Thursday, January 29, 2015

Who Am I?

No, this isn't me not knowing who I am, this is me wondering if you know who I am.  To the librarian on the third floor of the library, I am a shy, reserved young lady, who gets curious about things, loves to read almost anything, and rarely if ever makes a disturbance in the library.  To my family, however, I'm the girl who either never shuts up or spends too much time reading or on her phone....  To the people at school, I'm that weird girl who has a weird sense of style and a weird idea of fun and weird opinions.  So, what, or rather who, does that make me?  Am I the weird girl, quiet girl, or too talkative/too involved with my books and phone girl?
I'm the same girl everywhere I go.  I still like to read.  I still dislike the color pink.  I still love writing.  I still believe that abortion is murder.  I still consider the same people my best friends.  I still have the same opinions.  So, am I a different girl, or still the same girl?
When I'm alone in my room, I'll talk to myself or just write/draw/read quietly.  Sometimes I'll sing.  I'll watch a movie.  I'll work out.  I'll play piano.  I'll play on facebook.  When my violin gets its E string fixed, I'll play it as well.  I'll wonder things like what I'm about to post on facebook.  I'll clean my room.  I'll organize it.  I'll pick out an outfit for the next day.  Or I'll just run through a mental list of all the clothing I own and pick out an outfit from that.
Do any of these girls sound the same?  Maybe partially.  But despite all the differences, they're all me.
~Katie :)

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