Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I've realized something...my three snuggle buddy stuffed animals all stand for a time in my life.  And I freak out if I don't have a certain one of them to snuggle with.  Yes, I know, I'm a 15 year old girl, who still sleeps with stuffed animals.  Shoot me if it's that terrible, but I do.  And they each have a name.
We'll start with my first snuggle buddy...Sabin:
I got Sabin I'm not sure how long ago, at a yard sale.  I'm sure it was about a year ago.  I got him when I was relatively happy, and less heart ache from things I have now.  Now that I think about it, I'm positive I got him about a year ago.
Next, we have BPL, which stands for Big Pupra Lingua, which means Big Purple Tongue in Latin.
Yup, he's a giraffe.  I got him in August, when I was at the peak of my depression.  Which is strange, because a peak of something is normally at the top, and depression is more on the bottom.
And Hambino (the one I freak out about if he's missing and it's time for bed.)
I got him from Timothy.  At a very happy time in my life.  And I treasure him.  Because he's from Timothy.
This all made more sense in my head.
And yes, I do have an SD card on my lap.
I feel like taking up this post with pictures...so, on with more pictures.
On Monday, I went picture taking on my rollerblades, and got a few good pictures of a cool lookin' tree.  It looks much cooler in real life, but...here:

Now, does that tree look awesome or not?

I love taking pictures of trees from the bottom of the tree angled up.  Which is why we have the last two pictures.
Did I get a haircut??  Nope!  What happened was...I figured out how to get my hair to go up into my hat, and make it look short.  I look so different with short hair!!!  And that hat was my daddy's.  I believe it's a fair warning that if anyone, and I mean anyone takes that hat from me, I will flip, and do all I can to get it back.  Including beating them up.  That's my hat, and I got it from my daddy.  As well as my big huge gorilla, but I like the hat better.  The hat I can take everywhere.  The gorilla is almost as big as me...which now that I think of it isn't really all that big...but still.  It's huge.

This is me at my Christmas program...which was over a month ago.  I was an angel...as you can tell...and I hated it so much!  The wings cut off my circulation, and that stupid halo would not stay where it belonged!  I'm sure you can see how annoyed I am by it all.  On the right of the picture is my cousin Norma...who doesn't look too happy herself...but at least isn't muttering about it to Abbie who is on the left like I am.
And yes, that's me in the middle looking really annoyed.
There I am, giving my cousin, Jaylee (who I blogged about on my old blog My Old Blog ) a horseback ride!  Aren't I a nice cousin?  Actually the nice thing to do would be giving my 8 year old cousin, Justin a horseback ride.  That kid must eat bricks, because he's heavy, even though he's not that huge...and he has ginormous feet...I can wear his shoes!!!
No,I didn't make that...but my mommy did.  Isn't she amazing?!
Alright, that's it
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey no harm in still loving the stuffed animals, I still have my pile of them that I refuse to part with and my chocolate scented bear I still sleep with it sometimes. :)


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