Okay, not really. Not yet anyway. Tomorrow a nice girl (I know it's weird how I still say girl when she's 19, but that must be because I remember when she wasn't 19, and we were all hangin' out...) is getting married! *excited squeal*
I'mma take lot'sa pictures! But sadly I shan't be able to post them on this blog, because I don't think I have permission. Jimmy and Amy probably won't want their wedding pictures up for the whole world to see.
Oh no. I forgot to get them a wedding gift!
Now not only am I an awful friend, I'm an awful wedding guest! :'(
I found out that I could very well be bipolar. I have so many of the symptoms. Even one of the symptoms is talking a lot, really fast. As my family loves to point out to me, I talk way too fast, and way too much.
Yay! Not...
So yeah...
You know, it's amazing how so many people think that they know me, yet they don't know me. They know who I pretend to be.
Is hyper who I really am? What about constantly bubbly and cheerful? Sweet and innocent? Constantly happy?
Orrrr, am I just a really good actress? I could very well be acting all bouncy, and being fake bubbly and cheerful. I could be playing that I'm sweet and innocent, when deep down inside I hate everyone, and am hugely perverted. For all you know I'm wearing a mask.
Okay, it's up to you people to decide which of those I really am.
It's awful when no one will listen to you when you cry out for help. Even if you don't literally say help, you think someone would get the hint.
Oh yeah, just so you guys know I'm somewhat depressed, and somewhat making no sense.
I get to stay up as late as I want. I'mma gonna need some Mountain Dew for that though I think. I want to stay up really late because...well I don't want to go to bed.
Some people seem to think that that's stupid. But really, if you could see inside my head (which would be creepy) you would understand it more.
Okay, on a brighter topic...anyone ever read Kida's blog? She's really awesome, I love that girl to death! Okay, not to death, that'd be bad.
I also love Ally, and Banana, and Bekah, and well, there's a whole slew of 'em.
You know, I really have no point to this, because there's no way I'm going to be able to spill out my feelings, and emotions, and everything here. I'll just post this!
Awww thanks! I love you too <3