Thursday, May 31, 2012

Let's Go to The Pool!

Banana, must you have made that one of my new greetings?!
Okay, wanna know something funny?  I was talking to a girl about a...Controversial topic?  It was short shorts, and I was telling her that I was against them, and why, and then suddenly she asks if I'm homeschooled!  Cracked me up.  Of course, she meant it as an insult, because then she said that that would explain why I know nothing about the real world -_-
Liar.  I know plenty about it.  Enough to know I don't want to know about it.
I went to the swimming pool!  For the first time this year!  I'm so happy!!!  I love water.  You know, if I could swim better I could be a mermaid.
I seriously have long red hair, and I love the water.  See, mermaid.
One of my friends and I have decided to have a Bible study.
Well, I gotta go ;)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

There's a Hole...

Okay, I came to type a title, and the song, "There's a Hole in the Bottom of the Sea" popped into my mind.  So yeah, that's what that title is for!
I'm a happy girl!  Wanna guess why?
Nope, I didn't take over the world.  Or go to a Justin Beiber concert just to glare at him.  Or get married.  Or buy Serenity a boyfriend.  Seriously?!  You people are awful guessers!  Here's a hint, it's something I've wanted to do for forever...  Noooo, once more, I did not get married...  No I didn't buy a horse.  Or go to Lesotho.  Or drive.  But that last one is close!
I GOT MY LEARNERS PERMIT!!! I'M ALLOWED TO DRIVE NOW!!! I'm sooooooooo happy!  We went to the SRS office, and took my test, and I passed!  And they took my picture, and they asked me if I took part in achohol and drugs, and all that awesomeness!
And I asked Mom to let me drive home, but she wouldn't let me. -_-
Something about this whole... I need more hands on practice?  What is this, "Hands on practice?"
Oh well, on the bright side!  We might go to the creek, and then I can drive, and we can take pictures, and everything will be awesome and epic!
And oh the bestest part ever...  MY BUNNY HAS A FACEBOOK!
Yes I know, of all the strangest things for a bunny to get, a facebook is like at the top of it, but she has one now!
Okay, I gotta go
Katie :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Yes, I said meh.
I am pretty upset, because Grammy and Grampy ran away to Kentucky to visit my aunt, uncle, two year old cousin, and their dogs....  Sure they left about a week ago...but I MISS THEM!
Ugh.  Can't my whole family just move to one town in one state?  I mean, wouldn't that be better?  Then we could all see each other.  Whenever too.
*sad sigh*
I have a few plans.  One of them is to make my bunny, my brother, and God the loves of my life.  Kind of in the other order...but, anyway yeah....  Another is to brush my teeth more.  And to stay busy all summer, and to stop thinking guys are so cute.
Gah, sometimes I wonder why God even made guys.  Other than brothers, uncles, grandpas, babies, and cousins....guys aren't that great.  At least not from my experience.
Okay, so I've known a few awesome guys not technically related to me.....but they're still painful, and break people's hearts.
I can't help it, but I'm always liking guys.  I've liked more guys than I am old.  No lie.  Here's the list.
1. I don't remember his name, but he was in my daycare when I was THREE.  He was six.  I think his name was...Adam?
2. Dalton
3. Moriah
4. Alex
5. Chase
6. Trey
(please note that I'm scarificing a ton to prove this point, because I have no idea who all reads my blog...)
7. Seth
8. Chance (I think, I forgot his name though...)
9. Hank
10. Kayden
11. Tyler
12. Tyrel (yes I know what I'm talking about)
13. Donny (yes I had a crush on my big brother
14. This one kid that used to go to our church, idr his name.
15. Ruggy
16. Dathan
Okay, I can't think of anyone else.  Yet.  Wait and see, I'm sure I'll come up with-
17. Gulbuddin (internet guy from India)
18. Christopher Scott (fanfiction friend)
Okay, see, 18!  And even if you cut out the guys I don't remember the names of we still have 16!
Of all these let's see how many I "dated."
1. Gulbuddin
2. Tyler </3
Now let's see how many I actually knew.  Like well at all.  Whether in rl or not.
1. Kayden
2. Dalton
3. Tyler
4. Gulbuddin
5. Donny
6. Seth
Wow...okay, so most of them were-
19. Shawn
he still doesn't go anywhere, but he's number 19.
Okay, so I've liked NINETEEN guys.  And I'm what... FOURTEEN!?
Is that CRAZY or what?!
Okay, anyway...
OH YEAH!  Mom took my eighth grade pictures!
Here's my favorites:

 There's one of them....
I think that this is my completely and utterly favorite.  I look the best in this one.
Okay seriously??  This piece of grass is like...TALLER THAN ME!
I'm a sleeping beauty?  Or....something like that.......
Dear tree, hide me from the camera?  Sicerely, whoops, never mind, I was posing.
Monster go DAT way.  We stalk him, den slay him!!!
Oh, hey there Mr. Monster, I wasn't talking about slaying you!
Okay, that's it.  I'll continue surfing fb while waiting for my video to upload onto it.  Gah, stupid video takes forever, and ever!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Da Bunny, Da Bunny, Ooh, I Love Da BUNNY!

Greetings people,
Yeah, I'm still slightly depressed if you really want to know.
Honestly, I think I'm always depressed.  My heart right now is like a tootsiepop.  On the outside it's cheerful, and shiny, and happy, and on the inside it's dark, and sticky, and miry.
Anywho, I haz a bunny!  Her name is Serenity Jael Holm.  I love her to death.  Not literally though.  I like her alive.
I finally have somebunny to love.  She's white, and has red eyes.  I love her so much.
That's a picture of her and I.  Yes if you look deep into my eyes you can see the pain.  At least I can.  I can see the same pain when I look in the mirror...
This is a better one of just her.  I put it on fb, and one of my friends commented on the picture saying, "So, lemme get this straight...Friends give carrots, paprazii gives heartburn?"
So yes, that's my Serenity.
Also, I seriously think that I could be bipolar.  I googled: Bipolar-teens, and found this list, hang on, and I'll put it on here right under this, and tell y'all what I fit on it.

Children and teens having a manic episode may:
  • Feel very happy or act silly in a way that's unusual-what do you call jumping into mud puddles in the WalMart parking lot?  YES!
  • Have a very short temper-I fume quietly a lot of the time, but yes.
  • Talk really fast about a lot of different things-Dear family, would you like to comment on this one?  Yes.
  • Have trouble sleeping but not feel tired-Mhm
  • Have trouble staying focused-I focus just fine, just because-aww, ain't my bunny cute?!  Yes!
  • Talk and think about sex more often-This gets a bit personal.....but yes.
  • Do risky things.-Like go skating after dark, stand outside during thunder and lightning, stand out in my front yard after dark?  Most likely
Children and teens having a depressive episode may:
  • Feel very sad-Yes...
  • Complain about pain a lot, like stomachaches and headaches-I don't complain about them, but I DO have headaches.
  • Sleep too little or too much-too little
  • Feel guilty and worthless-This is hitting very close to home.  Yes.
  • Eat too little or too much-I'm barely eating right now.
  • Have little energy and no interest in fun activities-That's also me.
  • Think about death or suicide.-Thankfully no.
See?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!  I fit like all but one of them!  But will anyone listen to me? Nooooooooo.  I'm a teen, so that explains everything!  Correction, I think a person would know when there's something weird going on with them, AND if I'm bipolar that would explain why I'm always eating hardly anything, or anything and everything.  Makes more sense than anorexia, because anorexics normally are trying to control something, or have a problem with their weight, and if anything I think I'm too skinny, not too fat.
I'm going to keep looking stuff up about bipolar.
Anyway, topic change anyone?
I'm going to try to get my mom to take my eighth grade pictures today.
I want to take some out in the woods next to my house, and then some at the park, and then some wherever Mom wants to take some.
Once we get them taken, I'll try to post some on here.  They won't be professional, but they'll be pretty good.  My mom's a good photographer.  She'd be better if we had a better camera.
I like how I can take up to 4 hours to make a blog post that would really only take about 30 minutes to an hour to type up, simply because I'm out there talking to peoplez on facebook.
Well, anyway, I can't think of-oh yeah!
I'm trying to get my mom to let me pierce my ears, and cut my bangs to my jawline.  She said no to the bangs, and to ask my about my ears when I'm 16.
And no, I'm not doing this in an attempt to change myself because I got broke up with.  I've wanted to pierce my ears for over a year.  First I thought it'd be nice, and then Aunt Esther pierced hers, and they really look nice.
As for my hair, I first cut my bangs like that a long time ago, when there was a huge knot, I was in a hurry, and the knot wasn't coming out.  I saw the sizors, grabbed them, snip, snip, and I ended up liking them.  They were cute.
When/if she ever lets me do either, I'll try to put pictures up.
Right now I can't do either one, because she won't let me, and in order for me to honor my mom, I can't do them.  At least I got an ask me later for my ears, instead of a straight out no.
Well, now I can't think of anything to talk about, soooooo, signing off.  And yes, I'm still hurt, and depressed and confused about everything.
Type at y'all later,
~Katie :)):

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Heartbreak Highway

Hey people, okay, so I didn't get to go to the wedding.  I wanted to go, yet I didn't want to go.  I hope that they weren't too upset that we didn't show up.
We ended up going to Katy Days, (Celebration of the Katy Railroads) and we took my friend Kayden, and he managed to cheer me up part way.  And now I have a baby bunny.
However...almost everything I saw made me think of Tyler.
I need to just get over him, and move on...but that seems impossible.
Anyway, yeah this is short I know, but who cares.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Or Maybe Not :/

Okay, so my last post was about me going to the wedding of a girl from my church right?  Well sorta...  Turns out I'm not gonna go after all.
I hurt too much.  I would burst into tears, and it wouldn't be good.  I already had a meltdown.  It's so unlike me to have a meltdown.
I can see myself breaking down into tears tomorrow too, even though we decided to go to Katy Days instead.
Amy, and Jimmy, if you're reading this, please take no offense.  I DO want to go to your wedding, I just don't think I can manage it without depressing you and your guests.  A wedding is a happy time.  Your guys's happy time.  I don't want to ruin it for you with my tears.  I wish you two the best!
Sometimes I think I'm bipolar.  Other times I am being told that it's just normal teenness.
How I am I supposed to know what I am?
Right now I'm semi tired.  But do I want to go to bed.  No-okay yeah kinda, but something is keeping me from it.
Oh who am I kidding!  Getting over Tyler is going to of the hardest things ever.  I don't even know if I want to get over him.  I mean, if I don't, I'm bound to get hurt worse...but if I do, what if he wants me to take him back, and I can't because I got over him, and no longer have those feelings for him?
Yes Tyler is/was my boyfriend.  Yes he did break up with me.  Dear family, if you want to grill me about how I shouldn't be dating till I'm 150 could you at least wait until I've had a chance to pick myself up, and dust myself off?  Or at least do it in private, not on a comment on my blog.  And by private, I mean between me and you, not, oh never mind.
It's about 5 AM.  I've been up for about 20 hours, and for about...5 or ten of those hours I would say that I was crying, I've barely eaten today, because the thought of food makes me feel sick, and the majority of my liquid intake was Mountain Dew.
I should go to bed.  Mom let me bring the computer in her room.  That way I could be with her, and be on the computer at the same time.
Mom and I had a heart to heart talk.  Well sorta...  See, I came in around....2 something, and cried, and she held me, and I cried, and cried, and cried, and then I got everything out, let her read my journal, (I do NOT keep a diary, those are just creepy, and look kinda like diarrhea when spelled...) ate chocolate, drank mountain dew, cried and laughed at the same time, the laughed and cried at the same time, then I just laughed, then I stopped doing anything, and Mom let me come in here.
Here being her room.
She's in here, so it's so much better than my room.  Even if she is asleep.  And taking up most of the bed.  Oh well, her bed...
Alrighty, I'mma finish up devotions, and go to bed.
~Katie ): (: those are my confused idk what mood I am right now faces.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Here Comes The Briiiide

Okay, not really.  Not yet anyway.  Tomorrow a nice girl (I know it's weird how I still say girl when she's 19, but that must be because I remember when she wasn't 19, and we were all hangin' out...) is getting married!  *excited squeal*
I'mma take lot'sa pictures!  But sadly I shan't be able to post them on this blog, because I don't think I have permission.  Jimmy and Amy probably won't want their wedding pictures up for the whole world to see.
Oh no.  I forgot to get them a wedding gift!
Now not only am I an awful friend, I'm an awful wedding guest! :'(
I found out that I could very well be bipolar.  I have so many of the symptoms.  Even one of the symptoms is talking a lot, really fast.  As my family loves to point out to me, I talk way too fast, and way too much.
Yay!  Not...
So yeah...
You know, it's amazing how so many people think that they know me, yet they don't know me.  They know who I pretend to be.
Is hyper who I really am?  What about constantly bubbly and cheerful?  Sweet and innocent?  Constantly happy?
Orrrr, am I just a really good actress?  I could very well be acting all bouncy, and being fake bubbly and cheerful.  I could be playing that I'm sweet and innocent, when deep down inside I hate everyone, and am hugely perverted.  For all you know I'm wearing a mask.
Okay, it's up to you people to decide which of those I really am.
It's awful when no one will listen to you when you cry out for help.  Even if you don't literally say help, you think someone would get the hint.
Oh yeah, just so you guys know I'm somewhat depressed, and somewhat making no sense.
I get to stay up as late as I want.  I'mma gonna need some Mountain Dew for that though I think.  I want to stay up really late because...well I don't want to go to bed.
Some people seem to think that that's stupid.  But really, if you could see inside my head (which would be creepy) you would understand it more.
Okay, on a brighter topic...anyone ever read Kida's blog?  She's really awesome, I love that girl to death!  Okay, not to death, that'd be bad.
I also love Ally, and Banana, and Bekah, and well, there's a whole slew of 'em.
You know, I really have no point to this, because there's no way I'm going to be able to spill out my feelings, and emotions, and everything here.  I'll just post this!


Yeah don't ask about the title I just wanted to use it.  I mean, it's not like it's anything bad!  I don't think.  Although if anyone figures out what that means that could be bad.  You know, not wanting everyone to know that.
Anyway here we are, at 12:14 AM and it's technically the 25th, but I still feel like it's the 24th.
Okay, just so everyone knows...  I HATE being a teenager.  Stupid hormones, raging everywhere, making everything awful!  Anyone got any idea on how to control That's My Guy, and I'm Feeling Like You're Flirting Even Though You Aren't, and So I'm Saying Things I Shouldn't Say, and Making My Boyfriend Slightly Upset at Me Because I'm Reacting the Way I Am, and Honestly Right Now I Want to Hurt You Syndrome?
I had an awful bout of that earlier.  Yup.  I think I'm over it though.  I should be, because we all decided we would blame everything on Barney, because he's annoying anyway.  And no one really likes him.
And yes I do want to talk about it.  But guess what, I have no idea how to talk about it.
Anyway, I'm pretty sure that I'm related to Lemony Snickett (author of the Series of Unfortunate Events) somehow.
And I am at present in need of an adopted daddy, so I have adopted him :D
I mean I DID just send this to my sister Harley, concerning my boyfriend, and her brother Tyler.

It's so complicated when you're your boyfriend's sister's sister, and you're you're sisters brother's girlfriend.
See, how Lemony Snickett is that?
BOOYAH!  Yeah I just like that word... Don't ask.
Oh well, I'm so worried about my new daddy now.  I cannot contact him.  I think someone is trying to kill him X_X
He's a wanted man, who wants nothing more than to live a quiet peaceable life.
Alright, I gotta go~Katie

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

*clears throat*

Greetings one and all, I am your host, KATIE INSERT LAST NAME HERE!  Today's show is about: The great debate of Christian music!
Okay, so I had an interview with myself, on the "Me, Myself, and Hyper TV show (which isn't actually airing yet...) and this is how the interview went.
Me: Okay, so Katie, which do you prefer more, Contemporary Christian, or Classic Hymns?
Katie: Well, I actually like both to tell you the truth.
Me: Well, would you rather be at church singing Classic Hymns, or home listening to Chris Tomlin?
Katie: Ugh, that's a hard one.  I'd have to say that I like them both.  See at church, I not only get to sing songs, but I get to meet and greet church family, and friends, and all that, and at home, I get to sit in my room, drawing/writing/video chatting/blogging, etc, while listening to Chris Tomlin, or just K-Love.  K-Love is good.
Me: Do you ever think that Contemporary Christian is a little too...  Oh what's the word I'm looking for....  Like, do you ever have a problem with the beat to the music, or the way it's sung?
Katie: Well, I like most of the beats, but if it starts to hurt my ears I can't take it.  So far that's never happened.  There's a few songs that I prefer to have sung a different way, and if it's being rapped I generally turn it off for that song, because I can't stand most rap.
Me: Do you ever think that the Classic Hymn's are a bit boring?
Katie: Some of them, but I like most of them.  But there's this one song that gets on my nerves.  It's really really slow, and repeats everything.  I do like that one verse that we sometimes add to the end of Amazing Grace even if it does go on: Praise God, praise God, praise God, that's the way the added part to Amazing Grace goes, but the other one, just UGH, too slow, wrong tune, hate the tempo, I don't like it.
Me: What's your opinion on people who think that Contemporary Christian is junk?
Katie: I don't understand that. God inspired them.  God can speak to people no matter what the song.  Even if he's not once mentioned in it.  Or even hinted at.  I've had God speak to me through a country song before.  His name wasn't even mentioned at all.  Two of them actually.  I'm Gonna Love You Through it, by Martina McBride, and I Won't Let Go (I think that's what it's called) by Rascal Flatts.
Me: What about people who don't like the classic hymns?
Katie: Well, I don't really understand that either.  I mean like I said before, if God inspired it, it can be spoken through.  I like both of them.
Me: What are some top contemporary Christian singers that you like?
Katie: Chris Tomlin, Matthew West, Britt Nicole, Group One Crew, and just about anyone I've forgotten that I know I like anyway.
Me: Classic Hymn writers?
Katie: Fanny Crosby all da way!
Me: Name some of your favorite contemporary Christian songs.
Katie: He Said, All This Time, Amazing Grace-My Chains Are Gone, Where I Belong, Broken Girl, and then there's some others.
Me: Classic Hymns?
Katie: Be Thou My Vision, This is My Father's World, O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus, It is Mine, and then still there's others.
Me: My my, seems like you like a lot of songs.
Katie: I could try to list them all if you'd-
Me: No thank you, it sounds like you'd have quite a list!
Katie: Yup!
Me: Well, looks like we're out of time, it's been nice talking to you!
Katie: Nice talking to you too!
*Que the going off the air music*
So yeah, that was my interview with myself....  I hope you liked it!
~Katie :)

Monday, May 21, 2012

Does Anyone Else Find This Creepy?

Does anyone else find it creepy that I'm like an 8th grade graduate?!  I find it really creepy.  I mean I remember about 2-3 years ago, on my 12th birthday.  Well, the night after my 12th birthday anyway.  I woke up in the middle of the night, almost in tears, and started saying, "I don't wanna be 12, I wanna be 11!"  Well honestly I think I'd rather be 3.
Anyway, the point is that I find it slightly weird that I'm graduating eighth grade.
On a lighter note though, Tyler might be able to come up for the Summer!  We just gotta get him some bus tickets to get him here!
And onto a completely different topic...  I'm reading Romeo and Juliet, and OMW OMW OMW, they do NOT take things slow, and Shakespeare is a pervert!
Okay here's their conversation when they first meet. (they being Romeo and Juliet)
ROMEO: [To JULIET] If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
JULIET: Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.
ROMEO: Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
JULIET: Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
ROMEO: O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
JULIET: Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.
ROMEO: Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lips, by yours, my sin is purged.
JULIET: Then have my lips the sin that they have took.

ROMEO: Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
JULIET: You kiss by the book.

Nurse: Madam, your mother craves a word with you.
I mean see how fast they're moving??  They just met, and tada enter the make out scene!  Well, the talk of making out anywho.  I mean seriously, if Nurse hadn't told Juliet that her mother craved a word with her do you know what would have happened?
*makes kissy make out noises*
Then the next thing you know Romeo is telling Juliet to take off her clothes!
"Her vestal livery is but sick and green
And none but fools do wear it; cast it off."
And at the beginning of it, (yeah yeah yeah, I should do the beginning first, and THEN do the middle, and THEN do the last) Samson, (no not the hairy guy who had super strength given to him by God) and Gregory are talking like this:
SAMPSON: True; and therefore women, being the weaker vessels,
are ever thrust to the wall: therefore I will push Montague's men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall.

GREGORY: The quarrel is between our masters and us their men.
SAMPSON: 'Tis all one, I will show myself a tyrant: when I have fought with the men, I will be cruel with the maids, and cut off their heads.
GREGORY: The heads of the maids?
SAMPSON: Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads; take it in what sense thou wilt.
GREGORY: They must take it in sense that feel it.
SAMPSON Me they shall feel while I am able to stand: and 'tis known I am a pretty piece of flesh. See what I mean?  Sikko!  So perverted!  And he was living back in like...  The fifteen hundreds I think.  See how perverted he was?
And Sampson was talking about his, um, his um, um, um um um um, never mind what he was talking about!
Now that I have thoroughly creeped everyone out, I shall post this blog post, and try to find something else to post about sometime.
Maybe I'll post on my: "Contemporary Christian, Traditional Hymns, or a Gentle Blend of Both?" thingy that I've been thinking about making.  I think I might make a blog of my favorite music, but then again, I might not, I already have more blogs than I know what to do with.  And I only have....  Like, three.  Four if you count Donny's, but that's actually HIS blog, that I run ramped on.
Alright, fare thee well!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I Love Songs

It's true!  I do love songs!  All This Time by Britt Nicole for sure!
Well, I also know that I need remove myself off of Keith (computer) take a shower, wash my hair, have devotions, and go bed.  Oh, and I also need to practice piano.
My day went somewhat like this:
Wake up, chat with my friends <3, get called away from my room by Kayden, eat ice cream, and a pickle, (not combined) video chat with Romeo, got a new nickname. (I think, and it's Chilly Head if you were wondering.  Don't ask)
Now I'm wasting my time blogging, and OMW!  I GOTTA GET OFFA HERE!  DONNY WHY ARE YOU STILL UP?!  OH WELL-Oh well, Goodnight my beloved brother.

Friday, May 18, 2012

And Then I Realized. . .

Then I realized that I should try updating my blog.
I wasn't able to figure out how to get music on my blog, so I'm asking on The Shed, maybe they'll know.  The people there know just about everything, or so it seems!
Well, anyway, away from that topic. . .   Last night I stayed up till like. . .  Three or four in the morning.  I stayed up till almost one talking to Tyler on skype.  During which we were spending most of the time "arguing" about what size my brain was.  The size of both my fists put together, or the size of the hole between the fists put together.  I said it was the size of my fists, he said it was the size of the hole.  Humph.
I also sent my fanfiction friend a message, and possibly freaked him out, considering I was tired, hyper, and making no sense whatsoever.
Then, I turned off the computer around. . . . . 1:30, 2:00, and read a book while I listened to some of my CD's.  Okay, one of my CD's.
OH!  I didn't tell y'all did I?  Okay, so I have this big huge CD case:

Okay I had two pictures but the other one wouldn't pop up.  This is my CD case!  The D stands for Dawn, and I'll leave you wondering what the H stands for.  Okay fine, it stands for Hyper!  I decorated it myself :)
Oh yeah, and the books you see are, My Bible (the red one) Just Listen (the white one) and The Farthest Away Mountain (the green one)
Anyway, I have this big huge CD case, and it has a TON of CD's in it!  I have 50 music CD's (51 if I can find my Geography Songs) 19 story CD's, 4 CD's that are supposed to help me with piano, or teach me Spanish, and then 1 CD that won't work.  Add these all together, and you get.........74!  I'm working on listening to all of my music CD's first, and I've already listened to 12 of my music CD's, so I think I'm on a good start.  I listen to K-Love in the day, and my CD's at night.
When I get done with my music CD's I plan on starting on the story CD's, and after them I'll go on to the CD's that are supposed to help me or teach me.
Away from the topic of CD's......
I'm graduating eighth grade.  It's like all, "OMW OMW OMW, I'M GRADUATING EIGHTH GRADE!" (OMW stands for Oh my word)  and all like, "Seriously, I was just eleven yesterday!!!"  But yup, I really am!
I've learned lot's of stuff this year (I'm not sure how much of it is my grade level, because I'm homeschooled, and when I'm interested in something I'll google it, and research it until I find it all out.)
Some of what I've learned makes sense.
Like, why there's more men, than women that are color blind.  Apparently women have two X's (woman: XX) and men have an X, and a Y. (man: XY)
The X has to be hit right in the middle with something in order for whoever it is to get it, and as men have only one X when the gene (or whatever it was that makes them color blind) hits it, they're color blind.  Women have two X's, so they both have to be hit with the gene, and the person shooting the gene is a really bad aim, so it's difficult for them to hit both X's.
So, I don't know if you followed that at all, but I hope you did.
I learned that Lesotho used to be called Basutoland, which is why the people there are called the Basotho.
Yup, I'm shmartical.
Now tomorrow is Saturday, and the day after that is Sunday, and on Sunday my church is having a graduation dinner for all the graduates.  Gifts, and food, and cake, and people, and pictures.
Hey, if I can get my mom to take some pictures I could post them!
We have three college graduates, (Amy, Jamie, and Charity) one high school graduate, (Alex) two eighth grade graduates, (Chance, and me) and I don't think we have any kindergarten or preschool graduates.
Honestly, I have no idea who Jamie is.  I think Mom told me that she's Marvin's girlfriend.  But I thought that she would be a lil older than college age, buuut, she musta gone back.  Anywho, I should end this long, long winded post before EVERYONE leaves.  I'm pretty sure most of y'all have stopped reading.
Signing off from a planet orbiting in outer space~
Katie :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Okay, I know what you guys are thinking.  Katie has lost it, and will never find it again.  You know I don't even think she had it to begin with.  In fact, I doubt she even knows what it is!  In fact, even I don't know what it is!
Right?  Okay good, now I KNOW I'm a mind reader.
Well, I was serious though.  I just dig myself deep holes!  Anyway, the point of this post was to post, let y'all know I'm still alive and well, and able to post, tell everyone that I am thinking about adding some music to my blog (you can have playlist thingys.  And yes thingys is a word,) and that I very well might make a page counter or something like that, and all that good junk.
Anyway, here we go on my post!
Okay, so first off, I think my mission trip to the Bahamas is gonna be canceled.  I might be able to go to NYC instead though, which is actually where I wanted to go in the first place.  Besides, I need to make new friends, not giggle with Karen all day long!  Which is what I would be doing if I was at the Bahamas, because we would be on the same team.  My reason for not being able to go to the Bahamas is the fact that I can't get a passport right now.  Apparently if your daddy is dead you have to have a death certificate, or they automatically assume that your mom wants to smuggle you out of the country.    So yeah.  It's not really the money, (although I'm a lil low on that too) it's more the passport.
Somehow though, rumor was going around that I had all I needed except for $400.00.  Unfortunately I need about $1,000.00.  I had about $200.00 that I keep trying to send that doesn't wanna get sent.  I have to make sure Mom took it out of it's hiding place, and mail it off to Mrs. B.
Also, I was video chatting with a friend today, and I was really sleepy, (I'm not sure why though) so I asked him if I could take a five minute cat nap, (okay, not a friend, Tyler.  Well he's my friend, but he's also, okay see what I mean??  I'm digging myself a hole, and I fail to have a shovel) so he let me take a 5 minute cat nap, during which I laid down, covered up, and laid my head on my pillow, and grabbed my puppy (adorable snuggly stuffed animal named Sabin) and snuggled with him.  At first I tried to count the minutes so that I'd know when 5 minutes was up, but apparently that didn't work because the next thing I know I'm hearing, "Katie, Katie, time to wake uuuup."
So I wake up, and I go, "Oh, I think I actually went to sleep..."  But anyway, that was one of the things I did.
I also video chatted with him ever since ten in the morning. (round about)
I've been working on several different books.  One is The Unnamed Legend, (perfecting it with the editing and all that wonderfulness!) the sequel to The Unnamed Legend-The Sword of a Princess, Autumn's Journal, and Broken Family Ties.
The Unnamed Legend is, well, explained in the trailer, which I have already shared here, so you can just watch that to know the answer to that question.
The Sword of a Princess is about a teen girl who lived in America, then some how or another got transported to Gloris, to meet some of the Characters in The Unnamed Legend, and a few more as well.
Autumn's Journal is a journal of a girl named Autumn, just going about her daily life, and writing about it.  **NOTICE** Autumn's Journal can get a bit graphic in some places.
Broken Family Ties is about a girl who lived with her grandparents because something (I'm not entirely sure what quite yet) happened to her parents.  Her grandmother then dies, and her grandfather shuts himself off from everyone, so she has to pay the bills, and all that, then she and her boyfrien d get a little bit too close, and she ends up pregnant.  Now she's also a church girl, so she has to face her church family, with their various reactions.  But anyway, those last three are works in progress.
I'm just doing a long unsummarized version of my day if you were wondering.
And now I'm about to go mow bits and pieces of out yard that Pastor Chad couldn't get with the riding mower.
That shouldn't take me too long, and will give me some time to break in my new shoes.
Sandals from the men's section size seven, and not flip flops.  All the girl's shoes are uncomfortable.  The sandals I mean.  They're all leather, or flip flops or something like that.  Or high heeled, things like that.
I once knew someone, who knew someone, who was friends with someone who had a pair of 8 inch high heels. . . .  Okay I still know him.  And I also know the someone who was friends with the other someone.
Anyway, I better get offa here now.
If y'all are reading this:
I love you Papa, Grammy, Norma, Aunt Becca, Mommy! (other family members that I am not aware if they read this or not)
And love y'all to: Bekah, Tyler, Ally, DQ, Banana, and anyone else I may have missed that I know I love.
And another Love ya goes out to: Donny, and Emma!  And any other siblings I may have missed that I not in another I love you category.
~ Katie :)

Monday, May 7, 2012

The Unnamed Legend

Hello people!
For once (surprise surprise) the title DOES have to do with the topic.
Okay after yesterday's rant, I have this awesome book that I wrote (unpublished yet, it's going to be published sometime August I think.) and I have a trailer for it!
Here it is:
The Unnamed Legend-Book Trailer

There you are!
Well, now I'm off on my journey around mah blogs.


If you're wondering about that title, as I'm sure you are, that's because it's thundering here, and that's the sound that thunder makes.
It's also raining, and I DO love the rain.
Today (well rather yesterday, as today is already tomorrow, which is Monday,) Pastor Chad preached about two things in one sermon.  Being sanctified, and being a witness.  He did both of these at the same time.  Preached about them I mean.  And did them too, I'm sure.
If you need a definition of "sanctification" like I did, I'll give you the one that my pastor's wife gave to me: "Sanctification is when you take a plain white unwritten on piece of paper, and you sign you name at the bottom before anything is written on it, and then after you sign it, God will write down bit by bit what he wants you to do.  And you, as a sanctified Christian will do what God asked of you."
Which, it now makes more sense when people are saying that you need to be sanctified holy, and set apart.  It means that you make an agreement to do what God asks, before he asks it, because you know he won't give you more than you can bear.
Pastor Chad said that we're a walking sermon, or something to that affect, which the way I understood it means that people are watching us.  Watching our every move.
People who haven't stepped inside a church in ten years know the Bible, and they know when we're being hypocrites, and they know when we're saying one thing, and living another.
We need to practice what we preach.  And we need to be examples.  I believe that that's how he said it.
And another sermon that I heard a little less than a year ago was about light.  We're the light of where ever we are.
If we're at the mall, we're the light, we should shine for Jesus.  If we're at church we should shine for Jesus.  If we're buying groceries we should be the light.
God lit your candle for a reason, he has someone he wants you to touch with your light!
He also brought up a man who I don't remember, he knew he was someday going to have to go through the fire, literally, he was burned at the stake for either being a Christian or preaching, I don't remember which, but he was sitting in front of a candle, holding his hand over it, and his friends saw him through the window, and said, "What in the world are you doing?!" (paraphrasing just so you know) and he said, "I'm going to have to go through the fire, and I don't want to disappoint my God."
He was strengthening himself, by God's help, so he wouldn't back down when he was called before the people and burned.
Pastor Chad also brought up Stephen (no not my Uncle Stephen, as awesome as he is, he's not as awesome as the Stephen in the Bible, whom I think he was named after.)
Stephen was preaching, and after he was done, he was stoned for preaching.  And when he died, well, I just can't paraphrase this, it wouldn't work, this is what Acts 6:15 KJV (King James Version) says: "And all that sat in the council, looking stedfastly on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel."
Who knows how many people were saved because Stephen wasn't ashamed, because he was willing to die for what he believed in.
They're watching us, and they want to see if it really works.  They want to see if we're really happy, they want to see if we're really content, really at peace.
We're witnesses of everything we stand for, just by the way we act.
There's this poem, and I'll post that, then get out of your hair.
You Tell On Yourself
Author Unknown
You tell on yourself
By the friends you seek,
By the manner in which you speak;
By the way you employ your leisure time,
By the use you make of every dollar or dime.

You tell what you are
By the things you wear,
By the spirit by which your burdens you bear;
By the kind of things at which you laugh,
By the records you play on your phonograph.

You can tell what you are
By the way you talk,
By the manner in which you bear defeat;
By so simple a thing as what you eat,

By the books you choose from a well-defined shelf.
In these ways and more, you tell on yourself.
So there is really not a particle of sense
In your efforts to keep up your false pretense

In short, I liked Pastor Chad's sermon, and realize that I'm not always practicing what I preach no matter how much I try.
Anyway, I'll be back later.  Maybe even later tonight (this morning, as it's 1:03, and it's still thundering, so I can't go to sleep.)
Katie :)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Shaving Cream!!

Hello all!
How's it going?
For me it's going awesome, because I just found out that my Uncle Stephen is here, and has probably brought his unofficial girlfriend with him.  I'm not allowed to call her his girlfriend, because every time I do, Grammy gives me a look, and says, "No, Katie, she's not his girlfriend."  However I don't see how it's perfectly fine for him to say all this about all my guy friends being my boyfriends.  Seriously?  Anyway, on a lighter tone..  .
I'm hoping to be able to go over to Grammy's and eat supper there with them, and possibly I could even take the computer (Keith) and video chat with Tyler for a short amount of time, just to introduce him.  I mean seriously, Tyler is awesome.  So's Donny, but I don't think I could video chat with him, because I think he's still at Job Corp.
If y'all are wondering, Donny's my brother.  Not biological, but he's the closest I've ever had for a brother.
Well, anyway, it's time for me to head to Grammy's now, soooooo, talk to you later!
~Katie :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Little Baby

Guys, you'll never believe what I saw.
I saw this blog:

It's also inspired me to make a bucket list.  If anyone would like to help out by giving me ideas.  .  .  Well that'd be awesome!
I'll let everyone know when I get something on my bucket list fulfilled.

Go to auctioneer college
Get married
Have a child
Go to Africa
Publish a book
Make gravy perfectly
Play a song on a perfectly in tune with every key working piano.
Own a horse
Own and be able to play a flute
Make a difference in someone's life
Write, and record a parody written just by me
Do a cover of a semi popular song
Go to a dance/ball with a guy I love that loves me too
Sew a dress for me
Sew a dress for Vangie (for those of you who don't know she's my Vision Forum doll who's name is actually Evangeline)
Photoshop a picture of me, and make it look cool

That's all I have for now.  Most of them probably won't happen any time soon though :(
But seriously, click on that link, and just watch the page views.  They're awesome.  And read it too, don't just watch the page views