Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Afternoon Fair PeopleI

Hello dead readers!
I've been helping out with my church's VBS, which, is different than the Baptist church's VBS, but still just as fun!  I love VBS.  Today was the last day though. *sob*
I'm here to debunk people who say that calling things/people cool is bad.  According to them cool stands for: Constipated, overrated, out of style looser.  That does not spell out cool, that spells out cooosl.  They subsitute "kool" for "cool."  Now what do you think that kool means?  kool means: Killers of octopi lovely!  SEE!!!  Kool means you're murdering sweet innocent octopi!  Octopi is the plural of octopus.
I rest my case that cool is better than kool.  Things are cool around here, not kool.  Nor are they cooosl.
I just got done eating a cold, but cooked ear of corn.  I can see that you're wondering why I'd do such a thing. Well, here's why.  I'm at Grammy and Papa's and I'm sitting in their kitchen typing this up.  We had corn for lunch, and there was a left over ear of corn!
So I ate it!  Now aren't I smart??
You know I really have nothing other than that to post, so...
~Katie :)

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