Tuesday, July 31, 2012


I have no explanation for the title of this post.
Okay, so a friend and I got into an interesting discussion about books like Harry Potter, and Percy Jackson.  While I know that everyone has their own opinion she posted as her facebook status:
"Question of the day: Should Christians read books like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, that place emphasis on other religions?"
I want to know your answers to these questions!
Anyway, as of now, I'm starting to plan for school.  As a homeschooler I am now my own teacher.  I am old enough to self teach.  At least some things.  Math is my biggest struggle.  I hate it, I'm not really that good at it, and none of it sticks.
I just have to find out what the required classes are for High schooled Kansans.  Unfortunately, I think that math is one of them. :/
As extra credit, (I guess you would call it?) I'm planning on doing memorization, coding, and psychology.  Call me crazy, but Psychology is a very interesting topic to me.  If I am able to do a foreign language, I'm not sure which I'll pick, because I want to learn more of the several that I know bits and pieces of, (Latin, Greek, Spanish, French) and then I want to learn Gaelic.  For those of you who may not know, Gaelic is the Irish language.
I'm Irish.  Alas, I've never been to Ireland, but I want to someday.  I also have family from Sweden, but I have no desire to go there, or learn the language.  I'm strange like that.
I also have a huge interest in the Native Americans.
I just found what is supposed to be the required subjects.  I'm not sure if it's for high schoolers though.  Here it is:

Math: Ugh.  Reading: I like reading.  Social Studies: Yay!  Science: What kind?  Writing: No words can describe my happiness of "having" to write.
I love to write, so I'm not sure I'm even going to count my creative writing (stories, books) as school.  Maybe I should though.
I mean, you like something, and you can do it, and it can be counted as school, go ahead and do so!
Math...It's my worst school nightmare.  Being a homeschooler has it's advantages, such as not having nightmares of being alone in the hallway of your school, fully clothed, then someone coming out and laughing at you, then you realize that no, you're not actually wearing clothes at all, but are wearing what you were wearing when you were born.  Nothing.
Me...I more have nightmares of giant math problems trying to crush me.  Ugh.
I'm thinking about trying to find a tutor, because I know that you can get practically nowhere in life not knowing math.
I sure hope that I marry a guy who's good with numbers!  Hey who knows, he may even be able to help me out with my math issues!
My main issues are that I can't remember how to do things beyond simple division.  I can do, and like multiplying.
Mom says that she thinks it's because we didn't stick to one math book learning system thingy.  I don't know if she's right or not, I just want to stop being so math disorented!
If we can find a math book, or tutor that can help me remember how to do this stuff, I will love the book and tutor for as long as I live, just never admit it.
You know though, I don't get how a person who can imagine tons of stuff, and write books that an editor (who is supposed to be judging the book critically) loves, can be so dumb with math.
Annnyyyywayyyyy, done talking about math!
Sometimes I wish I was public schooled, but it's not because of the peers, or the main of the teaching.  I want to go for the extra classes!  The ones like woodworking, mechanics, home ec, ect.  Homeschooled kids don't exactly get to do stuff like that.
And apparently neither do some private schooled kids!
There's a private Christian school nearby, and they have no extra classes, (like the ones I just listed) or sports.  How awful and sad is that??  At least they have music.  That's one good thing.
Speaking of music, I would die without music!  I'm almost positive that I would die without it.  It's gotten me through many tough times.  And given me hope.  Both Christian music, and more non Christian music.
I did tell y'all about camp coming up right?  Oh yeah, I'm excited!  So excited!
I'm also watching the second Narnia movie.  I so gotta read the books again.  I also need to finish the book that I'm reading now.
The Hobbit.
So far, I love it!
For those of you who may be wondering, I'm at the part where they have just gotten away from the trolls, and I think that they've passed through the elves place, and are at the house of...a guy who's name I seem to have forgotten, but I think that it starts with an E?
Anyway, the point is that I love it, and that I wish I could be a hobbit.  Granted, I would be even shorter than I already am now, (5 foot, and two inches tall if you're wondering) but think of the feet!  I could go barefoot all the time!  And live in a Hobbit Hole!!!
Anyway...your wishful hobbit-wanna-be is gettin off of her blog, (this one) and is going to try to get some stuff figured out for her book.  Such as, when to publish it, getting it finally rechecked, and PUBLISHED!
So long, and farewell.  Please, don't forget to comment your opinions about Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and maybe even Twilight!
~Katie :)

Monday, July 30, 2012


Okay, no I'm not mad!  I just like going grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it makes me feel like such a tough girl!  Oh yeah, I'm tough!  Sooo tough!  Haha, don't take me seriously on that, even if I don't cry often, I'm still not totally tough.  It's true.  I'm not tough.  I also rarely cry.  I'm not sure why though.  It's strange.  Guess too much time playing the tough girl.
Alright, so, I found something out.  I get more views if I post my posts on facebook!  It's amazing!  I go from like 0 views to like...14!  One of my blog posts had like forty some!  That would be my interviews one.  These are just individual posts though, not the whole blog.
Now, I have a topic on my mind. (no, it's not procrastinating, though that's on my mind too.)  It's judging.  Everyone seems to know that Bible verse that says, "Judge not lest ye be judged," and the one that says, "To every man who judges, let him be judged likewise."  Now, hardly anyone seems to see the verses that say to judge rightly. (I'll find them for ya later, but they will be found!)  To judge rightly means to judge the persons actions, but not the person.  The Bible does say to judge actions.  In fact Jesus even did that!  He judged the Pharises actions, and called them what they were.  Whitewashed tombs.  (pretty on the outside, yucky on the inside.  Much like that popular girl y'all know who is very pretty, but is mean to everyone not in her cliqe)
So no, don't judge the person, and don't gossip about them.  Don't go to your friend Susie, and tell her all these bad things about a person.
If you see someone doing something that doesn't seem right, talk to them about it.  If they say that you're judging them, and get all up in your kool aid, then that's their problem.
The Bible also says to listen to advice.  If it's bad advice, don't listen to it though.  Advice like, "Oh yeah, you should have a drink of beer, it tastes wonderful, and when you're drunk you are a perfect angel!" < That is bad advice.
Advice like, "You wait for your prince okay?  God will bring him along someday, don't worry!" <That is good advice, and as far as I'm concerned it's very true.
Also, listen to your aunt if she advises you not to kiss on those metal slides at the park that are fun to surf down.  Considering she's done it before and it tasted like a 9 volt battery she probably knows what she's talking about.
Or better yet, wait till Christmas when you make him chase you around trying to get you under the mistletoe.
I've always wanted to get kissed under the mistletoe...and dance in the rain...and eat two pickle splits in a row...okay, snapping out of it now!
Don't be too worried about me, kay?  Kay, good.
Noowwwww, anyway, I was just gonna say that judging a person's action, (realizing, and pointing out that the action was bad, and should not be repeated, or done by anyone else) is different from judging a person. (Looking at a persons actions and saying, "dude, you're so messed up, and everything you do is wrong and bad!  Quit it!" and completely unlovingly saying it.)  Although you should tell the person that what they're doing is wrong.
Now, does everyone want to know a fun craft idea?
Of course you do!
Well, all week at VBS (the one at my church) the older kids (10-12) were working on decorating three ring binders.  They were all the big ones, and the cloth that they all used was denim, (hey for once I spelled it denim first instead of tiepoing it demin!) and they were pretty awesome.
What they did was they cut the cloth (the denim) into one inch (approximately) thick strips, and took craft glue, and glued them horizontally across their binders.  There was one boy who did them vertically, and they all looked pretty awesome.
After they did that they decorated them with pockets, and decals, (well, most of them did, Norma chose to leave hers with only the pocket) and it was all in all a wonderful craft.
I didn't do that craft however.  I was given permission to, but I politely declined, as I thought it would be better if I helped out the crafters with their cutting and stuff.
I did however make one at home!  Today!  So far I have the cloth (not denim) cut out, and glued onto my binder.  No decals yet though.  No pockets or anything.  Would you like to see a picture?
Too bad, I left my camera in the other room, and I'm too lazy to go get it!  Haha, I'm kiddin', I'll get them to you tomorrow.
I was kidding about the no  pictures, but you can't have them right now.  Remind me later ;)
Later than now....Yes I know, I know, it's later, but, I mean later like, much much later!
Thank you....
Okay, now I'm gonna talk about Prince Charming vrs Knight in Shining Armor.  Who would you rather have?
For me I would rather have a Knight in Shinning Armor.  I mean, seriously, think about it, what is the mental image you get when you think Prince Charming.  You got that in your mind?  Okay good, keep it there.  Now think of a Knight in Shinning Armor.  What's that mental image?
When I think of a Prince Charming, I think of a handsome man, who lavishes his princess with whatsoever her heart desires, and can give her anything she wants.  Handsome, winks at her across the room, smiles at her, wraps his arms around her, and gives everyone a big movie grin.  Not really wrong persay, but...well, when I think of a Knight in Shinning Armor, I think of a man who's strong, and brave, and can protect me against practically anything.  A handsome guy, who will give his princess hugs, and make her feel like a treasure.  Maybe he can't give her every single thing that she wants, but when you think about it, you don't even want half the stuff you want!
(for example, if I had a TV, I'd spend all my time watching TV, and none doing stuff like blogging, and talking to people, and reading books, and stuff like that.)
So for me, I'd rather be protected, and feel like a treasure than getting whatever I want, and having a prince with a film star grin.
The next order of "business" otherwise known as my crazy ramblings, is my book!
The Unnamed Legend.  I started it when I was...twelve?  I may have been ten.  I know I was ten when I started writing.  Granted, my work was a bit confusing, and the grammar was atrocious, the spelling made no sense whatsoever, but I still wrote.  I think I was ten or eleven, maybe twelve when I started it, but no older than.
See it started out as being typed up in a whatchamicallit with no spell check, and I started writing it.  Back then it had no name.  It was in fact titled, "Ha Ha Kayden."  Don't ask me why, I really don't know!
It had the worst grammar and spelling in the world I would think.
Thankfully I knew how to use quotation marks, and capitalization, but my spelling was awful!
I had my their, there, and they're's all mixed up!  Not to mention that half the time "their" was spelled, "thier."
Thankfully I've gotten a lot better at spelling.  And grammar.  And all that stuff really.
I think that sometimes I've turned into a Grammar Nazi!
I'm going to set up a blog just for my book, and I'd love for you to go check it out when I get it up!
Anyway, that's all for now!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Posting Nonsense Again!

Okay, so...Yesterday, after my post guess what I got to do!
No...I didn't get my book published.  Good guess though!
Nope, no world record for me!
Um...no, I don't want to get that kind of job anyway o.O
Well...yeah, I did go to bed, just not till much later at night...
Okay, stop it, you are awful at guessing!
I drove a standard!
Okay, here's the answers to your questions:
No, I didn't kill anyone.
I drove behind an auditorium at first.
It was a red ford *wince* truck, which I liked fairly well for a ford, but at least it was a truck.  I'm a truck girl.
I killed it twice on the way home, which was about a mile, and that was when I was getting out of a stop.
Anyway, mom's cutting my computer time *sob* sooo, I gotta go.
~Katie :)

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Pay no heed to the title, I just couldn't come up with a better one, and "Hey there!" is kind of unoriginal.  At least mine is unique!  I have a question for you.  How do you catch a wild rabbit?  Oh wait, I remember!!!  Unique up on him!  But...how do you catch a tame rabbit?  Oh wait, I remember again...The tame way!
Okay, so now that I got that joke out of my system...
You guys know how excited I was for Youth Camp right?  Well, as you all know Youth Camp is over.  I don't miss Youth Camp, with the up early, and all the sports, which kind of exhausted me.  I really don't like volleyball.  Softball I do like.  Those were the two sports that the teens play.
I miss the people.  Justice, Bridget, Melissa, Katie, Karen, Arkista, my sponsors, tons of other people, I don't really miss the people on my team, awesome though they were, and more than likely still are, because, well, I didn't really befriend any of them.  I played on their team for sports, but I didn't really end up being good friends with any of them.
Well, there's a camp coming up where I'll be able to see some of my friends from camp!!!  It's a general camp (I think) everyone, and anyone can come, and it costs nothing unless you spend the night, and then I think that it's only 6 dollars a day for a dorm room.  And then the meals are free, and we have church, which isn't mandatory, (unless you're a minor and your parents make you go) but I like them.  Most of them.  I really hate it though when pastors shout and yell.  Once in a while is okay, you know, to prove a point, but I hate it when half of the sermon is yelled.  It scares the stuffing out of me, and makes me just sit there, sitting through it not really listening, and it's in no way going to convince me of sin, and go to the altar.  If anything, it will scare me to death.
Once I heard a guy preach on Hell.  Rather loudly, when I was...seven I guess, and ever since then I have been terrified of Hell...
Annnnnyyyyway, I'll get to see some of my friends.  Justice! :)  I'm really excited to see all of the ones that will be there, but especially Justice.
So yeah, I'm excited about that.
Anyway, I'm running short on things to say.  Nothing exciting has been happening, not really, sooooo, here am I, making posts about practically nothing.
~Katie :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Good Afternoon Fair PeopleI

Hello dead readers!
I've been helping out with my church's VBS, which, is different than the Baptist church's VBS, but still just as fun!  I love VBS.  Today was the last day though. *sob*
I'm here to debunk people who say that calling things/people cool is bad.  According to them cool stands for: Constipated, overrated, out of style looser.  That does not spell out cool, that spells out cooosl.  They subsitute "kool" for "cool."  Now what do you think that kool means?  kool means: Killers of octopi lovely!  SEE!!!  Kool means you're murdering sweet innocent octopi!  Octopi is the plural of octopus.
I rest my case that cool is better than kool.  Things are cool around here, not kool.  Nor are they cooosl.
I just got done eating a cold, but cooked ear of corn.  I can see that you're wondering why I'd do such a thing. Well, here's why.  I'm at Grammy and Papa's and I'm sitting in their kitchen typing this up.  We had corn for lunch, and there was a left over ear of corn!
So I ate it!  Now aren't I smart??
You know I really have nothing other than that to post, so...
~Katie :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Untitled Titledness!

I have some rantingishness to do here.
First off, it seems lately that everyone, Christians, and non Christians aren't stepping up and doing what they can to better this world.  And well, it's just wrong.  They sit there and say, "It's not my place to do this, it's their place.  I'm not doing anything!"  And they say that they don't want to cause drama, they don't want to get involved.
Think about Hadassa, better known as Esther.  She was a Jew who got picked to marry the king of Persia.  THE KING!  Okay, so I don't know how wealthy her family was, but I'm pretty sure they weren't as rich as the king, so she goes from...poorish, to very rich.
And then there's the king's right hand man.  Very powerful dude, he gets the king's ring, and makes a decree that cannot be reversed.
"Kill all the Jews!  Take their land!"
Queen Esther is a Jew.  She was told by her Uncle Mordicai not to tell anyone that she was a Jew though, and she took on the name Esther.  So, no one knows that she's a Jew.  She's safe.
Her uncle let's her know what's going on, and tells her, "You gotta tell the king, and have him make a new decree!  Please, for your people!"
And then she says, "No way!  That's not my place!  I feel sorry for the rest of y'all, but...well, I'm here, and I'm safe, and I might cause drama if I bring up the tiny fact that I am a Jew.  I can't get involved or stick my neck out there!"
And then Haman and his men go, and they kill every Jew there is.
Then, Esther realizes that all the Jew's included her uncle!  So she runs to the king, and begs for him to kill Haman for the murder of her uncle.  The king asks who her uncle is, and she tells him.  He finds out and stares at her in shock.
Haman comes in.
"Haman!  You killed her uncle!!!"
Haman is shocked.  "I did what??"
"You killed her uncle, and she wants you dead!"
"Who's her uncle?"
"Mordicai the Jew!"
"If he's a Jew than she's a Jew..."
"Yeah so?"
Haman quickly kills Esther where she stands shocking the king, and killing off all of the Jews.
Yeah, that's how it would be if she had said "Um, I'm sorry, I don't want to cause drama, or get in the middle of this.  It's not my place.  It's the king's place, he's the one in charge."
Instead she said, "Oh my word!  I'm scared, but first, I'll pray, then I'll feed the king, I know that men are always happier on full stomachs."
She prays, and then after two banquets, she tells the king, "I know I should have told you before hand, but I'm a Jew and your right hand man there, Haman, he wants to kill all the Jews.  PLEASE don't let him!"
The king is in shock, steps out for a brief moment and comes back to see Haman choking his wife.
Haman gets hung, and the Jew's get to defend themselves against those trying to kill them.
Because she was willing to step up, and wasn't saying that it wasn't her place, it was this persons place, and that persons place.  She was a brave woman.
I also heard tell of a man who saved 600+ Jewish kids from concentration camps, and gas houses.  He stuck his neck out there, and literally risked his life to save them kids!
Why are people nowdays just turning a blind eye?
A kid is getting abused?  "Oh, well, she's an underaged slut anyway, throws herself at guys and likes it.  Besides, its not my place to turn the guy in, its the abuser's wife's place!"
A kid at school is getting bullied?  "They're not popular, and the bully would just beat me up for helping.  Besides, it's not my place to help out, its the principal's job!"
Someone is sticking gum on the pews at church? "Um...they're like the church bully, I mean yeah, churches aren't supposed to have bullies, but see, if I confronted them, they'd just get mad at me!  And besides, its not my place to confront them, it's the pastor's job!!!"
The church needs people to help with VBS?  "Oh sorry, I'm all booked up for that week!  Besides, it's not my place to help with VBS!  Leave that up to the old ladies!!!"
You know, if everyone said that, we would get nothing done!
I know I'm not the best at doing this, but it's true.  There's always someone else that you can pin the responsiblity on, but, if you're there, and you can do something, then do it!  That's all you gotta do.  See something you can help with, and help!
Okay, done!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Two Hour Countdown

Hey everyone!  Just making a blog post, and I have 2 hours to complete it.  I don't know how long it will take, and honestly not completely what it will be about.
Well, actually, I decided that I don't need to make a blogpost...
Skipping the new signature:
~Katie :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hello, my Sunday Afternoon readers!

Hey there people!  Do any of you remember my blog post Interviews?  The one about modesty?  Well, I was on Project Inspired, and there was a thing about Modesty, and what do guys think about it, and how you can help them.
There was a video, with real guys, being asked real questions, and answering them from their hearts.  Here's the link to the post: What Guys Think About Modesty
In the comments there was a link to a Modesty Survey that two brothers conducted.  Here's the link to that: Modesty Survey
Now, last but not least is the link to my interview of various people, about modesty, and clothes, and girls, and things like that: My Interviews
I just thought that you people would be interested in that.
I've got a lot to talk about, but I'm not sure if I should or not.  You see, it's about my opinions, my world views, how I view the Bible, some of my beliefs.  Then again, I think that I ought to, that way everyone knows where I stand.
Jewelry: It depends what kind, how it's worn, and why it's worn.  This is one of those things that I think is, and should be a personal conviction.  My denomination is the Holiness denomination, and they say that jewelry should not be worn.  I'm not allowed (normally) to wear jewelry when I'm up on the platform, so I will honor that, but I will wear jewelry at home, and just about everywhere else.  Yes I will even wear it to church, just not up on the platform.  I've worn a ring, (somewhat of a purity ring, but not really) and now I've got a bracelet that Justice gave me, and I intend to wear that at all times except sleeping, and taking a shower, and times when I am told that I cannot wear it.  I do think that it can be worn as a compliment to your body, that God gave you, but not in a way soley to attract attention.  I also think that if someone close to you gave you a piece of jewelry it is perfectly fine to wear it, to think of them, if they're dead to remember them.  For example, (other than the bracelet from Justice) I used to go to a church in a small town just a 10 minute drive away from my house, and there was this nice old lady, who was blind, and I would just go up to her, and talk to her, and be her friend, things like that, and one day she gave me a necklace with red beads, and a little green Westie on the end of it.  I wore that everywhere, even in the bathtub, until it fell apart.  Then I turned it into a bracelet, which I later lost.  I have no problem with that.
Pants on Girls: Eh, this is a hard topic, even for me.  See, for me it depends on how tight the pants are, and how short/long they are, but sometimes I think that pants are more modest than skirts.  See, with skirts, you can see someone's underwear, but with pants, if they're worn right, and aren't tight you can't, and you can't see the form of the persons legs.  I've also said that if I had to choose between my daughter wearing a miniskirt, or short shorts, I would pick short shorts.  Yes, they are as short, or sometimes a lil shorter than a miniskirt, but, it would be a lot harder to see her underwear.  I like wearing skirts, and I will probably always wear skirts, and dress my daughters in skirts, but, I have no problem with pants, so long as they're modest.  Short shorts on the other hand, aren't acceptable, no matter where you are or what you're doing.  UNLESS they are under your skirt.
Now, here's a wonderful thing for me to tell you!  I'm spending the night at my grandma and grandpa's, and my aunt has decided that I need to go to bed.  At least at home I know ahead of time, like an actual ahead of time when I've got to get the computer off, and go to bed, but my aunt has decided that we're going to bed right after devotions (I do that myself every night, just at my time) and I can't sleep, I know that much, because I'm not even tired.  Joy.  Not to mention that my blog post isn't nearly done, and if I want to try to get to talk to Aunt Maricel I'll have to stay up till..later, and my cousin Andrew and I normally talk later in the day, like late at night, like, we normally both go to bed around midnight together.  Okay, that didn't come out right, but, y'all knew what I meant.
Well, dear people, I'm sorry that I am being forced off of here, earlier than my adult friend, who goes to bed early.  Yes Ronda, if you're reading this, I'm talking about you.
Normally she's at least on to talk to at 10!

Friday, July 20, 2012

My Dictionary

Okay, so at first I thought that I'd go on and on about youth camp and Justice some more, but instead I have an announcement, and then I'll make another post.
I'm going on a date Saturday!  With Justice! I'm really excited.  REALLY excited.  With a capital E!  Okay, on with my post...
I am making a dictionary of Katie-ese...sorta, I don't know what you'd call it.  On we go!  No, it's not in alphabetical order.
KIK (Kick)- This word is an acronym, for several different phrases.  Knowing it kills, killing insane kids, Kik is kute, (Kik is a hamster) Killing isn't kool, knowing I'm kidding.  And really just about anything that you can come up with that has the initals kik.  The history of this word is that my big brother Donny kept making tiepose of the word lol, which stands for laugh out loud.  He finally got tired of making the tiepoe, and decided to make it an actual word.  It can, and should be used in place of lol.
Tiepo (tie-po), pluralized, Tiepose (tie-pose.)- This is another spelling of the word typo, and typos.  It should be used the same places as the two words.
Rona-This word can be somewhat confusing to people as it's a company, and a few places.  But, this word, used in the correct terms (sorta...) It can be used to describe an exciting event that's going to take place.  Like, "I'm going to have rona fun at my date on Saturday!" it's hard to explain what it means and where to use it.  It's like a lot, a ton, a bunch, amazing.  Normally the word fun is followed after it.
Frilly Cheeto Pie- Okay, this means two things.  It's another word for Frito Chilli Pie, or, it's a food that consists of cheetos, being served in the middle of a mostly lettuce salad.  Either way, it's a food.
Now, I know I have a ton more of these here words somewhere but I can't remember them.
My mom is telling me that I need to get off of here.  I'm not sure if she wants me to go to bed or not though.  I think I'll go to my room, but not get ready for bed yet.  And I need to change my bunny's bedding.
Okay, I thought that I posted this yesterday night, but apparently I didn't!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fun Day!

Okay, so yeah, I know it's been forever since I last made a post.  of course I was at Youth camp!
Wanna hear all about it? You do don't you?  Oh yeah, I can see it in your eyes, you want to know every little detail about youth camp!
Okay, well to start with I made several friends there.  Here's a list of the ones I made last year, and hung out with this year too:
Okay, and then here's a list of my new friends.
Tater Tot
I just realized that most of those are boys.  And one of them is pretty cute.  Okay, honestly, there were a lot of cute boys at Youth Camp, but only one really stood out to me.
Okay, so the first day of Youth Camp, Norma, Jonnie, Mom, Aunt Becca, and I all piled into Uncle Stephen's black car, (which is a ford, and I hate driving it) to go to youth camp.  We got there...around three I think, and Norma, Jonnie and I all went to register.
No sooner were we registered but I had two offers from people to bunk with them.
One from Amaris, and one from Katie, my friend from last year (and this year too of course.)  Oh yeah, and Amaris is my second cousin.  She's my mom's cousin.  So, yeah.
I ended up bunking with Amaris (who is a blanket hog by the way!  But she's my cousin, so I love her anyway, and she got a lil better with sharing the blanket later in the week)
Then, I was walking back to the dorm when I saw a semi familiar figure, with another semi familiar figure.
Okay, like seriously, they are some of the coolest people in the world!  I mean really, Arkista is so awesome that she drew a mustache on her finger, and a beard on her other finger, and then held them up to her face like people do with non drawn on fingers.  It was pretty cool.  Now, I would post the picture of her, but, I don't know if she would have a complaint to me posting pictures of her on my blog, which is open, and everyone can see.  So...I won't post pictures of her.  Or anyone without their permission.
But I can post the link to the pictures on facebook!  I sure hope y'all have access to facebook, otherwise it won't let you see them.
Ochelata Youth Camp Pictures
I'm in the very first picture!  And somewhere in a few of those pictures is Justice.  More on him later ;)
Okay, so some key moments that really stood out in different segments.
Sports: A certain guy (not saying his name) was playing our team (well, his whole team was) and we were playing softball.  My favorite of the Youth Camp sports.  And he got really into the game.  And I mean really into it!  The first thing I know is that one of our people is running to first...and the next thing I know is the firstbaseman has on electric blue shorts under his pants...YUP!  You guessed it..his pants split.  I wasn't sure if I should laugh, or be shocked, or be embarrased for him.  I ended up being a bit of all three.  I chuckled nervously, stared at everyone in shock, and turned semi red.
Lunch Line: Hmm, there's two very memorable lunch line times...Okay we'll start with...I think it was lunch, on Friday.  Arkista, Bridget and I were all in line together, (Oh yeah, I went and found her, because I wanted food fast, and my team had had pots and pans #1) and Arkista had drawn a face on her hand.  You know how you do that thing where your whole fist is like a head, and you use your thumb as the mouth?  Well, she drew his face, and named him.  When I got in line his name was Pierre the Love Bug, and he was trying to kiss Bridget.  And then he went after me.  He got named Matt, (one of the sponsors there) and even once Bridget!
The second time...Again, it was Friday, this time it was Supper.  I was in line with Justice, and I stuck my horsie hat on his head.  Goodness that guy has a big head!  Either that or I have a small one, because I had to loosen up my hat a ton to get it to fit on his head, and then I had to tighten it a ton to get it to fit back on mine.  Yeah, I just remember that one as one of the best.
Wait, there's one more.  It was...Wednesday, or Thursday, and I think it was lunch.  I was on my way, almost there to the food part, when I was next to the window of the dishwashing place, one of the members of the team there came up to the window, and held out his hand, and told me his name.  Justice.
Okay, all my meals that I remember a lot were on Friday.
Breakfast: I was serving, well, my whole team, and Bridget's whole team were serving, and I was serving the cinnamon rolls.  Yes I remember what I was serving.  Justice was the first in line, followed by Tatertot (which leads me to wonder if they had pots and pans#2?  They were on the same team, and Pots and pans #2 people have to eat first.) and then after serving, I finally got to eat! YAY!  But the only problem was...I felt really sick to my stomach, and Norma didn't want my food, so I ended up not eating all of it.  Not even the cinnamon roll!
Lunch: Okay, this is the same time when Arikista had her Pierre the love bug who kept trying to kiss Bridget and I.  We finally got out of the line, and there's Justice wandering around, I think he was looking for someone?  And before in the lunch line I had mentioned to Bridget that I kinda wanted to sit with him.  Sooo...Bridget sees him...and says, "Hey, go sit back down, she actually wanted to sit with you!"  I nearly kicked her, but didn't squeal, "BRIIIIIIIDGEEET!!!!!!!" like I'd wanted to.  Then he ended up following us to our seats and sitting next to me.  And Bridget tried to make me eat whatever the green desert thing was.  It kinda creeped me out.  It was sooo green.  Like..not food color green.  I didn't want to eat it.  She put a little bit on my spoon, and tried to make me eat it.  In the end I think that Justice ate it.
Supper: Again, Friday, the last day... So, we ate our food, and Tatertot comes up and starts talking about the storm outside, and people getting killed in the rain, and all that, which kind of terrified me, because there was a really strong wind, and everyone thought that there was a tornado coming.  I had lemonade.  I think.  I rarely took the lemonade, I preferred the sweet tea.  Anyway, after I got done eating I was sleepy (actually I was sleepy while I was eating) so I used Justice as a pillow.  He's a real sweetie.
Now, I could go on about this forever, but I'd better go.

Monday, July 9, 2012

YOUTH CAMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes I know the title to my post is grammatically incorrect, but you all should know that I don't really care.  I'M SO EXCITED!  Yes I know that that was grammatically incorrect too!
Okay so here's a list of things I want to talk about in this post.  Not necessarily in order.
1. Youth Camp.
2. Church tonight.
3. Youth Camp.
4. Lizzie McGuire.
5. Youth Camp.
6. The 4th of July.
7. Youth Camp.
8. Anything else that comes to mind.
9. Youth Camp.
Okay, we'll start with the 4th of July (then Youth Camp!) So, I had a pretty good Fourth.  I got "kidnapped" by my friend Ronda.  She's somewhere in her fifties, (which I find weird, because she doesn't seem that old at ALL) and can drive to my house, kidnap me, and take me to her house/town.  See, she lives a town over from me, and while I can drive, I can't drive that far, and not by myself.
Well anyway, she kidnapped me and took me to her house, and we stayed there.  I ate, tomatoes, lemonade, hamburgers, and...something else, but I--BROCCOLI!  And broccoli with cheese ^_^  It was some goooooood food.
And then we went to watch the fireworks which didn't go off till 9:45, and there was this really big hill.  Like HUUUUUGE!  Not huge huge, but huge!  See, we were sitting at the top of the hill, and I decided to roll down it once or twice.  Or three or four times?  Okay, okay, okay, I admit it!  About 25-50 times???
It was really fun!  And guess what!!!  I was the only one rolling down the hill!  The only one!  And there were kids there younger than me!  Yes I know that I'm 14, but that's normal-ish behavior for me.  Ish.
All in all that was an awesome way to spend my 4th.  And I'm really glad that I have freedom here.  And as immature as it may sound, I am so glad that I have the freedom to roll down hills, and act, "immature." YAY FOR FREEDOM, AND MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA FOREVER!
Next we'll do talk about church tonight!
Okay, so we had a really special treat tonight at church!  See normally it's just Pastor Chad's boooorrrring preaching.  I'M KIDDING!  I LOVE Pastor Chad's preaching!  He's one of the best preachers I've ever heard.  Anyway, normally it's just Pastor Chad's preaching, but today we had the awesome treat of some singers from Penn View coming!
Now I know what you're thinking, "Penn View?  What is this 'Penn View?'"  Well, to answer your question, Penn View is a Bible college in PA.  They have singers in the college, in different groups, and today we had a group call Proclaim come to our church.  IT WAS AWESOME!
Here's a link so you know I'm not just blowing steam.
Penn View
Now, as you can see they have various people in the group.  Well, I made a new friend! OH!  And various Bible Colleges go to Youth Camp too, and...THEY'RE GOING!
My new friend is Andrew, the one listed there.  I also have a cousin named Andrew...  Okay, so anyway, here's how I met met Andrew, and not just saw him, and figured out who he was and decided to call him my friend.
See, sometimes I go to the church, and play the piano there.  My mom and I have a big hymnal at home, but it will never stay open, but the one at the church will, and the piano is more in tune.  That's why I go.
So anyway, I'm there, playing piano, then around 4:30-5:00 Penn View people started showing up.
There's Joe Stratton who was traveling with him.  And he was also the Teen Issues speaker personal at Youth Camp last year, and he came in first.
Then it was...William I think...Then it was Andrew who said it was hot outside and perfect inside.
I told him that I begged to differ, but I was freezing in the church...he proceeded to laugh... Oh yeah, and I wasn't speaking in such wonderful prose and poetry, and all that stuff, I was just talking normally, like, "Are you serious?  I'm freezing in here!  My toes are cold!"  Yes I know, I'm so immature!
Anyway, they went back and forth carrying stuff from their van, and wouldn't let me help, even though I wanted to and offered, because now that there were in there I was going to more than likely have to give up the piano, and quite honestly I get really nervous playing piano in front of people.  My hands shake, my feet shake, my hands get all sweaty.  Oh yes yes yes...I have stage fright!
ANYWAY!  He was up there testing the mics, and I think he was purposely acting goofy to make me laugh, and it worked.  I think I laugh easily, unless I hate you, and in that case every word you say is evil, wicked, and NOT funny in the least!  Be glad I like you guys ;)
Then while the others were singing and stuff, (I don't think he sung once, he played his instrument, and that's it.  I think it was a French Horn.) he came and sat by me, and said hi, told me his name, asked me mine, what grade I was in, how old I was, if I was going to any camps.
Silly me forgot to ask him how old he was/is.  I'll ask him tomorrow or something.
Anyway, I really like him, he's pretty awesome, and I kinda hope we're on the same team at Youth Camp.
Anyway, in short, I have an awesome new friend, and I loved the service at church tonight.  ONE complaint...It ended, and Andrew didn't sing...
Next up on the list to talk about...
LIZZIE MCGUIRE!  It's my new fad thingymabobber.  I've had it before, but I have it again.  Anyway, here's the link to an episode.
Lizzie McGuire Part One
Okay, that was short o.O
Now for anything else that comes to my mind.
The Butterfly Challenge.
The Butterfly Challenge is when a person who has problems with cutting and stuff draws a butterfly on themselves and names it after someone that they love, when they have the urge to cut.  If they cut the butterfly dies.
People who don't cut can also draw butterflies on their arms, or legs, or wherever, and name it after someone they love who is going through a hard time.  I've done that.
It was...Thursday or Friday when my friend told me about it.  It's kind of interesting.
And now we're on to Youth Camp!
So, Youth Camp starts TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I'm so excited!
A whole week (five days) of people, church services, singing, boys, games, fun, and eek!
Here's the pros and cons of Youth Camp.
Pros: Meet new friends, meet up with old Youth Camp friends, church services, games, fun night, singing, crazy fun in the dorm.
Cons: Missing my mom, no internet and internet friends, no friends who aren't going to Youth Camp, no pets.
I'm so excited!  I hope that Karen, Katie, Andrew and I are all on the same team, but we might not be.  Hopefully Andrew and I anyway.  Cause that'd be awesome.  I want to get to know my new friend better, and make new friends, and have awesome friends, and I love friends.
I'm going to take my camera and get some pictures, and share them on here.  I hope I make good friends, that I'll be able to keep for a life time.
I cannot wait!
Back to whatever my mind comes up with:
My mom and I were twins at church today!  See we have these shirts that match.  They're red shirts, with black pattern on them, and she got one, and I got one, and then we match today.  I'm gonna miss my mommy when I'm at Youth Camp...
And also I fishtail braided my hair!
Fully body picture, courtesy of my loving mommy, who took the picture.  I personally think I look weird in it.  Then again, I'm not very photogenic...And I don't think I'm supposed to look deep into the lens like I would look deep into my husband's eyes if I was married to him.  But I'm not married to my husband yet.  As far as I know I haven't even met him!

The braid...up close and semi personal.  though how you can be personal with a braid I have no idea!
And back we go to the butterfly challenge topic!  Here's a picture of a butterfly I drew for my friend, who's having some problems with that.
I took a picture to send to her, but I figured I could do this too.  Just to give you an example if you're thinking that you may need to do this or something.
You can really draw it anywhere.  Legs, ankles, wrists, anywhere really.
I have a very faded one on my wrist.
And back to Youth Camp...  I'm gonna have to pack last minute stuff tomorrow morning.
Here's my itinerary for tomorrow (I think.)
Wake up.
Pack a few things.
Mow the backyard.
Take a shower.
Pack anything else I need.
Go to Grammy's to meet up with Aunt Becca.
Go to Youth Camp.
Check in.
Find a room.
Do Youth Camp stuff.
Sounds kinda busy.  I hope I don't get too stressed out or cry while mowing.
If I'm stressed and just woke up I will cry when told to do something.  I have no idea why, it's just like I'm too tired to comprehend what I'm supposed to do, and I can't do it right.
I will seriously be about to cry if that happens.  I feel like such a baby sometimes.  But hey, at least I admitted to doing it!
Once I knew a lady older than me who still wet the bed.  I think she had bladder problems.  Poor lady :(
Um...I was going to say something but my mind went wacko and forgot....
The main point is that I need to get my puppy packed, and my Bible packed.  Oh yeah, and my camera, and phone, and phone charger.
And here's more stuff about Youth Camp.
I have a youth camp notebook, where I can write down when I meet my team leaders, and my team members, and the first impression I had of them.
I heard somewhere that one of the team leaders are real big on scripture memorization, and like hound you about it.  I think that that would be awful, and a great way to make kids who have trouble memorizing, or spitting stuff back out at people not want to go back.
Thankfully I'm fairly good at memorizing, and can sometimes spit stuff back out.
Alright, I'm almost incoherent.  I will finish my Lizzie McGuire Episode, have my devotions, and go to bed.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Final Drive, Anti Test

Okay, I'm finally ready to explain myself!
You guys know that I always end my posts with ~Katie :) right?  Well, I made that into my own signature!
Yup.  I went to My Live Signature, and made a signature all my own.
I'm doing an experiment!  And no, I'm not going to tell you what it is.  Because you could very well be a part of this experiment.  Just go about your day however you normally do.
OH!  I have some awesome news!  My camera?  The one that quit working because it had root beer spilled all over it?  IT NOW WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah, I'm pretty happy about all that!  Now I can take it to youth camp and take picture!  Probably a few of boys...  And some others of my new friends...And the dorm, and my dorm room.
Oh I just can't wait!
It starts Monday.  MONDAY!  Like...it's almost here!  I cannot wait!
I will miss my babies though :'(  My babies happen to be kitties, and a bunny.  I will also miss my mommy.  I wuvz my mommy.
I just realized something!  It's utterly tragic!  I don't remember if when my team works for breakfast if we eat before everyone, or if we eat after everyone!
I'm planning on watching a few movies.  I just don't remember what they're called.
And I need to turn on the fan in my room for my bunny.  Because she's in my room, and my room needs the fan turned on so she doesn't overheat.
Bunnies can over heat fairly quickly I think.  They can also eat pineapple.
I wonder why pineapple is called pineapple....
Anyway, I must remove myself from Blogger.  Farewell!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Test Drive Number Two

Okay, let's try this again

It worked!!!!!

Test Drive

Okay, I'm just gonna test out something that I did, and then I'll make an actual post.

<a href="http://www.mylivesignature.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54490/217/5E1DB12F9F6851B2687AFB99044855E6.png" style="border: 0 !important; background: transparent;"/></a>