I know, strange title, get over it.
So...today I was talking to a guy who was Catholic, and I asked what was up with purgatory. Honestly I do not get the point of purgatory. So, he said that it was a place to wait, and to get a second chance. And possibly get prayed into heaven. I still honestly don't see the point. Everyone would go to heaven if purgatory existed, because to be perfectly honest with you, everyone, even Hitler, has people who would pray hard enough for them to get into heaven.
Yeah, I don't think God would allow such evil in his heaven.
So, I thought of this story, which isn't really a story, it's an illustration, but whatevs, with salvation being a free gift from God, ect., and if I tweaked it a little bit, I came up with this;
If I offered you a million dollars, it would be a free gift, and I would just be giving it to you right? Well, God offers salvation as a free gift for you to accept or decline. If you didn't accept the million dollars, you 1. wouldn't have a million dollars, and 2. I would keep trying to give it to you. If you don't accept God's gift, you 1. Don't have salvation, which is the only way to get to heaven, and 2. God will keep trying to give it to you.
Say you did accept the million dollars...you would have some problems. Taxes, not knowing if your friends are your friends because they like you, or for your money, ect, but you have the million dollars. If you accept salvation, sure you're gonna have some problems too. Persecution, things like that, but you have salvation and will go to heaven. And there is no way on God's green geo (geo means earth, and I'm putting that there for alliteration, which is when there is the same sound, normally at the beginning of the words in a sentence, that is always repeated, and stuff) that I am saying it's easy.
But, back to you didn't accept the million dollars.
I keep trying and trying and trying to give it to you. But you still say no. Then you die. Are you going to show up somewhere where a bunch of people can try to give you the million dollars for me? Um...no. Same with salvation. God keeps trying and trying and trying to give it to you, but you just say no, over and over and over, and then you die. It would make no sense to go to a place where humans can pray for you to have what God only can give you, and what you kept rejecting, right?
And that is why I don't believe that there's a purgatory.
Yeah, you get a second chance. You get chances over and over and over until you die! But once you die that's it. That is my stance on it. Take it or leave it.
~Katie :)