Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Little Baby

Guys, you'll never believe what I saw.
I saw this blog:

It's also inspired me to make a bucket list.  If anyone would like to help out by giving me ideas.  .  .  Well that'd be awesome!
I'll let everyone know when I get something on my bucket list fulfilled.

Go to auctioneer college
Get married
Have a child
Go to Africa
Publish a book
Make gravy perfectly
Play a song on a perfectly in tune with every key working piano.
Own a horse
Own and be able to play a flute
Make a difference in someone's life
Write, and record a parody written just by me
Do a cover of a semi popular song
Go to a dance/ball with a guy I love that loves me too
Sew a dress for me
Sew a dress for Vangie (for those of you who don't know she's my Vision Forum doll who's name is actually Evangeline)
Photoshop a picture of me, and make it look cool

That's all I have for now.  Most of them probably won't happen any time soon though :(
But seriously, click on that link, and just watch the page views.  They're awesome.  And read it too, don't just watch the page views

1 comment:

  1. I named a character in my book Evangeline but I actually hate the name because of Longfellow's poem with its horrible ending which I'm supposed to like because Evangeline thanks God but seriously what kind of author writes that? COME ON! It's fiction. It's supposed to have a happy ending. That's why we read fiction. Because unlike life here, it is supposed to end happily. Our lives don't always end happily, although the next life is beyond happy if we believe in God...But still. In fiction, couples are supposed to lead a life together, not be alone and then together for what, 30 seconds?


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