Tuesday, May 22, 2012

*clears throat*

Greetings one and all, I am your host, KATIE INSERT LAST NAME HERE!  Today's show is about: The great debate of Christian music!
Okay, so I had an interview with myself, on the "Me, Myself, and Hyper TV show (which isn't actually airing yet...) and this is how the interview went.
Me: Okay, so Katie, which do you prefer more, Contemporary Christian, or Classic Hymns?
Katie: Well, I actually like both to tell you the truth.
Me: Well, would you rather be at church singing Classic Hymns, or home listening to Chris Tomlin?
Katie: Ugh, that's a hard one.  I'd have to say that I like them both.  See at church, I not only get to sing songs, but I get to meet and greet church family, and friends, and all that, and at home, I get to sit in my room, drawing/writing/video chatting/blogging, etc, while listening to Chris Tomlin, or just K-Love.  K-Love is good.
Me: Do you ever think that Contemporary Christian is a little too...  Oh what's the word I'm looking for....  Like, do you ever have a problem with the beat to the music, or the way it's sung?
Katie: Well, I like most of the beats, but if it starts to hurt my ears I can't take it.  So far that's never happened.  There's a few songs that I prefer to have sung a different way, and if it's being rapped I generally turn it off for that song, because I can't stand most rap.
Me: Do you ever think that the Classic Hymn's are a bit boring?
Katie: Some of them, but I like most of them.  But there's this one song that gets on my nerves.  It's really really slow, and repeats everything.  I do like that one verse that we sometimes add to the end of Amazing Grace even if it does go on: Praise God, praise God, praise God, that's the way the added part to Amazing Grace goes, but the other one, just UGH, too slow, wrong tune, hate the tempo, I don't like it.
Me: What's your opinion on people who think that Contemporary Christian is junk?
Katie: I don't understand that. God inspired them.  God can speak to people no matter what the song.  Even if he's not once mentioned in it.  Or even hinted at.  I've had God speak to me through a country song before.  His name wasn't even mentioned at all.  Two of them actually.  I'm Gonna Love You Through it, by Martina McBride, and I Won't Let Go (I think that's what it's called) by Rascal Flatts.
Me: What about people who don't like the classic hymns?
Katie: Well, I don't really understand that either.  I mean like I said before, if God inspired it, it can be spoken through.  I like both of them.
Me: What are some top contemporary Christian singers that you like?
Katie: Chris Tomlin, Matthew West, Britt Nicole, Group One Crew, and just about anyone I've forgotten that I know I like anyway.
Me: Classic Hymn writers?
Katie: Fanny Crosby all da way!
Me: Name some of your favorite contemporary Christian songs.
Katie: He Said, All This Time, Amazing Grace-My Chains Are Gone, Where I Belong, Broken Girl, and then there's some others.
Me: Classic Hymns?
Katie: Be Thou My Vision, This is My Father's World, O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus, It is Mine, and then still there's others.
Me: My my, seems like you like a lot of songs.
Katie: I could try to list them all if you'd-
Me: No thank you, it sounds like you'd have quite a list!
Katie: Yup!
Me: Well, looks like we're out of time, it's been nice talking to you!
Katie: Nice talking to you too!
*Que the going off the air music*
So yeah, that was my interview with myself....  I hope you liked it!
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. I like He Said and All This Time too. But I reaaallly don't like Chris Tomlin's style. Too much repeating and too slow. His style is, in a word, boring. But I do like his song God of Angel Armies a lot. And I also love classic hymns...my favorites...not even going to try to figure that out haha.


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