Friday, January 9, 2015


So, I got my own computer.  Like very own.  And I bet you can't guess what it is!  Oh wait, you read the title of this post...I bet you can....  Yeah, this is me, making a blogpost on my very own Apple computer.  I love it!  It has an awesome thing called "Garage Band," And it works way super better than Audacity, which is what I'd been doing recording and stuff beforehand.  It also has a thing where you can "play" your computer keyboard and it'll play actual MUSIC.  Like you're actually playing piano or something.  I enjoy it greatly.  And you could also plug in an actual piano keyboard and play the actual piano.  Now all I need is a keyboard I can plug into my computer!  It's not gonna be cheap....  But hey, I am NOT complaining!  I love this thing like it is.
It's tiny and silver and slender and has amazing sound and visual stuff going on.  Of course, that's because it's a Mac and as we learned in Basic Computers class last year, Macintoshes are the best for graphics and sound.  Pretty cool, yeah?  Or maybe not.  I told one of my friends it was an Apple and they made I face.  But of course I defended my new computer.  I've named her Ezzie, which is short for Ezmerelda.  I do love this new gizmo.
The only bad thing I can find about it (so far) is that I have to pay for Microsoft Office and can't just download it...but thankfully my stepdad knows a guy who could help me with it, so we might get that fixed.  I guess I would also like skype on it...although I'm really not on skype much.  But the good thing is that I could still make my documents to work on this computer and Doug said that for things like essays and school papers I could borrow his computer, because I know that set up better.  So anyway, I'm done talking now.
~Katie :)

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