First off, it seems lately that everyone, Christians, and non Christians aren't stepping up and doing what they can to better this world. And well, it's just wrong. They sit there and say, "It's not my place to do this, it's their place. I'm not doing anything!" And they say that they don't want to cause drama, they don't want to get involved.
Think about Hadassa, better known as Esther. She was a Jew who got picked to marry the king of Persia. THE KING! Okay, so I don't know how wealthy her family was, but I'm pretty sure they weren't as rich as the king, so she goes from...poorish, to very rich.
And then there's the king's right hand man. Very powerful dude, he gets the king's ring, and makes a decree that cannot be reversed.
"Kill all the Jews! Take their land!"
Queen Esther is a Jew. She was told by her Uncle Mordicai not to tell anyone that she was a Jew though, and she took on the name Esther. So, no one knows that she's a Jew. She's safe.
Her uncle let's her know what's going on, and tells her, "You gotta tell the king, and have him make a new decree! Please, for your people!"
And then she says, "No way! That's not my place! I feel sorry for the rest of y'all, but...well, I'm here, and I'm safe, and I might cause drama if I bring up the tiny fact that I am a Jew. I can't get involved or stick my neck out there!"
And then Haman and his men go, and they kill every Jew there is.
Then, Esther realizes that all the Jew's included her uncle! So she runs to the king, and begs for him to kill Haman for the murder of her uncle. The king asks who her uncle is, and she tells him. He finds out and stares at her in shock.
Haman comes in.
"Haman! You killed her uncle!!!"
Haman is shocked. "I did what??"
"You killed her uncle, and she wants you dead!"
"Who's her uncle?"
"Mordicai the Jew!"
"If he's a Jew than she's a Jew..."
"Yeah so?"
Haman quickly kills Esther where she stands shocking the king, and killing off all of the Jews.
Yeah, that's how it would be if she had said "Um, I'm sorry, I don't want to cause drama, or get in the middle of this. It's not my place. It's the king's place, he's the one in charge."
Instead she said, "Oh my word! I'm scared, but first, I'll pray, then I'll feed the king, I know that men are always happier on full stomachs."
She prays, and then after two banquets, she tells the king, "I know I should have told you before hand, but I'm a Jew and your right hand man there, Haman, he wants to kill all the Jews. PLEASE don't let him!"
The king is in shock, steps out for a brief moment and comes back to see Haman choking his wife.
Haman gets hung, and the Jew's get to defend themselves against those trying to kill them.
Because she was willing to step up, and wasn't saying that it wasn't her place, it was this persons place, and that persons place. She was a brave woman.
I also heard tell of a man who saved 600+ Jewish kids from concentration camps, and gas houses. He stuck his neck out there, and literally risked his life to save them kids!
Why are people nowdays just turning a blind eye?
A kid is getting abused? "Oh, well, she's an underaged slut anyway, throws herself at guys and likes it. Besides, its not my place to turn the guy in, its the abuser's wife's place!"
A kid at school is getting bullied? "They're not popular, and the bully would just beat me up for helping. Besides, it's not my place to help out, its the principal's job!"
Someone is sticking gum on the pews at church? "Um...they're like the church bully, I mean yeah, churches aren't supposed to have bullies, but see, if I confronted them, they'd just get mad at me! And besides, its not my place to confront them, it's the pastor's job!!!"
The church needs people to help with VBS? "Oh sorry, I'm all booked up for that week! Besides, it's not my place to help with VBS! Leave that up to the old ladies!!!"
You know, if everyone said that, we would get nothing done!
I know I'm not the best at doing this, but it's true. There's always someone else that you can pin the responsiblity on, but, if you're there, and you can do something, then do it! That's all you gotta do. See something you can help with, and help!
Okay, done!
Very good point made in a super hyper way :) Good job Kay!<3
ReplyDeleteGreat post, very true, everyone needs to step up more.