Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Battles are one thing that's in history books a lot.  This dude was defeated by that dude in such and such a year, and that country and this country fought each other, and this treaty stopped that war, and this alliance fought against that alliance...but...battles that aren't really discussed are just as bad.
Spiritual battles...which honestly sometimes scares me.  I mean...think about it real quick.  You are a living soul...and there's good and bad, both fighting for you soul, you have to be careful to do the good, and follow God, and love his word, and things like that...or the bad will win, and take your soul, and you will burn forever in hell if you aren't careful.  Kinda scary when you think about it like that huh?  And I have a pretty big imagination...which doesn't make it any better.
There's those things I learned in English 9.  There's battles between Man and Nature, where the man wants to win against the nature, which could be anything from being stranded on a desert island to having weeds insisting on growing in his garden, when he wants nothing but big juicy tomatoes to grow!
Then there's Man vrs. Man which could be like...two dudes in a boxing ring thingy, to a guy plotting another guys death, to a guy constantly being tripped by a school bully.
There's Man vrs. Society, which is where this one person (or very few people) is up against a whole society.  You society says that criminals will obey laws, and these few really smart people are like, ""  or this person lives in a place where the sheriff wants to build a railroad, and the whole town wants the railroad, so that would be Man vrs. Society.  A person could be trying to run a grocery store, but because of the persons past, no one will shop there.  Stuff like that.
Then there's Man vrs. Self.  Which would be like...a person has mental issues, or they battle depression, or things like that.
Then, while this wasn't there, there's also man vrs. God...where the person wants what they want, when they want it and don't want to wait on God and things like that.  That kind of conflict, or battle, is probably one of the most common.
Honestly...I think I've dealt with every type of conflict/battle at least once.  Kinda sad I think.
Right now, I'm facing a battle against nature.  One that I hope nature wins.  See, if it snows and ices enough, we won't have school.  So the good little scholarly side of me is saying that we should hope and pray that the snow/ice goes away....  But the part of me that really really doesn't want to go to school is saying that we should all pray and hope that it does ice and snow and stuff...that way school is canceled.
Anyway, that was a bit off topic.
Should people have to battle alone?  No.  They shouldn't.  But do they?  Way too often.  Take Man vrs. Man for example;
Joey is getting bullied by Monty.  He doesn't like being bullied, because no one likes to be bullied.  But he's really shy, and doesn't know where to go for help.  His classmates see him being bullied.  But they don't help him.
So...Man vrs. Man, with no one to help him fight his battle.
THEN!  Joey's classmate, Bobby, punches Monty in the face and tells him to get lost and leave his friend alone.
And trust me, I am not saying you should punch someone in the face, (if they're a guy you should go for the groin anyway) because violence isn't the answer, and can sometimes hurt someone badly, even if it is fun at the time.  Although I will admit that I punch my classmate Gavyn often.  He normally deserves it.  The rest of the time I'm overly stressed out, and taking it out on him.  But you need to help if you notice that someone needs help, especially if they're being bullied.
Now for a Man vrs. Nature.
So, there's Lindy, and she has a flower garden that her granddaughter from Florida helped her plant, but she lives in Kansas, and her granddaughter had to go back home.  And now there's weeds sprouting up!  What's she going to do?!  She's in a wheelchair, so she can't get down and pull them all out.  No one will help her, so the weeds take over her garden.
BUT!  Turns out she actually has a neighbor named Lucy who loves Narnia, and whose parents love Narnia, so they named her Lucy, and she's about the same age as Lindy's granddaughter, and she comes and helps Lindy pull all the weeds out and water the garden, and Lindy gives her cookies, because she's nice like that.
Tada!  Helpful huh?  We should help, because, old ladies in wheelchairs deserve flowers!  And who knows, a helper might get cookies out of the deal!  But that shouldn't be your ulterior motive....
Now for a Man vrs. Self;
Sandy used to be a really happy person, almost all the time...but she's started battling depression.  She tries to hide it, but sometimes it's harder, and it comes out in anger.  She doesn't know who to talk to about it, and she feels like she's loosing it.  She even started cutting.  She's in so much despair, and she really doesn't want to live, but she doesn't want to die...but...if she doesn't find someone to talk to soon...she's probably gonna kill herself.
Her best guy friend, Greg notices that she's depressed, and one day he caught glimpse of the cuts on her arm, so he asks her if she's okay.  She tries to say yes at first, but then she bursts into tears, says no, and explains how depressed and despairing she feels.  Greg is a good friend, so he helps her get a therapist, and meets with her and the therapist a few time, and while Sandy still battles depression at times, she knows who to talk to, and she has a good friend who threw away all of her knives, except for her special knife, which he is keeping safe for her till she's out of the cutting stage.
Things like that especially need help.  People can't battle things like that alone.  Why do you think that there's so many suicides.  If someone's gonna commit suicide, and they tell you, TELL SOMEONE.  You could be responsible for someone's death if you don't.
Anyway...there's my little nut of the day I guess o.O
~Katie :)

1 comment:

  1. Call me a freak, but I love battles. They are thrilling, and you have to focus. Ok...I like WINNING battles. I love the feeling when you're getting the better of the bad guy. Or when you're watching your favorite characters (which I become, when I watch or read) get the better of the bad guy(s). If there is evil, I wish to fight it. Destroy it. Banish it.
    Perhaps I've got a bit of a tomboy streak. Or maybe the Narnians just made being heroes look so glamourous that I got pulled in. Actually, there are lots of people who've made being a hero look glamourous. People in the Bible, people in Narnia, people in other stories.
    And I spelled "glamourous" in the British manner on purpose. Well, not the first time.


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