Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Heart

This post is going to have some mushy gushy talk in it, so if you don't like it, get off this post.
The, the heart is capable of so many things...
Loving, hating, hurting, healing, growing cold, growing hard, breaking, mending, so many things.
Right now my heart is loving and hurting at the same time.  The reason it's hurting is because it's loving.  Confusing eh?
The reason it's loving is because someone happened to steal it away one day, and I didn't bother to fight to get it back...mostly because I was okay with this person having my heart.  Actually I'm still okay with this person having my heart.
It just hurts...because I can't talk to the person who has my heart.
Like I just said on my facebook status: "Who knew that a heart could hurt so much when it misses the one it loves."  That my dear readers is what my heart is doing.
My heart doesn't hurt because it was broken.  Although now that I think about's been broken too.
Once I experienced so much emotional pain (not from boys alone, just from things going on in life, just piling up and up and up...) that I actually made myself quit feeling so seriously...I'm not joking.  I forced myself not to feel pain, or even really joy.
But as you can tell, I can feel quite a bit now.  I still have times when I want  to retreat into my turtle shell, and not feel sometimes...but not too much...
Feeling is both good and bad...
Right now I'm confused about whether this is good or bad.
My heart misses Timothy, and therefore it hurts...much.
My poor heart.
At least this type of heart hurt heals better.  It heals every time I see him, and comes back every time we part ways.
Ahh well...that was my little lovey dovey, mushy gushy post...ignore it unless you like that kind of stuff...although if you've read down this far...I doubt that you can now ignore it.
~Katie <3

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