Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sword, Outfit, No More Monday...

I have pictures!!!  YAY!
Okay, so I made a sword!  Awesome huh?  Well, here's a few pictures of me with my sword.
 I am ready for battle.  I will take on any foe.  I like that picture ^ because you can see a bit of a smile in my mouth, and a little in my eyes, but I also look serious.  A little sad actually...
I don't remember what it was, but something made me laugh, and Mom got a picture of it.  Those enemies sure are funny as they try to get away from me, and my mighty blade, Harmonic Chaos.
When I got home I ended up getting myself an outfit for tomorrow ready, and asked mom to take some pictures for me to share on my blog...because I'm in a sharing mood.
 No idea where I got my jacket, got my skirt from Catos, no clue on the belt, shirt or shoes, and I got the socks fromaa lady in my church.
 The jacket might be a bit heavy, but I'd better wear it, otherwise, my shirt is gonna slip off my shoulder or somethin'.  The belt helps too, because it's a loose shirt.
The headband I plan on wearing with it.  Hairstyle too.  The headband is made out of ducttape and three ponytail holders.  I like it!
Okay, so I don't like Monday, and I think we should have fewer Mondays...but then I realize...if we didn't have Monday, then Tuesday would be horrible!  So I think we'd better just stick with Monday, don't you?
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. Tuesday was once my favorite day of the week. Now I think it may--not will, may--switch to Saturday for the same reason Tuesday used to be.


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