Saturday, January 24, 2015


So, I've been thinking, and also reading one of my friend's blogs and it just made me think....  It's kind of funny, because we're both so much alike, but our blogging styles are different.  Hers is "Through the Eyes of the Narnian Queen," on the side bar of my blog.  Her blog, not her style.
But see, our styles are different too.  Her style includes posting on her blog once a week (I think,) mine includes posting whenever I do so desire.  I often have mini rants and sometimes go into detail about what's happening in my life.  She often goes into detail about what's happening in her life, and also does movie reviews.  I don't really do movie reviews.
I just kind of thought it was funny.  Two people 3-4 years apart in age, yet our blogging is so different.  Of course, if you read my blog from 3-4 years ago, my blogging style is different.  Maybe it just has to do with age?  Who knows.  Well, other than God.  He knows everything.
And because I forgot to share this earlier:  Here is my new song Everything is Changing
~Katie :)

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