My mind has been on books lately...mostly because my book has been published and I'm working on countless others, but it could also be because of the movie that I watched.
I have no idea why, but I'd always thought that Inkheart was about vampires. I think I was thinking about something else. The point is, I finally watched it last night, and I love it. Well, maybe not love, because love is a strong word, but it is ranked as one of my favorite movies.
I love those movies where they feel more like books than movies.
The movies I've watched like that are small in comparison to the amount of movies I've actually watched, and they go as followed:
The Princess Bride, The Never Ending Story, The Secrets of Moonacre, and Inkheart. A total of four. Not to mention the many movies I've actually watched.
Megamind, Brave, Tangled, all the Narnia movies, all the Lord of the Rings movies, The Hobbit...see? Many many movies. And no, that short sentence was not intended to be alliterated.
Anyway, my newest book is going to be finished before The Unnamed Legend was. The reason for this is because it's a book of all my short stories. That I can find anyway. This includes the Madam Moo Moo stories, as well as the random stories that I've written in school when there was nothing left to do.
I'm planning on it being in a series, with the other series having my poems and possibly the lyrics to some songs in it. And if I'm able to get music for my songs (not that they don't have a tune, it's just that I don't know how to pick it out) I might also publish my own CD!
I am more than just an author...I am a Jill of many trades. For those of you who don't know what that is, look up Jack of all trades, and Jill of many trades is the female version.
Anyone else excited to go back to school Monday? Yeah, me neither.
I would much rather be heading to BED Monday. I like bed. And bed likes me. *sigh*
Oh yeah, but on a slightly lighter note...we got snow today! However, it's also icy. But I still rollerbladed, and only fell once, but it didn't hurt when I fell.
I'm mostly upset about school because for some reason I've been stressed and I still have three things to do in homework.
Finish up Thursday's science, Friday's science, and Friday's history. I mean, it's not that I don't like those subjects, it's just that I don't want to do them at home. I did manage to finish my test though. It's due back on Monday. Which is tomorrow.
I'm not fond of tests. Especially when my classmates are being rowdy. It makes me ask to go to the Library and do my work. It's a much safer place. Unless there's two people in there, talking about...well, strange things.
I mean, it's not that I don't talk about strange things, but when there's two people in there, talking about strange things you want to listen. But if they're not my classmates they're being less stressful, and much less disturbing...maybe on the disturbing part.
Have you ever noticed how in movies, the cute evil guy always ends up being not evil? It's strange. Well, if it's a fantasy.
And a lot of the time they make the football players be hot jerky jocks. Well...they try to. I rarely find them attractive.
I think "gah" is my favorite word right now. It both expresses frustration, and plain not really wanting to talkness.
Which is strange, because if I don't want to talk/type/communicate, why am I doing it so much?
Do I have some sort of mental issue which causes me to do that which I wish not?
I really think that that's a Bible verse.
"Do that which I want not, and do not that which I want." See? I just don't know the address.
Oh yeah, good news! No school next Monday.
Alright, I'm done.
Someone remind me to mail my letter to my grandma in Louisiana if you could?
Now that I've typed that maybe I'll remember ^_^
See y'all!
~Katie :)
Mail your letter to your grandma!!