Everyone shun me...I blog so little nowdays...
However yesterday I was a blacksmith, and today I drank Mountain Dew, and asked my grandpa if I could buy the jeep.
I think that counts for something, and I'm probably going to get the jeep, which makes me ubber happy.
I also almost finished the 11th book in A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Lemony Snicket and I totally have the same thought process! I know I've said that before...I just love it. It's like...I don't know...like he's a long lost relative.
I like kitty cats.
What do you guys like?
OH! On a serious note...please pray for my friend and her friend. Her friend was involved in a car accident, and even she doesn't know all the details, just that things aren't going too well...so please pray for them...and if you're in the mood to pray...I myself have things that I would rather not name, but need prayer on anyway.
I want a gun...guns are cool. Just as long as you don't kill anyone with them.
You know, if pro gun people were as violent as anti gun people say they are...I don't think that there would be very many anti gun people left alive... Ya know...just a thought.
I have noticed that I do a lot of dots...
See I did it again!
Dots, and exclamation marks.
I don't like mean people.
I also don't like liars.
I myself have lied...and I am ashamed of myself for it. I have also sworn to myself, that I will never lie on purpose. So imagine my horror when I discovered that I had music for something that I told someone I didn't have music for!
Oh well, gotta go, syanara, astalavista, adiu, adios, bye...
~Katie :)
<3 Thanks Kay :)