.
Okay, like seriously, they are some of the coolest people in the world! I mean really, Arkista is so awesome that she drew a mustache on her finger, and a beard on her other finger, and then held them up to her face like people do with non drawn on fingers. It was pretty cool. Now, I would post the picture of her, but, I don't know if she would have a complaint to me posting pictures of her on my blog, which is open, and everyone can see. So...I won't post pictures of her. Or anyone without their permission.
But I can post the link to the pictures on facebook! I sure hope y'all have access to facebook, otherwise it won't let you see them.
Ochelata Youth Camp Pictures
I'm in the very first picture! And somewhere in a few of those pictures is Justice. More on him later ;)
Okay, so some key moments that really stood out in different segments.
Sports: A certain guy (not saying his name) was playing our team (well, his whole team was) and we were playing softball. My favorite of the Youth Camp sports. And he got really into the game. And I mean really into it! The first thing I know is that one of our people is running to first...and the next thing I know is the firstbaseman has on electric blue shorts under his pants...YUP! You guessed it..his pants split. I wasn't sure if I should laugh, or be shocked, or be embarrased for him. I ended up being a bit of all three. I chuckled nervously, stared at everyone in shock, and turned semi red.
Lunch Line: Hmm, there's two very memorable lunch line times...Okay we'll start with...I think it was lunch, on Friday. Arkista, Bridget and I were all in line together, (Oh yeah, I went and found her, because I wanted food fast, and my team had had pots and pans #1) and Arkista had drawn a face on her hand. You know how you do that thing where your whole fist is like a head, and you use your thumb as the mouth? Well, she drew his face, and named him. When I got in line his name was Pierre the Love Bug, and he was trying to kiss Bridget. And then he went after me. He got named Matt, (one of the sponsors there) and even once Bridget!
The second time...Again, it was Friday, this time it was Supper. I was in line with Justice, and I stuck my horsie hat on his head. Goodness that guy has a big head! Either that or I have a small one, because I had to loosen up my hat a ton to get it to fit on his head, and then I had to tighten it a ton to get it to fit back on mine. Yeah, I just remember that one as one of the best.
Wait, there's one more. It was...Wednesday, or Thursday, and I think it was lunch. I was on my way, almost there to the food part, when I was next to the window of the dishwashing place, one of the members of the team there came up to the window, and held out his hand, and told me his name. Justice.
Okay, all my meals that I remember a lot were on Friday.
Breakfast: I was serving, well, my whole team, and Bridget's whole team were serving, and I was serving the cinnamon rolls. Yes I remember what I was serving. Justice was the first in line, followed by Tatertot (which leads me to wonder if they had pots and pans#2? They were on the same team, and Pots and pans #2 people have to eat first.) and then after serving, I finally got to eat! YAY! But the only problem was...I felt really sick to my stomach, and Norma didn't want my food, so I ended up not eating all of it. Not even the cinnamon roll!
Lunch: Okay, this is the same time when Arikista had her Pierre the love bug who kept trying to kiss Bridget and I. We finally got out of the line, and there's Justice wandering around, I think he was looking for someone? And before in the lunch line I had mentioned to Bridget that I kinda wanted to sit with him. Sooo...Bridget sees him...and says, "Hey, go sit back down, she actually wanted to sit with you!" I nearly kicked her, but didn't squeal, "BRIIIIIIIDGEEET!!!!!!!" like I'd wanted to. Then he ended up following us to our seats and sitting next to me. And Bridget tried to make me eat whatever the green desert thing was. It kinda creeped me out. It was sooo green. Like..not food color green. I didn't want to eat it. She put a little bit on my spoon, and tried to make me eat it. In the end I think that Justice ate it.
Supper: Again, Friday, the last day... So, we ate our food, and Tatertot comes up and starts talking about the storm outside, and people getting killed in the rain, and all that, which kind of terrified me, because there was a really strong wind, and everyone thought that there was a tornado coming. I had lemonade. I think. I rarely took the lemonade, I preferred the sweet tea. Anyway, after I got done eating I was sleepy (actually I was sleepy while I was eating) so I used Justice as a pillow. He's a real sweetie.
Now, I could go on about this forever, but I'd better go.
Oh my, Justice... -_-