Okay so here's a list of things I want to talk about in this post. Not necessarily in order.
1. Youth Camp.
2. Church tonight.
3. Youth Camp.
4. Lizzie McGuire.
5. Youth Camp.
6. The 4th of July.
7. Youth Camp.
8. Anything else that comes to mind.
9. Youth Camp.
Okay, we'll start with the 4th of July (then Youth Camp!) So, I had a pretty good Fourth. I got "kidnapped" by my friend Ronda. She's somewhere in her fifties, (which I find weird, because she doesn't seem that old at ALL) and can drive to my house, kidnap me, and take me to her house/town. See, she lives a town over from me, and while I can drive, I can't drive that far, and not by myself.
Well anyway, she kidnapped me and took me to her house, and we stayed there. I ate, tomatoes, lemonade, hamburgers, and...something else, but I--BROCCOLI! And broccoli with cheese ^_^ It was some goooooood food.
And then we went to watch the fireworks which didn't go off till 9:45, and there was this really big hill. Like HUUUUUGE! Not huge huge, but huge! See, we were sitting at the top of the hill, and I decided to roll down it once or twice. Or three or four times? Okay, okay, okay, I admit it! About 25-50 times???
It was really fun! And guess what!!! I was the only one rolling down the hill! The only one! And there were kids there younger than me! Yes I know that I'm 14, but that's normal-ish behavior for me. Ish.
All in all that was an awesome way to spend my 4th. And I'm really glad that I have freedom here. And as immature as it may sound, I am so glad that I have the freedom to roll down hills, and act, "immature." YAY FOR FREEDOM, AND MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA FOREVER!
Next we'll do talk about church tonight!
Okay, so we had a really special treat tonight at church! See normally it's just Pastor Chad's boooorrrring preaching. I'M KIDDING! I LOVE Pastor Chad's preaching! He's one of the best preachers I've ever heard. Anyway, normally it's just Pastor Chad's preaching, but today we had the awesome treat of some singers from Penn View coming!
Now I know what you're thinking, "Penn View? What is this 'Penn View?'" Well, to answer your question, Penn View is a Bible college in PA. They have singers in the college, in different groups, and today we had a group call Proclaim come to our church. IT WAS AWESOME!
Here's a link so you know I'm not just blowing steam.
Penn View
Now, as you can see they have various people in the group. Well, I made a new friend! OH! And various Bible Colleges go to Youth Camp too, and...THEY'RE GOING!
My new friend is Andrew, the one listed there. I also have a cousin named Andrew... Okay, so anyway, here's how I met met Andrew, and not just saw him, and figured out who he was and decided to call him my friend.
See, sometimes I go to the church, and play the piano there. My mom and I have a big hymnal at home, but it will never stay open, but the one at the church will, and the piano is more in tune. That's why I go.
So anyway, I'm there, playing piano, then around 4:30-5:00 Penn View people started showing up.
There's Joe Stratton who was traveling with him. And he was also the Teen Issues speaker personal at Youth Camp last year, and he came in first.
Then it was...William I think...Then it was Andrew who said it was hot outside and perfect inside.
I told him that I begged to differ, but I was freezing in the church...he proceeded to laugh... Oh yeah, and I wasn't speaking in such wonderful prose and poetry, and all that stuff, I was just talking normally, like, "Are you serious? I'm freezing in here! My toes are cold!" Yes I know, I'm so immature!
Anyway, they went back and forth carrying stuff from their van, and wouldn't let me help, even though I wanted to and offered, because now that there were in there I was going to more than likely have to give up the piano, and quite honestly I get really nervous playing piano in front of people. My hands shake, my feet shake, my hands get all sweaty. Oh yes yes yes...I have stage fright!
ANYWAY! He was up there testing the mics, and I think he was purposely acting goofy to make me laugh, and it worked. I think I laugh easily, unless I hate you, and in that case every word you say is evil, wicked, and NOT funny in the least! Be glad I like you guys ;)
Then while the others were singing and stuff, (I don't think he sung once, he played his instrument, and that's it. I think it was a French Horn.) he came and sat by me, and said hi, told me his name, asked me mine, what grade I was in, how old I was, if I was going to any camps.
Silly me forgot to ask him how old he was/is. I'll ask him tomorrow or something.
Anyway, I really like him, he's pretty awesome, and I kinda hope we're on the same team at Youth Camp.
Anyway, in short, I have an awesome new friend, and I loved the service at church tonight. ONE complaint...It ended, and Andrew didn't sing...
Next up on the list to talk about...
LIZZIE MCGUIRE! It's my new fad thingymabobber. I've had it before, but I have it again. Anyway, here's the link to an episode.
Lizzie McGuire Part One
Okay, that was short o.O
Now for anything else that comes to my mind.
The Butterfly Challenge.
The Butterfly Challenge is when a person who has problems with cutting and stuff draws a butterfly on themselves and names it after someone that they love, when they have the urge to cut. If they cut the butterfly dies.
People who don't cut can also draw butterflies on their arms, or legs, or wherever, and name it after someone they love who is going through a hard time. I've done that.
It was...Thursday or Friday when my friend told me about it. It's kind of interesting.
And now we're on to Youth Camp!
So, Youth Camp starts TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!
A whole week (five days) of people, church services, singing, boys, games, fun, and eek!
Here's the pros and cons of Youth Camp.
Pros: Meet new friends, meet up with old Youth Camp friends, church services, games, fun night, singing, crazy fun in the dorm.
Cons: Missing my mom, no internet and internet friends, no friends who aren't going to Youth Camp, no pets.
I'm so excited! I hope that Karen, Katie, Andrew and I are all on the same team, but we might not be. Hopefully Andrew and I anyway. Cause that'd be awesome. I want to get to know my new friend better, and make new friends, and have awesome friends, and I love friends.
I'm going to take my camera and get some pictures, and share them on here. I hope I make good friends, that I'll be able to keep for a life time.
I cannot wait!
Back to whatever my mind comes up with:
My mom and I were twins at church today! See we have these shirts that match. They're red shirts, with black pattern on them, and she got one, and I got one, and then we match today. I'm gonna miss my mommy when I'm at Youth Camp...
And also I fishtail braided my hair!
Fully body picture, courtesy of my loving mommy, who took the picture. I personally think I look weird in it. Then again, I'm not very photogenic...And I don't think I'm supposed to look deep into the lens like I would look deep into my husband's eyes if I was married to him. But I'm not married to my husband yet. As far as I know I haven't even met him!
The braid...up close and semi personal. though how you can be personal with a braid I have no idea!
And back we go to the butterfly challenge topic! Here's a picture of a butterfly I drew for my friend, who's having some problems with that.
I took a picture to send to her, but I figured I could do this too. Just to give you an example if you're thinking that you may need to do this or something.
You can really draw it anywhere. Legs, ankles, wrists, anywhere really.
I have a very faded one on my wrist.
And back to Youth Camp... I'm gonna have to pack last minute stuff tomorrow morning.
Here's my itinerary for tomorrow (I think.)
Wake up.
Pack a few things.
Mow the backyard.
Take a shower.
Pack anything else I need.
Go to Grammy's to meet up with Aunt Becca.
Go to Youth Camp.
Check in.
Find a room.
Do Youth Camp stuff.
Sounds kinda busy. I hope I don't get too stressed out or cry while mowing.
If I'm stressed and just woke up I will cry when told to do something. I have no idea why, it's just like I'm too tired to comprehend what I'm supposed to do, and I can't do it right.
I will seriously be about to cry if that happens. I feel like such a baby sometimes. But hey, at least I admitted to doing it!
Once I knew a lady older than me who still wet the bed. I think she had bladder problems. Poor lady :(
Um...I was going to say something but my mind went wacko and forgot....
The main point is that I need to get my puppy packed, and my Bible packed. Oh yeah, and my camera, and phone, and phone charger.
And here's more stuff about Youth Camp.
I have a youth camp notebook, where I can write down when I meet my team leaders, and my team members, and the first impression I had of them.
I heard somewhere that one of the team leaders are real big on scripture memorization, and like hound you about it. I think that that would be awful, and a great way to make kids who have trouble memorizing, or spitting stuff back out at people not want to go back.
Thankfully I'm fairly good at memorizing, and can sometimes spit stuff back out.
Alright, I'm almost incoherent. I will finish my Lizzie McGuire Episode, have my devotions, and go to bed.
Thou art excited, I canst tell.
ReplyDeleteBy any chance, you on gmail?
I was excited. I'm gonna miss it. Well, the people more than the camp, I'm not too fond of the chores.
DeleteAnd nope, sowwy! :/