Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Movie Making!

Okay, so who all has read The Unnamed Legend?
If you haven't, here are the appropriate links for you to click to buy a copy to read.  Please do that before continuing with this post.  Unless of course you've already watched it.
Create Space Store
Only $8.50!!!
Amazon Store
Also only $8.50 just from a different place.
Kindle Store
Only $1.00 for a kindle edition!
Buy it, read it tell all your friends!
Once you have bought and read The Unnamed Legend, please proceed.
I am assuming that whoever is now reading this has either ignored me, or has done as I commanded.
So, as you read in the title of this post...I said something about movie making...now the question is...am I running my fingers again, or am I really movie making?
The answer is...I hope so!
I have gotten it in my head to make The Unnamed Legend into a movie!  I already have actors and actresses to play the following roles: King Stephan, Queen Genevieve, Dawn, Amanda, and Arik.  And I have someone who said he could probably make computer generated lava beasts, and gobarts!
I still however need several horses, people to dress up as knights, a Shetland Pony, and a bunch more actors and actresses.
My mom said she could do some of the costumes, but you know, you can always use more people to make costumes....
I also need a better camera, and a camera man, although I know that a few of the actors and actresses could run the camera when they're not there.
I need a bunch more equipment, and knowledge and stuff...but I can do it!  (I think)
I need locations...a castle...well, three actually, with one of the three crumbling, chickens, cows, a free empty meadow to run around in, food for the cast, and money to buy all this stuff, DVDs to burn the movie on, and people to tell me how to make a movie...because I honestly don't know how.  Aren't I awesome?!
No not really, I know, I'm just crazy, and have dreams and hopes that will most likely be dashed upon the rocks like they often are :/
Oh, and I have some news about my flash drive!  I might actually be able to get the data off of it at least.  My English teacher said that one of my classmates might be able to get the stuff off.  Now if I could only get up the guts to ask him.  It's strange that I should have to get up guts, because I'm not really this shy person.  I guess I'm just scared he won't be able to get it off.  And that would make me cry or something.
Anyway...I really gotta go to bed, because it's 11:35, which is closer to midnight than 10:35.
~Katie :) <3

1 comment:

  1. What if you could get a movie company who DOES know what they are doing to make the movie? You could write the script, if you wanted. You know The Princess Bride? The author of the book wrote the movie script. I don't know, however, if they pay you or you pay them to make the movie.


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